1、合同订立原那么平等原那么:根据?中华人民共和国合同法?第三条:“合同当事人的法律地位平等,一方 不得将自己的意志强加给另一方的规定,平等原那么是指地位平等的合同当事人, 在充分协商达成一致意思表示的前提下订立合同的原那么。这一原那么包括三方面内 容:合同当事人的法律地位一律平等。不管所有制性质,也不问单位大小和经济 实力的强弱,其地位都是平等的。合同中的权利义务对等。当事人所取得财产、 劳务或工作成果与其履行的义务大体相当;要求一方不得无偿占有另一方的财产, 侵犯他人权益;要求禁止平调和无偿调拨。合同当事人必须就合同条款充分协 商,取得一致,合同才能成立。任何一方都不得凌驾于另一方之上,不得把
2、自己的 意志强加给另一方,更不得以强迫命令、胁迫等手段签订合同。自愿原那么:根据?中华人民共和国合同法?第四条:“当事人依法享有自愿订立合同的权 利,任何单位和个人不得非法干预的规定,民事活动除法律强制性的规定外,由 当事人自愿约定。包括:第一,订不订立合同自愿;第二,与谁订合同自愿,;第 三,合同内容由当事人在不违法的情况下自愿约定;第四,当事人可以协议补充、 变更有关内容;第五,双方也可以协议解除合同;第六,可以自由约定违约责任, 在发生争议时,当事人可以自愿选择解决争议的方式。公平原那么:根据?中华人民共和国合同法?第五条:“当事人应当遵循公平原那么确定各方 的权利和义务的规定,公平原那
3、么要求合同双方当事人之间的权利义务要公平合理 具体包括:第一,在订立合同时,要根据公平原那么确定双方的权利和义务;第二, 根据公平原那么确定风险的合理分配;第三,根据公平原那么确定违约责任。 老实信用原那么:根据?中华人民共和国合同法?第六条:“当事人行使权利、履行义务应当遵 循老实信用原那么的规定,老实信用原那么要求当事人在订立合同的全过程中,都要 老实,讲信用,不得有欺诈或其他违背老实信用的行为。工程安装合同附英文译本工程安装合同于年月日,简称甲方与简称乙方,签订安装的工程合同。1安装工程名称:。2. 工程地点:甲方 口。3. 工程范围:本合同所附图纸及估价单。4. 完工期限:本安装工程将
4、配合甲方 甲方港口建造工程完工后 内,完成安装工程,其中包括 试验运行。5. 安装工程总价格: 元整。6. 安装工程付款进度:第一期:甲方在本合同开始实施时,付给乙方工程总价15%即元整。第二期:甲方在 口造船工程开始时,付给乙方工程总价15%即元整;第三期:在安装管路时,甲方付给乙方工程总价的 10%,即 美元整。第四期:在主机的主要设备运抵工地时,甲方付给乙方工程 总价的 40%,即 美元整;第五期:在安装工程完毕时,甲方付给乙方工程总价的 10%, 即美元整;第六期:在工程验收合格后,甲方付给乙方工程总价余额的 10%,即美元整。7违约罚款:因乙方原因未准时完工时,应由乙方负责,应 付违
5、约罚款,每天按总价的 1%计算,即 美元整。8增加或减少工程:假设甲方需修改、增加或减少其工程方案 时,总价之增减,应按双方规定之订单计算。假设需新增加工程量,双 方应另行协商该项新增加工程之单价。假设甲方因修改原方案而将已完 工局部工程或已运抵工地之材料弃置,甲方在验收后,应按双方规定 的单价对乙方已完成的工程费用及材料费,予以支付。9监督进度:甲方派去的监督人员或代表对工程进度予以监 督并有权予以监工、指导。乙方应按甲方人员或代表的指示正确施 工,不得以任何借口置之不理。10工程停工:假设甲方通知乙方将工程停止,其原因又并非 是乙方的责任,乙方可停止工程并要求甲方按照已完成工程的数量、 运
6、抵工地的材料及其他合理费用。在已交款中增付或扣除。11工程监护:在工程开始后,但在完工移交前,已完工的 工程及留在工地的材料、工具、设备等,均由乙方保管。除人力不能 抵抗的灾害外,乙方应对保管中的一切,负损害之全责。如遇不可抵 抗的天灾人祸,乙方应详列损害实情,向甲方提出恢复原状的价格及 日期。以供甲方核对付款之用。假设甲方决定不再继续施工,按合同第 10 条规定结束。12工程保险:除天灾或因甲方使用不当的原因外,乙方应 在甲方验收后保证工程质量良好 年。13附加条款:在工程进行中,假设因乙方的过错,使甲方或 其他人员受到伤害,乙方应负责赔偿。但如果伤害原因是由甲方或与 甲方订约之其他工程人员
7、的过错所造成,那么应由甲方完全负责。14附件:本合同附件应视为本合同的一局部,与其他条款 有同等效力。附件包括: 1图样; 2估价单。15合同形式:本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。另各 保存两份副本供双方存档备查。16附加条款:主机的保养乙方应在甲方验收后,提供免费及定期对 保养效劳一年,每 个月派员一次维护正常运行。本合同按双方所签日期生效。甲方盖章: 乙方盖章:法定代表人签字: 法定代表人签字: 年 月日 年月日签订地点: 签订地点:附件CONTRACT FOR PROJECT INSTALLATIONThis Contract for project of installing Mai
8、n Engineis made on , by and between Company Ltd.( here- inafter called Party A) and Company Ltd.( hereinaftercalled Party B).1.Name of installation work: .Party2.Location of installation workA''sin Port A.3.Scope of installation work: As specified in thedrawingsand statement attached.4. Time
9、 limit for completion:The installation work shall cordinate with theconstruction of in Party A, and shall becompleted , including thetrial run for , withindays after the completion of .5. Total price of installation work: U.S. Donly.6. Payment terms of installation work :First installment :Party A s
10、hall pay to Party B fifteen percent of thetotal pricefor installation work, i.e.U.S.D only ,when thiscontract comes into effect.Second installment :Party A shall pay to Party B fifteen percent of thetotal pricefor instalatiorn work, i.eU. S. D.only , at the commencement of construction installation.
11、Third installment :Party A shall pay to Party B ten percent of the totalpricefor installation work, i.e.U. S. D. only ,duringthe installation of pipes.Fourth installment :Party A shall pay to Party B forty percent of thetotal pricefor installation work, i.e.U. S. D.only , at thetime when the main eq
