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1、Unit 2 Topic 3(满分100分,时间90分钟)题号第一部分第二部分第三部分总分In出VIn出VIn出得分第一部分听力(20 分)I .听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)ABCDE1. 2. 3. 4. 5.n .听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)( )6.What does Jenny do to help protect the environment?A. She reuses plastic bottles.B. She reuses paper cups.C. She reuses plastic bags.( )7.What does the bo

2、y expect Mary to do?A. He expects Mary to give up work ing.B. He expects Mary to cheer up.C. He expects Mary to put up a sig n.()8.What s' outside?A. A UFO.B.A stra nger.C.Wi nd.()9.Do the two speakers have any mon ey?A. Yes, they do.B.The man has some.C.No, n either of them has.( )10.What does

3、the man advise the woma n to do?A. To give him some work to protect the environment.B. To give him some advice about protect ing the environment.C. To help spread the message about protect ing the en viro nment.川.听短文,判断下面句子正(T)误(F)。短文读两遍。(5分)( )11.More and more land is beco ming desert all the time.

4、( )12.Some gree n pla nts are very importa nt to dry places.()13.Land is becoming desert little by little because plants can' t grow there.()14.Land is becoming desert faster than scientists can change it back into field Iand. It isthe main idea of the first paragraph.( )15.After listening to th

5、is passage, we learn that plants can keep dry land from becoming desert.IV .听短文,填空。短文读三遍。(5分)The earth is our home. We must 16 it. Life today is easier than that of 17 yearsago, but some new problems 18. One of the biggest problems is pollution. We can see it,smell it, drink it and even hear it. Man

6、 has polluted the earth. The more people, 19 polluti on. Many years ago, the problem wasn 'so serious because there were not 20 people. Now man is slowly polluting the whole world.16. 17. 18. 19. 20.第二部分基础知识运用(55分)I .单项选择。(10分))1.Whenhe leave for the city?He next week.D.will; leavesA. does; will

7、 leave B.does; leaves C.has; has left )2. It 'a long story, but you can hardly find new words in it.Good! it will be too hard for childre n.A.SoB.A ndC.ButD.Or()3.Stude nts oughtthe truth.A.to tellB.tellC.telli ngD.told()4.He is tall,his son is short.A.whe nB.orC.whileD.a nd()5.If we travel a sh

8、ort dista nee, we should walktaki ng a bus. Then we' ll 1people.A.i nstead ofB.ratherC.whileD.but( )6.She bought a skate board on li neshe saved a lot of time.A.so thatB.as soon asC.such thatD. no matter( )7.Every stude nt isto obey the school rules.A.supposeB.supposedC.shouldD.ought()8.A farmer

9、 in En gla nd used animal waste tohis machi ne.A.ma nageB.useC.ru nD.start( )9.You ought to retur n the book to the school library.Other stude nts will borrow itA.at timesB.i n timeC.o n timeD.at the same()10.He is rich,he is happy, too.A.a ndB.soC.orD.butbe greenertimen .情景交际。(5分)A: Hi, Jane. Would

10、 you like to help save the environment?B: I ' like to. 11A: Well, first, you can start by turning off the lights when you leave a room. B: Yes. That' easy. 12What 'snext?Second, you can ride a bicycle. Don 'take a bus or a taxi if you don 'have to.B:13 What else?Third, try to rec

11、ycle paper.Mmm. Newspapers, magaz in es, we have a lot of paper at home. Good idea.The fourth idea is to tur n off the shower whe n you 're not using it.B:14A: Yes. Get wet, turn off the shower, put the shampoo ( 洗发剂)in your hair and then turn on the shower and wash it out.B: Yes, 15 We have to

12、save water.A. But what can I do for you?B. l think water is very importa nt to us.C. You mean whe n I have shampoo in my hair?D. But what can I do?E. That will save a lot of mon ey, too.F. Take a bag whe n you go shopp ing.GSometimes I tur n off the lights without thinking.川.完形填空。(10分)Some people sa

13、y they have a soluti on to the problems of car crowdi ng and polluti on. In many cities, hundreds of people 16 bikes to work every day. In the New York City, some bike riders have even foun ded a group: Bike for a Better City. They say if more people ride bikes to work, there would be 17 cars and le

