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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载初一下册英语专项复习- 单项挑选题 1( ) 1.-bag is this .-its mine.a. whob. whosec. where 2.the pen is .a. bettyb. bettysc. bettys 3. welcome back school、 everyone.a. forb. onc. to 4. -are there any gloves in the lost and found box.- .a.yes、 thereare. b.yes、 thesearec.yes、 theyare. 5.therea purple wa

2、llet and lots of things.a. isb. arec. am 6.-are these your tapes.- .a. yes、 there are. b. yes、 these arec. yes、 they are. 7.-thank you.- .a. youre welcomeb. youre right. c. of course. 8.look the blackboard and listen to me.a. forb. atc. after 9. everyone 、 please be careful your things from now on.a

3、. forb. withc. to 10. the crayons are . they arent .a. her、 yourb. hers、 hisc. her、 yours 11. were in sydney.a. travelb. travelsc. travelling 12. the girl goes to school a hurry every day.a. forb. inc. at 13.dont your important things in taxis.a. forget b. leavec. leaving 14. of people come here eve

4、ry day .a. hundredb. hundredsc. one hundred 15.we usually have about mobile phones.a. two thousandb. thousandsc. thousand of 16.he is fifteen kilos of sausages.a. look forb. looking for c. looking up 17.please call tony 85749326.a. atb. inc. for 18.-whose pen is this.- oh、 its . i was looking for it

5、 everywhere.a. youb. yoursc. mine 19.-is this your book.- no、 it isnt. its .a. sheb. her c. hers 20. this book is not . its lilys.a. meb.ic. mine 21.-are these crayons .- yes、 they are . thank you.a. your、 ourb. yours、 oursc. yours、 our 22.this is my dog. name is wangwang . i like it very much.a. it

6、b. itsc. she 23.there are three students in the gym.a. hundredb. hundredsc. hundreds of 24. lets our homework.a. finishb. to finishc. finishing精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载初一下册英语专项复习- 单项挑选题 2() 1.my brother can play table tennis and play piano.a. 、theb. the、 c. the 、 the2. i d like themusic club because i

7、 likeit.a.to joinb.joiningc. join 3. i like eggs.a. cookb. cookingc. cooks 4.she can dance really .a. goodb. well c. nice 5. how about .a. youb. yourc. yours 6. i cant english very well. a. sayb. speakc .tell 7. her mother often worries her.a. aboutb. forc. with 8. we can teach chinese.a. hersb. her

8、c. his 9. they can teach you on sunday.a. to danceb .dancec. dancing 10. we our new monitors now.a. choosingb. are choosingc. choose 11.i can get on well everyone、 classmates and teachers.a. onb. inc. with 12. i do well sport.a. inb .atc. on 13. im kind and im always ready others.a. to helpb .helpc

9、.helping 14. i work very at school.a. hardb. hardlyc. harding 15.choose me your class monitor and i promise you.a .to 、helpb. as 、 to helpc .with、 helping 16. i want the monitor.a. to beb. to isc. being 17.we should eat an apple every day to stay and healthy.a. fitb .fatc .fan 18. im really good swi

10、mming. a. forb. atc. in 19 .she sits you and me.a. betweenb. amongc. during 20.id to be the monitor.a. cleanb .cleaningc. cleaner 21.i often help my mother at home.a. do cleanb. do cleaningc. cleaning 22.he always helps my homework.a. tob .withc. for 23.lets make our teachers .a. happyb .happilyc.ha

11、ppier 24. would you like a kite.a .to flyb .flyc. flying 25.- can you ride a bike.- . i can ride it very well.a. yes、 i canb. yes、 i cantc. no、 i cant 26.we dont go to school its sunday.a. sob .becausec. but 27. my father makes me his car.a. to washb .washc. washing精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载 28. i usua

12、lly the best score in every match .a. getb .getsc .enjoy初一下册英语专项复习- 单项挑选题 3() 1.what are you going to do the weekend.a. inb. atc. on 2. saturday morning、 im going to my email.a. on、 checkb. in 、 lookc. at、 watch 3. she is going to do homework.a. hersb .myc. her 4.im going to help the housework.a. fo

13、rb .withc. to 5. who is going to the park.a. otherb. elsec. others 6. they are going to have picnic and have fun.a. the、 theb. a 、 ac. a、 7.- would you like to join us.- .a. yes、 id like.b. yes、 id like to.c. yes、 i would. 8.- are we going to meet here.- .a. yes、 we arent.b. no、 we arentc. no、 we ar

14、e. 9.he is going to go over lessons nine oclock.a. atb. inc.for 10.everyone going to see a movie tomorrow .a. isb. arec. am 11.-what are your plans the weekend.-nothing.a. forb. toc. at 12.im going to stay at home .a. lonelyb. alonec. long 13.he is looking forward to a football match.a. watchb. watc

15、hingc. watches 14.they hope the match.a. to winb. winc. winning 15. im going to enjoy during the may day holiday.a. myb. myselfc. me 16. the morning of 1st may、 im going to get up late.a. inb .onc. for 17.- are you late for school.-because i get up late.a. whatb. whoc. why 18.im going to stay with a

