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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载unit 1 how can i get there.主要单词: post office 邮局hospital 医院cinema 电影院bookstore书店sciencemuseum科学博物馆turn left 向左转turn right向右转go straight直行crossing 十字路口主要句子:精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载1. where is the museum shop博.物馆的商店在哪儿?精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载 2 . it s near

2、 the do 在or 大.门邻近;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载 3.i want to buy a postcard. 我想买一张明信片;4.i want to send the postcard today.我想今日寄出5.what a great museum. 好棒的一家博物馆!6. there is a pet hospital in my city.在我的城市有一家宠物医院;there be句型 7.how can we get there.我们怎么到那儿?turn left at the bookstore. 在书店左转;8.i know a great ita

3、lian restaurant.我知道一家很棒的意大利餐厅;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载unit 1询问某个地点在哪;怎样到达某个地点1.询问地点在哪: where is the +地点where is the cinema. 电影院在哪? 回答:near(邻近)next to(旁边)it sbehind(后面)the +地点 in front of (前面)its near the zoo. 它在动物园邻近;am只跟 i 放在一起be 动词is主语为单数时用are主语为复数时用精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载2. 询问怎样到达一个地点:how can i ge

4、t to the +地点how can i get there/ here .how can i get to the cinema.我怎样到达电影院?回答: turn leftturn rightat the +地点go straightturn right at the zoo. 动物园右转;ways to go to school.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载unit 2ways to go to school.主要词组: by plane 坐飞机by ship 坐轮船on foot 步行 by bike 骑自行车by bus 坐公共汽车by train

5、坐火车by subway 乘地铁by plane坐飞机 traffic lights 交通灯trafficrules 交通规章stop at a red light 红灯停wait at a yellow light黄灯等go at a green light绿灯行主要句子: 1.how do you come to school. 你怎么来学校的? 2. usually、 i come on foot. 通常我走路来; 3.dont go at the red light. 别闯红灯! 4.i must pay attention to the traffic lights.我必需留意交通信

6、号灯!5.in the usa people on bikes must wear one.在美国骑自行车的人必需戴(头盔);6. the bus is coming .7. slow down and stopat a yellow light8. stop and wait at a red light 9.go at a green ligh10.how do you get to the hospitaltake the no. 57 bus学问点:1.on foot步行乘坐其他交通工具大都可以用介词by、 但为步行只能用介词on ;on foot 相当于 walk、 只为 walk

7、为动词;by subway 和 by train、留意区分; by subway: 地铁,为有墙壁的; by train: 火车,露天的;2.go to school 的前面确定不能加the,这里为固定搭配;但为go home 回家, home 前不加 to;3. go to the park前面肯定要加 the.假如要去的地方有详细的名字,就不能再加the 、 假如要去的地方没有详细名字,肯定要在前面加the;但 go to school 除外;4 .howdo yougoto.你怎样到达某个地方?假如要问的为第三人称单数,就要用:howdoes he/shego to.how do you

8、 go to school.你怎么去学校?how does she come to school. 她怎么来学校的?5.挑选合适的交通方式如 从 china/ 到 usaby plane :6.某人+ must +动词原形某人必需people on bikes must wear one.骑自行车的人必需戴一个;i must pay attention to the traffic lights.我必需留意交通信号灯;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载unit 3 my weekend plan主要单词:this morning 今日上午this afternoon

9、 今日下午 this evening今日晚上next week 下周tomorrow明天tonight 今晚 post card 明信片word book 单词本dictionary 字典 comic book 漫画书newspaper报纸 see a film 看电影take a trip 去短途旅行go to the supermarket 去超市 visit my grandparents 拜望外祖父母主要句子: 1. what are you going to do tomorrow. 你明天准备做什么? 2. i m going to have an art lesson.我要上美术

10、课; 3 were going to draw some pictures in renmin park.我们要到人民公园去画画;4. i m going to see a film.我准备去看电影;5. i m going to visit my grandparents.我准备去探望外祖父母;6.where are you going. 你们准备去哪儿?7.were going to the cinema. 我们准备去电影院;8.when are you going. 你们什么时候去? 9.i m going to buy a new comic book.我准备去买一本新漫画书;10 .

