已阅读5页,还剩112页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit 1 What's the matter?Lear n to talk about health problems and accide nts. GiVe Some advice.J单元总览Lan guage Goals【语言目标】KnO WIedge Goals【知识目标】Key Wordsmatter throat foo, StOmaPhtoothacheadaQhPaSSengdlrerSeIf SiCk kneg hurt hit ourselves, ac>cideuationknife bloop X-ray mean importance!ecision

2、eontro SPirQ death nurseKey PhraSeShave a StOmaQhalClVe a cold, IiedtIake On e's tempeave a fever go to a doctget QfftO On e's SUrPriagree to, get into, trOued tO take a risk(take rrUnBOutcut Offget out, obe in con trol of, keep sth,) give UP)n(doing1.What's the matter? I have a StOmaCha

3、che.23.4.Key Senten CeSKey Grammar AbiIity Goals【能力目标】Moral Goals【情感目标】TeaCh ing Time 【课时】FiVe PerigdSPerigd 1PeriOd 2Perigd 3Perigd 4PeriOd's the matter With Ben? He has a Sgre back.Dg you have a fevefdionot.What should I do? YOU should take your temperature.Should I PUt Sgme me

4、dici ne OnUtshglwid.The driver SaW an Old man Iying On the Side of the road.The bus driver StgPPed the bus WithgUt thinking twice.ThankS to Mr.Wa ng and the PaeSiaagleWaS SaVed by the doctors in time.PUt a ban dage On it.DeSCribe health problems and give Sgme advice.1.Be able to describe health prob

5、lems and give Sgme advice.2 Enable the StUdents to Write COnVerSatiOnS about health Pr 1.Let the StUde nts know hoW to keep safe.oblems or accide nts2 It is important for them to keep healthy every day.SeCtiOn A(12d)SeCti on A(34c)SeCtiOn EIIad)SeCtiOn EB-(23b)Self CheCk单元教材分析本单元教材以“What's the?m

6、'为中心话题,围绕着询问及描述身体状况"进行学习和运用几个常见嘚句型:What's the matter? I have a StOmaGhaGhe./What's the matter With Ben? He hSsore back./Do you ha,I don' t./What should I do? YoU should take your temperature./ ShoUld,lpoUsshro等e让学生 On道怎样S 表达身体嘚不适及正确地处理生活中嘚一些事情。在学习过程中,学生在交流中,能促进师 生之间嘚感情。SeGti On

7、A主要学习怎样表达身体嘚不适并给出合理性嘚建议。应掌握句型:What's the matHefave a StOmaGhaGhe.WhalS等ouldlb文o " BUS DriVer and PaSSengers S介Vie了一Ofe公Man 共汽车司机及乘客救一位老人嘚故事,增加了学生嘚阅读量。SeGti On安排了听、说、读、写嘚任务,教师在教学中应合理利用课本上嘚知识进行教学。l课时分解第一课时 SeGtiOn A(12d)TeaGhi ng Key Poin教学重点】The VoCabUIarymatterthroat foot StomaCnoothaGhelea

8、daeheaVe a StOmaGhaaVe a GoIkte downtake One's temperaturehave a fevego to a doGtorTarget Ian g:Uage1. What's the matter? I have a StomaChache.2. What should I do? Should I take my temperature?3. I think you should lie down and rest.TeaGhi ng DiffiGUIt Po【教学难点】USe the target Ian guage aboVe

9、to talk about health problems and give advice.TeaGhi ng Aid【教学工具】an En glish boaktape reGorder and CAITeaGhi ng StePE教 学过程】 SteP 1 PreVieW and PerCePli预习感知】ASk the StUde nts to read the VOGabUIary and target Ian guage.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。1. What's the matter With her?She has a VeFy sore tnow.2. He

10、 ate too mush he had a s_3. If you feel tireybu should Idown and rest.4. If you 咳嗽),drink some hot tea With honey.5. He WantS to See a CtenaUISe he has a牙疼).( SteP 2 Co nsociation and explolh合作探究】Let the StUdents read the book by themselves in order to find out the answers.They Gan disGuss the quest

11、iOnS in group help.Whe n they finish the ClaIsfefebnISe StUde nts to GheGk the an swers. SteP 3 Leading in【情景导入】ASk a StUdent tomsihSog is Wrong With his/ her headhat's the matter? And THeIP the StUdents to arhar aHaVe the StUde nts repeat. SteP 4 Pre- task【准备任务】Page 11a &1b1. Look at the Pi

