1、精品教案设计资料2018 学年小学英语五年级上册全册教案(鲁科版)涓? _鍗曞厓1銆?淲 ho 鈥檚 your favourite teacher?鈥濃? ?she鈥檚 young 鈥濃?淪he has long hair.鈥濃 ?渟 he was young.鈥濃 ?淗 er hair was short.鈥濃? ?were they active in class? 鈥濃 ?淣ow they are tall and beautiful.牸鐗瑰緛銆 ?2 銆card who young kindthen his little thin interesting pupil but;鑳藉惉鎳傘
2、septemberstrictwas wereagoactivesmartnaughty, 骞惰兘缁撳悎鍙瀷鐏垫椿杩愮敤銆?3 銆佸垵姝簡瑙瓧姣峹 yz?鏂囧寲鎰忚瘑璁埓 鎯呮劅鎬佸害鍩瑰吇瀛敓灏婃暚甯堥暱锛岀埍鎴磋?佸笀鐨勫搧璐?lesson 1 1ho 鈥檚 your favourite teacher?鈥?鈥淪 he 鈥檚 young.鈥?鈥淪 he has long hair.鈥?2璇嶏細 card who young kindseptemberstrict 銆?璇炬枃鎯呮櫙绠?浠?jenny闂瓺 anny 姝湪骞蹭粈涔堬紝danny勮?佸笀鐨勶紝杩欐彁閱?浜咼 enny 鏄庡鏄 ?鏈
3、?0 鍙锋暀甯堣妭銆侸enny 闂瓺 annyanny璁鐚滐紝璇村寰堝勾杞伙紝 jennyanny 璇撮珮鑰屼笖鏈夐暱澶村彂锛孞enny 鐚滃嚭鏄疢 iss zhang. danny 璇村寰堜翰鍒囥 ?侸enny 璇碝 iss zhang 鏉簡锛孧 iss zhang 鐪嬪埌 danny 璇磋瘽锛屾彁閱掍粬璇村埌浜嗕笂璇剧殑鏃堕棿浜嗭紝精品教案设计资料danny鍙堣窡 jenny琛厖璇村涔熷緢涓帀listen and say 1?t: children, teachers 鈥?day is coming, it鈥檚on september 10. 瀛範鍗曡瘝 september. look,
4、what are peter and wang hong doing?瀛範鍗曡瘝 card. 2銆丏 o you like miss wang?why?is she beartiful?鐢熶竴璧疯皥璁 ?miss wang箟璇峵 all/short,big/small,long/short. 姝椂瀛範鍗曡瘝young鍜宱 ld,?3 銆乀: 紝 which one do you like? do you like 鈥? h, she鈥檚 very kind. kind, 4anny 姝湪鍒朵綔鐨his card is for danny鈥檚 favourite teacher. who鈥檚 d
5、anny鈥檚favourite teacher? : but how does danny describe miss zhang?kind 鍜宻 trict.瀛範鍗曡瘝 strict.鍐嶉棶瀛敓 why is miss zhang strict? ?5鏂囦袱閬嶃?6miss zhang is strict,but she鈥檚 danny鈥檚favourite teacher,why? let鈥檚 talk. 1 銆佹暀甯堟寚鐫?榛戞澘涓婄殑miss zhang锛歱 lease talk about miss zhang with your partner. 2let 鈥檚talk 闈?let
