1、Lesson 70 教学设计方案一Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector.Teach ing Objectives:1. Let the stude nts un dersta nd the dialogue and lear n new words.2. Go over the Past Perfect Ten se.Language Focus:New words: British, fail, summit, misty, mistUseful expressi ons: disappear in to, the first men to do
2、tins, try to reach the top ofTeach ing Procedures:I. Show ing the teach ing aimsII. Revisi onCheck homework. Ask the stude nts to act out the dialogue.III. Leadi ng inT: Today we are going to read a story about George Mallory. What do you know about him? Where was he from? What was he? What did w do
3、 in 1921 and 1922? Was he successful?IV. Readi ngLet the stude nts read the text carefully, look at the questi ons in Workbook, exercise 1. Let than discuss the answers orally. Then check the answers with the whole class. Explain some Ian guage poin ts.V. PracticePlay the tape, let the stude nts lis
4、te n first, the n repeat the text after the tape. Give them some time to practise readi ng the passage.VI. WorkbookLet the students do Exercise 2 together. The answer are: climbing, climb, mountain, top, weather, disappeared, retur n, later, found, unknown, reachedFor Exercise 3, the an swers are: 1
5、 who 2 which 3 whether 4 that 5 why 6 as 7 whoVII. Con solidationGet the stude nts to ask and an swer questi ons accord ing to the text. Let them really un dersta nd the passage. Fin ally try to retell it.VIII. SummaryExercise in classFill in the bla nks with the right verb forms.1. The earth(go) ro
6、und the sun.2. Look! The baby(cry) in the street.3. Whenthe Party( foun d)?4. They(work) there since they came to the factory.5. Betty( enjoy) writi ng plays.6. I remembered I( bring) the hook with me.7. Whenyou(begin) to study En glish?8. He said he ( arrive) in half an hour.9. Mary(cook)whe n her
7、husba nd came into the kitche n.10. It ' s danger!.(not climb) up the hill.An swers: 1. goes 2. is going 3. was foun ded 4. enjoys 5. have worked 6. had brought 7. did begin 8. world arrive 9. was cooking 10. Don ' t climbIX. HomeworkRead the whole story and retell it.Lesson 11Lan guage Focu
8、s: leave on my desk, The more trees, the betterProperties: Recorder; Overhead Projector; PicturesTeach ing Procedures:I. Show ing aimsGet the stude nts to know what they will lear n in this less on and what they will do in this class:1. To master some useful expressi ons.2. To lear n the dialogue an
9、d act out the dialogue.3. To use the Prese nt Perfect Tense freely.II. Revisi on1. Check the homework2. Revise the passage of Less on 10. Ask: What have you done to the environment? Have you done anything to harm the environment? What have you done to protect the environment? Help the stude nts an s
10、wer correctly. The n ask: How can you make our world more beautiful? Get several stude nts to give their own idea.III. Prese ntati onPrese nt this dialogue:A: Have you bee n a teacher?B: Yes, I have.A: How long have you bee n a teacher?B: Two weeks.First get the stude nts to practise in pairs, the n