12、uipment arrives at the site.Fifth installment :Party A shall pay to Party B ten percent of the totalpricefor installation work, i , e.U. S. D. onlyupon comple - tion of the installation work.Sixth installment :Party A shall pay to Party B ten percent of thedifference of the price for installation wo
13、rk,i.e.U. S. D. only , after the work received has been proved qualified.7. Penalty for default :In the event Party B shall fail to complete the work in timeowing to reasons that Party B shall be held liable Party B shallpay a penahy for such defauh based on one out of a thousand of the total price
14、for installation work per day , i.e.U.S.D , only for each day of such default.8.Increase or decrease of work :In case Party A has to amend ,increase or decrease the working schedule , the corresponding increase or decrease of total priceshall be evaluated according to the terms and conditions betwee
15、nthe two Parties, Should the work bepayincreased , the Parties shallenter into an agreement for the unit price of additional items. Should any part of the completed work of any part of the materi - als transported to the site have to be abandoned owing to amend - ment made by Party A , Party A shall
16、 , after having received thework , for each completed work or materials abandoned as perthe unit price specified to Party B.9.Supervision for progress :The supervision personnel appointed by Party A and its rep - resentative shall have the authority to supervisethe progress or''work and give
17、 instruction. Party B shall perform correctly in ac - cordance with such instruction given by Party A''s personnel orrepresentative.10.Stopage work :Should Party A notify Party B to stop the work for reasonsbeyond the responsibility of Party B, Party B canstop the workand claim from Party A
18、the price of finished work, materials atsite and other reasonable expenses to be added or deducted fromthe paid installments.11.Custody of work :The completed work and the materials , tools , and equipment at site shall be under the custody of Party B after commencement and before completion and del
19、ivery of the work. Unless in the event of Force Majeure, Party B shall be fullyresponsible for any damage of the work under the custody of Party B. In case of Force Majeure, Party B shall give a listof damage according to the actual condition and suggest an expected price and date forrecovery from s
20、uch damage to Party A for checking and payment.Should Party A decide not to continue with the work, thiscontract shall be terminatedaccording to article 10 hereof.12.Warranty for work.Party B shall warrant the promised condition of the work within year s after the date of receivingthe work by Party
21、A. However , Party B shall not be liable to Acts of God or misuse of the work by Party A.13.Supplemental provisions :Party B shall be held responsible if Party A''s personnel or other people is injured due to the negligence of Party B duringthe progress of construction. However, suchresponsibility shallrest upon Party A if the injury caused is due to the negligence of Party A of technicians contracted with Party A.14. Attachments :Attachments shall become an integral part of
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