14、ss dirty air.For several years this group has tried to gather help for bike riders. They want to have special roads 18 bikes only, because when bikes and cars use the same roads, there may be accide nts. Bike for a Better City thinks if there were bike roads, more people would use bikes.But no bike

15、roads have bee n established 19. Not every one thinks it is a good 20.Drivers don 'like it, and some shop owners don 'like it, 21 . And most people live 22 far from the city to travel by bike. Still, 23 has bee n done about it. On Saturdays and Sun days, the largest ope n park in New York is

16、 24 to cars, and the roads may be used by bikes only, but the group still says this is not eno ugh and goes on fighti ng 25 bike roads. I thi nk there will be more bike roads in the future.()16.A.o nB.rideC.byD.take()17.A.fewerB.lessC.ma nyD.more()18.A.u ntilB.forC.asD.of()19.A.yetB.alreadyC.stillD.

17、onee()20 .A. hopeB.wayC.helpD.idea()21. A.soB.a ndC.alsoD.either()22 .A. veryB.quiteC.tooD.so()23.A.everythi ngB.someth ingC.anythingD.nothing()24.A.closedB.ope nC.ope ningD.closi ng()25 .A. getB.to getC.askD.to askIV .阅读理解。(30分)(A)Have you ever stayed in a hotel? Most Chinese hotels often provide g

18、uests with things like disposable(一次性的 )toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo and slippers.Many guests like the idea because they don 'have to bring their own. But if you travel to Beijing, remember to bring these thi ngs of your own. That 'because some hotels in Beiji ng have no Ion ger provide

19、d guests with these disposables ( 一次性用品 ).Many disposable things are made of plastic. People throw them away after only using them once. It 's a waste of natural resources (资源)and is very bad for the environment.In Beijing, people throw away about 19,000 tons of plastic bags and 1,320 tons of lu

20、nch bowls every year!Plastic can take 100 to 400 years to break down. So the less plastic we throw away, the betterenvironment we will have.So, wherever you travel, bring your own things and use them again and again. Back at home and school, you can also do something to make our world a better place

21、. Try to do these things in your daily life:Use cloth shopping bags, not plastic ones.After using a plastic bag, wash it out and let it dry. Then use it over and over again.Do not use paper cups.At your school canteen ( 餐厅 ), use your own bowls and chopsticks instead of disposable ones.根据短文内容,判断正(T)

22、误(F)。( )26.Many guests like to use disposable things because they are very convenient ( 方便的 ).( )27.Some Beijing hotels have no longer provided guests with free TV programmes.( )28.Plastic breaks down easily.( )29.After using a plastic bowl or a bag, we 'd better throw it away, because it 's

23、 too dirty to use again.( )30.We should use less plastic things and protect our environment.(B)Air pollution comes from factories, power stations and cars. Chemicals in the smoke frompower stations cause a lot of damage (损害; 毁坏).They can travel hundreds of miles in the wind before falling to the gro

24、und in the rain. And this Chemical rain ” gradually (逐渐地)destroys trees in the forests and kills fish in the lakes. In Germany, over 50% of the country's trees had beendamaged by the year 1986.Time and time again there are serious accidents that pollute the air. In 1986 there was a serious accid

25、ent at a nuclear power station in Russia. A cloud of radiation flew across the whole Europe. It is said that 125,000 people died in Russia as a result of illness caused by this accident.In 1984 there was a serious accident at a factory in India and a cloud of dangerous gas covered the town of Bhopal

26、. Over 2,500 people were killed that night, and hundreds of thousands of people were injured ( 受伤的 ). Many of the injured lost their sight.()31.Air pollution comes from .A. factoriesB.power stationsC.carsD.all of the above( )32.According to the passage, which sentence is right?A. Chemicals in the sm

27、oke from power stations can't travel far in the wind.B. “ Chemical rain” is good for the trees.C. Chemicals in the smoke from power stations are very safe.D. “Chemical rain” is bad for our envei rnotn. m()33.In Germany, how many trees had been damaged by the year 1986?A.A quarter.B.A half.C.Thre

28、e quarters. D.A third.( )34.What was the result of the accident that happened in Russia in 1986?A. Over 2,500 people were killed.B. Many people couldn 't walk.C. Many people lost their sight.D. Compared with ( 同, 比较 ) the accident in India, more people died.( )35.From the sentence “Many of the i