11、 make similar dialogues.IV. Prese ntati onPart 1. Speech Cassette - Play the tape for the stude nts to liste n and try to find the an swers to the questi ons: Where has Lin Feng gone? Why has he gone to do it aga in? See if the stude nts can an swer correctly.Books ope n. Play the tape aga in, get t
12、he stude nts to repeat after the tape, have two stude nts read the drills for the class.V. PracticeHave the stude nts practise the dialogues in pairs, the n ask some pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class.VI. Read and an swerHave the stude nts ask and an swer in pairs, Using the words i
13、n the box help them.VII. Guess ing gamesGet the stude nts to guess the riddles. If time permits, do it in class, if there is no time, do it after class.VIII. WorkbookDo Exercise I in class. Have the stude nts do it i ndividually, the n check with the whole class. First, Do Exercise 2 orally, the n w
14、rite dow n the senten ces.IX. SummaryExercises for classFill in the bla nks with the right verb forms;1. Whereyou(go) yesterday?I(go) to the zoo.In ever(be) to that zoo before.2. Where is Mr Gree n? He(go) to the library.3. you( hear) him before? No, n ever.4. you(fini sh) your homework yet?5. How l
15、ongyou(live) in关键词文件 middle3 unit4.docWhat were they doing?内容一、教学目标与要求通过本单元教学,使学生初步学习和运用过去进行时态,描述在过去某一时刻或某一段时间内正在进行或发生的动作。了解这个时态陈述句式、疑问句式的构成以及与其连用的一些时 间状语。上述要求,应落实在学生的口语练习和书面语练习中,学生应能独立完成练习册上有关过去进行时态各种形式的练习,正确率不低于70%。教师还可视学生情况,要求学生用第一人称改写第14课课文,并运用自己组织的语言复述课文。二、教学重点与难点1. 句型:1) It 'quite a nice p
16、icture.2)Isorryi to trouble you.3)to find it difficult to do sbh.4)Would you please not do this?2. 语法:学习过去进行时态(The Past continuous Tense I).三、课时安排本单元共用5课时。第14课用2课时,其余各课用 1课时。第十三课 Less on Thirtee n教学内容1词汇(略)。2. 句型:It ' s quite a nice picture.3语法:初步学习过去进行时态的用法。二、教具录音机:一组图片,画有人物和动作,如:打篮球、跑步、唱歌、写作业等
17、,并标有具体的 过去时间。如:8: 30 yesterday morning 等。三、课堂教学设计1. 请三位同学到前面来,分别做出扫地、读书、写字等动作。教师依次提问:T: What are you doing?S1: I ' m sweeping the floor.S2: I ' m reading a book.S: I ' m writing.教师手指这三位同学,依次问大家:T: What is he/she doing?学生按照实际情景,依次答出:S2: He is sweep ing the floor. She is readi ng a book. H
18、e is writi ng.教师要求全班将三个人的动作分别记清楚。2. 复习值日生报告。教师可继续要求学生就所学科目提出看法,并就他人看法表示同意或不同意。3. 就刚才三位同学的动作,向全班提问: What was kdoi ng whe n I came in?重复两至三遍,板书这个句式,用彩色粉笔标出was,启发大家猜测句子的含义,并引导全班回答:He was sweep ing the floor. She was readi ng a book. He was writi ng.板书上述三个答句,启发学生观察谓语部分的变化,并简要介绍一下过去进行时态所表示的含义。4 打开书,借助课文插
19、图教授本课词汇,反复练习。5 两人一组,练习课文第1部分问答。请几组说出自己的答案。教师讲评。6. 合上书。准备放课文第2部分录音。教师给出听前提问(Pre-reading questions):What is Li Lei doi ng?放录音一遍,学生回答问题。7. 指导学生两人一组做课文第3部分练习。教师先与一位程度较好的学生表演以下对话:T: What was Li Lei doing whe n the teacher came in?S: He was draw ing a picture.T: What was he draw ing?S: He was draw ing a h
20、orse.T: What was he using?S: He was using chalk.T: Where was he draw ing?S: He was draw ing on the blackboard.全班两人一组,就 Meimei及the twins进行内容相似的问答练习,请几组同学表演。教师出示事先准备好的图片,就上面的人物及活动与学生进行问答练习。&教师解释课文难句(见难点讲解)9.布置作业1)抄写生词、短语,练习朗读本课对话;2)完成练习册习题。四、难点讲解But please don ' t play with my chO是请不要玩粉笔。句中的pl
21、ay是不及物动词,意思是:玩,玩耍。例如:Let' s t play together.我们一起玩吧。Play还可作为及物动词,有参加游戏、玩球、扮演、弹琴”等意思。例如:1) The children are playing basketball over there.孩子们正在那边打篮球呢。2) Let ' s play doctors and uniTe我们扮演医生和护士。3) She plays the piano wonderfully.他钢琴弹得非常好。第十四课 (I) Lesson Fourteen (I)一、教学内容1. 词汇(略)。2. 句型:1) I
