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1、Word:pilot n.飞行员return v.返回New York n.纽约(ni yu)Tokyo n.东京Madrid n.马德里fly v.飞行第1页/共44页第一页,共45页。What does he do?He is a pilot.第2页/共44页第二页,共45页。Where is it?It is New York.第3页/共44页第三页,共45页。Where is it?It is Tokyo.第4页/共44页第四页,共45页。Where is it?It is Madrid.第5页/共44页第五页,共45页。New words and expressions pilot

2、n. This is a person who drives a plane. As a pilot,he always flies a plane. fly v. ( flew flown ) John昨天飞去希腊(x l)了。John flew to Greece yesterday. Kelly 已经从巴黎飞来了。Kelly has already flown from Paris. fly to sw.=go to sw. by air drive to sw.=go to sw. by car ride to sw.=go to sw. by bike第6页/共44页第六页,共45页

3、。 New York n. This is the biggest city of America. Tokyo n. This is the capital of Japan. Madrid n. This is the capital and the biggest city of Spain.第7页/共44页第七页,共45页。return v. 返回(fnhu)return to sw.=go back to sw. return to your seat/Beijing/ return home go back to school = return to school return h

4、ome=go back home 返家I will return to Tokyo tomorrow.She will return from London.v.归还return=give back return sb. sth.=return sth. to sb.还某人某物return sth. to sw.=give back sth. to sw.把某物还给某地 He will return the book to school.=Hell give back the book to school. give it back把它还回来 return it/ them to sb. /s

5、w.第8页/共44页第八页,共45页。飞行员返回纽约东京(dn jn)马德里飞行pilotreturnNew YorkTokyoMadridfly 第9页/共44页第九页,共45页。单词(dnc)填空 pilot return New York Tokyo Madrid fly _ is the biggest city of America. Ten years ago I was a _. I will _ to Bei Jing after ten days. _is the capital of Japan. Without two wings you cant _. _ is the

6、 biggest city and capital of Spain.第10页/共44页第十页,共45页。Listen and answer the question. Why is Nigel a lucky man? Because he has been to nearly every country in the world. 第11页/共44页第十一页,共45页。Watch the video. Lesson 93 Our new neighbour第12页/共44页第十二页,共45页。 Nigel is our next-door neighbour. He is a pilot.

7、 He was in the R.A.F. next-door:隔壁的(adj.) next-door neibour Nigel住在隔壁。 Nigel is next-door. Nigel lives next-door. next door(短语)adv.隔壁 be next door 做地点(ddin)状语He is singing next door. I will do my homework next door tomorrow. go /come/ live /stay /leave next door第13页/共44页第十三页,共45页。 pilot 十年(sh nin)前我

8、是一名飞行员。 I was a pilot ten years ago. 他已经做飞行员十年(sh nin)了。 He has already been a pilot for ten years. the R.A.F.=the Royal Air Force royal adj. 皇家的 royal bank royal food第14页/共44页第十四页,共45页。Ask some questions.Who is Nigel?What does Nigel do?Was he in the R.A.F.?第15页/共44页第十五页,共45页。 He will fly to New Yor

9、k next month. The month after next hell fly to Tokyo. At the moment, hes in Madrid. He flew to Spain a week ago. Hell return to London the week after next.第16页/共44页第十六页,共45页。TensePlaceTime Nigelflew toSpaina week agoat the momentMadridiswill return toLondonthe week after nextNew Yorknext monthwill f

10、ly towill fly toTokyothe month after next第17页/共44页第十七页,共45页。Ask some questions: Where will he fly to next month? Where will he fly to the month after next? Where is he at the moment? Where did he fly to a week ago? Where will he return to the week after next?第18页/共44页第十八页,共45页。 Hes only forty-one ye

11、ars old, and he has already been to nearly every country in the world. only 仅仅,只有 我只有五岁。 I am only five years old. 在我们班里,Sky 只喜欢Emma。 In my class, Sky only likes Emma. and=but 表示但是(dnsh) 外面下雨了,但是(dnsh)我忘记带伞了。 It rained outside, and I forgot to take my umbrella. 第19页/共44页第十九页,共45页。 and 的用法共有三种 and=so