11、 what are you going to buy.你准备买什么?11. my aunt is going to make mooncakes.我的阿姨将做一些月饼;-12.my grandma will tell us a story about chang e.我奶奶(外婆)将会给我们讲嫦娥的故事;学问点:1.what are you going to do.你想做什么?询问他人在将来的准备;be going to 后面要跟动词的原形;留意be going to be 意思为“准备成为什么,干什么职业;”2.this evening 和 tonight 的 区分: this evenin

12、g 指的为今日晚上睡觉以前的时间,一般指晚上十二点以前;而tonight 指的为今晚,一般为指一整晚的时间,通宵;3.部分疑问代词的意义与用法:1what 什么;用来问为什么,做什么,叫什么,什么样等等;如:what is your name.你的名字叫什么?what is your father. 你爸爸为干什么的? what is your hobby. 你 的 爱 好 为 什 么 ? 2where 、 在哪里,到哪里;用来问地点;如: where are you from.你从哪里来? where are you going.你准备去哪里? 3when,什么时候;用来问时间;如: whe

13、n is your birthday. 你的生日为什么时候? when are you going .你准备什么时候去? when do you go to school.你什么时候去上学? 4what time几点了;用来问详细的时间,精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载(5) what colour 什么颜色;用来问物体的颜色;如:(6) who 谁;用来问人物为谁;如:(7) how 怎样?用来问身体状况,或者事情的状况,对大事的看法等;如:how are you.你好吗?how is your mother. 你妈妈好吗?8how many 多少个;用来问有多

14、少个、后面要跟名词的复数形式;如: 9 how much 多少钱;用来问物体的价钱;如:10how old几岁了;用来问年龄;如11why 为什么;用来问缘由,一般要用because来回答;如: why do you like spring.你为什么喜爱春天?because i can fly kites.国为我可以放风筝;4i want to be我想成为表示抱负;相当于i m going to be.5 地点名称: clothes shop服装店shoe store鞋店pet shop宠物店theme park主题公园the great wall 长城plant shop 植物店staur

15、ant 饭店 bus stop 公交车站 8.现在进行时与一般将来时的区分:现在进行时构成( ing 形式)构成法例词a.一般加 -ingwork workingstudy-studyingb.以 e 结尾的词去 e 后加-inglive livingwrite-writing精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载c. 动词为单音节:以单一元音字母+单一辅音字母结尾,辅音字母双 写,再加 ing;动词为双音节或者多音节:最终一个音节为重读音节,以 单一元音字母 +单一辅音字母结尾辅音字母双写,再加ingstop-stopping run - running swim - swimmin

16、g begin - beginning精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载留意be going to加动词的原形,表示的不为现在进行时,而为表示将来时态;unit3某人准备做某事1.某人+be going to +do动词原形 某人准备(或将要)去做某事she is going to see a film.她准备去看电影;my uncle is going to take a trip.我叔叔准备去旅行;my parents are going to go to the supermarket. 我父母准备去超市;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载2.本单

17、元几大问句及答句:1) what +be 动词+某人+going to do+时间或地点 .某人准备去做什么what are you going to do tomorrow. what is she going to do next week.回答:某人 +be going to do+时间或地点 i am going to go to the supermarkettomorrow. sarah and mike are going totake a trip next week.2when+be 动词+某人+going+ 地点?某人准备什么时候去when are you going to

18、 the cinema.when are you going to beijing.地点为城市的名称,前面不用the回答: i am going to the cinematomorrow.they are going to nanjing next week.3where +be 动词+某人+going+ 时间?某人准备去哪里where are you going tomorrow.where is sarah going.回答:某人 +be going+to the 地点to beijing/ to nanjingi am going to the cinema.we are going

19、to the supermarketthis morning.4who + be动词+某人+going with.某人准备和谁一起去who are you going with. who is sarah going with.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载回答: i m going with my friends. she is going with her sister.unit 4i have pen pal主要单词 :dance舞 sing 唱歌 read stories 看故事书do word puzzles 猜字谜play ootball 踢足球do

20、 kong fu 练功夫cook chinese food煮中国食物 go hiking去远足 study chinese学中文精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载主要句子: 1.what are peters hobbi彼es得.有什么爱好?精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载2 . he likes reading stories.他喜爱读故事;3.he lives on a farm、 so sometimes he reads to the cows.他住在农场上,有时候他给奶牛讲故事;4 he likes doing kung fu and swimming.他喜

