



1、塑料拉伸性能的测定第二部分:模塑和挤塑塑料的试验条件1范围1.1GB/T 1040的本部分在第1部分基础上规定了用于测定模塑和挤塑塑料拉伸性能的实验 条件。1.2本部分适合下述范围的材料:-硬质和半硬质的热塑性模塑、挤塑和铸塑材料,除未填冲类型外还包括列入用短纤棒、 细棒、小薄片或细粒料填充和增强的复合材料,但不包括纺织纤维增强的复合材料;-硬质和半硬质热固性模塑和铸塑材料,包括填充和增强的复合材料,但不包括纺织纤维增强的复合材料;-热致液晶聚合物。本部分不适用于纺织纤维增强的复合材料、硬质微孔材料或含有微孔材料夹层结构的材料2名词和定义见 ISO 527-1:2012,章节 33原理和方法见

2、 ISO 527-1:2012,章节 44仪器4.1概述见 ISO 527-1:2012,章节 5,特别是 5.1.1 致引伸计4.3测试记录装置5测试样品5.1形状和尺寸只要可能,试样应为如图一所示的1A型和1B型的哑铃型试样,直接模塑的多用途试样选择1A型,机加工试样选择1B型。关于使用小试样时的规定,见附录A/ISO 20753注:具有4mm厚的IA型和1B型试样分别和ISO 3167规定的A型和B型多用途试样相同。与 ISO 20753 的A1和A2也相同Figure 1 Type 1A and 1B test specimensTable 1 Dimensions

3、of type 1A and 1B teu specimensDimen&ionB in millimetresSpeciinen type1A1BOverall length3170S150hLength of narrow pmrallelM凶 porNcn&01260.0 ± 0,5rRadius24 ± 160 ± 0,5Distance between broad parallebsided portions &1D9,3±3r21DB± 1,6Width at ends20,0 ± 0,2Widti

4、h at narrow portion10,010,2hPreferred Ihickness4.0 ± 0,2ZrQGaugie length (preferred)Guge length (acceptable if required for quality control or y/hen s.pecified)75,0 ± Q,550.0 ±0.550,0 ± 0,5LInitial distance between grips115± 1115 ± 1a The rec commended overall len-gfth

5、of 170 mm of rhe type 1A is consislent wilih ISO 294-1 and ISO 10724'1. For some materials, lhe Icngih of the tabs may need fia be extended (e.g. /j = 200 mm) to prevent breakage ar slippage ih the jaws of the testing maclhine.b+ 42- bn) - 2蚀冏倔.resulting from 商,.匕帕 sand 心.but within lhe indicate

6、d toterances.5.2试样的制备应按照相关材料规范制备试样,当无规范或无其他规定时,应按ISO293、ISO 294-1 ,ISO295或者ISO 10724-1以适宜的方法从材料直接压塑制备试样,或按照 ISO 2818由压塑 或注塑板材经机加工制备试样。试样所有表面应吴可见裂痕、划痕或其他缺陷。如果模塑试样存在毛刺应去掉,注意不 要损伤模塑表面。由制件机加工制备试样时应取平面或曲率最小的区域。除非确实需要,对于增强塑料试 样不宜使用机加工来减少厚度,表面经过机加工的试样与未经机加工的试样实验结果不能互相比较。5.3标线见 ISO 527-1:2012,6.35.4检查测试样品见

7、ISO 527-1:2012,6.45.5各向异性5.6测试样数量见 ISO 527-1:2012,章节 7.6状态调节见 ISO 527-1:2012,章节 87测试过程见 ISO 527-1:2012,章节 9在测量弹性模量时,1A型、IB型试样的试验速度应为1mm/min,对于小试样见附录 A。8结果计算和表示见 ISO 527-1:2012,章节 109精确度 见附录B 10实验报告 试验报告应包扩一下内容:a)注明引用ISO 527的本部分,包括试样类型和试验速度,并按下列方式表示;Tensile 怕 stISO 527-2/1A/50Type of specimen (see Fi

8、gure 1 and Table 1)Testing speed, in millimetres per minute 附录A(规范性附录)小试样由于某些原因不能使用 1型标准试样时,可使用 1BA型、1BB型(见图A.1和表A.1 ), 5A或5B型(见图A.2和表A.2 )。当需要测量模量时,试验速度应为1mm/min。用小试样测量模量在技术上可能是困难的,应为标距长度小,试验时间短。由小试样获得的结果与用1型试样获得的结果不可比较。Figure A.1 Type 1BA and 1BB test specimensTable A.1 Dimensions of type 1BA and

9、1BB test specimensTable A,1 Dimenfiicns of type 1 BA and 1BB test specimensDinnensk>ns in miillinnetresSpecimen type1BA1BE电Overall length>75片Length of narrow parallel-sided portion30.0 ± 0,512,D±0,5rRadius£30>-12hDistance betv/een broad parallehsided portions56±223 ±

10、;2&2Width at ends10,0 ± 0.54 ±02Width al nairrdwf portion5010.52.010,2hThicknessH2£25Gauge length25.0 ± 0,51O.C±O,2LInitial distance between gripsl2 0NOTE The specimen 1 BA and iBB are prop&rllofialty scaled to tym IB with a reduction tacl&rcf 1:2 and 1:5, respcc

11、live wvth the exception of Ihlckncss.Table A.2 Dimensions of type 5A and 5B test specimensDimensions in millimetresSpecimen type5A5BOverall length275235力Width at ends12.5 ±16 ±0,5hLength of narrow parallel-sided portion25 ± 112 ±0,5bWidth at narrow portion4 ±0.12 ±0.1nS

12、mall radius8 ±0.53 ±0.1Large radius12.5 ±13 ±0.1LInitial distance between grips50 ±220 ±2AOGauge length20 ± 0.510 ±0,2hThickness2 ±0.21 ±0.1NOTEThe specimen types 5A and 5B are similar to type 5 of ISO 527-3 and represent types 2 and 4. respectively,

13、 of ISO 37.Figure A.2 Type 5A and 5B test specimensTable A.2 Dimensions of type 5A and 5B test specimensDimensions in millimetresSpecimen type5A5BhOverall length275235Width at ends12.5 ±16 ±0.5hLength of narrow parallel-sided portion25 ± 112 ±0.5Width at narrow portion4 ±0.12 ±0.1riSmall radius8 ±0,53 ±0.1r2Large radius12,5 ±13 ±0,1LInitial distance between grips50


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