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1、供應鏈管理的策略架構a strategic framework for supply chain management綱要outline供應鏈策略架構(chi)a supply chain strategy framework (chi) 兩個觀點two process views週期觀點cycle view推拉觀點push/pull view策略定位(ch 2)achieving strategic fit and scope (ch 2) 驅力與阻力(ch3)supply chain drivers and obstaeles (ch3) 效率與回應間之權衡trade-off effici

2、ency and responsiveness供應鏈內的流動flows in a supply chain日木物流協會:物流;金流;冏流;情報流供應鏈的週期觀cycle view of a supply chain 訂單週期時間order cycle (in general)訂單傳輸order transmission訂單處理order processing訂單準備order preparation訂單送貨order shipping週期觀cycle view (pp. 8-12)分為四個週期divide into (order) four cycles 適於公司企業作業決策good for

3、operational decisions供應鏈四個週期prof. a. hail 韓復華教授供應商製造商 wipwip1通路商fgfg成応7、j顧客製逸週期補貨採購週期主要為計畫 性生產用用生產製造交 單,而非運送訂覃由再tr貨點” 啟動啟動供虑鏈的 價值創造supply chain drawing 供應鏈繪製推/拉的流程觀push/pull process view由op訂單穿透點區分divide by op (order penetration) point sharman推的流程(先為)push process (speculation)在op點前before op point為預期客

4、戶訂單準備process in anticipation of customer orders拉的流程(延遲)pull process (postponement)在op點之後after op point為回應實際訂單的需求process in response of customer orders 推拉現象有助於供應鏈(跨企業)策略規劃 push/pull view is good for strategic planningpush and pull view of a supply chain供應鏈的推拉流程示意the importance of supply chain供應鏈的重要性成

5、功案例:dolldell' s success失敗案例:桂格麥片 quaker oats' lesson(p 17) 1994年以17億美元購入snappie$1. 7b bought snappie in 1994.12.兩個不同性質的供應鏈two distinet supply chains無法創造績效與價值can, t create synergy and sc value1999年以300萬美元賣岀.sold to triarc about $300m 1997.4.examples of supply chains供應鏈實例供應鏈實例micron直銷電子商務mier

6、on elcctr on ics: direct sales memu feictur ing統一超商便利商丿占7-eleven: convenience storegrainger / mcmaster-carr組修零件器材商w. w. grainger / mcmaster-carr: mro豐皿汽車製造toyota: global auto manufacturer亞馬遜網路書店amazon / borders / barncsand noble上述供應鏈的關鏈何在?what are some key issues in these supply chains?very good for

7、 group discussion供應鏈的策略配適strategic fit of a supply chain(第二章)(chapter 2)公司策略:(任務/願景)company strategy: (mission/vision)定義口標顧客用產品與服務去滿足define target customers to satisfy through its products and services 供應鏈策略必須要支持公司企業的策略supply chain strategy must support company/corporate strategy 企業策略實例business (com

8、petitive) strategy實例:examples:沃瑪:每天低價產品多樣wal-mart: everyday low price; product varietymcmaster carr:次h送達 產品多樣mcmaster carr: nextday delivery; product varietydell:客製化dell: customizationcompaq:現貨性compaq: availabi1i ty7-el even: 便利性(時間/空間效用)convenience (time/place utility)how to achieve strategic fit如何

9、達到策略配適1.瞭解客戶understanding the customer2 瞭解供應鏈understanding the supply chain3.進行策略配適make strategic fitstep 1: understanding the customer 瞭解客戶客戶需求屬性customer demand attributes lot size resp on se time service level product variety price innovation批量回應時間服務水準i 多樣化i 價格創新丿implieddemanduncertainty隱含的需求不確定性客

10、戶需求的影嚮impact of customer needs價格 customer needprice客戶需求回應性responsiveness洗衣粉 detergent流行服飾 high fashionlow 低high 蕩隠含的需求不定性implied demand uncertaintyimpact of customcr needs on implied demanduncertainty table 2. 1 p. 30瞭解供應鏈step 2: understand the supply chain 供應鏈(績效)屬性supply chain (performeinee) attri

11、butes response time回應時間 service level服務水準supply chain product variety 產品多樣性responsiveness price價格供應鏈回應性 innovation創新回應性responsiveness高顯示對應固定回應水平上最高的成本效率成木-回應的效率前緣cost-responsiveness efficient frontiershowing highest possible cost-efficiency for a given responsiveness level完成策略配適step 3: achieving str

12、ategic fitbarillathe choice of italy前緣上的策略定位strategic positioning on the frontier策略配適相關問題other issues about strategic fit 多產品線與多客群multiple products and customer segments 產品生命週期product life cycle 隨著時間變化的競爭compelitive changes over time 外包與聯盟outsourcing and alliances供應鏈驅力與阻礙供應鏈驅力與阻礙supply chain drivers