12、 She does not know London very well, and she lost her way. and表示和 He opened the book and found a phrase. have/has been to 我已经去过纽约五次了。 I have already been to New York five times. 他已经去马德里五天了。 He has gone to Madrid for five days. nearly 晚饭几乎(jh)准备好了。 The dinner is nearly ready. Lucy 几乎(jh)十岁了。 Lucy is

13、nearly ten years old.第20页/共44页第二十页,共45页。Ask some questions:How old is Nigel?Where has he been?第21页/共44页第二十一页,共45页。 Nigel is a very lucky man. But his wife isnt very lucky. She usually stays at home.lucky adj.lucky dogluck n.Goodbye and good luck.我总是(zn sh)很幸运。I am always lucky.第22页/共44页第二十二页,共45页。us

14、ually 我们通常在学校吃午饭。We usually have lunch at school.他们通常一个月理一次发。They usually have a haircut once a month.stay at home 我喜欢雨天,因为(yn wi)我可以呆在家里一整天。I like rainy days because I can stay at home whole day.第23页/共44页第二十三页,共45页。Ask some questions: Is Nigel very lucky? Is Nigels wife very lucky? What does she us

15、ually do?第24页/共44页第二十四页,共45页。Read the text and answer the question: Why is Nigel a lucky man?第25页/共44页第二十五页,共45页。Our new neighbour. Nigel is our next-door neighbour.He is a pilot.He was in the R.A.F. He will fly to New York next month.The month after next hell fly to Tokyo.At the moment, hes in Madr

16、id.He flew to Spain a week ago.Hell return to London the week after next. Hes only forty-one years old, and he has already been to nearly every country in the world. Nigel is a very lucky man. But his wife isnt very lucky. She usually stays at home.第26页/共44页第二十六页,共45页。 Nigel is our _ _ _.He is a _.H

17、e was in _. He will _ _ _._ hell _ _._, hes _ _.He _ _ _.Hell _ _ _. Hes _ forty-one years old, and he _ _ every _ _. Nigel is a very _. But his _ isnt very _. She _ _ home.第27页/共44页第二十七页,共45页。Answer the following questions. Who is our new next-door neighbour? What does Nigel do for a living? Wont h

18、e fly to New York next month? Where will he be the month after next? Where is he at the moment? When did he fly to Spain? When will he come back to London? How old is Nigel? How many countries has Nigel been to? Why isnt his wife very lucky?第28页/共44页第二十八页,共45页。Asking questions. Ask me if Nigel was i

19、n the R.A.F. When? Ask me if he will fly to New York. When? Ask me if he flew to Madrid a week ago. When? Ask me if hes forty-one. How old? Ask me if Nigel is lucky. Why? 第29页/共44页第二十九页,共45页。Lesson 94 When did you? When will you?第30页/共44页第三十页,共45页。Watch the video. 裕兴新概念(ginin)英语名师精讲第一册L094.flv第31页/共

20、44页第三十一页,共45页。New words: Athens Greece the capital of Berlin Germany the capital of Bombay India New Delhi India the capital of Geneva Switzerland Bern Switzerland the capital of Moscow Russia the capital of Rome Italy the capital of Seoul Korea the capital of Stockholm Sweden the capital of Sydney

21、Australia 第32页/共44页第三十二页,共45页。 Last week last month last year This week this month this year Next week next month next year The week after next The month after next The year after next第33页/共44页第三十三页,共45页。Watch the video. Lesson 93 Our new neighbour.flv第34页/共44页第三十四页,共45页。Look and listen. Do not spea

22、k. 新概念英语第一册Drills-Lesson 94(原版录音(l yn)配字幕).mpg.flv第35页/共44页第三十五页,共45页。 He went to Beijing last year. He will go to Beijing next year. 1.He went to New York last week. 2.She went to Sydney last month.第36页/共44页第三十六页,共45页。 He went to Beijing last year. He will go to Beijing next year. 3. I went to Pari

23、s the year before last. 4.We went to Stockholm last year.第37页/共44页第三十七页,共45页。 He went to Beijing last year. He will go to Beijing next year. 5.They went to Geneva the week before last.第38页/共44页第三十八页,共45页。 Will you go to Athens next week? No, I wont go to Athens next week. Ill go to Beijing. 1. Will Helen return to Geneva next year? Bombay第39页/共44页第三十九页,共45页。 Will you go to Athens next week? No, I wont go to Athens next week. Ill go to


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