22、9; m sorry to trouble you.2)to find it difficult to do sth.3)Would you please not do this?3语法:继续学习过去进行时态的用法二、教具录音机;仿课文插图绘制两张挂图;上次使用的图片等。三、课堂教学设计1. 复习 值日生报告。教师出示上次使用过的图片,复习过去进行时态。可指导学生利用图 片进行问答练习。2. 利用本课挂图,教授课文中部分词汇。以下单词可通过看图介绍:Russia n, Moscow, upstairs, downstairs, sleep, quiet(ly), noise, fall, as
23、leep 等。反复练习上述词语,至学生初步上口为止。3. 指导学生阅读课文提示。给学生8分钟时间自己阅读课文(本文计约305个词),用笔标出另外几个没有学的生词,并尽量依据上下文去猜测其含义。规定时限过后,要求学生回答课文提示中的问题,教师予以讲评。4. 就学生挑出的其他词汇进行讲练。先要求学生根据上下文去判断词义,或用动作,或用 英文将词义表演、描述出来。例如教knock at时,可做出敲门的动作。un happy: means not happyban g:the sound of dropp ing the shoe5. 听课文录音,学生跟读一遍。6打开练习册,做习题1。允许学生反复阅读
24、课文,鼓励学生用笔头形式答题。如果时间允许,可检查一些同学的口答。7.布置作业1)抄写本课生词、短语;2)练习朗读课文;3)书面形式做练习册习题1。第十四课(n) Lesson Four1 2 3下一页教学目标教学目标与要点1. 能理解和运用被动语态,用被动语态来表达不方便、不必要出现主语的意思。2. 认真学习“English is widely used,理解学习英语的重要性,端正自己的学习态度。3. 掌握主动语态和被动语态的区别、用法,牢记被动语态的构成,能进行主动语态和 被动语态的互换。4. 掌握本单元的词汇,特别是短语be made of/ from / into, be used f
25、or/ as/ by等的用法。5. 掌握动词grow, produce, made与主语的习惯搭配。如:tea grow, salt produce, trains made 等。本单元短语和交际用语1.短语和词组be made of用做的be used for doing 被用来做keep warm保暖the largest nu mber of 的最大数量被当作使用in the moder n world在现代世界buy something from 以买进sell someth ing to 把卖给none of (三个以上)没有一个made a telepho ne all to给打电
26、话That' s why 那就是的原因2.日常交际用语1)关于购物”的用语:I' d like to buy 我想买be used as all over/ around the world 全世界OK. I ' ll take this one. 好的,我就买这个。2)表示作用”的用语:What' s it used for?它是作什么用的?”用语:它是由什么制成的? 它是由 它是在哪儿生产的? 它是在生产的。It' s used for.?它是用来3)关于物品的制作、产地和语言的应用What' s it made of?It' s m
27、ade of Where' s it produced?It' s produced in What' s this called in English?用英语这叫什么?It' s它叫En glish is widely used for bus in ess/英语被广泛地运用于商业或教学建议教材内容分析本单元通过谈论物品的制作、产生、用途等,以对话的形式引出了本单元要学习的语法项目一被动语态。着重讲述了被动语态与主动语态的区别和联系,主动语态和被动语态的转换以及被动语态的构成。课文“English is widely used使学'生了解了英语在国际交
28、往中的重要作用和我们为什么要学习英语的重要性,以此来触动学生们学习英语的主动性和积极性。 本单元重点例句及相关知识的讲解1. What' s it made of?它是用什么做的? be made of意思是 由制成”介词of所指的原材料一般是未经变化,仍可看出材料的。例如:The desk is made of wood. This bridge is made of stone.课桌是用木头做的。桥是石头造的。 be made from意思也是 由制成”但介词from所指的原材料往往是经过变化,已看不出原材料的。例如:Paper is made from wood. The win
29、e is made from rice.纸是用木头做的。酒是由稻谷制成的。 be made in意思是由(什么地方)生产的 ”表示某一物品在某地生产或制成,in后面接表示地点的名词。例如:This kind of bike is made in Japa n. China is mostly made in China.这种自行车是日本生产的。瓷器主要产生中国。2. What' s it used for?它是用来干什么的? be used for doing sth.意思是 被用来做"。这是一个被动结构,介词for表示 用途”后面跟动词的-ing形式。Metal is us
30、ed for making mach in es. Pens are used for writi ng.金属被用来造机器。钢笔被用来写字。 be used as意思是 把当做用。"例如:The computer can be used as a tool. En glish is used as a very useful work ing Ian guage. 计算机可以被当作工具用。英语被用作一种非常有用的工作语言。 be used by意思是 被(某人)使用"的意思,by后接动词“ use的执行者。例如:The recorder is used in class by teachers.录音机被老师们上课时使用。巧译用”字:在英语中,with, by, at, in四个词都可表 用”怎么用?with有形,by手段。语言声音in在前,价格速度at选。eg: with a pen/by bus/in En glish/at 5 yua n.3. Which Ian guage is spoke n by the largest nu mber of people in the world?世界上使用人数最多的语言是哪一种?the number
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