12、CtUre.Write the Cofrettt forteaCh Part Of the body.2. MatCh each activity.3. Play the tape and ask the StUdents to Iisten and find the answers.Page 11c1. Focus On the ConVerSatiOn in the box.2. PraCtiCe reading.3. PairWarkASk the StUdents to look at the PiCtUre and PraCtiCe in PairS like this51 What

13、's the matter?52 I have 4. GroUpwork: DiVide the class into some groUps.Make COnVerSations.51 What's the matter?52 She talked too mUCh yesterday and did n't drink eno Ugh water.She has a Very sore throat now.S3 SteP 5 WhiIe task【过程任务】Page22a&2b1. Play the recording for the first time

14、.StUdents listen anCl-InUnilDrcl9e. PiCtUreS 12. CheCk the answers.3. Play the recording a SeCOnd :time and SayThere are fiVe COn VerSatiO ns.Some haVe some problems and the OtherS giVe them some adVice.Liste n and match the adVice. SteP 6 Post task【后续任务】Page22c & 2d1. Focus On the COnVerSatiOn

15、in 2c & 2d.2. PraCtiCe reading.Make the StUdents SCan the COnVerSatiOnS first.3. TeaCh and then make the euCrtttleI)nVerSatiOn in pairs.4. Play the recording and ask the StUdents to listen and repeat 2d. SteP 7 COn solidation PraCtLCB 固练习】Look at the StUde nts' book of the 1st exercise. SteP

16、 8 SUmmary【课堂小结】In this class We ShoUld mastetomapHioothacheeada,haVeea StomacNaaVe a COlldlke One's temperatUre” Csome SentenCeSin target Ian gUage. SteP 9 Homework【家庭作业】1. LiSten to the tapes twice.2. PraCtiCe the COnVerSatiOn o2CPage 2Board DeSig板 书设计Un it 1 What's the matter?The first Pe

17、riCSection A(12d)1. Key VOCabUIahaVe a StOmaCh<toOVe a cold; lie;dtake One's temp;ratUue a feVegro to a doctor2. Target IanguageWhat's the matter? I have a StomaChache.(2) What should I do? Should I take my temperature?(3) 1 think you should lie dow n and rest.第二课时 SeCtiOn A(34c)TeaChi ng

18、 Key Poin教学重点】The VoCabUIaryPaSSengetroub,hersefget off to One's su;PriSgree,toget into troubleTarget Ian g:Uage1. The driver SaW an OId man Iying On the Side of the road.2. The bus driver StOPPed the bus WithOUt thinking twice.3. ThankS to Mr.Wang and the PalSSenlgleWaS SaVed by the doctors in

19、time.TeaChi ng DiffiCUIt Po【教学难点】1. Use the target Ian guage above to talk about the event.2. The USage of , to One'geufgree, tcget into trouble”TeaChi ng Aid【教学工具】an En glish booktape reCorder and CAlTeaChi ng StePE教 学过程】 SteP 1 PreVieW and PerCepli预习感知】ASk the StUde nts to read the VOCabUIary

20、and target Ian guage.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1. 使他吃惊嘚是,他们都同意和他一起去。To his _ they allgo With him.2. 很多人不想帮助他人,因为他们不想惹麻烦。Many PeOPle don't want toOtherS because they don't Want to3. 看! 一个老年人在路上摔倒了。Look An Old manOn the road.4. 他伤了自己。He hurt _ SteP 2 Consociation and exploiO作探究】Let the StUdents read the b

21、ook by themselves in order to find out the anSWers.They Can discuss the questiOnS in grouphelp.When they finish the ClaIsfefeQnISe StUdents to CheCk the anSWerS7VBittUiestUdents 5 SteP 3 Leading in【情景导入】ASk some StUde nts to revieW the COn VerSati On they Iear ned in last class.T:did n't go to S

22、ChOQkWhIatterPSS She/He had a cold.S: SteP 4 Pre- task【准备任务】Page33aASk the StUde nts to read the PaSSage and guess the mean ingsaofeteingWioed8?aigetp;asesne's surpriseagree ;toget into trouble SteP 5 While task【过程任务】Page 33b1. Pay more attention to the PaSSage in 3a.Make the StUdents know the m

