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1、动词变名词1.v+ ment 结尾achieve-achievement 成就advertise- advertisement/ advertisingagree (in )agreementapartment 公寓amusement 娱乐argue-argument争吵commit奉献commitmentcompliment 称赞,恭维develop-developmentdisgreedisagreementdepartment 局,部experiment 实验,试验equip 装备-equipment 装备,器材 govern 统治government 政府manage-manageme

2、nt 经营 管理2V+ tion 结尾attract吸引attraction 有吸引力的事或人;令人向往的地方concludeconclusion 结论competecompetition 竞争,比赛discussdiscussion 讨论educate-educationdecide-decision describedescription描写,描绘express 表达-expression 词语;表达方式graduate 毕业graduationoperate 操作,动手术operationorganize-organization instructinstruction 指导, 介绍in

3、ventinventor / inventioninviteinvitation inspire-inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的-pollute-pollution 污染predict-prediction 预言 pronounce -pronunciation resolve 决心-resolution 决心permit 允许-permission suggest-建议,暗示-suggestion solve解决-solution 解决方法3V+ ance 结尾appearappearance 外貌 ,出现perform-performance 演出4V+ ing 结尾bathe

4、洗澡-bathing end 结束-ending 结尾,结局train 训练-training mean - meaning 意义say-saying 谚语5V+ 其他beg(乞讨)beggar 乞丐behave 行为,举止-behaviorknow-knowledgeflyflight 飞行heat 加热-heat 热量hit 撞击-hit 轰动一时的人或物,碰撞mix 混合-mixture 混合物press 按,压pressure 压力sit-seat 座位succeed- successtour 在-旅游,在-作巡回演出 直接+地点 tour China -tour 旅游/ touris

5、t 游客名词变形容词1名词+y Anger 生气-angryhunger-hungryfogfoggy有雾的fur-furry 毛皮的guilt 罪恶-guilty 内疚的health-healthyluck-luckycloud-cloudywindwindyrain-rainysnow-snowysunsunnytourist-touristy 游客多的business-busysalt 盐- salty 咸的shine-shiny 发亮的silk 丝绸silky 丝绸般的sleep-sleepy 昏昏欲睡的taste 口味,品味-tasty 甜的2.名词+ edbalance balan

6、ced 平衡的spot 斑点,地点-spotted 有斑点的talent-talented 有天赋的organized 有组织的disgusted 厌恶的offended 生气的crowded 拥挤的polluted 被污染的pleased 高兴的3名词+ ful/lessmeaningmeaningful 有意义的carecareful/ careless 小心的;粗心的help-helpful / helplesshomehomeless 无家可归的colour-colourfulpain 疼痛-painful 痛苦的use-useless/ usefulthankthankful 充满感

7、激的peace 和平 - peaceful 平静的,宁静的playful 顽皮的,爱玩耍的4名词+ ableadjustable 可调整的comfort-comfortableknowledge-knowledgeablesuit 一套-suitable 合适的5.名词+ ousenormous 巨大的dangerdangerousmystery 神秘-mysterious 神秘的6.ce 变 t confidence-confidentdifference-different7. al 结尾medicine 药-medical 医学的music-musicalnature-natural 自

8、然的person-personal (私人的)nationnational 国家的education-educational有教育意义的tradition-traditional 传统的origin起源-original 新颖的;独创的8名词+ lyfriendfriendlylive-lively 活跃的,有生气的lovelovely 可爱的9.+ en 结尾woodwooden 木制的woolwoolen 羊毛的10. 其他energy精力-energeticfool 傻子foolish 愚蠢的freedom 自由free 空的, 免费的height 高度highillness 疾病- i

9、llloveloving 慈爱的death-deadpleasure-pleasant / pleasedpopularity 流行性popularpride-proudscientist-scientific 科学的方位的词表达 名词形容词easteasternwestwesternsouthsouthernnorth-northernin the west of Chinain the western part of China四大洲 名词-形容词Asia 亚洲- Asian Africa 非洲- AfricanEurope欧洲- European America 美洲-American形