6、鈥檚 do. 佸笀鍥剧墖鎴栧噯澶囦竴寮犵収鐗囥?傚湪鐚滄祴娲诲姩涔嬪悗鍜屽悓瀛棿牸鐗瑰緛銆 ?瀹炶返鎬 綔涓?1銆?2勬暀甯堛? ?lesson 2 1精品教案设计资料嬧?漵he was young. 鈥?鈥滺 er hair was short.鈥?2hislittlethin interesting 3wasthen 璇炬枃鎯呮櫙绠?浠?danny 鍜孞 enny涓?璧峰埌miss zhanganny 鎶婂埗浣滅殑鍗墖閫佺粰浜哅iss zhang, miss zhang 璇村緢婕備寒锛屽苟琛鎰熻阿銆侻iss zhangmr wang 鍒朵綔璐哄崱锛屽苟涓旀嬁鍑篗r wang骞磋交鏃剁殑鐓
7、磋交锛孞 ennydanny璇翠粬鐨勫鍙戝緢榛戯紝jenny闂甅 r wangiss zhang璇存槸濂癸紝濂归偅鏃?宀侊紝鍙堢煯鍙堢槮锛孌anny 璇村緢鏈夎叮銆 ?listenandsay 1弽涔夎瘝缁勶紝鍔犱笂fatthin, 瀛範鍗曡瘝 thin.iss zhang鐨勬牱瀛愩?2銆佹暀甯堝嚭绀烘湰鏍暀甯堣妭鐨t 鈥檚 september 10. it鈥檚 teachers鈥?day. 3what 鈥檚 miss zhang doing? 3 銆佸mr wang 鐜板湪鐨勬牱瀛愶紝鍐嶅鍥撅紝 t: this is mr wang, too. he was young, then. 瀛範鍗
8、曡瘝 was鍜宼 hen,?璇村嚭mr wangis 銆?4涘箙鍥撅紝鏁欏笀鎸囩潃鍥剧墖涓璏r wangho鈥檚 this little girl?鈥漌 hat was she like?5?6miss zhang灏忔椂鍊欏拰鐜板湪鐓 ?let鈥檚 talk. 1 銆佸mr wang?2let 鈥檚 talk ?2精品教案设计资料堪鍥涘箙鐗囥?let鈥檚 do. 鍏堢敱鑰佸笀绀鸿寖锛屽骞撮緞娈电殑澶栬矊鍙婃?牸鐗瑰緛锛岀劧鍚庡悜鍏彮灞曠銆?瀹炶返鎬綔涓?1銆?2鎬牸鐗瑰緛銆 ?lesson 3 1彞鍨嬶細 they were active in class.were the boys acti
9、ve in class?now they are tall and beartiful. 2笅鍒楀崟璇嶏細pupil but;wereagoactivesmartnaughty 璇炬枃鎯呮櫙绠?浠 ?鏁欏笀鑺傝繖澶 r wang昏穬锛屾湁鏃朵篃娣 ?幇鍦r wang鏁欏笀鑺傚揩涔愩? ?let鈥檚 read. 1牸鎴栬?呭瀛唴瀹广?2瀛敓浠嬬粛璇达細鈥淭hey 鈥檙 e my teachers. they are old.淏 ut they were young, then,涔犲崟璇峛 ut 鍜寃 ere. 鍐嶆帴鐫 ?璇达細鈥淭 hey were my teachers 15 years a
10、go.ear鍜宎 go. 3銆佽嚜璇昏who is back at school? 4銆佸皬缁勫唴灏濊曡瘝锛歱 upil,ago,but,active,naughty,smart. 5銆佸憟鐜伴棶棰橈細were the boys active in class?es,they were. were the boys naughty? were the girls fat?were the 精品教案设计资料girls smart? 6hat do mr wang 鈥檚 prpils say?what do mr wang answer? 鈥?7 銆佽窡?let鈥檚 discuss. 1銆佹埅鍙朚
