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1、Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?第11页Words and expressions"Section A 部分square /skwe?/ meter /'mit?(r)/ deep /di?p/ desert /'dez?(r)t/ /,p?pj?'le? n/Asia /'e?'e?/feel free tour /t?/ tourist /'t?r?st/ wall /w?l/ amazi ng /?'me?z?/ ancient /'e? n?nt/ p

2、rotect /pr?'tekt/ wide /wa?d/ as far as I know achievement/?'t?i?vm? nt/ southwestern /sa? 0 'west?(r)n/ thick / 0 ?k/ include /?n 'klu?d/ freezi ng /'fri?z?/ condition /k?n'd? n/ take insucceec/s?k'si?d/ challe nge /'t?l? nd?/ in the face ofn.平方;正方形n.米;公尺adj.深的;纵深的n.

3、沙漠 populationn.人口;人口数量n.亚洲(可以)随便(做某事)n. & v.旅游;旅行n.旅行者;观光者n.墙adj.令人惊奇(惊叹、惊喜)的adj.古代的;古老的v.保护;防护adj.宽的;宽阔的就我所知n.成就;成绩adj.西南方(向)的adj.浓的;厚的v.包含;包括adj.极冷的;冰冻的n.条件;状况吸入;吞入(体内)v.成功;实现目标n. & v.挑战;考验面对(问题,困难等)achieve/?'t?i?v/v达到;完成;成功force /f?(r)s/ nature /'n e?t?(r)/n.力量;力n.自然界;大自然eve n tho

4、ugh (=eve n if)ocean/'?n/即使;虽然n.大海;海洋the Pacific/p?'s?f?kO cean太平洋Qomolangma /'t?m?l a ?m?/ 珠穆朗玛峰the Nile /na?l/尼罗河the Caspian/'k?sp? n/Seathe SaharNs?'h a ?r?/里海撒哈拉沙漠the Yan gtze/'j?ts?/ Riverthe Yellow River长江黄河theMi ng Dyn asty/'da? n?sti/,/'d? n?sti/明朝 theMi ng Gr

5、eat Wall明长城the Himalayas /h?m?'le?z/喜马拉雅山Tenzing /'tenZ?/Norgay /'n?rge?/ 丹增 诺尔盖 Edmund /'edm?nd/ Hillary /'h ?l?r?/埃德蒙 希拉里 Junko /'d?u?k?/Tabei /ta ?'be?/ 田部井淳子2)Section B 部分cm (=ce ntimeter/ce ntimetre) / Sen t?mi?t? /厘米weigh /we?/birthv.重量是:称重量n.出生;诞生at birth出生时up to到达

6、(某数量、程度等);至多有;不多于adult /?'d?lt/adj.成年的;成人的;n.成人;成年动物bamboo /b?m'bu?/n.竹子en da ngered/? n'den d?d/research/r?'s?t?/adj.濒危的n. &v.研究;调查keeper/ 'ki:p?/awake /?'we?k/exciteme nt /?k'sa?tm? nt/ walk intofall overill ness /'?l n?s/rema ining /r?'me ?n?/or soartwork /

7、' a ?(r)tw?(r)k/wild /wa?ld/gover nment /'g?v?(r) n,m?nt/whale /we?lz/oil /?l/protect ion /pr?'tek ?n/huge /hju?d?/n饲养员;保管人adj.醒着的n.兴奋;激动走路时撞着绊倒n.疾病;病adj.剩下的;剩余的大约n.插图;图片adj.野生的n.政府;内阁n.鲸n.油;食用油;石油n.保护;保卫adj.巨大的;极多的亚马逊河the Amazo n/'?m?z ?n/ River the Che ngdu Research/r?'s?(r)t?/

8、 Base /be成都研究基地Section A2d Role-play the conversation.Guide:Feel free to ask me anything ortoday ' Giareat Wall tour.Tourist 1:How long is the wall?Guide:Ah, the most popular questi on! If we' re)nly talk ing about the parts from the Ming Dynastyjt 'about 8,500 kilometers long. This make

9、s it the Ion gest wall in the world.Tourist 2:Wow, that 'am azing! Why did the ancient emperors build the wall?Guide:The main reason was to protect China. As you can see, 'quite tall and wide. As far as I know, there are no man-made objects as big as this.Tourist 3:Is Badali ng part of the M

10、i ng Great Wall?Guide:Yes,it 'th© most famous part.3a ReadingQomolangma the Most Dangerous Mountain in the World?One of the worl d' most dangerous sports is mountain climbing, and one of the most popular places for this is the Himalayas. The Himalayas run along the southwester n part of

11、 China. Of all the mountains, Qomola ngma rises the highest and is the most famous. It is 8,844.43 meters high and so is very dangerous to climb. Thick clouds cover the top and snow can fall very hard. Eve n more serious difficulties in clude freez ing weather con diti ons and heavy storms. It is al

12、so very hard to take in air as you get n ear the top.The first people to reach the top were Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary on May 29, 1953. The first Chinese team did so in 1960, while the first woman to succeed was Junko Tabei from Japa n in 1975.Why do so many climbers risk their lives? One of

13、the main reas ons is because people want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties. The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should n ever give up trying to achieve our dreams. It also shows that huma ns can sometimes be stron ger tha n the forces of n ature.Answer the questions using

14、 information in the article.1. Where are the Himalayas?2. How high is Qomolangma?3. Why do so many people try to climb this mountain even though it is dangerous?4. What does the spirit of the climbers tell us?Grammar Focus1. What' the highest mountain in the world?Qomola ngma.2. How high is Qomo

15、la ngma?It ' s 8,844.43 meters high. It ' s higher than any other mountain.3. Which is the deepest salt lake in the world?The Caspia n Sea is the deepest of all the salt lakes.4. Did you know that China is one of the oldest countries in the world? Yes, I did. It ' s much older than the U

