1、Sectio n C/-*:I . Material analysis本节课是第八单元话题三的第三课时,是一节阅读课,主要活动是1a和2a。通过介绍中国的重要节日一一春节,学习有关春节风俗习惯的表达法。通过阅读信件学习万圣节的风俗习惯,复习、稳固规那么和不规那么动词的一般过去时的构成 及应用;学生会了解到中国的传统节日春节和西方的节日万圣节的风俗习惯和主 要庆祝方式,比拟中外风俗文化的差异,正确看待外来文化并弘扬民族文化。最 后通过仿写描述自己喜爱的节日的文章,复习所学的节日,培养学生在真实情况下运用所学表达法的能力。n . Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims能够根据
2、已学语音、音标及发音规那么,正确朗读和拼写以下词汇:eve nt, midni ght, lucky, kno ck, shout, treat, stay up 等;能够正确运用描述春节等庆祝节日的表达方式进行交流,如:In Chi na, the Spring Festival is a big eve ntPeople usually start prepari ng for the festival one mon th before it comes.能正确使用一般过去时描述过去某个时间里发生的动作和状态,如:Last night was Halloween. I had a won
3、derful time with my friends.2. Skill aims能够听懂学习中连续的指令,并作出适当的反响;能够听懂涉及庆祝节日的短文;能够根据图文就某些重要节日和庆祝节日的话题进行交流;能够简单询问他人及描述个人对节假日的喜好情况;能够理解阅读文章并进行信息的加工、转化; 能够写出描述自己喜爱的节日的短文。3. Emotional aims 积极参与游戏对话、歌谣、角色扮演和调查研究等灵活多样的课堂活动, 培养学生学习英语的兴趣和积极主动的学习精神;能够在小组活动中积极与他人合作,互相帮助,共同完成学习任务。IH . The key points and difficult
4、 points1. Key points能够运用描述春节等庆祝节日的表达方式进行交流;能在图片的帮助下进行阅读,理解大意,从阅读材料中获取具体信息2. Difficult poi nts能正确使用一般过去时描述过去某个时间里发生的动作和状态。IV. Lear ning strategies1培养学生应用图片,口头表述作文的能力;2.能够从同伴处获取反响,修改自己的作文。V . Teaching aids教学视频、教学挂图、录音机和黑板W. Teach ing proceduresStepIn teracti onpatter nsStude nt activityTeacher activit
5、yIn troductio n (6mi nutes)1. The whole class work andin dividual work.2. The whole class work.1.Focustheiratte nti on on the teacher. Do duty report. Retell the detail of Christmas. 2.S ing the song together. An swer the questio n: “ I1. Greet students. Play the video about Christmas and let studen
6、ts try to retell the detail of Christmas.2. Play the song The New Year, and let students singt the song together. Point out3.The whole class work andpairwork.isabouttheChinese lunar new year/theSpringFestival . 3.Look at the video carefullybyyourselves and talk about the questi on in pairs.one quest
7、ion: What is the song about? The n lead stude nts to an swer the questi on.3.Show a video of the Spring Festival and point out another question: How do you usually to Prese ntatio n(15mi nutes)1.I ndividual workandgroup work.2n dividual work.1. Do 1a. Talk about the questi on in class. Work in group
8、s and write some key words by yourselves:eve nt, stay up, midni ght, lucky, etc.2. Read the passageand point out several questi ons. Then divide the passageby1. Choose some students to talk about the questi on“Whatdo you usually do in the Spring Festival? Let stude nts work in groups and write some
9、key words in 1a by themselves.2. Let stude nts read the passage by themselves and point out some questi ons init.Thengivesome3ndividualwork.yourselves.3.Share the three parts and retell the passage accord ing to the pictures.expla nati on to the questi ons. Let stude nts divide the whole passage int
10、o three parts accord ing to the time order. 3.Choose some students to show the three parts. Point out some pictures about the festival and let stude nts try to retell the passage accord ing tothepicturesbythemselves. Fin ally, choose some students to retell the passage.Con solidatio n (8mi nutes)1.I
11、 ndividual work.2.Pair work andin dividual work.1. Do 1b. Read thepassageandcompletethetable.2. Talk about thequesti onbyyourselves. Then1. Let stude nts read 1a aga in and complete the table by themselves. Ask students to read their sentences in the table.2. Point out a question: Can you add more a
12、ctivities you do to celebrate the festival? Let students talk about the3ndividualadd activities.morequestion by themselves and choose some stude nts to say them out.3.Suppose you have an America n frie nd and tellwork.3.Do 1c.Tell thehim/her about what theforeig nerhow theChin ese people usually do
13、toChin esepeoplecelebrate the Spring Festival.celebratetheSpri ngFestivalusingthesenten ces in 1c.Practice1.I ndividual1.Do 2a. Complete1.Po int out the words in the(10work.the passage bybox togetherand letmi nutes)yourselves.stude ntscompletethepassage by themselves.2n dividual2.Write down the2.Cho
14、ose some students towork and thean swerson thewrite down the answers onwhole classblackboardandthe blackboard and checkwork.check the an swers.the an swers together.3.The whole3.Review together.3.Show the past forms ofclass work.some words on the screen4ndividualwork.4.Do 2b. Read the passage in 2a
15、and nu mber the orders. The n retell the festival.and review the forming rules of the verbs.4.Let stude nts read 2a aga in and put in the correct order in 2b by themselves.Productio n(6 min utes)Group work.Do 3. Talk about it in groups in clud ing activities,date,food, gift. The n tell yourpassageso
16、rally.1. Talk about their favorite holiday or festival in groups. Write a short passage about their favorite holiday or festival in each group and the n tell us in class orally.2. Assig n the homework: Review the important words and key senten ces in Secti on ( Preview Secti on D.Teach ing reflecti on:
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