11、 r wang瀛敓鐜板湪鍜岃繃鍘荤殑鐓墖锛屽湪澶氬獟浣撲笂鍛堢幇鍑烘潵?2 銆佸悓妗岄?let鈥檚 write. 鍙剰鐨勫熀纭?涓婂皢鍗曡瘝鎶勫啓鍦?瀹炶返鎬 綔涓 ?1 銆?2銆佷互灏忕粍涓哄崟浣嶏紝浠庢姤鍒婃垨鑰呯綉缁滀笂鎼滈泦涓?lesson 4 1銆佽兘缁煎悎杩愮敤鎬牸鐗瑰緛銆 ?2銆佸垵姝簡瑙瓧姣峹yz嬨? ?3?4?璇炬枃鎯呮櫙绠?浠 ?堜弗鍘?let鈥檚 listen listen and number:銆傛暀甯堟?talk about the above pictures:鐢?缁精品教案设计资料勭粐鐚滄祴娲诲姩锛屼竴浜烘弿杩拌嚜宸辩殑涓?浣嶈?佸笀锛屽叾浠栧悓瀛寽鍑烘槸璋 ?鍗
12、?璇嶃?佸彞鍨嬬殑姊崇悊宸浐1 銆侀噰鐢瘮鐪煎姏鐨?2銆佽 ?佸笀璇磘all瀛敓璇磗 hort 鐨?3: who 鈥檚 your favourite teacher? s: she鈥檚 young 鈥 ? ?4殑鐓銆?let鈥檚 repeat 孩鑹插瓧姣嶇殑鍙戦煶瑙勫緥锛岀劧鍚庡啀娆挱鏀惧綍闊筹紝瀛敓妯豢?let鈥檚 read 1: children, look, li ming is writing a diary. it 鈥檚 about teachers鈥橠 ay. let鈥檚 listen to the tape and find who鈥檚 li ming鈥檚 dad鈥檚 favou
13、rite teacher? 2銆乀: mr chen is old now. let鈥檚 read the text and find what was he like thirty years ago? what鈥檚 he like no w? please underline the answers. 3 銆丷 ead and tick.淣 otes鈥濇潵鐞嗚 鏂囩珷銆 ?fun time ?瀹炶返鎬 綔涓?杩愮敤鏈? 牸鐗瑰緛浜宊鍗曞厓feelings 鏁1銆?曡瘝 look, angry, sad, late, with, why, find, worry, yesterday诲崟璇峞
14、 xcited, sky, lost, glad, worried ,wasn鈥檛, poor, saw 锛宧 elpful 骞惰兘缁撳悎鍙瀷鐏垫椿杩愮敤銆?2 銆?hat 鈥檚 danny doing ? 鈥?鈥淗 e 鈥檚 dancing in the rain.鈥?鈥淗 e 鈥檚 excited.鈥?鈥淲 ere you happy? 鈥?鈥淲 as he happy? 鈥?鈥淵 es, he was. 鈥?鈥淣 o, he wasn鈥檛.精品教案设计资料鈥?鈥淗 e was sad. 鈥?3銆?鑳借繍鐢 ?鈥渨 as ,were?4 銆佸綊绾充簡瑙瓧姣嶇粍鍚坓r , tr , ea 鍦
15、崟璇嶄腑鐨勫彂闊炽?鏂囧寲鎰忚瘑?鎯呮劅鎬佸害鍩瑰吇瀛敓鍏冲績浠栦汉锛屽姪浜轰负涔愮殑鍝佽川銆?lesson 1 1.鑳藉惉鎳傘?look,angry,sad 鑳藉惉鎳傘 ?佷excited,sky,lost 2.瀷锛歐 hat 鈥檚 danny doing? he鈥檚 dancing in the rain. he鈥檚 excited. 3.?鐨勪簨鎯咃紝鍚屾椂琛揪鍑鸿嚜宸辨垨浠栦汉鐨勬劅鍙椼?璇炬枃鎯呮櫙绠 ?浠 ?danny,li ming,wang hong 鍜孞 ennyanny 鍦洦danny?listen and say 1.ook at jenny, li ming, wang
16、 hong and danny. are they happy ?what are they going to d o?(娴? 锛掋?佺湅鎯呮danny鐨勬儏鎰熷彉鍖栥 ?傚嚭绀瘝銆?涔爈 ook 銆乭 appy,anny is very,very,very happy. very,very,very happy means excited. not happy means sad.(sad.) 呭浘锛屾彁鍑猴細what 鈥檚 wrong with danny?寮曞嚭鍙瓙锛欼鈥檝e lost my cap.绱why? 寮曞嚭 the sky is angry.(angry) 4銆丩isten