29、njured lost their swigehct.an know . ”A.the gas covered the town of Bhopal at that time was poisonous ( 有毒的)B. gradually the injured could see everythingC. many of the injured couldn ' t see anything any moreD. Both A and C(C)It ' s important to leatrhnings about protecting environment. Here

30、s ru'le sfoar u4sR. ReduceIf you want to reduce waste, you should use things wisely ( 明智的 ). A large number of trees are being cut down to make paper. If everyone uses paper carelessly and then throws it away, soon we would not have any trees left. Some other things are also being wasted, and pe

31、ople don 't know what to do with waste in big cities, so it 's necessary to reduce waste. ReuseYou should always think of reusing the usable ( 可用的 ) things before throwing them away. Give your clothes or things you don 'tuse to the poor. In a family, you may pass such clothes on to your

32、younger brothers or sisters. RecycleBottles, cans and paper can easily be recycled. By doing so we save lots of time and money, for example, cola cans are sent to a factory, where they 're smashed fla(t 压平) and smelted (熔化 ), and the metal things are made into new cola cans. RepairIf one of the

33、legs of your table is broken, you can repair it. If you want to change for better ones, it 's better for you to sell the old ones or give them to other people who can use them after doing some repair.( )36 .The “ Reduce ” rule mainly requires_u_s_.A.to use things wisely B.to cut down many treesC

34、.to use paper carelessly D.to use more and more things ( )37.What ' s the right order of recycling clao cans?a.smash them flat b.collect the used cansc.smelt them d.send them to a factoryA.a-b-c-d B.d-c-b-a C.b-d-a-c D.b-d-c-a( )38.The “ Reuse ” rule mainly require_s_u_s_.A.to throw away the old

35、 clothesB. to collect waste paper and soft drink cansC. to use both sides of paperD. to give the old but usable things to the poor( )39.Which sentence is about the “ Repair ” rule?A.When you leave a room, turn off the lights.B. Take a cloth bag when you go shopping.C. Don ' t use plastic bags.D.

36、 If your chair is broken, you can repair it.( )40.Which is the best title for this passage?A.A 4Rs ruleB.Protect the environmentC.Save energyD.Good habits第三部分 写作( 25 分)I 词汇。(10分)(A) 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1. We should reuse plastic bags(而不是)throwing them away.2. We can sort waste paper and soft cans(以便)they

37、can be recycled.3. Many poor people live in the houses without ( 用电的) light.4. There are many (毛巾) in the box.5.I don'tknow how to do it. Could you ( 提供) me some useful advice?(B) 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。6.These tin bottles were collected for (recycle).7.In some countries such as India, shaking the he

38、ad means (agree).8.In my hometown, we have (reuse) some waste things for producing energy again.9. (nod) your head if you agree with me.10. The earth is (shake), and there must be an earthquake (地震).n .英汉互译。(5分)11. 你们是怎样处理塑料袋的?How do you deal with ?12. 那个小女孩的父母决定待在家里不出去了。The girl 's parents have

39、 decided to stay homegoing out.13. 当你离开教室的时候 , 应该随手关灯。You turn off the lights when you leave the classroom.14. 说比做更容易。said than.15. 行动胜于言辞。Well, speak louder than .川.书面表达。(10分)“保护环境,人人有责” ,请以 How to Be a Greener Person 为题,写一篇有关环保的短 文,并适当发表你的看法。( 80 词左右)听力材料Unit 2 Topic 3I .听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。1. Turn

40、 off the lights when you aren ' t using them.2. You ' d better walk or ride a bike instead of taking a bus or a taxi.3. Don ' t buy cups or boxes which people can use only once.4. Don ' t use plastic bags when you go shopping. You ' d better use a basket.5. Give old clothes to po

41、or students in the countryside or reuse them.n.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。6. M: Jenny, what do you do to help protect the environment?W: I reuse plastic bags.7. M: Mary, you look sad, please cheer up. Everything will be OK.W: Thank you very much. I hope so.8. M: Mom, listen! There is something outside.W: Oh

42、, nothing, dear. It ' s just wind.9. W: I don 't have any money. What about you?M: I ' ve run out of it, too.10. W: I want to do volunteer work. What can I do?M: I think you can help spread the message about protecting the environment.川.听短文,判断下面句子正(T)误(F)。短文读两遍。Scientists are trying to m

