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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载北师大版小学三年级下册英师语生全活英动语过教程案集体备课方案个人调整意 见is it a pear. lesson oneteaching aims:1.understand the dialogue whats mean.2.the students like to learn english.1.the students can be ask and answer the dialogue. teaching emphasis:1.how can use “ whats this .” in the dialogue.and answerit.2.emph

2、asissentence:isita.yes、itis./no、it isn t.teaching difficulty:the children can be use the“whats this.” in dialogue. answer it.teaching step:一.greetings: haven t seen you for a long time.二.presentation and practice. step 1 model the dialog1. ask the students what they say when they see somethingexciti

3、ng or amazing. tell them、“ in english、 we can saywow”.have the ss repeat the word a few minute.2. hold up the card、 ask students to answer what they can see.3. choose one student. ask,“ whats this .”the studentreplies.4. learn the new words in the same way.step 2 talk about the storyhave the student

4、s open their books、 ask these questions about the pictures:1. where are lulu and mocky.2. who has a stall there .3. what is the litter fruit.4. does she like it.t: we are going to talk about the story.1. holdupacard.say、 “whatsthis.”elicitthe精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载北师大版小学三年级下册英师语生全活英动语过教程案集体备课方案个人调整意

5、 见answer、 “peach”.2. repeat this for pear、 orange、 and nut.step 3 story1. t: we are going to meet some new friends. play the tape once without stopping.2. playthe tape again、pausingaftereach picture.have thestudentsrepeateach sentences afterhearingiton the tape.3. dividethe classintotwo groups.onegr

6、oup willbe mocky、 the other group will be lulu.4. playthetape again.stop thetape aftereach sentences.step 4 talk about the story in group.1. have students talk about the story after thacher.2. encourage the childrento talkabout thestoryingroup. 3.choose some students to act it out.三.homeworkencourag

7、e the studentstotellthe storyto theirfamilies.lesson twoteaching aims:1.understand the dialogue whats mean. 2.the students like to learn english.2.the students can be ask and answer the dialogue. teaching emphasis:3.how can use “ whats this .” in the dialogue.and answerit.4.emphasissentence:isita.ye

8、s、itis./no、it isn t.teaching difficulty:the children can know the fruit words. teaching step:精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载北师大版小学三年级下册英语全英语教案师生活动过程精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载一.greetings.集体备课方案个 人 调 整 意 见精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载二.presentation.step 1 words to learn1.have thestudentsopen theirbooks.draw theiratten

9、tion to the“ wordsto learn”.2.play the tape. stop the tape after each new words. ask the ss to repeat it. do this a second time.3.play the tape straightthrough.while itisplaying、holdup the book. point to each words in turn.4.play theguessinggame outlinedinthefirstpartofthe lesson. this time、 use onl

10、y the words for fruit in“words to learn”.step 2 listen to this1 . display copy of the page and point the bottom half. tell the children mocky says、 whats this. point to the picture of a banana. elicit the answer、“it s a banana. ” 2.learn the new words and sentences. have the studentsrepeatthe senten

11、ces and touch each word.ask、 is ita peach. answer、 no、 it isnt.read the sentences and have the students repeat it before. ask、 is it a banana. answer、 yes、 it is.3.read the sentences together. tel the ss that i am goingto play a tape. play the first question and answer. check that the students have

12、chosen the answer on the page.step 3 play the game1.hold up a pen. say、 is this a pen. elicit、 yes、 it is.now indicate an item farther away. say、 is that a.2.put the ss intopairto practiceeach questionand answer.3.have thess open theirbooks at“play thegame”.still in pairs、 have the ss ask and answer

13、 questions about the numbered items.4.group work. play the game in group.step4 sing a song.sing a song in class. then sing the song group by group.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载北师大版小学三年级下册英师语生全活英动语过教程案集体备课方案个人调整意 见step 5 play a gameplay a guessinggameto practicethe new words and sentences.三.homeworksing th

14、e song and encourage thestudentsto practicethe new words and sentences.lesson threeteaching aims:1.understand the dialogue whats mean.2.the students like to learn english.3.the students can be ask and answer the dialogue. teaching emphasis:5.how can use “ whats this .” in the dialogue.and answerit.6

15、.emphasissentence:isita.yes、itis./no、it isn t.teaching difficulty:the children can know and read the words. teaching step:一.greetings.二 . presentation. step 1 talk together.1.direct the students attention to the top of the page. say: now we can read what we said.2.read the words in the speech bubble

16、s aloud、 pointing tothe words as you do so. have the students repeat the words after you.step 2 listen and number.1.have the ss open the books at page 6 . drawtheirattention to the bottom half of the page.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载北师大版小学三年级下册英语全英语教案师生活动过程集体备课方案个 人 调 整 意 见2 . t: weare going to listento

17、the tape.you touch the correct characters when you hear them say“hello.” 3.play the tape and have the children touch the correct pictures.4.play the tape two sentences at a time. stop after each pair.5.repeat the procedure for the other pictures.step 3 sounds and letters1.draw the ss attention to th