10、容词变副词1 形容词+ lybadbadlybrightbrightly 明亮地casualcasually 随意地clearclearly 清楚地completecompletely 完全correct-correctly 正确地final-finallyfortunatefortunately幸运地generalgenerally 一般来讲loudloudlyparticular 特殊的,独特的particularlypolitepolitely proper 合适的-,恰当的-properlymain-mainly 主要地 most 多数-mostly 多半,大多数normal-norm

11、ally 正常地quickquicklyquietquietly 轻轻地,安静地realreallyrecent 最近的-recently 最近;近来hard 难的;努力地-hardly 几乎不late 迟的lately 最近;近来sad-sadlyslow-slowlyspecialspecially 专门,特殊地specific-specifically 特定地,明确地strongstrongly 坚决地, 强烈地suddensuddenly突然usualusually2. 以le 结尾的 去e + ycomfortable-comfortablygentlegentlypossible-

12、possiblysimple -simply 仅仅;只;简单地terrible-terribly3. 辅音字母+ y 变 ilyeasyeasilyheavyheavilyhappy-happily4.特殊goodwell好地 well 身体健康的 ,井truetruly名词-形容词副词beauty 美,美人beautifulbeautifullycarecarefulcarefullycarecarelesscarelesslydifference-different-differentlyhappinesshappyhappilyhungerhungry-hungrilyhealthhea

13、lthyhealthilyluckluckyluckilynoisenoisynoisilyprideproudproudly骄傲地sadnesssadsadlysafety 安全;安全的地方safesafelysilencesilent-silently 默默地successsuccessfulsuccessfullytruthtruetrulyunluckunluckyunluckilywonder 奇迹wonderfulwonderfully既是形容词又是副词early get up early ; an early trainlate be late for classcome lat

14、e for schooldeep dive deep into the sea a hole deep largehigh jump high; a high mountainhard a hard question;a hard stone work hard / study hardrain hardlong It takes too long It takes a long timefar jump far My home is far from school straight a straight line go straight along her14中考英语词性转化300题提高篇讲

15、义用所给单词的适当形式完成句子1. The Smiths live on the _ floor of the highrise. (nine)2. All the great _ are respected(尊敬)by the world. (invent)3. My pet is a _ cat. She is very lovely. (male) 4. Ill do my homework more _ next time. (care)5. When you study a foreign language, its important to make a good _. (begi

16、n)6. Everyone knows such kind of books is _ to children. They shouldnt be sold at any bookstore. (harm)7. In the past punishment(惩罚)was decided by the university. The student had no _ but to accept it. (choose)8. Our teacher told us the _ story I had ever heard at yesterdays class meeting. (sad)9. T

17、he _ Lesson is very difficult but very important. You must learn it by heart.(twelve)10. They looked very _ in the idea. (interest)11. After they got on the bus, they found two _. (sit)12. Help _ to the fish, everyone. (you)13. What we have had is just part of the truth. We should try to get _ infor

18、mation about it. (far)14. A _ sight stopped them from going forward. (frighten)15. He seemed very _. He got a D in the English test. (happy)16. Before you start this work, you should try to realize its _. (important)17. March 8 is _ Day. (woman)18. This book belongs to you. Where is _? (me)19. The v

19、isitors are _ students. (main)20. Do you know about the _ of the book? (write)21. Can you show me your _ of coins? (collect)22. To my _, I got full marks for maths last week. (surprised)23. In this new housing estate there stand a lot of high and magnificent _. (build)24. In winter, most of the rive

20、rs and lakes are _. It becomes a world of ice. (freeze)25. Then he slowly walked _ the house. (pass)26. Do you know who is the _ of the English contest? (win)27. Peter is very _. Im sure he will come to take care of your baby when hes asked to. (help)28. The Yangtze River is the _ longest river in t

21、he world. (three)29. _ to meet all of you here. (please)30. Now more and more gardens are being built in our _. (neighbour)31. Its very important for us to learn English _. (good)32. Both our teacher and my mother are satisfied with my _. (honest)33. Oliver Twist ate the cake _. (hungry)34. Of all t