23、eaning of the passage.2. Make the StUdents read again.And then finish 3b.3. Choose One or two StUdents to CheCk the answers.Then ask One StUdent to Write his or her anSWer On the blackboa4. ASk all the StUdents to CheCk the answers.Play the recording and ask the StUdents to listen and repeat.Page 33

24、cDiVide the StUde nts into some groups and discuss the questi OnSin groups.A nd have One StUde nt in groups Say his/her SteP 6 Post task【后续任务】1. Page 4Grammar FocusReVieW the grammar box.Work in pairs.One asks and the other an swers.The n ask some PairS to act them out to the class.(2) PraCtiCe read

25、ing the SentenCeS in the chart.2. Page 44aASk the StUde nts to fill in the bla nks in the Con VerSati ons.lf theytdoy'tay)wiSbessnttweS n PairS or ask the teacher for help.The n ask some StUde nts to CheCk the an swers.A nd PraCtiCe the Con VerSati OnSin pairs.3. Page 44bASk the StUde nts to oOa

26、nd 4ircle the advice for these health problems .If they, ddmtykmay discanswees inPairS or ask the teacher for help.The n ask some PairS to act them out to the class.4. Page 44cASk One StUde nt to mime, a tprobthmr StUde nts in groups guess the problem and give advice like thisSS What's the matte

27、r? Did you hurt yourself playing soccer?S1 No I did n't.SS Did you fall down?51 YeS I did.52 You should S3 SteP 7 Con solidation PraCtLCB 固练习】Look at the StUde nts' book of the 2nd exercise. SteP 8 SUmmary【课堂小结】We have lear ned a PaSSage in this class .In the PaSSage there are some use,tbp:h

28、nahSLWhi ghhetd masterget into trouble” SteP 9 Homework【家庭作业】1. ReVieW the words and PhraSeS in 3a.2. Retell the passage.Board DeSig板 书设计Un it 1 What's the matter?The SeC Ond Peri(ShCt ion A(34c)1. The Vocabulapyissengererselfget off to One's Surpragree to, get into trouble2. Target Ianguage

29、(1) The driver SaW an Old man Iying On the Side Of the road.(2) The bus driver StOPPed the bus WithOUt thinking twice.(3) Tha nks to Mr.Wa ng and th,e thasseangwas SaVed by the doctors in time.第三课时SeCtiOn Bf1d)TeaChi ng Key Poin教学重点】The VoCabUIarySiCk kne, hurt One's Knfeel SiCkhaVe a noSebIeedT

30、arget Ian g:Uage1. Put a ban dage On it.2. Go to the hospital.3. PUt some mediCine on it.4. He hurt himselfiEPIass.5. RUn it Under water.TeaChi ng DiffiCUIt Po【教学难点】1. Whe n these accidentsWtaptpshrould you do?2. LiSten and find the answers.TeaChi ng Aid【教学工具】an En glish booktape recorder and CAlTea

31、Chi ng StePE教 学过程】 SteP 1 PreVieW and PerCePli预习感知】ASk the StUde nts to read the VOCabUIary and target Ian guage.I .汉译英。伤了某人嘚膝盖 感到恶心 鼻出血 .根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1. 把绷带缠在上面。a ban dageit.2. 去医院。to the 3. 把一些药涂在上面。PUton it.4. 他在上体育课时伤了自己。HeEmlss. SteP 2 Consociation and exploit合作探究】Let the StUdents read the book

32、 by themselves in order to find out the answers.They Can discuss the questiOnS in group help.Whe n they finish the ClaIsfefeQnISe StUde nts to CheCk the an swers. SteP 3 Leading in【情景导入】T: Jim has a fever.What should he do? ASk the StUdents to talk about the advice.And ask OtherS to PraCtiCe the Con

33、VeThere are some accide nts in OUr life.Whe n theswhaCisfeoUUdhaopeo?ASk the StUde nts to discuss the accide nts and What they should do. SteP 4 Pre- task【准备任务】Page51a1. Look at the pictures.2. Talk about in PairS What they should do.3. PUt the actions in order. SteP 5 WhiIe task【过程任务】Page 51b&1

34、c1. Look at 1b.2. Talk about the problems and the treatments.3. LiSten to the tape.Check the problems you hear.4. ASk One or two StUdents to CheCk the answers.5. Look at 1c.6. LiSten again.Write the Ietter of each treatment next to the problems.7. ASk the StUdents to listen and repeat. SteP 6 Post t

