已阅读5页,还剩10页未读 继续免费阅读




1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载情态动词专项练习1. jeanhave kept his promise. i wonder why he changed his idea.a. mustb. shouldc. needd. would解析:选b. “should have 过+ 去分词 ” 表示 “过去原来应当但没能 做某事 ”; keep one s promis意e为 “信守诺言 ”;2. janehave come to the party、 but shenot find the exact time.a. could; couldb. might; couldc. should;

2、 couldd. should; would解析:选a. “ could have+过去分词表示过去原来应当但没能 做某事 ”;3. so many mistakes in your homework. youmore careful.a. may beb. had toc. would bed. should have been精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载解析:选d. “you should have been more careful意为”:.你原来应当更细心的;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载4 her brotherbe at home now、 bec

3、ause he was seen playing basketball in the stadium just now.a. mustntb. needntc. cantd. shouldn't解析:选c. can t be at home意为:不行能在家; 5 -i can t understand why our boss is late.-hethe early bus.a. could missb. may have missedc. can have missedd. might miss精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载解析:选b. “may have 过+反问

4、句;去分词 ”表示对过去动作的判定,意为:可能做了某事;留意: can 表示可能时,只能用于疑问句和精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载6. she didn't answer the phone、 she asleep.a. may beb. must bec. should have beend. must have been解析:选d.表示:对过去发生的事情的确定估计;7 the little girl s eyes were red. she .a. may cryb. must cryc. must be criedd. must have been crying解

5、析:选d.意为:她刚才确定始终在哭;对过去某事正发生的估计;8 he his supper now、 for the dining hall is still closed.a. can t be havingb. needn t be havingc. mustn t be havingd. shouldn't be having解析:选a.对现在正在发生的事情的否定估计;9 i parked my bike behind the building、 but now it is gone. it .a. may be stolenb. must be stolenc. must ha

6、ve been stolend. must have stolen解析:选c.对过去发生的事情的确定估计的被动式;10. mr. black go to work by ferry before the bridge was built.a. did; used tob. use; toc. did; use tod. does; use to解析:选c. used to do 的疑问式,可以为used+主语 +to do . 或 did + 主语 +use to do.11. the hotel is only a stone s throw away、 you take a bus.a.

7、need not tob. not need toc. don't needd. need not解析:选d.说话人认为不必要乘车、 need 为情态动词;12. i am busy now、 my brother do it for you .a. willb. shallc. mustd. may解析:选b.在疑问句中shall用于第三人称,也表示征求看法;13. -you needn t do it right now、 need you.-yes i am afraid i .a. needb. needntc. mustd. mustn t解析:选c. yes 的意思为:不;

8、意为:唯恐我必需现在就做;14. my english-chinese dictionary has disappeared . who have taken it.a. shouldb. mustc. couldd. would解析:选c. could/can have done用于否定估计和疑问估计;15. -the room is so dirty. we clean it.-of course.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载a willb. shallc. wouldd. do解析:选b. shall用在疑问句中,常用于第一,三人称,表示征求看法或恳求指示;16. if

9、 you have something important to do、 you waste any time.a. needntb. mustntc. may notd. won t解析:选b.依据句意用mustnt17. if you want to borrow a football after school、 your student card here.a. has to leaveb. must leavec. has to be leftd. must be left解析:选c. have to 表示客观需要,must 表示主观需要;同学证必需放在此为客观需要;18. “ did

10、 you scold him for his carelessness.” “ yes、 but it”a. i d rather not dob. i d rather not have donec. i shouldn t dod. i d better not do解析:选b. would rather加完成时表示对完成了的或过去了的事情的态度;意为:当时为不愿意做的;19. “ don t get near to it . it is too dangerous.” “ ” .a. yes、 i wontb. no、 i don t c. no、 i cantd. no、 i won

11、t解析:选d. a 为错误的表达方式;b 和 c 没有直接回答对方的问候;20. he must be in the classroom、 he.a. mustntb. cantc. isn td.can解析:选c.对表否定的must 进行反意疑问时,要用句子的实义动词21. he be in the garden. he must be in the room.a. cantb. mustntc. will notd. may not解析:选a.否定估计用can不t用 mustnt22. “ do you have to leave now.”“ i am very sorry、 but i

12、 really .”a. cantb. havec. shouldd. must解析:选d.回答 have to 的疑问句用must 作确定回答;23. “ let s go to the library、 shall we.” “ . ”a. no、 i cantb. yes、 i willc. yes 、 thank youd. no、 we d better not解析:选d. a、b、c都 不能回答 shall we、此处 d 的语气比较动听客气;24. “ can i take it away.”“ you better not.”a. shouldb. couldc. wouldd