16、S.一、大数的表达1000以上基础词的表达法。先从右至左数,每三位数加一个逗点 (即以此把数目 分成若干段)。第一个逗点前的数为thousand,第二个逗点前的数为million,第三 个逗点前的数为billion。1,123,456,789二、形容词副词的比较级和最高级1. What' Sne highest mountain in the world?2. One of the world ' most dangerous sports is mountain climbing.3. This elepha nt weighs many times more tha n t

17、his pan da.4. It 'asot bigger than the population of the US.5. It also shows that humans can sometimes be stronger than the forces of nature.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms ofbig, much, popular, long, old, high the words in the b°x.1. The Amazon River is one of the rivers in the w

18、orld. It' s a littletha n the Yan gtze River.2. Qomolangma is 8,844.43meter. It 'one of the mostplaces for serious mou ntai n climbers.3. No ocean in the world is aas the Pacific Ocean.4. Although Japan i than Canada, it issmaller.Section B2b ReadingScanningThis means moving your eyes quickl

19、y dow n the page to find specific in formati on.Scan the article to find out what these numbers mean: 10, 12, 200, 2,000.It is 8:30 a.m. at the Chen gdu Research Base. Lin Wei and the other panda keepers are prepari ng the milk for the baby pan das' breakfast. At 9:00 a.m., they find that most o

20、f thebabies are already awake and hun gry. Whe n the babies see the keepers, they run over with excitement and some of them evewalk into their friends and fall over!“They' re scute and lovely. I take care of them like they' re my own babies. I wash, feed and playwith them every day. They 

21、9; re very special to me. ”Lin Wei loves her job, but it is a difficult one.Pan das do not have many babies, maybe only one every two years. The babies ofte n die from ill ness and do no t live very long. Adult pan das spe nd more tha n 12 hours a day eati ng about 10 kilos of bamboo. Many years ago

22、, there were a lot more bamboo forests and pan das in China, but the n huma ns started to cut dow n the forests.Scie ntists say there are now fewer tha n 2,000 pan das livi ng in the remai ning forests. Ano ther 200 or so live in zoos or research cen ters in China and other coun tries.An educati on

23、program in Chen gdu teaches childre n in cities about pan das and other endangered animals. They send people to schools to tell children about the importance of sav ing these ani mals. The childre n sing songs or make artwork about pan das and other wild an imals. Teach ing childre n is one way to h

24、elp save pan das. The Chin ese gover nment is also pla nting more bamboo trees so there will be more forests for pan das to live in. We all hope that in the future there will be a lot more pan das tha n now.2c Scan the article again and write short answers to the questions.1. What is Lin Wei' sb

25、?2. What do the baby pan das eat for breakfast?3. What do adult pan das eat4. Why are pan das endan gered?5. What is one way of sav ing pan das?Self CheckComplete the chart.EXectcisesComparativesSuperlatives一、词汇A)n根据音标拼写单词1.ngThe Sahara is the largest(/'dez?(r)t/) in the world.2opDl§ryou kn

26、ow the(/,p?pj?'le?n/) ofShanghai?3. The river is nearly 20 meters(/di?p/). People mustn' t swim in4. It 'our duty to(/pr?'tekt/) the environment.5. In(/'e?n?nt/) China, the GreOt/all was used to prevent theen emies 敌人).6. You will(/s?k'si?d/) uni ess you give upialfway.7. His

27、 favorite sports(/?n'klu?d/) badminton and/olleyball.8. How much does an elephant(/we?/)?9. It 'mSd-night now, but he is still(/?'we?k/).10. We enjoy the beauty of(/'ne?t?(r)/).B)用词的正确形式填空11. I want to know the(weigh) of the vegetables.12. The children are running in(excite).13. The

28、little dog died after a long(ill).14.lt ' an(amaze) trip!二、单项选择()15. How long is the new bridge? Do you know?Yes. It ' about.A. one thousand one hundred and eighty metersB. one thousand and one hundred fifty metersC. two thousands one hundred forty metersD. two thousands seventy and three me

29、ters()16. I thi nk math is asas En glish.【2019 成都七中】A. importa ntB. very importa ntC. less importa ntD. the least importa nt()17. Are you feeli ng a little better?No, I am feeli ng even.A. bad B.betterC. worseD.the worst()18. The young man imore famous tha n his father.A. a lot B.manyC. prettyD.quit

30、e()19. The weather inBeijing is colder than.A. in Hubei B.HubeiC. that inHubei D.it of Hubei ()20. Jim is funnier and more outgo ing thanin his class.A. any other stude ntB. any stude ntC. any stude ntsD. all the stude nts()21. The box isof all. Can you give me a hand?A. heaviest B. biggest C. the h

31、eavier D. the biggest()22., En glish, math, or Chi nese?A. What do you like bestB. What do you like betterC. Which do you like bestD. Which do you like better()23. Mathone of thesubjects in middle schools.A. are; importa ntB. is; most importa ntC. is; more importa ntD. are; much importa nt()24. The

32、movie Batma n and Jokerisone that I eveesee n.A. more excit ingB. more excitedC. the most excit ing D. the most excited()25. the population of Ch ina?It ' s about 1.3 billion.A. What'sB. How many isC. How much isD. How s)26. The baby is about 52 cen timeters tallA. inB. atC. onD. for)27. We shouldn 't the trees in order to protect the en vir onment.birth.A. write dow nC. take dow n三、完成句子(每空一词)28. 这所学校招收外国学生。The school29. 那个老人跌倒了,摔伤了腿。B. put dow nD. cut dow nforeign stude nts.That old manand broke his leg.30. Basketball is more popular than football in the USA


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