43、ake the desert into field land again. They want to bring water to the desert, so people can live there and grow crops. They are learning a lot about the desert. But more and more land is becoming desert all the time. Scientists may not be able to change the desert in a short time.Why is more and mor

44、e land becoming desert? Scientists think people are doing bad things to the earth.Some places on the earth don't get much rain. But thehyavsetinll 't become desert. This isbecause some green plants are growing there. Small green plants and grass are very important to dry places. Plants preve

45、nt the sun from making the earth dry. Plants prevent the wind from blowing the dirt away. When a bit of rain falls, the plants hold the water. Without plants, the land can become desert easily.IV .听短文,填空。短文读三遍。The earth is our home. We must take care of it. Life today is easier than that of hundreds

46、 of years ago, but some new problems have appeared. One of the biggest problems is pollution. We can see it, smell it, drink it and even hear it. Man has polluted the earth. The more people, the more pollution. Many years ago, the problem was n' t so serious because there were not so many people

47、. Now man is slowly polluting the whole world.参考答案及解析Unit 2 Topic 3第一部分 听力I.1.C 2.A 3.E 4.B 5.Dn 6C 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.C川.11.T12.T13.F14.T15.TIV .16.take care of 17.hu ndreds of 18.have appeared 19.the more 20.so many 第二部分 基础知识运用I . 1.B 本题考查一般现在时指将来,表示按日程表将要发生的动作或事件。故选B。2. D 本题考查并列句,本句表示转折关系, or 在这里意为“否

48、则” ,故选 D 项。3. A 本题考查情态动词 ought to,意为"应该,应当”,无人称、数和时态变化,后接动词原形。4. C 本题考查并列句,本句表示转折关系, while 有“而”的意思,故选 C 项。5. A rather为副词不直接接动词ing形式,while与but都接句子,有转折之意,in stead of后接动词 -ing 形式,故选 A。6. A so that 引导目的状语从句。故选 A。7. B be supposed to意为"应该,理应”,同should同义,但形式不同, ough to是情态动词后接动词原形,故正确答案为 B。8. C run

49、 意为“奔跑;控制;管理” ,此处为“发动,使工作”的意思。其他选项均与题意不符。故选 C。9. C at times 有时,in time 及时,on time 准时、按时,at the same time 同时。只有 C项符合题意。10. A 本题考查并列句,根据题意: 他很富裕,他也很幸福。不表示因果关系,所以用and连接。n.11.D12.G13.E14.C15.B川.16.B 由于选项在本句中作谓语而谓语应为动词,故排除A、C两项。ride bikes to work骑自行车去上班,故选 B。17. A 本句的 if 从句提示如果有更多的人骑自行车上班的话,那么就会减少汽车的数量以及

50、对空气的污染。 car 是可数名词,故选能修饰可数名词的 few 的比较级。18. B 本题考查havefor表示"有为自行车而专设的特殊道路”。for在这里表示目的。19. A 本句中有否定词 no, 而 yet 多用于完成时态的否定句和疑问句中。20. D 根据上下文看此处的含义是“并不是每个人都认为这是个好主意”。分析选项,只有idea符合题意。21. D either用于否定句末,表示“也”的含义;also也表示“也”之意,但用于肯定句中。22. C 本题考查tooto 句型,表示“太”而不能”。23. B 根据上下文此处应填 something “有些事情”,用于肯定句;a

51、nything “任何东西”,用于否定句和疑问句; nothing “没有什么” ,表示否定。24. A be closed to 表示“对 ”关闭”,而 be open to 表示“对 ”开放”,由 Somethinghas been done about it. 可看出,此处应是禁止汽车入内的,所以选择 A 项。25. B 本题用不定式作目的状语,而 D 项不符合题意,所以选择 B 项。文章大意 : 日常生活中我们经常会使用一次性物品,尤其是塑料制品。扔掉的塑料制品 越多,造成的污染就越重,给人类带来的危害就越多。为了我们的世界更美好,人人都 应该从我做起,从小事做起。26. T 由第二段 “许多客人都喜欢这样, 因为他们可以不用带自己的东西了。 ”一句总结得出。27. F 北京的一些宾馆不再提供的是一次性生活用品而不是免费的电视节目。28. F 塑料的分解需要 100 到400年的时间,所以说它分解很容易是错误的。29. F 从 After using a plastic bag, wash it out a


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