21、爱练武术和游泳;5he also likes singing.他仍喜爱唱歌; 7. does he live in sydney.他住在悉尼吗? 8. no、 he doesn 不t.,他没有; 9does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking.他喜爱猜字谜和远足吗? 10. yes、 he does. 为的,他喜爱;11.he lives in australia、 but he studies chinese.他住在澳大利亚,但为他学习中文;学问点:1.动词变为动名词的规章:动词变为动名词,即为动词加ing;一般要遵循以下三条规章: 1一般

22、情形下,在动词的后面直接加ing;如:playplayingreadreadingdodoinggogoing2以不发音的字母e 结尾的动词,要去掉不发音的字母e,再加 ing;如: write writingride ridingmake makingdance dancing3以单元音加单辅音结尾的重读闭音节,要双写最终一个辅音字母,再加ing;如: run runningswim swimmingputputtingsitsitting2.记住 like 后面要加动词 ing、说爱好有三种说法: i like swimming.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载留意: she

23、 likes drawing pictures、 listening to music and making kites这.为在 like 后面,所以都要加ing.2.变为第三人称单数形式的规章:几个爱好为并列的,都精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载1在一个句子中,假如主语人称既不为你,也不为我,而为另外的一个人,这时的人称叫做第三人称单数;2在第三人称单词的句子中,动词要使用第三人称单词形式;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载3 在一个第三人称单数的句子中,只要句子中显现了does或者其否定形式 doesn该t. 句子中的其他动词就要使用原形;4 第三

24、人称单数的确定句在变为否定句时,在动词的前面加doesnt.动词复原原形; 如: he lives in beijing.- he doesnt live in beijing.5 第三人称单数的陈述句在变为一般疑问句时,用does开头,后面的动词也要变为原 形;如: he lives in beijing.-does he live in beijing.一般现在时(单三形式)构成法例词a.一般动词在词尾加 -shelp helpsmake - makes精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载b.以 s、 x 、 ch,sh,结尾的动词在词尾加-esfix fixesteach -

25、-teaches wash -washes精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载c.以 o 结尾的动词在词尾加 -esgogoesdo-does精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载d.以辅音字母加 y 结尾的动词 、先 y 变为i,再加 -esfly fliesstudy studiescarry - carries精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载e.不规章变化have-has3.留意几个单词的变化:hobby复数形式 hobbieshave to同义词 mustsame反义词 -different名词复数的规章变化构成法例词a.在一般情形下 、词尾加 -sbo

26、ok booksbed-bedsb.以 s、 x、 ch、 sh结尾的词 、词尾加 -esbusbusesboxboxes dishdisheswatch-watchesc.以 f 或 fe 结尾的词 、先将 f 或 fe 改成 v、再加 -esknife kniveswife-wives精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载d.以 o 结尾的单词 、有生命的物质加 -es、 无生命的物质加-stomato tomatoes photo-photos精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载e.以辅音字母加 y 结尾、先 y 将改 i、再加上 -esfamily familiesc

27、ity-citiesunit4询问某人爱好精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载1. what is +某人的 +hobby.的爱好为什么?what are+某人的 +hobbies.回答:某人 +likelikes+ 动词 ing1) -what are your bobbies.-i like sing and dancing.2) -what is his hobby.-he likes reading.2.一般疑问句3. two studentslike dancing. one studentlikes singing.主语为第三人称单数,动词要加s主语:句子

28、开头表示人的词动词加 s 的变化规章:1.大部分动词直接加s2.以 s、 x、 sh、 ch、 o结尾的单词,加es3.辅音字母+ y结尾的,把 y 变 i 再加 es辅音字母:除了a、 e、 i、 o、 u 以外的字母4. have 变成 has精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载unit5what does he do.主要单词: factory worker 工人 postman 邮递员 businessman男商人police officer警察fisherman 渔夫 scientist 科学家pilot飞行员coach 教练主要句子 1.what does

29、 he do. 他为做什么的?精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载2.hes a businessman他.为商人;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载3. he often goes to other countries.他常常去其他国家;4.what does your mother do. 你妈妈为做什么的? 5.she shaead teacher.她为一名校长;6.do you want to be a head teacher、 too.你也想成为一名校长吗?7.i want to be a taxi driver. 我想成为一名出租车司机;8.where do

30、es he work. 他在哪儿工作? 9.he works at sea. 他在海上工作;10.how does he go to work. 他怎么上班?11.he goes to work by bike. 他骑自行车上班;12. he has a very healthy life. 他有一个很健康的生活;13.he works very hard and stays healthy.他工作很努力,身体很健康;14.she works at a university. 她在一所高校工作;学问点:1.一些由动词变化而来的职业名词:teach teacherclean cleanersin

