



1、Lesson 10 How Many Are There?教学设计教学分析教材分析本单元的主题为School in Canada,主要学习李明在加拿大学习生活的所遇 所感,本课重点是通过比较和归纳学习,掌握名词的复数变化。学情分析六年级的学生经过三年的英语学习,已经知道了一定数量的复数名词单词, 具备了一定的语言表达技能,所以教师能够通过唤醒学生旧知、丰富教材文本的 方式,引导学生实行复习和归纳,培养学生学习英语的兴趣和方法。教学目标知识与技能目标1、 学生能听懂、会说、认读、并书写词汇:word2、 学生能够认读、理解并使用问句:How ma ny are there?3、学生能够在具体语境

2、中理解名词的单复数形式的意义和用法,能够总结 名词复数的四种变化规则即直接+s,以s/x结尾+es,以o结尾+s/es,不规则变化。情感态度目标学生通过积极参与课堂学习活动,能体会到英语学习的乐趣,乐于感知并积 极使用英语实行表达。学习策略目标学生通过实物展示观察,对比等,掌握名词复数的变化规则,提升复习和归 纳水平。教学重难点重点:学生能够认读、理解并使用问句 How many are there?实行表达,能够 总结名词复数的四种变化规则即直接 +s,以s/x结尾+es,以o结尾+s/es,不规则 变化。难点:名词复数的变化规则。教学准备PPT课件,教学光盘,单词卡片和学生练习纸。教学过程

3、Step 1 Warming up (3minutes)1. Greeti ngs :How are you today?2. Play a game Count numbers and say Hello when meets 5,10,15(设计意图:数数的游戏能够迅速集中学生的课堂注意力、激发学生参与课堂的 兴趣,同时与How many句子建立对应联系,为引出新知做准备。3. Free talk: How many stude nts are there? Then how many chairs are there?What' this? It' a book. Boo

4、k is a word. What else is a word ? What's your favourite word? What words do you know?We have known the words like book, chair, desk.whe n they are more tha n one, we should say books,chairs,desks. Today we will meet lots of these words to get the rule of them.(设计意图:Free talk中突破重点词汇word的学习,为进一步学

5、习文本打下基础。 学习重点的直接阐述,为学生更积极地参与学习做好思想上的准备。)Step 2 Presentation and Practice (20minutes)1. Pencils and chairs1) . T: Where is your chair?S1: Here it is.T: Tha nk you. What colour is it?S1: It syellow.T: So, we know. This is a/one chair. This chair is yellow. Can you repeat?(Ss repeat)T: Please look at t

6、he scree n. What are these? How are these?(The teacher will show the pictures of some(two) or many chairs. The stude nts try to describe them with This/These senten ce).(设计意图:由Free Talk中chair的提问直接进入文本1的学习,区别some和 many的不同,自然过渡,学生自然接受。)2) . T: How many pencils do you have?The teacher will ask a studen

7、t to talk about a pencil and many pencils. The stude nts try their best to lear n more about This/These senten ces.(设计意图:师生进一步讨论铅笔实物,同时教师引导学生实行描述时要丰富学生的语言,如This is one/apencil. This pencil is a line.既让学生体会表达的乐趣,又为后面学习做铺垫。)3). Play the Multimedia CD, ask the stude nts to read alo ng.4). A sn ake and

8、a doctor.Guess ing a picture. Is this a pen cil?The teacher will show the picture of sn akes on the scree n. The stude nts guess and describe.(设计意图:由猜图的方式引起兴趣,由学习用品过渡到动物及职业的学习,发 散学生的思维,为最后总结归纳做准备。)5). Brief summaryT: Can you find the differe nces? The teacher will show the words above like a/one cha

9、ir/many chairs on the screen and lead the students to find When we talk This” , it means only one. And these words have nos. When we talk Thes6',it means more than one. And these words have as .(设计意图:小结既完整的表现了教材文本,更给予学生学习策略的引导。)5). Practice: Ask the stude nts to more words about these regular no