13、 and obstacles(笫三章) (chapter 3) 供應鏈驅力supply chai n dri vers 影響供應鏈績效的主要因素major factors impact sc performance 庫存inventories 運輸transportation 設施facilities 資訊 information庫存庫存inventory 庫存的組成components of inventory decisions 週期性庫存cyclic (periodic) inventory 安全存貨safety stock季節性庫存seasonal inventor 影嚮impact高

14、存貨、高成木、反應快more inventory: higher costs, better responsiveness運輸transportation運輸的要件components of transportation deci sions 運輸方式:空運、卡車、鐵路、船運、管線、互聯網mode: air, truck, rai 1, ship, pipeline, tnternet 車輛路線與排程network routing/scheduling自營或外包in-house or outsource權衡trade-off速度與成木speed vs. cost冋應性(客製化)與效率respo

15、nsive (customizc) vs. efficiencyfacilities設施設施生產製造設施與儲存設施production/storage facilities耍件components of faci1ity decisions地點位置location能量(效率負彈性)capacity (efficiency vs. flexibility)製造/倉庫方法manufacturing/warehousing methodologysku儲存,批量儲存sku storage, job lot storage(穿越碼頭)直接換裝cross-dockinginformation 資訊連結供

16、應鏈不同環節的關鍵key to connect sc stages供應鏈流程界面的“膠著劑”“glue” of sc process interface資訊決策informeition deci sions預測:總體計畫;協調與資訊分享forecasting; aggregateplanning; coordination and information sharing 促成技術enabling technologies 電了資料交換(edi)互聯網,企業資源規劃(erp)、供應鏈管理軟體edi, internet, erp, scm software,資訊決策要件components of

17、information decisions components of information decisions 推式與拉式之對比push vs pull推式需要主生產排程提供mrp格式的資訊,推展出相關資訊push requires information inform of mrp to take the master production scheduleand rol1 it back, creating schedules for suppliers with part types,quantities, delivery dates, -拉式需要實際需求的資訊,儘速向上傳遞給供應

18、鏈個環節pull system requires information on actual demand to be transmitted extremely fast through the entire supply chain so that production and distribution of parts and products can accurately reflect the real demand.供應鏈驅力的考量供應鏈驅力的考量considerations for supply chain driversdriver 腿力efficiency 效率respons

19、iveness回應inventoiy 庫存cost of holding(增加)庫存成本availability 提高現貨性transportation 運輸consolidation 併裝(降低成本)speed 快速(提高成本)facilities設施consolidation /dedicated集中/專注proximity / flexibility 分散/彈性information 資訊what information is best suited for each objective適當的資訊滿足不同目標供應鏈決策驅動的策略結構strategic structure sc drive

20、rs:以沃瑪為例以沃瑪為例case of wai wal-mart mart (p.51)目標:低價多樣goal: low-cost retailerw/wide variety策略:效率回應兼顧sc strategy: efficiency also responsive 結構structure庫存一直接換裝(效率)invenlory- crossdock (efficiency)運輸一自營車隊(回應)transportation- own fleet (responsiveness)設施一小央倉庫(效率)資訊一ecr、pos (效率與回應)facility- centralized dc

21、(efficiency) information- ecr, pos, - (efficiency /responsiveness)major obstacles to achieving fit策略配適的主要障礙不同環節,不同業主,不同誘因multiple owners / incentives in a supply chain局部優化而非全面配適local optimization and lack of global fit多樣化趨勢/生命週期縮短/顧客區隔increasing product variety / shrinking life cycles / customer fra

22、gmentation需求不定性h增increasing implied uncertainty量身訂製的物流供應tailored logistics 單套供應鏈必然無法滿足不同客戶效率或回應的需求a single supply chain will fail different customers on efficiency or responsiveness or both.視客群特性,區分不同z “物流事業群(ldb) ”部署不同的each logistically distinct business (ldb) will have distinet requirements in ter

23、ms of 庫存inventory運輸transportation設施facility資訊informationsee fisher, “ what, the right supply chain for your product, ” harvard business review, 1997.小結summary兩種供應鏈的流程觀two views of a supply chain策略配適:a strategic framework:佈置供應鏈驅力契合目標客戶群效率與冋應的需要achieving fit -efficiency/responsiveness and supply chain

24、 drivers 量身訂做的物流tailored logistics如何克服阻礙仍待探討yet to learn to overcome obstaelessuppliercus:0hersstock pointsfabncaiedenvericnallnote: op point is where product specifications get fi'ozen.(boundaiy of push and pull)small appliance-oj refineriescomputer sysiemidieselswood fimixieop 5design and mele ?o ordermake siandard modoles to0p1sell from s:ozkop 4 male ro ordermake pans ro planmaie =iandard produc: to planassemble


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