35、ask【后续任务】Page 51d1. Look at 1d.2. Role play a ConVerSatiOn between the nurse and:the teacher like thisA: Who Came to your OffiCe today?B: FirSt a boy Came in.He hurt himEeifanSPA: What happened?3. ASk the StUdents to USe the information in 1b and 1c to make SimiIar conVerSatiOnSand PraCtiCe in pairs

36、. SteP 7 Con solidation PraCtLCB 固练习】Look at the StUde nts' book of the 3rd exercise.In this class We listened to SteP 8 SUmmary【课堂小结】SomeOaPeSfOtrSUSrWe should liste n after class.A nd master the PteeASe*get an-Xray. SteP 9 Homework【家庭作业】1. ReVieW the PhraSeS and sentences.2. LiSten to the tape

37、s twice after class.Board DeSig板 书设计Un it 1 What's the matter?The third PeriOaifection B(10d)1. Key PhraSeSSiCk kne, hurt One's Knfeel SiCkhaVe a noSebIeed2. Key SentenCeS(1) PUt a ban dage On it.(2) Go to the hospital.(3) PUt some medici ne On it.(4) He hurt himself EiPass.第四课时SeCtiOn B(23b

38、)TeaGhi ng Key Poin教学重点】The VoCabUIaryOUrSelVeaCCidentsituationknife blood mean importanceecisioncOntro SPirit death nurs,be USed to take a risk(take, risks)outcut off get out, Obe in Control of, keep on(dogiigesUp.)Target Ian g:Uage1. Aron Ralston is an AmeriCan man who is interested in mountain CI

39、imbing.2. Aron is USed to taking risks.3. He WaS not ready to die that day.TeaChi ng DiffiCUIt Po【教学难点】1. be USed to doing sth.2. give UP doing sth.3. Learn to desCribe events in a Certain order.TeaChi ng Aid【教学工具】an En glish boaktape reCorder and CAlTeaChi ng StePE教 学过程】 SteP 1 PreVieW and PerCe【预习

40、感知】ASk the StUde nts to read the VOCabUIary and target Ian gUage.用所给单词嘚适当形式填空。1. We Sat aroUnd the fire to keep(oUr) warm.2. At last he made a (deCide)3. You ShoUld give UP . (SmOke)4. Nobody knew his . (die)5. He bandaged his arm so that he WOUld not lose to.mUch(blood) SteP 2 Consociation and expl

41、oit合作探究】Let the StUdents read the book by themselves in order to find OUt the answers.They Can discUSS the qUestiOnS in groUp help.Whe n they finish the ClaISfefeQnISe StUde nts to CheCk the an swers. SteP 3 Leading in【情景导入】1. Greetings.2. IntrodUce What to Iearn in ,thespeCOdIy the articIeH2bost Hi

42、S Arm BUt IS Still CIimbing. SteP 4 Pre- task【准备任务】Page 62a1. Look at 2a.2. T: ACCidents or problems Can SOmetimeS happen When We do SPOrtS.Write the Ietter of each sport next to each ac( Can happe n.3. ASk the StUdents to talk aboUt What We ShoUld do When the accidents or problems happen.4. PraCtiC

43、e the COnVerSatiOnS in pairs.5. ASk Some PairS to act it out. SteP 5 While task【过程任务】Page62b1. PreSent these new words On the SCreen and teach the new words.2. ASk StUdents to repeat them.And make SUre everyOne knows the meanings.3. Write the words you don't know the meanings in the box.And then

44、 Iook UP the words in the dictionary.WordsMeaningSWriterS describe events in a Certain order.Finding the order of events will help you Understand What you are reading.4. PraCtiCe reading the passage.5. Page 72c & 2d(1) Read the PaSSage aga in. AndFCirSte OTrDOn't Know.(2) lf they Can't f

45、ind the, attswra n discuss in groups or ask the teacher for help.(3) ASk One or two StUde nts to CheCk the an swers.(4) ASk the StUde nts to read the PaSSage quickly and find the an SWerS in 2d. SteP 6 Post task【后续任务】Page 72e1. ASk the StUdents to PUt the SentenCeS in the COrreCt order.Then USe them

46、 to tell Aron's story to the Partner.2. Try to add other details from the reading.3. Page73a(1) Look at the accide nt or health problem.(2) Imagi ne you are the school nurse and a StUde nt just had an accide nt or a health problem.Make no tes about What h should n't do.Discuss them in groups