16、ustralian family.a. ab. anc. 19. were going to go sightseeing the beach.a. inb. onc. at 20.there is going to a summer camp .a. haveb. bec. has 21.- are you going to do .-were going to meet my pen friend .a. whenb. whatc. why 22.we know that she enjoys books very much.a. readb. readsc. reading 23.why

17、 dont you music.a. to listenb. listenc. listening 24.we are going to go .a. sightseeb. sightseeingc. to sightsee精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载 25.this is our lesson.a. the secondb. secondc. two初一下册英语专项复习- 单项挑选题 4 1.check your papers carefully、 you will make many mistakes.a. andb. butc. or( ) 2.every family

18、 will a small plane.a. hasb. havec. be 3. everyoneat home everyday.a.studyb.studiesc.to study 4.i can buy some for you.a. chalksb. chalkesc. chalk 5.there is eraser in the pencil-box .a. ab. anc. the 6.canyou giveto me.a.a paperb.a pieceof paperc.papers 7.our school is different yours.a. forb. fromc

19、. with 8.i will have a computer the future. a. inb. forc. to 9.they will come back .a. in two year timeb. after two yearstimec. in two yearstime 10.there wont be schoolsinthefuture. a.someb.anyc.nothing 11.- do you go to school .-by bike.a. whyb. howc. where 12. they can ask their questions email.a.

20、 byb. onc. in 13. students will use computers the internet.a.gettinginformationonb.getinformationinc.togetinformationon 14.i want to make with everyone. a. friendsb. friendc. friendly 15. computers wont be able to the studentslevel. a. checkb. checkingc. checks 16. teachers wont use chalk .a. anyb.

21、no more c. any more 17.we have a lot of homework today . a. dob. to doc. doing 18. they will have free time. a. lot ofb. a lotc. lots of 19. what will in the future.a. likeb. likesc. be like 20.i hope my dream will .a. come upb. come truec. come back 21.therewillbe a rainand wind. a.big、bigb.heavy、s

22、trong c. large、 large 22.there willbelightrainand coldwind.a. any moreb.no morec. one more 23.maybe therell be traffic jams in the air . a. as wellb. eitherc. also 24.not only you but also i good at english . a. isb. amc. are 25.working hours will be short people will have long holidays.a. butb. and

23、c. so26.you will find a good . a. workb. jobc. jobs选出划线部分意思相近的选项: 27.maybe you are right.a. may beb .perhapsc. possible 28. lettravel around the word by plane.a. by airb. in the airc. by sea 29.we cant see litter everywhere in liuzhou.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载a. anywhereb. here and therec. everything

24、30.the machine is not cheap in the shop.a. expensiveb. heavyc. high 31.robotswilldo alltheheavy and difficultjobs.a.hardb.hardlyc. easy 32.i can ride a bike.a. be able tob. is able toc. am able to写出以下单词的反义词:33.new-34.light-35.easy-36.short-37. small-38. hot-39.warm-40.cheap-初一下册英语专项复习- 单项挑选题 5() 1.i

25、d like to buy a t-shirt my mum. a. forb. toc. on 2. - does she like.-blue.a. what colourb. whoc. where 3.- does she take .-small.a. what colourb. what sizec. where 4.the sweater is nice. may i .a. try on itb. try it onc. try them on 5.the price of the sweater is very . i cant afford it .a. expensive

26、b. cheapc. high 6.cathy spent a lot of money her sons study.a. inb. onc. for7. dont compare me others.a. withb. onc. at 8. we can get information the internet.a. inb. onc. at() 9.theres a sale today.a. inb. onc. for 10. the computer is expensive.a. too manyb. too muchc. much too 11. everything half

27、price.a. areb. isc. were 12.ive got some food too.a. buyb. to buyc. buying 13.- are they.-thirty- eight yuan a kilo.a. how muchb. how manyc. how long 14.the girl looks .a. healthb. healthyc. healthily 15.here some books.a. isb. arec. was 16.one of the new of shopping is online shopping.a. wayb. ways

28、c. wayes 17.i should pay two hundred yuan the dress.a. forb. inc. on 18. i am going to send him the present post.a. byb. toc. for 19.you can call me any time.a. atb. onc. in 20.there are a few in the garden.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载a. childb. childsc. children 21.you are not a child .a. any moreb. no

29、morec. no longer 22. kilos of sausages do you want.a. how muchb. how manyc. how often 23. milk have you got.a. how muchb. how manyc. how often 24.can i you .a. helpb. helpsc. helping 25. over the internet isnt always safe.a. payb. payingc. pays初一下册英语专项复习- 单项挑选题 6 1.why not the policeman over there.a

30、. askb. to askc. asking 2.dont the street when the traffic light is red.a. acrossb. go acrossc. crossing 3.the book shop is your left.a. onb. inc. at 4.- can i get there.-take an underground.a. howb. whatc. why 5.i also want the national stadium.a. visitb. to visitc. visiting 6.why dont you a taxi.a. takeb. to takec. taking 7.could you tell me how to the bus stop.a. get b. gettingc. to get 8.the city has a famous museum lots of famous paintings.a. has b. have c. with. 9.there is a bridge the river.a. overb. onc. above 10.you can see most of liuzhou a clear day.a. in b. on c. at 11.the old man


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