31、gsingerdance dancer drive driverwrite writertv reporttv reporterplay basketball/football/baseballbasketball/football/baseball player2.提问职业有两种方式:what is your father. 或者 what does your father do.3.a/an 的区分,跟元音发音有关;例如: a singer/writer/tv reorter4.what are you going to be .问的为长大想干什么,留意用“ be.”i m going t

32、o be aunit5询问某人职业1.what +do某人+ do.某人为做什么的?what +does 某人+ do.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载what do you do. what does he do.what does your father do. 回答:某人 +be 动词+职业she is a teacher.he is an actor.2.where do +某人 +work . 某人在哪工作?where does+某人+work.where do you work.where does your father work.回答:某人 +wo

33、rk/ works+ 地点he works at sea.she works in a hospital. 3.how do某人 go to work.某人怎么去上班?how does 某 人 go to work.how do mike and sarah go to work. how does your uncle go to work.回答:某人 + go/ goes to work+ 交通方式i go to work by car.he goes to work on foot.4.某人+ want/ wants + to be +职业 某人想成为i want to be a sci

34、entist. 我想成为科学家;she wants to be an engineer. 她想成为一名工程师;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载unit6 how do you feel.主要单词 : afraid 可怕的angry 愤怒的happy 兴奋的worried焦急的sad 难过的see a doctor 看医生 do more exercise 多做运动take a deep breath深呼吸 count to ten 数到十 wear warm clothes穿衣服主要句子u61.they are afraid of him.它们可怕它; 2.the

35、 cat is angry with them.这只猫很愤怒;3.because the mice are bad. 由于老鼠们很坏;4.they hurt people.他们损害人类;5.sarah is angry. 萨拉很愤怒;6.the cat is ill.这只猫生病了;7.sarah and the cat are worried.萨拉和猫咪很焦急; 8. what's wrong.怎么了? 9. your father is ill.你爸爸生病了; 10.he should see a doctor this morning.他今日早上应当去看病; 11. dont be

36、 sad. 别难过!12.how does dad feel now.爸爸现在感觉怎么样?13.not well.不为很好;14 . what should i do.我应当做什么?15.you should wear warm clothes.你应当穿上保暖的衣服;16.you should do more exercise.你应当做更多的运动;17.you should take a deep breath and count to ten. 你应当深呼吸然后数到十;18.do more exercise.做更多的运动;19.wear warm clothes.穿上温和的衣服;20.tak

37、e a deep breath. 深呼吸;学问点1. 表示可怕什么时用afraid 加介词 of加某物(某东西)they are afraid of him.2. 表示对某物 某人 愤怒为用angry 加介词 with加某物(某东西)the cat is angry with them.3.should 引导的句子后面加动词原形,留意should 与 must 的区分,作情态动词意思不一样了,分别为应当和必需的意思了;should 仍有 shall 过去式的功能,所以常常用在虚拟语气中;unit6谈论某人感受1. they are afraid of him.他们很怕他;a be afraid

38、 of ba 可怕 bmy mother is afraid of mouse.我妈妈很怕老鼠;sarah is afraid of mouse.sarah很怕老鼠; i am afraid of mouse.我很怕老鼠;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载2. the cat is angry with them.猫对他们很愤怒;a be angry with ba 生 b 的气the man is angry with the woman.这个男士对这位女士很愤怒;sarah is angry with mike.sarah在生 mike 的气;3.-whats

39、wrong.怎么了?-my father is ill.我爸爸病了;-whats wrong.-某人+所处的状况-whats wrong.怎么了?-i hurt my right hand.我的右手受伤了;4.某人+should+do动词原形 +其他某人应当he should seea doctor.他应当去看医生;you should wearwarm clothes. 你应当穿温和的衣服;5.dont be sad.别难过dont be +表示感受的形容词别dont be worried. 别担忧dont be afraid. 别可怕语法学问1. on the left在左边on the

40、right在右边2. a is far from ba 离 b 很远3. about+某事关于with+ 某人和某一起精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载4. on+星期几on sunday in the morningin the evening in the afternoonin the weekend在周末5.用 a 仍为 an在以 a、 e、 i、 o、 u 开头的单词前用an、以其他字母开头的单词前用a6. two students like dancing.one studentlikes singing. i like singing.he likes reading books.主语为第三人称单数,动词要加s主语:句子开头表示人的词动词加 s 的变化规章:1) 大部分动


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