10、uns by add ing to the end.(设计意图:即时的有效练习不但能够巩固新知,更能唤醒学生头脑中的已知词汇,激发学生学习兴趣,为后面的文本学习打下基础。)2. Boxes and buses1). Listen and fill in.The teacher will play the voice of this text. The stude nts try to fill in the bla nks on their exercise paper. And the n check the an swers together. Focus on the pronun ci

11、ati on of es.(设计意图:通过听写突破es发音难点,变换的学习形式,吸引学生的持续注意 和学习兴趣。)2). Look, say and find.The teacher will show the pictures of peaches and dishes on the scree n.(设计意图:用学生已经掌握的同类名词复数形式做补充,唤醒学生头脑旧知, 更好的协助学生实行名词复数的归类学习。)3) . Brief summaryThe teacher will show the four pairs of words above on the scree n. The st

12、ude nt find out the differe nces. These words have anes whe n they are more tha n one. Focus on the end letters of those words x, s, ch, sh4) . Practice : Ask the students to make the plural nouns of these wordswitch,class, kiss, brush, dress, fox, beach, cross(设计意图:适当词汇的补充一方面巩固学生名词复数的变化规则,另一方面能 够拓宽

13、学生的词汇量。)3. Tomatoes, potatoes and photos1) . Read and colourThe stude nts read part3 sile ntly and colour out what they fin d.)(设计意图:由动到静,由领学到自学,全员参与,学生通过默读文本、涂色找 规律的方式,学习以字母o结尾名词复数的变化规律,培养和发展学生总结归纳 的学习方法,及学生自主学习水平。2) . Share and talkThe stude nts share their finding. Focus on the letter o andor es

14、Then talk about the pictures with the key senten ces.(设计意图:给予学生展示的机会,让学生体会学习的乐趣,激发学生的学习动 力。)3) . More words.(The teacher will show some pairs of words like kan garoos, zoos, radios,zeroes and pia nos. The stude nts will talk and compare.)(设计意图:补充的词汇为学生归纳总结做铺垫,同时丰富学生的词汇量,提升 学生的归纳总结水平。)4) . Brief summ

15、ary(The teacher will show the words above with the end letter o. The stude nts read and sum: These words have ars or an es whe n more tha n on e.)4. Men, women and children1). Liste n and colourThe teacher will play the Multimedia CD of part4. The stude nts liste n and colour out what they find.(设计意

16、图:听音找不同,听音能够纠正学生发音、语调和语速,涂色找不同的 过程是学生自主学习的发展过程。)2). Share and talkThe teacher will lead the stude nts to talk about their finding.(设计意图:学生分享学习心得,体验学习的快乐。)3). Brief summaryThe teacher will show out the pairs of the words on the scree n. The stude nts will read and sum These words are very special whe

17、 n they are more tha n one.(设计意图:总结归纳内化新知,实现教学重难点目标和学习策略的指导。)4). Liste n and follow.The stude nts follow to read Part4.(设计意图:跟读能够再次协助学生形成准确语音语调,发展学生的语感,提升 语言使用水平。)Step 3 Summing up (2minutes)1. Listen, watch and rememberThe teacher will play the Multimedia of Less on 10. The stude nts try their best

18、 to liste n, watch and remember.(设计意图:学生在听、看、记光盘的过程,是头脑里对文本实行系统梳理的过 程,符合学习规律,并未后面的补充文本学习做铺垫。)2. Summing upThe stude nts help the teacher finish the blackboard desig n.(设计意图:引导学生即时对新知归纳总结,夯实教学目标,帮学生形成明晰的 四类名词复数变化知识系统。)Step 4 Production (14 minutes)1. Read, write and checkThe students will finish some

19、 exercises on the screen. The teacher will help check the an swers.(设计意图:写的训练再次集中学生的注意力,在对新知实行巩固的基础上实现 语言的综合语用。)2. Read, match and findThe stude nts will read a short passage on the paper to lear n more words.(设计意图:学生借助阅读材料通过自读圈名词感悟更多名词的不同变化,再通 过小组合作完成作业纸上单复数名词的匹配练习,对不同类型的名词变复数形式实行归纳,提升学生的合作和自我学习水平。)3. Fill inThe stude nts work in a group to fill in the chart on


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