



1、人教版 2015 年春季学期三年级下册英语期中试卷:得分:一、选择所给单词的反义词,将其序号写在括号里。(5 分) ( )1、the giraffe is so tall. ( )2、shes very thin. ( )3、this cat is small.( )4、my pen is black.( )5、the ruler is short. 二、判断以下每组单词是否同类,同类的打 “” ,不是同类的打 “”。5 分5、a.china 三、单项选择。 (5 分) 1、look the giraffe. 2、the rabbit(兔子) has two ears. 3、猴子长着长长的尾巴

2、。 a.a monkey has a long tail. b.a monkey has long tails. 4、你想让朋友跟你一起去动物园,你说:s go to the zoo.5、我有一双大眼睛和一对小耳朵。 a.i have big ears and small eyes. b.i have big eyes and small ears. 四、对话填空。 (10 分) sarah:come here,amy. amy:1. whos this boy?sarah:2. amy:3. sarah:shes my sister. look! 4. and this is my dad.

3、 amy:5. s this girl? s my brother.五、根据左边的问句在右边选择合适的答句,编号写在括号里。 5 分( )1. who s that woman?( )2. what is this? ( )3. how are you? ( )4.is she your mum? ( )5. how many animals do you know? 六、读句子,选择与句子相符的图片, 将序号写在括号里。 (5 分) a. b.c.d.e.s so big.it has a long nose and two big ears. s white.it has two long

4、 ears and a short tail. s very cute. ( )4. its has a long tail. ( )5. it has two big ears. a.i know 6 animals. b.i am fine, thanks. c.it s a big pig.d.she is my english teacher. e.yes, she is. 七、根据情景,选择正确答案。8 分1.你想叫你的好朋友迈克去动物园,应说:a.mike ,let s go to the zoo!b.mike ,let s go to the school!2.你向别人说看看那只

5、大象,应说:a.look that elephant. b.look at that elephant. 3.下面的动物中,是中国的国宝的是:a. b. 4.你想告诉弟弟我有一个长鼻子,应说:a.i have a short nose. b.i have a long nose 5. 你想介绍小白兔时,应说:a.it has blue eyes and a short. b.it has red eyes and a short. 6. 你想让吴一凡的眼睛变大,应说:a.make your arms short,wu yifan. b.make your eyes big,wu yifan.

6、7. 妈妈提议:让我们一起去公园吧!我应说:a.great!b.bye. 8. i have big eyes and a big nose.下面的图片中是我的是:a. b. 八、圈出所给单词。 8 分1.hamanr 2.tkpenhm 3.anebigc 4.ghfatni 5.athinep 九、将单词分类。 1. 国家词: 2.动物词:3. 人物词: 4.形容词:十、根据句子内容选择正确的单词填空。6 分 ( )1.this _my father.(a.is b.are) s that_? shes my mother.(a.man b.woman) ( )3.look_the mon

7、key.(a.on b.at) ( )4.the elephants nose is_(a.long b.short) ( )5.it_small eyes and big ears.(a.have b.has ) m_shanghai.(a.from b.friend) 十一、选择相对应的答语。6 分 ( )1.where are you from? a. hes my father. s that man? b.no,he isnt. m from china. s my sister.( )5.is he your father? e.nice to meet you,too. s th

8、at girl? f.yes, she is. 十二、情景选择。 8 分 ( )1.你想问别人来自哪里,你应该怎么问 a. where are you from? b. im from china. ( )2.你想告诉同学他是一名老师,你应说: a. she s a teacher. ( )3.老师把班上新来的同学介绍给大家时应说: a.we have a new student today. b.this is my sister. ( )4.你看到一个男人,想知道他是谁,应该怎么问: a. who s that man? b. whos that woman? “全家福”照片介绍给同学时应

9、说: a. this is my school. b. this is my family. ( )6.老师给同学们介绍完新同学,同学们应说: a.welcome b. thanks ( )7.你想说:“我来自美国” ,应说:m from the uk. b. im from the usa. ( )8.你想把你弟弟介绍给你同学认识,应说: a.this is my brother. b.this is my sister. a.short b.cat c. china d.mother e.canada f.monkey g.usa h.brother i.fat j.dog k.siste

10、r l.thin ( )9.你看到长颈鹿时,你会说:s so short. b. its so tall. 十三、阅读理解。 5 分 hello, i m a panda,i s that girl?oh,right!(对了 )that is my sister,jingjing,welcome to my home. 根据短文内容判断正t误 (f) ( )1. beibei is from china.( )2. beibeis father is short and fat. ( )3. beibeis brother has a black and white body. ( )4. be


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