



1、Self Check【学习目标】1. 记住并会运用复合不定代词用法2. 记住并会运用一般过去时。任务一: 写出以下动词过去式1. stay 2. visit3. go 4. do5. find 6. am/is 7. are 8. buy9. have 10. meet11. tell 12. take13. forget 任务二: 用方框里所给的符合不定代词完成课本上 8 页 1题任务三: 用所给动词的正确形式完成课本上 8 页2 题任务四:复合不定代词中考连接) 1. Here is today's newspaper.I don't think there is in i

2、t.A. anything interestingB. something interestingC. nothing interestingD. interesting anything) 2. -Who broke the window. A strong wind broke it last night.A. SomebodyB. AnybodyC. NobodyD. Everybody) 3. - There isin the tree. What's it?- Can't you see it 's a cat?A. everything B. somethi

3、ngC. nothingD. anythingD. everythingD. uncrowed( ) 4. I'm hungr.yI want to eat.A. anything B. something C. nothing检测题一、单项填空( )1. "Where did Tina go vacation?""She the mountains."A. for the, goes to B. on, went toC. on, goes to D. for, went on( )2. "Did he go to Central P

4、ark?"IIIIA. Yes, he does B. No, he wasn'tC. Yes, he did D. No, he doesn't( )3. " you football yesterday?""Yes, I did."A. Are, playing B. Were, playedC. Do, play D. Did, play( )4."Tom at school last week?""No, he wasn't."A. Was B. Did C. Were D

5、.Is( )5. "your vacation , Amy?""It was pretty good."A. What was B. How isC. Where were D. How was( )6. The bus is very big and it is .A. crowded B. crowd C. uncrowded( )7. It was and hot there.A. sun, all day B. rain, all the dayC. sunny, the all day D. sunny, all day( )8. They h

6、ad great in the waves last summer.A. fun to play B. fun playingC. funny play D. funning playing()9., my bike brok 坏 了),so Ihavefun.A. Luckily, didn't, much B. Luckily, didn't, a lot ofC.Unluckily, don't, muchD. Unluckily, don't, many()10. I found a dog near the door my way home.A. wa

7、s standing, on B. standing, onC. to stand, atD. is standing, in()11. Mother often me my homework after supper.A. makes, doingB. lets, doingC. watched, to doD. makes, do()12. I was really tired, I went to bed early.A. Because, so B. So, / C. / , becauseD. /, so()13. The weather was cool today, so we

8、play afterschool.A. decided to, footballC. decide to, a football ()14. His mother works _A. from, tillC . in the, and()15. They arrived there _A. at, in B .on, atB. decided, the footballD. decide with, footballmorning night.B. in the, in theD. in the, at_5:00acold morning .C. at, onD. on, in、按要求进行句型

9、转换1. I was late for school yesterday. ( 一般疑问句 )late for school yesterday?2. His father had lunch in his factory. ( 一般疑问句 ) his father lunch in his factory?3. The boys were at school last Sun day.否认句The boysat school last Sun day.4. We had much fun in the museum yesterday. 否认句Wemuch fun in the museum

10、 yesterday.5. My un cle was at work yesterday after noon.提问 uncle yesterday after noon?6. We went to the mountains on vacation. 提问 on vacatio n?7. He went to the movies last night. 提问helast n ight?8. The weather was cold yesterday.对划线局部提问the weather yesterday?9. They enjoyed themselves listening to

11、music. 同义句Theyto the music.10. What was the weather like last week?改写句子,句意不变 the weather last week?三、完形填空。One of David's frie nds loved money very much, and1 gave anythingto an ybody. Soon he became 2.One day, he was 3 near the river with his friends when he slipped 滑 倒and fell in. His frie nds

12、ran to help him. And one of them held out his hand and said, "4 me your hand, and I will pull 拉you out." The rich man's headwent un der the water and the n came up aga in,5he did n't give his hand.Aga in ano ther of his frie nds tried but aga in the 6 thi ng happe ned.Then David sa

13、id, "7 my hand and I will pull you out!" The rich mantook his hand and David pulled him 8 of the water."You don't know our friend very well." he said to the9. "When yousay give to him, he does 10, but when you say 'take', he takes at once."1. A. always B. n

14、everC. sometime D. not()2. A. goodB. poorC. richD. bad()3. A. walkingB. walksC. walkD. walked()4. A.TakeB. GetC. HoldD. Give()5. A.butB. orC. thenD. and()6. A.differentB. sameC. otherD. worst()7. A.GetB. HoldC. GiveD. Take()8. A.fromB. upC. outD. down()9. A.otherB. anotherC. othersD. ones()10. A. so

15、methingB. nothingC. everythingD. anything四、阅读理解。Helen's eyes are not good, so she usually wears glasses. But when she goes out with a young man, she doesn't wear her glasses. When she comes back home, she begins to wear her glasses again.One day her mother asks her, "But Helen, why don&

16、#39;t you wear your glasses when you are with Jim? He takes you to many beautiful places in his car, but you don't see anything.""Yes, mother," says Helen, but I look nice to Jim when I am not wearing my glasses, and he looks nice to me, too."()1. Why does Helen usually wear

17、glasses?A. Because her eyes are good.B. Because her eyes are bad.C. Because she looks nice when she wears glasses.D. Because she wants to wear glasses.()2. Does the young man often take her to beautiful places?A. Yes, he did.B. No, he didn'tC. Yes, he didn't. D. No, he did.()3. Does Helen we

18、ar glasses at home?A. Yes, she does.B. No, she doesn'tC. SometimesD. Never.( )4. What does she usually do when she is with the young man?A. She often goes to the cinema. B. She doesn't wear glasses.C. She wears glasses. D. She is often at home.( )5. Why doesn't Helen wear glasses when she is with Jim?A. She doesn't like glasses. B. Her eyes are good.C. She looks nice to JimD. She doesn 't have glass.es五、用所给动词适当形式填空1. Look ! The people (swim) in the river now.2. He (go) to New York City on vacation every year.


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