13、. had解析:选d. had better与不带 to 的不定式构成谓语,可以变成疑问句:hadnt you better-25. you have brought your camera. they all had theirs with them.a. couldntb. needntc. wouldntd. mustn t解析:选b.原来不必要做某事.26. see who is there. it be may.a. mayb. mustc. cand. will解析:选c.表估计时 a , b 都用作疑问句;27. john be a basketball player. he i

14、s much too short.a. mayb. mustntc. cantd. should解析:选c.断然的不定估计用cant28. the chinese teacher looks so pale. she be ill.a. mustb. mustntc. cand. need解析:选a.表示有把握的确定估计用must29. something to save our earth. do you think so.a. can dob. must doc. has to dod. must be done解析:选d. “something must be done 意”为 :必需实

15、行措施;30. look at what you have done. you be more careful.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载a. oughtb. canc. wouldd. should解析:选d. ought后应用 to31. has li lin started. he said he would join in the party. he . he is a man of keeping his word.a. could have leftb. must have leftc. can t comed. won t be coming解析: b;从 h

16、e is a man of keeping his word 中可以看出,李林确定已经动身来参与聚会了,这为对已经发生的事情特别确定的估计,故用must have done;留意 must 表估计时,不能用于否定句和疑问句中;32. may i park my car here. no、 you . no car is allowed to park here.a. may notb. needn tc. mustn t d. darent解析: c;此题考查以情态动词提问的一般疑问句的回答;在英语中,以某些情态动词提问的句子,出于礼貌委婉或句意的需要,回答时,要换用另一个情态动词;在回答mu

17、st 开头的一般疑问句时,确定回答用must,否定回答用neednt或 dont have to;在回答may 开头的一般疑问句时,确定回答用may,否定回答用mustn ;t在回答 need 开头的一般疑问句时,确定回答用 must ,否定回答用needn ;t33. excuse me、 could you tell me where the yajia supermarket is. it s two blocks straight ahead. you miss it.a. mustn t b. can t c. needn t d. shouldnt解析: b;依据题意,此处需要表示

18、“估计 ”的否定结构,故can为t正确答案; 4. a ;这为一个省略句,couldn ht ave done 表示对过去发生的动作的否定估计,意为“不行能”;34. i saw mr. sun at tongyu station this morning. you . he s still on holiday in hawaii.a. couldn t haveb. mustn t havec. shouldn td. neednt精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载解析: a ;这为一个省略句,couldn t have don表e示对过去发生的动作的否定估计,意为“不行能”;

19、精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载35. how about paying a visit to dr. wang、 our former chinese teacher. good idea. i will e-mail him today so that he know to expect us.a. shall; whyb. could; whenc. would; whatd. will; how解析: b;这为一个综合题;此题so that 后的目的状语从句中的谓语动词要用“情态动词(may / might / can / could) + 动词原形 ”;when to

20、expect us 表示 “我们什么时候可到达”;“疑问词 +不定式 ”结构在句中作know 的宾语;36. everything has two sides. beautiful songs、 sometimes、 be just noise to others.a. mustb. mayc. shouldd. could解析: b;由 sometimes 可知,此处应用表示可能性不大的情态动词,即may ;37. someone my umbrella. i found it wet yesterday.a. must be usingb. must have usedc. must us

21、ed. must have been using解析: b;由后句可知,这为对过去发生的事情的确定估计,故b 项正确;38. how dangerous it was. yes、 but for the passer-by s quick action、 the girl .a. was drownedb. could have been drownedc. had drownedd. should be drowned解析: b;but for 的意思为 “要不为 ”,语法功能上等同于if引导的否定虚拟条件句,因前句中how dangerous it was 可知应与过去事实相反;39. y

22、ou scold such a pupil who always keeps silent so seriously that you hurt him.a. should; canb. may; willc. mustn t; mayd. can t; must解析: c;mustnt表示 “不准许 ”,may 表示可能性,所以c 正确;40. why does alice know so much about angkor wat. she have been there、 or .a. mustb. oughtn t toc. mayd. cant解析: c;句意:她或许到过那里,或者;

23、or .为重要的信息,说明仍有其他的可能性;a 的说法太确定,与or .供应的信息冲突;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载41. you may laugh、 but i ve been thinking of becoming a vegetarian. oh、 you be crazy. you will be huna. mustb. mayc. willd. need解析: a ;must 表示的把握最大,may 表示有可能,need 不表示估计,will 表示将来;依据句意可知a 正确,说明对对方的不懂得和批判,语气比较坚决;42. what s the matter w

24、ith you. oh、 i m not feeling well in the stomach. i so much fried fish just now.a. shouldn t eatb. mustn t have eatenc. shouldn t have eatend. mustn t eat解析: c;shouldn t have done表示 “本不该做,但实际上却做了”;43. he have been chosen as captain of the football team. yes、 he .a. can; must haveb. must; must havec.