17、and imitate. 5 銆佸皢 happy 锛宔 xiced,sad锛宎 ngry 鐨勮鎯呰劯鐢诲洓鏍?6 銆丷 ead and match 銆?7?let鈥檚 talk. 鍑虹 let鈥檚 talk what 鈥檚 he doing?寽娴嬩箣精品教案设计资料勬柟寮忔暀鎺堛?let鈥檚 do. 1浠絝 eeling book 锛屾暀甯堝厛鍋氱鑼冿紝i have many feelings.sometimes i am鈥?(琛儏璇 ?have many different feelings. 鏁欏笀鎻忚堪瀹屽悗锛岄棶锛欳an you remember the stories?潵鍥炲繂骞惰浆
18、杩般?2feeling book 瀹炶返鎬 ?浣滀笟 1.?2銆?lesson 2 1.啓鍗曡瘝锛歭 ate, with;lad, worried, wasn鈥檛, poor 銆?2 .ere you happy锛?yes 锛孖 was. no锛孖 wasn鈥檛. was he happy锛焂 es锛宧 e was. no锛宧 e wasn鈥檛. he was sad. 3.浜虹殑蹇冩儏鎰熷彈銆 ?璇炬枃鎯呮櫙绠 ?浠 ?鐜嬬孩鍥炲埌瀹跺悗锛屽悜濡堝鎰熷彈銆 ?listen and say 1.涔犲崟璇峢 appy, excited, sad, angry,worried銆?2.anny 鐨勬
19、儏?3.瑙傜湅 vcr鏂囥?傛?濊?冿細what 鈥檚 the story about 锛?4呭浘锛孡 ook. wanghong is coming back.: it 鈥檚 six thirty. wanghong is late. 鍊熷姪鍗曡瘝鍗墖锛屾暀瀛崟璇峫ate. 5. 瑙傜湅鍥句簩鐨刅cr锛屽洖绛擶 as wang hong happy锛焀 hy 锛?6. 瑙傜湅鍥句笁鐨刅 cr锛屽洖绛擶 as danny with wanghong 锛熸暀瀛崟璇峸 ith, poor 銆?7. ?8.灏忕粍閲岀粌涔犺?let鈥檚 talk. 1.精品教案设计资料?2.? ?3.?let鈥檚 d
20、o 杩欐槸涓狦 uessing game.a 鍋氬嚭涓b鐚滐細 was heshe 鈥?b 鏉洖绛旓紱 yes/no.画鐚滅殑娲诲姩銆 ?瀹炶返鎬 ?浣滀笟 1.?2.涓庢湅鍙嬫垨瀹堕暱鍋氱寽琛儏鐨勬父鎴忋?3.涓婄綉浜嗚 棰滆壊涓庤鎯呯殑鍏崇郴銆 ?lesson 3 1 銆?涔啓鍗曡瘝 find, worry, why, yesterday. ?saw, helpful. 2銆?鑳界啛缁冭繍鐢彞瀛愬惉鎳備細璇村彞瀛怸 ou look worried. what 鈥檚 the matter? 3銆?鑳借繍鐢墍瀛殑璇 ?璇炬枃鎯呮櫙绠?浠?listen and say 1.绀烘墍瀛悇绉嶆湁浠鎬he 鈥檚 happy 锛孲 he 鈥檚 sad. it鈥檚 angryxcited銆?2.yesterday 锛學 ang hong played games with her friends in the park 銆俉 ere they happy? why? 锛堟暀瀛崟璇峸hy汉鐜?3.today what鈥檚happ
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