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1、中考(zhn ko)英语书面表达 书面表达是中考题的重要题型,分值较高,占总分的10%。根据英语新课程标准的要求,初中阶段英语书面表达主要是综合(zngh)考查考生的以下两方面内容:知识方面: 在写作过程中熟练运用以下基础知识:(1)常用时态 (2)主要句型 (3)固定短语(4)主要从句 (5)常用连词 2. 能力方面:(1)观察能力(2)思维能力(3)运用语言知识的能力 (4)用英语组词造句、连句成篇的能力(5)书写能力第1页/共25页第一页,共25页。2010-2012年中考英语书面(shmin)表达题分析年份年份 题题 目目 体体 裁裁 内内 容容 主体时态主体时态2010楚雄楚雄州中州

2、中考考Share My Happiness /Sadness with Others记叙文记叙文 个人经历个人经历(写一件你(写一件你经经历过的事历过的事) 一般过去时一般过去时2011八地八地联考联考 I Am Not a Child Any More2012八地八地联考联考The Best Moment in My Memory表达(biod)情感记事(j sh)一般过去时第2页/共25页第二页,共25页。近几年中考作文(zu wn)发展趋向及答题要求1.作文词数增加,要求80100个词,即10-15句话,切忌画蛇添足;2.近几年只局限于命题作文, 而且是通过记叙某一件事来表达真实情感,感

3、悟人生的哲理;3. 文章的表达不局限于一种(y zhn)时态;4.句子结构的难度增加, 要求会使用一定比例的复合句和适当的过渡词, 使段落层次分明,从而提高文章的档次;5.对卷面整洁和书写规范有一定的要求。第3页/共25页第三页,共25页。楚雄市统测八年级满分(mn fn)作文2012年I Love 第4页/共25页第四页,共25页。一 档 ( 8 - 10 分)内容切题、层次清楚、语言流畅、 基本无语言错误;二 档(6 - 7分)内容切题、层次比较(bjio)清楚、语言比较(bjio)流畅、语言表达错误较少;三 档(4 - 5分)内容基本切题、层次不够分明、语言表达较多错误;四 档 ( 1

4、- 3 分)有一定内容、但语言表达错误较多。 (注意:抄袭卷中阅读材料的,抄袭部分不给分。)中考(zhn ko)满分作文的评分标准第5页/共25页第五页,共25页。第三节书面表达(满分l5分)I Am Not a Child Any More 提示:在阳光雨露里,我已长高、长壮!但这还不是全部,长大还应包括什么?是关心、帮助同学?是体贴、理解父母?是感恩、回报亲朋师长?还是成长的点点滴滴,久久(jiji)不能忘记。请以I Am Not a Child Any More”为题记叙你在学习生活中经历的一件或两件事,表明你已不再是一个小孩。2011年八地联考书面表达(biod)真题展示第6页/共25

5、页第六页,共25页。I Am Not a Child Any More I am a 16-year-old girl now. I have changed a lot. I used to be weak and short. But now, I am stronger and as tall as my mother. The most important thing is that I have learned to understand and care about others. It was a Wednesday evening. When I went back home,

6、 no one was in. So I cooked the meal. I didnt know my mother was ill until my parents came back from the hospital. They both said the meal was very delicious, although it tasted salty. After supper, I found they were too tired, I got hot water for them. When my mother put her feet into the water, wi

7、th tears in her eyes, she said: “Dear, you have grown up.” It was the first time that I cared about my parents. I realized I was not a child any more.中考满分范文(fnwn)展示第7页/共25页第七页,共25页。范文(fnwn) “骨架” 常用句型等第一句:I am now. I have changed a lot. 第二句:I used to be . But now, I am .第三句:The most important thing i

8、s that I have 第四句:It was a . When I So I . 第五句:I didnt know until 第六句:They both said, although it. 第七句:After supper, I found, I. 第八句:When , with, she said: “.”第九句:It was the first time that I. 第十句:I realized I was .解密中考满分(mn fn)作文高分技巧第8页/共25页第八页,共25页。中考英语(yn y)书面表达“五步曲”看(Look)想(Think)列(Rank)连(Link)美

9、(Beautify)审题抓点(zhu din)确定体裁 把握时态构思(u s)文路提炼要点草拟提纲 斟酌词句连句成文长短交替亮点润色规范誊写留好印象从句适量高分有望第9页/共25页第九页,共25页。3、一般将来时表达想法(xing f)和愿望1、一般过去时记叙(jx)已发生的事情技巧(jqio)一:用准三种时态2、一般现在时描写人或事物I still remember, when I began to learn English, I found it too difficult to learn well.How time flies! But I will never forget one

10、 thing that impressed me very much.In my life, there are so many wonderful memories that make me unforgettable.I grow up day by day.中考英语书面表达高分技巧五个“三”第10页/共25页第十页,共25页。技巧二:确定关键词句 用对三种(sn zhn)句型(表示(biosh)人或事物的身份、特征、形状等)句型3:主语+动词(dngc)+宾语句型2:主+系(am/ is /are)+表(n./ adj. /num.)句型1:主+谓It is the most unfor

11、gettable thing.Teachers smile was like a spring wind.She had a heart-to-heart with me.I always remember this thing . I grow up.第11页/共25页第十一页,共25页。技巧(jqio)三:列出提纲 用上三个从句1、状语(zhungy)从句2、定语(dngy)从句3、宾语从句I will try my best to help others when they are in trouble. But I will never forget one thing that im