25、 can; mustd. must; must解析: a ;疑问句中可以用can、 确定句用 must ;44. mr. zhang in shanghai tomorrow morning.a. can have arrivedb. will have arrivedc. may have arrivedd. must have arrived解析: b;will + have done ,表示对将来必定进程的推测;45. miss wang started at 8 o clock、 and she be there now.a. shouldb. canc. can td. need解析

26、: a ;should 表示主观性推测,译为“应当 ”;46. it must be mr. li who did it. no、 it be mr. li.a. mustn tb. wouldn t c. can td. may精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载解析: c、 can 表t示否定的推测,侧重于主观判定,译为“决不会;不行能”;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载47. you finish reading the book as soon as possible.a. mayb. canc. needd. should解析: d;should 表示劝说某人

27、应当做某事;48. need you go to work now. yes、 i .a. mustb. needc. cand. dare解析: a ;need 引导的一般疑问句,确定回答应用must;49. your trousers are dirty. them for you.a. shall i washb. will i washc. am i going to washd. am i washing解析: a ;shall i .?为征求对方看法经常用的句型;50. you are late for school today. you to school earlier.a.

28、ought to comeb. should have comec. ought have comed. should come解析: b;should have done 表示 “过去某件事应当做而实际上没有做”,此处含有批判之意,也可用ought to have come;51. we must learn from lei feng、 we.a. mayb. can tc. don td. neednt精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载解析: d;反意疑问句中,当must 作“必需 ”解时,可以用neednt / mustn52. she must be hungry、 sh

29、e.a. isn t b. needn t c. doesn t d won t构成t附加疑问句;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载解析: a ;反意疑问句中,陈述部分的must 表示对现在情形估计时,附加疑问句中通常依据must 后面的动词形式确定助动词;53. he ought to come here early、 he.a. wouldb. shouldc. didn t d. shouldnt解析: d;反意疑问句中,陈述部分的谓语有ought to时,附加疑问句中应用shouldn t或 oughtn ;t54. you used to smoke、 you.a. us

30、ed tob. don tc. didn t d. shouldn t精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载解析: c;反意疑问句中,陈述部分的谓语有used to 时,附加疑问句中应用didn t或 usedn ; t55. you ought for what you haven t done.a. not to be punished b. not be punishedc. to not punished d. to not be punished解析: a ;ought to 的否定式为ought not to ;56. you please tell me the way

31、to the post office.a. mustb. needc. wouldd. should解析: c;would you please .?为向对方提出恳求或询问经常用的动听而有礼貌的句型;27. a ;主语为第三人称时,shall 表示说话人给对方的“承诺;命令;指示;意愿”;57. i m sure he have the computer sooner or later.a. shallb. canc. mustd. would解析: c;would you please .?为向对方提出恳求或询问经常用的动听而有礼貌的句型;58. it is important that w

32、e learn how to drive.a. have tob. shouldc. needd. shall解析: b;在 it is important / impossible / necessary that .句型中, that 从句的谓语用 “ should + 动词原形 ”;59. it has been announced that candidates remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.a. canb. willc. mayd. shall解析: d;在规章中警告应考者,在收完全部试卷

33、前“必需 ”留在教室里;60. how you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only a part of the article.a. canb. mustc. needd. may解析: a ;can 在疑问句中,表示疑问.怀疑,依据情形可译作“能.可以 ”等;61. i didn t see her in the meeting room this morning. she at the meeting.a. mustn t have spokenb. shouldn t have s

34、pokenc. needn t have spokend. couldn t have spoken解析: d. must 表示估计时不用于否定句;shouldn t have done sth.表示 “本不应当做某事而实际上做了”; neednt have done sth.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载表示 “原来不必做某事而实际上做了”; couldn t have done sth表.62. one ought for what one hasn t done.a. not to be punishedb. to not be punishedc. to not pun

35、ishedd. not be punished示 “不行能做过某事”;依据题意,选d;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载解析: a.情态动词 ought 后要接带 to 的不定式, ought to do的否定式为ought not to do ,所以答案为a ;63. if you really want yourself to be in good health、 you must always so much.a. not; be smokingb. not; have smokedc. not; to smoked. be not; smoking解析: a. must n

36、ot always be doing sth.表示 “不要老为做谋事”,含有埋怨.指责.反感等感情颜色;64. with so much work on hand、 you to see the game last night.a. mustn t gob. shouldn t goc. couldn t have goned. shouldn t have gone解析: d.题中的 a 项和 b 项都指现在情形;couldn ht ave gone 表示 “不行能去过 ”;shouldn ht ave gone 表示 “本不应当去而实际上去了 ”;依据题意,选d ;65. most of

37、the students felt rather disappointed at the english party. they say that it better organized.a. had beenb. had to bec. must have beend. could have been解析: d. could have done sth. 表示 “原来能够做某事而实际上未能做成”;66. i m surprised that he in the exam.a. should failb. would have failedc. may have failedd. should