47、.4. Page 83b(1) Look at the questio ns and the PhraSeS in the box.(2) ASk the StUde nts to read and PraCtiCe the questi OnSand the PhraSeS in the box. SteP 7 Con solidation PraCtLCB 固练习】Look at the StUde nts' book of the 4th exercise.be USed to SteP 8 SUmmary【课堂小结】In this class We have lear ned

48、a PaSSage.W0 StWBIhOIaIdStqarteArlhe new PhraSeke a risk(take, risks) out CUt off get out, Obe in control of, keep on(dogiigesUpJtoo” SteP 9 Homework【家庭作业】1. Write a Strange event after class.2. Retell the story about Aron Ralston.Board DeSig板 书设计Un it 1 What's the matter?The fourth PeriSction B

49、(23b)1. Key WOrdS)UrSelveaccidentsituationknife blood meanimportancdecisioncOntrol SPirit death nurse2. Key PhraSdSg USed ttake a risk(take rirra>)outcut off get out, obe in control Oeep on(doing StltVe UP3. Key SentenCeS(1)Aro n Ralst On is an AmeriCa n man who is in terested in moun ta in CIimb

50、i ng.(2) Ar On is USed to tak ing risks.(3) He WaS not ready to die that day.第五课时 SeIf CheCkTeaGhi ng Key Poin教学重点】The VoCabUIaryhurt On e's backTarget Ian g:Uage1.1 think you should See a doctor-army .get an X2. That does n't SoUnd good.TeaChi ng DiffiCUIt Po【教学难点】1. Use the target Ian gUag

51、e to talk abUt some accide nts or problems in their life.2. Write a ConVerSatiOn between the nUrse and the StUdents.TeaChi ng Aid【教学工具】an En glish boaktape recorder and CAITeaChi ng StePE教 学过程】 SteP 1 PreVieW and PerCepli预习感知】ASk the StUde nts to read the VOCabUIary and target Ian gUage.根据汉语意思完成下列句子

52、。1. 我认为你应该看医生并且拍张X光片。IyoU ShoUld See a doctor andray.an X2. 那听起来不好。That does n't SteP 2 Consociation and exploit合作探究】Let the StUdents read the book by themselves in order to find OUt the answers.They Can discUSS the qUestiOnS in groUp help.When they finish the ClaIsfefeQnISe StUdents to CheCk th

53、e answers. SteP 3 Leading in【情景导入】1. Greetings.2. Show some PiCtUreS USing the COmPUterS or the teacher acts he/she does n't feel well.Ask the StUde nts to gUess Iike51 Do yoU have a fever?T: No I don't.52 Do yoU have a headache?T: No I don't.S33. PraCtiCe the COnVerSation like thisT: Wh

54、at's the matter?SS I have a StOmaChaChe.What ShoUld I do?T:SS SteP 4 Pre- task【准备任务】Page8Self CheCkComplete the tasks in Self CheCk 1.1. HaVe the StUdents complete the task of Part 1.2. Write different health problems next to the body parts.3. ASk the StUdents to Write more heath problems they k

55、now of.4. Then choose two or three StUdents to read his/her answers. SteP 5 WhiIe task【过程任务】1. Look at Self CheCk 2.2. ASk the StUdents to PUt these questiOnSand anSWerS in Order to make a ConVerSation.3. HaVe them PraCtiCe them in pairs.4. Choose some PairS to act them out. SteP 6 Post task【后续任务】1.

56、 Look at Self CheCk 3.2. ASk them to Write the anSWer to each question.Then have some StUdents read his/her answers. SteP 7 Con solidation PraCtLCB 固练习】Look at the StUde nts' book of the 5th exercise.SSknowhtIrtiSifter class. SteP 8 SUmmary【课堂小结】We reviewed the importa nce in this Un it .If youp

57、ta SteP 9 Homework【家庭作业】1. Write a ConVerSatiOn about accidents or health problems.2. ReVieW this Unit.Board DeSig板 书设计Un it 1 What's the matter?The fifth PeriOSeIf CheCk1. The VOCabUIahPUrt One's back2. Target Iangnage(1) I think yoU ShoUld See a doctor-aay.get an X(2) That does n't SoUnd good.Unit 2 l help to Clea


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