12、pressed me very much. I still remember, when I began to learn English, I found it too difficult to learn well.I think I am so lucky to become one of her students. 第12页/共25页第十二页,共25页。技巧四:用好三类连词将“三段式” 作文(zu wn)连段成文1、表转折(zhunzh)的连词: but , although , however2、表因果(yngu)的连词: because, so3、表顺序的连词: at first

13、, to begin with , then , later , at lastBeginning (23句话)“凤头”Body (68句话)“猪肚”Ending (23句话) “豹尾”A. “三段式” A. 三类连词 第13页/共25页第十三页,共25页。技巧(jqio)五:凸显三处亮点 美化文章 1、There + be + 物 + 地 / + 事 + 时2、tooto/ sothat3、Its + adj.+ for Sb.+ to do Sth. /I find it +adj. to do sth.In my life, there are so many wonderful mem

14、ories that make me unforgettable. I still remember, when I began to learn English, I found it too difficult to learn well. Teachers smile was like a spring wind, so gentle that I was deeply moved. 第14页/共25页第十四页,共25页。 提示:人生中会有很多令人难忘的人和事,给你留下了很多挥之不去的回忆,让你咀嚼(jju),让你回味。或许是同学、朋友间的互助和支持,父母的关心和照顾,老师的鼓励与帮助,

15、又或是你我身边的一次次感动这一切都会令我们记忆犹新,难以忘怀。请以“An Unforgettable Thing”为话题,用英语写一篇不少于80词的短文,记叙一件值得你回忆的事,镌刻这美好的瞬间。An Unforgettable Thing备考(biko)演练第15页/共25页第十五页,共25页。看(Look)想(Think)列(Rank)连(Link)美(Beautify)审题抓点(zhu din)确定体裁 把握时态(sh ti)构思文路提炼要点(yodin)草拟提纲 斟酌词句连句成文长短交替亮点润色规范誊写留好印象从句适量高分有望请用“五步曲、三段式”完成写作记叙文一般过去时态wordss

16、entencesparagrapharticle记叙一件值得你回忆的事或许是同学、朋友间的互助和支持,父母的关心和照顾,老师的鼓励与帮助,又或是你我身边的一次次感动第16页/共25页第十六页,共25页。rememberhave a heart-to-heart talkhappinessgentlegrow upsmileshare withunforgettableluckyencouragewonderfulmakeimpressforgetmemoriesbe eager to do (渴望(kwng)做)discusswrite shareAn Unforgettable thingl

17、earn frombecome interested intry my best to be full ofWhats the topic? 第17页/共25页第十七页,共25页。 5人一组进行讨论,迅速完成以下任务:Step 1 (1) 各自在小卡纸上写出你认为(rnwi)最好的开头句和结句;(2) 组内或组间交互;(3) 各组代表在黑板上展示本组收集的精彩首、尾句。Step 2 (1) 组内讨论,选定一个事件,简要写出关键词或句;(2) 写出正文初稿,修改完善,工整誊写在大卡纸上;(3) 各组发言人交流发言。第18页/共25页第十八页,共25页。Wonderful sentencesBeg

18、inning 开头(ki tu)句 1. How time flies,I grow up day by day . 2. In our lives , there are so many wonderful memories that make us unforgettable. 1.For me, its the most unforgettable thing. 2.I always remember the thing in my heart.Ending 结尾(jiwi)句Body 中间(zhngjin)句 第19页/共25页第十九页,共25页。An Unforgettable Th

19、ingHow time flies! I grow up day by day. In my life, there are so many wonderful memories that make me unforgettable. But I will never forget one thing that impressed me very much. I am eager to share my unforgettable thing with you.主题(zht)句重复(chngf)关键词One possible version :Beginning (首段)第20页/共25页第二

20、十页,共25页。 I still remember, when I began to learn English, I found it too difficult to learn well. No matter how hard I tried, I still couldnt do well in it and almost gave it up. As soon as my English teacher found my problem, with a gentle smile, she had a heart-to-heart talk with me about how to l

21、earn English well. Teachers smile was like a spring wind, so gentle that I was deeply moved. At that moment, happiness was from the bottom of heart. Every time I wanted to give up , she encouraged me with the brightest smile. 连接词Body (正文(zhngwn))第21页/共25页第二十一页,共25页。It made me try my best again. Sinc

22、e then, she has kept helping me. Little by little, I become interested in English and good at it. I think I am so lucky to become one of her students. Also, Ive learned a lot from her. I will try my best to help others when they are in trouble. For me, It is the most unforgettable thing. I always re

23、member the thing in my heart. Whenever I remember this thing, my heart is full of happiness and courage. Ending (尾段)再次(zi c)点题并抒发(shf)情感第22页/共25页第二十二页,共25页。An Unforgettable Thing How time flies! I grow up day by day. In my life, there are so many wonderful memories that make me unforgettable. But I

24、will never forget one thing that impressed me very much. I am eager to share my unforgettable thing with you. I still remember, when I began to learn English, I found it too difficult to learn well. No matter how hard I tried, I still couldnt do well in it and almost gave it up. As soon as my English teacher found my problem, with a gentle smile, she h


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