38、 have failed解析: d.should 可用于表示诧异.感叹.不满等感情颜色的句子,如指过去的动作,就要用should have done sth. would和may 通常不带感情颜色;67. the little girl there alone.a. not dare gob. dares not goc. dare not god. dare not to go解析: c. 题中的 dare 为情态动词,后接不带to 的不定式,主要用于疑问句.否定句和条件句中;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载68. “ must we do it now.”“ no、 you

39、.”a. won tb. needn tc. can td. don t解析: b. must 开头的疑问句,否定答语用neednt或 dont have t;o69. he said he would rather not it right now.a. doingb. to doc. dod. to be doing解析: c. would rather 通常也视为情态动词(组),后接动词原形,其否定形式为would rather not ;70. you to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do

40、.a. needn t to comeb. don t need comec. don t need comingd. needn t come解析: d. need 作为情态动词,其否定形式为needn;t作实义动词时,其否定形式为dont doesn t need t;o do71. put on more clothes. you be feeling cold with only a shirt on.a. canb. couldc. wouldd. must解析: d. must 用在确定句中表估计时,语气比could、 would 等确定得多;此处“must +不定式进行式”表“想

41、必正在”之意;72. i play football than baseball.a. would ratherb. had betterc. like betterd. prefer解析: a. would ratherthan ,意为 “宁愿(做)而不(做)”;73. i thought you like something to read、 so i have brought you some books.a. mayb. mightc. couldd. must解析: b. 由句意可知,这为对过去发生的事情不太有把握的估计;74. there was plenty of times.

42、she .a. mustn t have hurriedb. couldn t have hurriedc. must not hurryd. needn t have hurried解析: d. needn t have don意e 为 “过去不必做而做了某事”;75. the plant is dead. i it more water.a. will giveb. would have givenc. must gived. should have given解析: d. should have done 表示 “过去应当做而没有做某事”;76. you return the book

43、now. you can keep it till next week if you like.a. can tb. mustn tc. needn td. may not解析: c. can (t不能), mustn(t不准), may not (不行以),均不合题意;77. it s still early、 you .a. mustn t hurryb. wouldn t hurryc. may not hurryd. don t have to hurry解析 :d. don t have to = neednt78. please open the window、 .a. can t

44、 youb. aren t youc. do youd. will you解析: d. will用在其次人称的疑问句中,为询问(或征求)对方的意愿或向对方提出恳求之意;79. we for her because she never came.a. mustn t have waitedb. shouldn t have waitedc. mustn t waitd. needn t wait解析: b. should not have done 表示 “过去不应当做而做了某事”,含有 “懊悔 ”. “批判 ”. “劝说 ”, “批判 ”之意;80. may i stop here. no、

45、you .a. mustn tb. might notc. needn td. won t解析: a. may 开头的疑问句,否定答语常用mustn;t81. it s a fine day. let s go fishing、 .a. won t web. will wec. don t wed. shall we解析: d.疑问句中 shall 用于第一.三人称,用来征询对方的看法;82. i didn t see her in the meeting room this morning. she at the meeting.a. mustn t have spokenb. should

46、n t have spokenc. needn t have spokend. couldn t have spoken解析: d.估计 “她不行能在会上发言”, must 表示估计时,不能用于否定句中;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载83. please don t make a noise. . i ll be as quiet as a mouse.a. yes、 i won tb. no、 i won tc. no、 i willd. yes、 i will解析: b. will 在此处表示 “意志(向) ”;84. the young man has made so m

47、uch noise that he not have been allowed to attend the concert.a. couldb. mustc. wouldd. should解析: d. should not have done 表示 “过去不应当做而做了某事”,含有 “懊悔 ”. “批判 ”. “劝说 ”, “批判 ”之意;85. where is john. he in the library.a. should beb. must bec. can bed. must have been解析: b. must do 表示对现在的事实进行估计;86. since the ro

48、ad is wet this morning、 last night.a. it must rainb. it must be rainingc. it must have rainedd. it must have been rain解析: c. must have done 用于对过去发生的事情进行估计,且较有把握;87. will your brother stay home tonight. i m not quite sure. he to the cinema tonight.a. must gob. can goc. may god. may be going解析: c. 表示估

49、计时, must 比 may 语气确定;88. she s already two hours late. what to her.a. can have happenedb. may have happenedc. should have happenedd. must happen解析: a. can 表估计,只用于否定句和疑问句中;89. you must be a writer、 .a. mustn t youb. are youc. must youd. aren t you解析: dmust 表示估计时,其后的反意问句有两种情形:对现存状态(现在的事实)进行估计时,反意疑问句中动词用其一般现在形式;对过去发生的事情进行估计时,如有表过去的时间状语,反意问句用动词的过


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