



1、一、1、 敌军闹得全村鸡犬不宁。enemy troops threw the whole village into great disorder2、 她经常在邻里之间搬弄是非。she often appears on the neighborhood gossip3、 这些问题盘根错节,三言两语说不清楚。these problems are too complicated to explain clearly4、 否则,袖手旁观,守株待兔,就变成了长期不抗不战了。otherwise, sit back and wait, becomes long-term resistance without

2、 fighting.5、 校园依山傍水,绿树成荫,花香四溢,堪称求学圣地。school yard, tree-lined, scent, called the school san diego6、 每年农历六月分为黄龙寺庙会,方圆几百里的各族人民前来赶会。every year in june into huanglong temple fair, in a radius of hundreds of people of all nationalities to come to be.7、 光耀千古的崇圣寺三塔,享誉中外的大理石,古朴典雅、风格独特的白族民居,还有那风、花、雪、月四大奇景,无不使

3、人流连忘返。three pagodas of chongsheng temple shine through the ages, renowned marble, elegant, unique style of the bai, and the wind, flower, snow and moon four wonders, all are hard to forget.二、1、宜昌是巴楚文化的发源地,诞生了屈原、王昭君等千古风流人物。yichang is the birthplace of chu culture, the birth of qu yuan and wang zhaoju

4、n, eternal heroes2、中国庙宇的墙上经常绘有八卦、阴阳和太极的图案。china often painted on the walls of the temple have gossip, yin and yang and taiji pattern.3、王献之的书法笔走龙蛇、一气呵成。wang xianzhi's writing is bizoulongshe, and in one fell swoop.4、这对年轻夫妇并不相配,一个是西施,一个是张飞。the young couple do not match, a shih tzu, one is zhang fe

5、i.5、作为炎黄子孙还可以去拜谒离西安不远的黄帝陵。as chinese people can also go to visit the not far from xian mausoleum.6、“这断子绝孙的阿q!”远远的听到小尼姑的带哭的声音。"this, may you die sonless q!" heard the sound of little nun cried.三、1、他便变了脸,铁一般的青。he turned, iron-clad youth.2、我们不得不零零星星地偿付。we have to persevere through payment.3、那

6、条小径曲曲折折通向山顶。the path twists and turns to the top of the mountain.4、湖色越远越深,由近到远,是银白、淡蓝、深青、墨绿,非常分明。acid blue far deeper, from near to far, is white, light blue, dark cyan, dark green, very clear.5、三十几个人,三三五五,各自在爱去的地方骝跶。more than 30 persons, 3355, liu tap their place in love.6、江水由船边的黄到中心的铁青到岸边的银灰色。有几只小

7、轮在喷吐着煤烟:在烟囱的端际,它是黑色;在船影里,淡青、米色、苍白;在斜映着的阳光里,棕黄。side of the yellow river by boat to the center of gray stuck to the shore. has a few small wheels in spitting smoke: at the end of the chimney, it is black; in the shadows of the boat, light greenish blue, beige, pale; in the slanting sunlight, brown.7、我

8、们如能在百忙之中,挤出一点时间,约二三知友小酌,琅琅笑语,畅话平生,其乐并不亚于徜徉于青山绿水之间。we are in the midst, out of time, about two or three friends over the sound of laughter, poor life, their music is no less than walking in the mountains between.8、我眼睁睁地看过,在无情的冰雹下,我那刚刚灌浆、远远没有长成的谷穗,在细弱的稻秆上摇摇摆摆地挣扎,却无力挣脱生养它、却又牢牢地锁住它的大地。i see, under the m

9、erciless hail, my just grout, far from the corn, waddled in the thin straw struggle, bear was unable to break free, but firmly to lock it.9、月光如流水一般,静静地泻在这一片叶子和花上。薄薄的青雾浮起在荷塘里,叶子和花仿佛在牛乳中洗过一样;又像笼着轻纱的梦。the moon like water, quietly on the lotus leaf and flower. thin blue mist floating in the pond, the le

10、aves and flowers as if washed in milk and trapped like a veil of dreams.10、每个村庄,百步之内,必有一茶居。这些茶居,不像广州的大茶楼,可容数百人;每一小“居”,约莫只容七八张四方桌,二十来个茶客。倘若人来的多了,茶居主人也不心慌,临河水榭出,湾泊着三两画舫,每舫四椅一茶几,舫中品茶,也颇有味。each village, within a hundred steps, there will be a tea corner. the tea corner, like guangzhou restaurant, can accommodate hundreds of people each "occupy" lasts only seven or eight square table, aro


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