18、e top of the page.2.play the tape forbaby and ball.ask : do thesewords have the sound /b/3.play the tape again and have the ss say the sound.4.repeat the procedure for others.step 4 listen and write.1.displaythe page and have the ss turnto the matching page in their own books.2.have ss pointto thewo

19、rds.play the tape forpeach、 drawthe ss attention to the word under the picture.3.repeat the procedureforthe otherwords.havethe ss write the letter in the blanks.三.homework.color the pictures on page 6 and 7.lesson fourteaching aims:1.can use the sentences and write the words correctly.2.the students

20、 like to learn english.3.the students can be ask and answer the dialogue. teaching emphasis:4.how can use “ whats this .” in the dialogue.and answer精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载北师大版小学三年级下册英师语生全活英动语过教程案集体备课方案个人调整意 见it.5.emphasissentence:isita.yes、itis./no、it isn t.teaching difficulty:the children can read

21、and write the words. teaching step:一.greetings.二 . presentation. step 1 trace the words1.hold up thecardforbanana .ask “what isit. ” elicit from the students、 it is a banana.2.have the students open their books at page 8.draw theirattentionto the firstsentences.say、 weare going towrite what i said j

22、ust now.3.t: watch me write the word.standwithmyback to theclass.writethe word inthe air、 using large arm movements.4.ask the students to write the word in the air after me.repeat it.5.have the studentsturnto the “ trace the words” activity in their books.6.have thestudentstrace overother wordsby th

23、emselves.step 2 find and circle1.display my book. point to each picture in turn and saythematching word.ask、 what isthis.and have the ss circle the word.2.repeat the procedure for the other pictures of fruit.3.put the ss into pair、 tell them that they must find the other fruits names in the puzzle a

24、nd circle them out.step 3 uncle books blackboard1.hold up the card、what and this、read ittothe ss、 point to the words as i read them.2.have the ss repeat the words after teacher.3.now hold up the what is this. 、 explain the meaning of this sentence.4.in the same way、 review is it and introduce it is.

25、精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载北师大版小学三年级下册英语全英语教案师生活动过程集体备课方案个 人 调 整 意 见5.nowhave ss open the book、 model the structuresby reading.6.divide the class into two groups. have one group repeatthe question、and forthe othergroup repeatthe answer.have the group change places.step 4 guess and say.1.have thestudents

26、practice sayingthe sentences ofthis unit.2.displaymybook、 and explainthatwheni pointto a fruit、i will ask a child to guess and say.三.homeworkask students to finish tracing words on page 8.lesson fiveteaching aims:1.can use the sentences and write the words correctly.2 . the students like to learn en

27、glish. 3.the students can be ask and answer the dialogue. teaching emphasis:6.howcan use “ whats this .” in the dialogue.and answerit.7.emphasissentence:isita.yes、itis./no、it isn t.teaching difficulty:the children can read and write the words. teaching step:一.greetings.二.presentation.step 1 read、 an

28、d check1 .review the sentences:what is it.2 . ask the studentsto practicereadingsentences like、this精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载北师大版小学三年级下册英语全英语教案师生活动过程集体备课方案个 人 调 整 意 见is.、then ask thestudentstoread the sentenceson page 10.3.displaythe book、 pointto the firstpicture.then、 pointtothe question、isita lemon.

29、 read thewords aloud as you point each one. elicit the answer、 yes、 it is.4 .ask studentsto pointto the answer intheirbooks. havethem read the words whit you. 5 .put the students into pair、 do this exercise.step 2 lets chant. 1 .use the cards and have students practice reading the words.2 .read the

30、rhyme tothe students、pointtoeach word.thenplay the tape for the rhyme and have students listen and point to the words on the page.3 . playthetapeagainandhavestudentsjoinin、encouraging them to hum or clap with the rhyme.step 3 match the names.1.model the word for them、 and color the pictures.2. have

31、the students use their fingers to follow the ant trail between the pictures and the words.四.homework.read the chant and color the pictures on page 10.lesson sixteaching aims:1.can understand the story.2.the students like to learn english.3.the students can be ask and answer the dialogue. teaching em

32、phasis:8.how can use “ whats this .” in the dialogue.and answerit.9.emphasissentence:isita.yes、itis./no、it精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载北师大版小学三年级下册英师语生全活英动语过教程案集体备课方案个人调整意 见isn t.teaching difficulty:the children can read and write the words. teaching step:一.greetings.二.presentation.step 1 uncle books story

33、timetell the students that they going to listen to a story.1. play thetap、 askthe studentstolisten to thestory .2. havethestudentsopenthebook、andlookatthe pictures、 ask them to look for the familiar words in thebook.3. have the students read the story silently、 encourage them to try to guess the mea

34、ning of unfamiliar words.4. try to tell the story in groups.step 2 review the sentences and words. 1 .use the picture cards.2 .whats this. its * . is it * . yes、 it is. no、 it isn t.step 3 bingo 1 .use thisgametoreviewthe words and sentencesinthis unit.tell the ss to take out their cards and get rea