22、he boys, Li Ming studies _. (hard)35. We are all pleased to hear that the _ went on very well. ( operate)36. The children in this kindergarten have been trained to take care of _ though they are only six years old. (they)37. Could you tell me who will give us a _ on childrens education? (speak)38. T

23、hese modern machines work . (automatic)39. This cartoon film is _ than the one I saw last Saturday. (fun)40. Will you please tell me how much the _ is? (post)41. The twin sisters used to be _ in Hollywood. (act)42. Actions speak more _ than words. (loud)43. I am _ about my schoolwork because I haven

24、't worked hard this term. (worry)44. Your pet dog is so _ that all of us like to play with it. (love)45. It has been snowing _ for a whole day. (heavy)46. We have been told the _ of the case. (true)47. Have you made your _ yet? (decide)48. People from Italy are called _. (Italy)49. I _ where he

25、comes from. (wonderful)50. The weather in April is _, so youd better take more clothes with you. (change)51. Ferries come and go on the river as _ as boats. (quick)52. Listen, everybody, we will meet at the _ of the cinema at 4 pm. (enter)53. You cannot eat so much fast food, because it is _. (healt

26、h)54. It is reported that three _ have been put into prison. (Canada)55. Time flies _ and never returns. (swift)56. We saw her running _ the street just now. (cross)57. Do English people shake hands as often as _? (Germany)58. We all know that theres no _ thing on the moon. (live)59. In order to mak

27、e the trip _ for his children, Mr. Green kept the name of the destination (目的地) a secret. (excite)60. A _ team from China will arrive in America next week. (medicine)61. This morning I lost my handbag and this afternoon I fell off my bike and broke my leg. I think it is an _ day. (luck)62. Many stud

28、ents are not able to pay their college _. (expensive)63. British people eat a large number of . (potato)64. She seems an _ girl. (honesty)65. We tried all sorts of _, but they were all useless. (medical)66. The digital (数码) camera is one of the _ of the modern science. (wonderfully)67. I wouldnt do

29、business with such a _ man. (fool)68. Carl looks much _ than before. (health)69. I was _ to meet Jane in a foreign country. (surprise)70. The mother was _ to the brave man who had saved her son. (thank)71. I happened to meet a group of _ on my way home yesterday. (France)72. The little boy can run a

30、 marathon in _ than three hours. (little)73. I was told that my class teachers daughter would leave _ school this July. (second)74. Its a _ to have a picnic with all the family members. (please)75. The lost calculator has been returned to its _. (own)76. Be sure to let me know whenever you are in _.

31、 ( dangerous)77. The completion (完成) of the big bridge made every one of us _ and happy. (exciting)78. The _ is not so good as we expected. (perform)79. What a _ day it is today! Shall we go to have a picnic in the countryside? (sun)80. The tall _ is one of my fathers best friends. (art)81. Have you

32、 decided to take the headmasters _? (advise)82. Even _, he lost his job. (bad)83. Please answer the _ questions. (follow)84. Many people became after the fire. (home)85. The of the restaurant is quite good. (serve)86. _ speaking, the computer has become an important part of our life. (general)87. I

33、thought the _ was quite dull at yesterdays party. (recite)88. The _ of the river is still a secret. (long)89. No one knew why the baby kept . (cry)90. Life today is becoming harder and busier, so everyone should have his own way of _. (relax)91. In _ to hard work, we need some good ways to succeed.

34、(add)92. I am fond of _ fiction. (scientist)93. Its _ of you to make such a decision. (wisdom)94. Quite a few _ houses have been built for the tourists around the lake. (wood)95. The passenger plane landed at last after flying in the storm for about one hour. (safe)96. My family have been to Beijing

35、 _ to climb the Great Wall. (two)97. One shouldnt give up easily if he is determined to _. (success) 98. Lauras husband works as a _ in a bank. (message)99. The harder you work; the _ progress youll make. (great)100. It will _ rain this afternoon. (impossible)101. People from different _ come togeth

36、er to visit the famous museum. (country)102. He can do everything on _ own. (he)103. About two _ ride in the bus will take you to the seaside. (hour)104. I would like to buy three kilos of _. (tomato)105. What nice _! Lets put them on the walls of the meeting room. (paint)106. How often do you take

