



1、六年级下学期第二单元练习Name_赖卓成_ Class_六(4)_ Marks_一、 写出下列动词的过去式(16%)1. eat _ate_ 2.run _ran_ 3.catch _caught_ 4.say _said_5. laugh _laughed_ 6. see_saw_7. can_could_ 8. go _went_9.begin_began_10.make_made_11.get _got_12.know_knew_13. bite_bit_14. ask_asked_ 15.dig_dug_ 16.cut _cut_二、将英文句子的编号写在相应中文前的括号里(8%)A.

2、I knew this city very well. B. Please let me go.C. Thats too much for breakfast. D. the soldier went up to the king.E. its very good of you to help me move the bookshelf.F. From then on, we did not see him any more.G. the farmer and his wife had a delicious meal.H. He appeared in time.( F) 从那时开始, 我们

3、就再没见过他了。( D ) 这些东西早餐吃太多了。( B ) 请把我放了吧(请让我走吧)。( G ) 农夫和他的妻子美餐了一顿。( H ) 他准时出现了。 ( D ) 士兵走到国王跟前。( A ) 我很熟悉这个城市。 ( E ) 你帮我搬书柜,真是太好了。三、 用适当的动词形式填空(39%)1. Yesterday Jim_sae_ (see) a strange animal. It_looks_(look) like a big cat.2. What song_did_they_sing_(sing) in the concert yesterday evening?3.An hour

4、ago Yongxian_sit_(sit) at the table and_read_(read) story-books.4. Where_did_ the hare_sleep_(sleep) in the story? He_slept_(sleep) under the big tree.5. Where_was_(be) Miss White yesterday afternoon? She_was_(be) in her office.6. Where_did_the head teacher_wait_(wait) for you the day before yesterd

5、ay? She_(wait) for us at the gate of the school.7. _Mr Smith often_(help) the poor? Yes, he_8. _Mr Wang_(teach) English ten year ago? No, he_(teach) maths.9.Who_(tell) you the story? My grandpa_(tell) me last night.10. When they saw him, all of them_(think) he_(be) ill.11.A; _you_(like) reading? B;

6、Yes, of course. Last week I_(read)many books. A;Why? B; Because I_(be) on my summer holiday. I_(have) much time to do my reading.12. A; How many books_you_(have), Bai Ping? B;I_(have) about 300. A; _you_(have) fables? B; Yes, I_(have) two. One is Asope Table and the other is Chinese Ancient Fable. A

7、; _I_(borrow) one of them? B; Sure. please_(come) to my home tomorrow. I_(lend) you the book. A; OK. Thank you.四、 读故事回答问题:(12%)A; (6%)Mr Dong Guo was walking on the toad. Suddenly a wolf ran very fast to him and said”A hunter wants to kill me. Would you please help me and hide me in your bag?” Mr Do

8、ng Guo was very kind and he hid the wolf in his bag. A few minutes later, a hunter came over and asked Mr Dong Guo,”Did you see a wolf?” and Mr Dong Guo said”No”. So the hunter went away. The wolf jumped out of the bag. He looked at Mr Dong Guo and said,”Its very kind of you, Mr Dong Guo, to save me

9、 from the hunter. Now I am very hungry. If I dont get something to eat, I will die. Since you are kind, please save me once more”.with these words, he jumped onto Mr Dong Guo and ate him up.1. Who wanted to kill the wolf?_2. Where did Mr Dong Guo hide the wolf? _3. Did Mr Dong Guo save the wolf from

10、 the hunter? _4. Why did the wolf eat Mr Dong Guo? _5. What do you think of the wolf? _6. What do you think of Mr Dong Guo_?B;(6%) Sarahs grandpa is 79 years old and he is in good health. Every day he walks for 40 minutes to a park and then he walks home. Last Thursday, he said goodbye to Sarah and

11、went for a walk in the park as usual.(像往常一样) Three hours later, Sarah heard a police car outside her home. Sarah was surprised when she saw two policemen and her grandfather come out of the car. “Your grandfather was lost. And he asked us to take him home.” The policemen said. Sarah looked at her gr

12、andfather, but he said nothing. Sarah thanked the policemen and took her grandpa in. “Grandpa, how did you get lost? You go to the park everyday.” Her grandpa smiled and said,” I didnt get lost. I was just treed and didnt want to walk home today.”( ) 1.Sarahs grandpa is old and weak. ( )2. The park

13、is near Sarahs home.( ) 3.Sarah was surprised to see her grandpa come home in a police car.( ) 4.Sarahs grandpa did not want to walk home because he was tired.( ) 5.Sarahs grandpa dose not know the way home( ) 6.Sarahs grandpa is clever.五、 按实际回答下列问题:(10%)1. Who was George Washington?_2. Whos our premier now? _3. Was Lenin the great leader of the Russian people? _4. Did Yang Liwei go into space by spaceship in 2003? _5. Are there any libraries in your city? _6. Do you have a library card? _7. What kind of books do you like read


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