35、dy for the game.2 .play the game in group.step 4 self-assessment1.have the students do this part in pairs or in groups by themselves.2.studentsshouldassess themselves accordingto theirownsituation.3.check the answer.四.homework.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载北师大版小学三年级下册英师语生全活英动语过教程案集体备课方案个人调整意 见read part a b

36、 、 and the words and sentences.unit 8 are these tomatoes.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载教学目标lesson 1精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载 学问目标: what are these/those. they re/ they are.are these. plural nouns regular 才能目标: listen and talk. 情感目标:勉励同学大胆开口说英语,培育同学的自信心; 教学重难点: asking and answering question about plural object

37、s 教学过程:1. reviewuse this activity to review structures introduced in unit 7、 and the vocabulary introduced in unit 2 and unit 5.whats this. its ais it a. yes、 it is. / no、it isnt.2. model the dialogborrow three pens、 pencils、 and rulers from the children.hold up one pen and ask、“whats this. ” elicit

38、the answer、“it s a pen. ” repeat theprocedureforpenciland ruler. hold up a pen and repeat the question、“whats this.” now hold up two or three pens and say、“what are these.” repeat the procedure using the pencils and rulers.now have the children repeat each sentence as you hold up first one object、 a

39、nd then more than one. explain that we use these when we are referring to more than one object.practicethestructure“whatarethese/those.theyre” with some objects.3. talk about the storyhave the childrenopen theirbooks at the story.displayyour copy of the page and ask these questionsabout the pictures

40、.where are ann、 ken、 and mocky.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载北师大版小学三年级下册英师语生全活英动语过教程案集体备课方案个人调整意 见what is mocky looking at. what is mocky holding.what other vegetables does mocky find.who chases mocky.4. storyplay the tape、pausing at each newpicture.havethe children repeat the words before you move on to t

41、he next picture.play the tape again、 this time without stopping.dividethe classintothreegroups.onegroup willbe mocky、 the second group will be ken、 and the third group will be ann.teacherread the vendors line.play one sentence at a time and point to the matching story picture. have each group repeat

42、 its character s sentence. read after the teacher ;5. set homeworktell your families the english names for the vegetables. read the text;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载教学目标lesson 2精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载 学问目标:what are these/those.they are.vegetables才能目标: listen、 say and sing.情感目标:在歌曲中激发同学学习的爱好,寓学于乐;教学重难点: a

43、sking and answering question about plural objects.教学过程:1. warm-upchoose two childrentocometothefrontoftheclass.have one child hold up a flashcard and ask、“what are these.” and the otherchildanswer、“theyre” aftertheyhavepresentedthree cards、choose two more children and repeat the procedure.pin up one

44、 ofthe sixflashcards.moveaway and pointtothe flashcard.say、“what arethose. ” elicitthecorrect answer.2. plurals精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载北师大版小学三年级下册英师语生全活英动语过教程案集体备课方案个人调整意 见hold up the beans flashcard. ask、“what are these.” make sure the children say the final /s/ in theyre beans.explain to the childr

45、en that、 when we talk about more than one thing、 we usually add an s at the end of the word.draw one tomato and one mushroomon the board.pointtothe tomato and have the children say tomato. then hold up the flashcardand have them say tomatoes、emphasizing thefinal/s/ sound.repeat the procedure for mus

46、hroom/s/.3. words to learndisplayyour copy ofthepage.playthe tapeonce.pointto the picture of each vegetable as it is named.play the tape again. have the children touch the correctpicture as they hear each vegetables name. without the tape 、 read the words together. encourage the children to touch ea

47、ch word as they say it.read the namesagain、and thistime have the childrenrepeat the words.4. listen to thistalk about the pictures first.play the tape、 pausing after each pair of sentences. havethemrepeatkensquestion、thenpointtothecorrect vegetables.5. teach the songuse the flashcards of the vocabul

48、ary being reviewed.practice the structures“are these. yes、 they are. / no、 it isnt. ” with the flashcards.these new structures will prepare the children for the song.tell the children they are going to learn another song.read thewords aloudtothe children、 pointingto each word as you do so.play the s

49、ong. encourage the children to sing along and toclap in time.6. set homeworktell the children you want them to sing the song to their families.read the new words by themselves;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载北师大版小学三年级下册英师语生全活英动语过教程案集体备课方案个人调整意 见精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载教学目标lesson 3精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载 学问目标:

50、 are these/those. yes、 they are. no、 they aren t.(phonics )/t/ /d/才能目标: listen、 talk and read.情感目标:乐于仿照,敢于开口,积极参加,主动请教;教学重难点:have the children practice the sounds and letters.教学过程:1. warm-up language drillare these. yes、 they are. / no、 they arent.2. talk togetherhave the children open their books at page 18. draw theirattentionto the picturesatthetop of the page. say、 “now we can read what we said.”display the copy of the page and


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