37、your son to the _ Palace? (child)107. In the _ century, science is developing very fast. (twenty-one)108. To be _, I think you didnt sing as well as Jack. (honesty)109. Do you know if the headmistress of the school is a _ teacher? (chemical)110. The patient is getting _. The doctors will use new med

38、icine for him. (ill)111. “What can I do for you?” the _ asked. (library)112. _ food is sold in lots of supermarkets. (freeze)113. We have plenty of _ after class. (active)114. A doctors duty is to save peoples _. (life)115. She lives in Britain but has French _. (national)116. In winter, British peo

39、ple use _ instead of air-conditioners. (heat)117. Its not _ to wear your school uniform on Friday. (need)118. Your homework today is to _ all these new words. (memory)119. This is an _ door. You neednt press any button. (automatically)120. Hard _ is very important to every player who wants to be suc

40、cessful in the match. (train)121. She took the two oclock _ to Chicago just now. (fly)122. In _ weather, the water is always covered with ice. (freeze)123. The old lady was too _ to say a word. (frighten)124. It was too dark for us to see anything _. (clear)125. My mum does _ once a week. (shop)126.

41、 George Stephenson became famous in his _. (twenty)127. We all found the film very _. (interest)128. That girls _ hair attracted all of us. (gold)129. The weather report says, “Its _ today.” (cloud)130. As we entered the garden, we saw a little girl _ on the grass in the sun. (lie)131. Its great _ t

42、o play chess on the internet. (funny)132. After showing the students how to do this experiment, the teacher told them that had been a _ change. (physics)133. Lin Tao is one of the most _ boys in the class, because he never gets to school on time. (lazy)134. _, we won the basketball match without dif

43、ficulty. (luck)135. The monkey looked at _ in the mirror. (it)136. I wondered whether the bag was that _. (lady)137. The shopping centre is always _ of customers at weekends. (fill)138. Do you know the _ of the nearest police station? (located)139. I helped the old man to show my _. (kind)140. _ is

44、more important than wealth. (healthy)141. Nothing is _ if you set your mind to it. (possible)142. The sun is shining _. Lets go for a picnic. (bright)143. Dont hesitate to ask if you have any _ when doing your homework. (difficult)144. My mother is always busy _ the clothes in the evening. (wash)145

45、. The doctors were always busy operating on the _ soldier in the field hospital during the war. (wound)146. Liz is much _ than her twin sister. (thin)147. Please write down the _ idea of this text. (mainly)148. Its our responsibility to save water and _. (electrical)149. English has more _ who learn

46、 it as a second language than Chinese. (speak)150. English is a _ language. It makes peoples in the world understand each other better than ever. (use)151. You have to recite words every day to keep your _ active. (memorize)152. Although he worked hardest, he got the _ money of all. (little)153. _ s

47、hould obey the traffic rule. (drive)154. My mother is a hard-working _. (business)155. About twenty _ will come to visit our school this coming Saturday. (Australia)156. WHO means World Health _. (organize)157. I felt _ sorry for having missed such a wonderful football match. (truth)158. He apologiz

48、ed to Mike for the _ from his birthday party. (absent)159. We should throw rubbish into litter bins so as not to _ the city. (pollution)160. Our language lab is on the _ floor of the classroom building. (four)161. “Stop them! They are _,” an old man shouted. (thief)162. After a long _, they got the

49、solution to the problem. (discuss)163. We hope our country will become more and more _. (power)164. Paris is the capital of _, isnt it? (French)165. The lady sold five _ of bread to the little boy and wished him good luck. (loaf)166. Tom is better at _ than anyone else in the class. (swim)167. Mary

50、_ playing the piano for two hours every day. (practice)168. Yao Ming is a famous _ basketball player. (profession)169. My mother is very _ though she is only forty. (forget)170. _ does a lot of harm to others as well as the smoker himself. (smoke)171. American people usually have the _ turkey at Christmas. (tradition)172. The _ light suddenly went out. (electricity)173. Who can tell me the_ of the Himalaya? (high)174. When autumn comes, _ fall off trees. The ground is always covered with them. (leaf)175. These


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