



1、Un itl Where did you go on vacati on?假设你的名字叫小明。你很喜欢旅游,你和家人去年夏天去了长 城。请以“The visit to the Great Wai”为题,写一篇不少于80词的英 语短文。The visit to the Great WallMy n ame is Xiaomi ng and I like traveli ng very much. Last summar, Iwent to the Great Wall with my family.It was fine that day. We went there by bus early

2、in the morning. When wegot there, there were many other visitors there. whe n my family and I wentonto the Great Wall, we saw beautiful scenery(风景).We all were amazed(惊讶的)by how beautiful it was. We took quite a few photos there.We had a good time there. The time flew by, and soon we had to go back.

3、I was tired after traveli ng, but I really enjoyed visit ing the Great Wall!Un it2 How often do you exercise?你的生活和饮食习惯健康吗?请以“My Lifestyle ”为题写一篇短 文来介绍你的生活饮食习惯。词数:80左右。My LifestyleLet me tell you a little about my lifestyle. I often eat fruit and vegetables.Apples and oran ges aremy favorites. I love

4、 junk food, too, and I eat it threeor four times a week. I sleep less tha n seve n hours ever day. I ofte n feelsleepy. I brush my teeth once a day. I run in the mor ning, and playping-pong after school. In my free time, I enjoy surfing the Intern et. Onweeke nds, I often go to the movies with my fr

5、ien ds.I think I m kind of unhealthy. I shouldneat too much junk food. Itry tohave a bala need diet and sleep more. I should brush my teeth twice a day. Ihope I can have a better lifestyle.Un it3 Im more outgo ing tha n my sister?请以“Mybest friend为题写一篇介绍你的朋友的短文。短文要运用 课文所学的有关句式,把你的朋友和你的长相(包括身高、头发、眼 睛等

6、)、体格(包括强壮强度等)、性格(开朗、文静等)、学习情况等方 面进行比较。词数80左右。My best friendMy best frie nd is Li Mi ng. We are in the same class. He is as old as me,but he is taller and stron ger tha n me. Both of us have black eyes and blackhair, but his hair is shorter than mine. As for hobbies, we have somethi ng incom mon in s

7、ome ways. I like the friends who have the same hobbies withme. Both of us like sports. We ofte n exercises togetherafter school. But he is more outgo ing and better at sports tha n me.Besides, collect ing stamps is our same hobby, too. We ofte n excha nge ourstamps with each other. About the lear ni

8、n g, I thi nkmlittle smarter tha nhim.Most of my subjects are better tha n his, so I ofte n help him with hisstudy.Un it 5 Do you want to watch a game show?谈谈你常看或最喜欢看的电视节目或电影,以及你的一些感想。词数:80左右。My favorite TV programMy favorite TV program is Animal World. Itvery interesting and exciting.There I learn

9、a lot kinds of animals. Some people think some animals aredangerous. They may hurt us humans. We can kill them. I can tsta nd theidea. Each ani mal has its reas on to live on the earth. They are importa nt forthe world. They keep a bala nee. If somebody breaks it, we huma ns may notbe able to live o

10、n the earth.Un it6 Im going to study computer scie nee.寒假即将来临,请根据以下提示写一篇短文,谈谈你的寒假计划。(1) 好好休息和放松;(2) 读书,因为读书既能开阔我的视野,还能学到很多知识;(3) 陪父母聊天,帮他们做家务;(4) 参加社会活动,认识更多的人。要求:(1)词数:80左右;(2)可围绕主题作适当发挥。参考词汇:kno wledge知识social activities社会活动My win ter vacati onThe win ter vacati on is comin g. Im going to do what

11、I want to do.First, I m going to have a good rest and relax. I will read some goodbooks. Reading books is useful because it can help me get more knowledge.It can open up my eyes to the world. Next, Im going to spe nd more time talking with my pare nts. I will also try my best to help them do some ho

12、usework.Then ,1m going to take part in social activities(社会活动) so that I can knowmore people.What do you think of my vacation? I hope you will have a happy win tervacati on.Unit 7 Will people have robots?以“The life in the future”为题写一篇文章,按下列提示完成。1.想象一下未来生活会是什么样子;2.具体介绍一下未来的生活:很多事情都由电脑和机器人完成。例如: 料理家务、

13、购物、看病,孩子们通过网络把课堂搬到家里,人们可以活到200岁等;3为了未来的生活,我们现在应该努力学习,实现理想。80词左右。The life in the futureWhat do you thi nk the life in the future will be like?Every family will have computers and robots. Computers will help usknow a lot all over the world. Robots will help us do most of the housework.They can help us

14、 do some clea ning, cook ing or washi ng. We can do someshopp ing and see a doctor without going out. Stude nts can study at homeon computers. People will live to be 200 years old because of the bettermedical care.Our life will be better and better. For this, we should study hard. I believewebe able

15、 to do this.Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?根据所给材料和提示语,写一篇短文描述怎么制作牛肉三明治。In gredie nts:2 pieces of bread; 1 spo on of cheese; 1 gree n pepper; 1 onion;some mushrooms蘑菇);2 pieces of beef;2 spoons of relish要求:80词左右Do you know to make the beef san dwich? Now, let me tell you.First, put a spo

16、on of cheese on a piece of bread. Then cut up a gree npepper and an onion. Add these to the bread. Next, put some mushroomsand 2 pieces of beef on the bread. Put two spo ons of relish on the beef. Finally, the other piece of bread on the top.Now you can enjoy it. Itvery delicious.Un it 9 Can you com

17、e to my party?你是Mike,你去Marry家,想问问她去不去参加你的生日聚会, 但是她不在家,你给她留了便条。任务:请你用英语给Marry写一个50词左右的便条。内容包括:1、明天是我的生日,你会参加我的生日聚会吗?聚会晚上6:30开始;2、我的家人、朋友及同学都会来,你可以见到他们;3、如果你来,就打电话给我,我希望你能来。Dear Marry,I m Mike. Tomorrow is my birthday, I want to in vite you to take part in mybirthday, can you come tomorrow? The party

18、will beg in at half past six in theeve ning. My pare nts, friends and classmates will come, you can see themin the party. If you come to my birthday party, please make aphone call to me, I will be happy that you can come.Yours,Mike你的好友Sonia过生日,你不能去,请写一封e-mail说明理由,你 有什么事要做(至少3件事),不能参加了,但你准备了一份精美的 礼物。

19、请注意电子邮件的格式。Dear Sonia,Thanks for your invitation. Im sorry I cancome to your party this week. Iam really busy .This evening Im going to my cousinbirthday party. And tomorrow, I have togo to the den tist. On Wedn esday, I have tennis training with the schoolteam. And I have to study for my chemistry test on Thursday. On Friday


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