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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载八年级英语竞赛试题答案全部写在答题 卷上(满分 120)2021.10i.挑选填空(共 30 小题,计 30 分)1. betty arrived london the evening of july 1sta. at; inb. at; onc.in; ind. in;on2. we all enjoy with him.a. talkingb. talkc. to talkd. talks3. there is with my bike.a. anything wrongb. wrong anything c. something wrong d. wro

2、ng something4. eating vegetables good for our health.a. isb.arec. dod .does5. they sichuannexttuesday.a. are leavingb. left forc.are leaving ford. left to6. the blue skirt is than the white one.a. dearb.much expensivec.expensiverd. much more expensive7. whatttoday.a. it s tuesdayb. it s january 2ndc

3、.it s januaryd. it s tuesday the 2nd 8. the teacher is ill、 she came to class.a. although; butb. although ;/c. but; althoughd. because; so9. he eats lots of vegetables .a. to stay healthyb.to stay healthc. staying healthd.to staying healthy10. we all love miss yang. she always makes her history clas

4、s very .a. interestb.interestingc. interestsd. interested11. -dont you usually go to school by bike .- 、but sometimes i walk. a.yes、 i do.b. no、 i dont .ci by biked. i take the subway12. lin peng needs more english conversations.a. practicingb. practicesc.to practiced. practice 13. quiet. your fathe

5、r is sleeping.a. keepb. keptc .keepingd. keeps14. my brother didnt help me the room yesterday.a. cleaningb. cleansc cleanedd.clean 15.my school isnt far from here. its only walk.a. fifteen minutesb.fifteen minutes c.fifteen minutesd.fifteen minute16. class was over . all the students stopped and wen

6、t out.a. writebto writec. writingd. wrote17. lauras home is 10 kilometers the school.a. farb. far fromc. away fromd. to18. come my house this sunday and lest watch a comedy video.a. to;onb. over;onc. over;/d .to;/ 19.all these boys are good at football.a. playsb. playingc. to playd. play精品学习资料精选学习资料

7、 - - - 欢迎下载20. it took me two days the book.a. finishb. to finishc. finishingd.finished21. would you please late for class again.a. not to beb. not bec. dont bed. isnt 22.they decided in the mountains.a. hikingb. on hikec. to hiked. not hiking23. she looks because she has a vacation.a. relaxed; rela

8、xedb. relaxing; relaxing c. relaxed;relaxing d.relaxing;relaxed24. he is going to france in august and staying september.a. atb. forc. untild. ini. hope you to my party next sunday.a. to come ; onb. to come ;/ c. will come; / d. will come ; on26. there two good tv plays tonight.a. is going tob.are g

9、oing toc. are going to haved. are going to be27. fine weather it is today.a. what ab. how ac. whatd. how 28. do you think of china.a. whatb. howc. whod.where29. the reporters asked the man questions、 but he said words.a. many; fewb.much; a littlec. a lot of ; a fewd.much ;few 30.playing football is

10、better than classes.a. to haveb. hasc. haved. havingii 完型填空( 10 分)mike comes from the usa. but he lives in 31 with his family because his parents work in beijing. mike is my classmate. he is only twelve years old、 but he is 32 than any other boy in our class. so he sits at the back of the classroom.

11、 mike usually comes to school by bike. sometimes he _33 to school. he likes playing football. so no one is as _34_ as him in our class.mike is very outgoing. he can _35 english and french. and he knows _36_ chinese、 too. he often helps our english teacher _37 us english. after class weliketalkingwit

12、hhim_38 english. it s my13th birthday today. afterschool iinvitethe _39boy and some _40students to my home. mymother cooks something delicious for us. all of us have a good time.31. a. americab. englandc. chinad. canada32. a. longerb. tallerc. shorterd. older33. a. stopsb. sitsc. standsd. walks34. a

13、. athleticb. smartc. quietd. funny35. a. speakb. sayc. talkd. tell36. a. manyb. a fewc. littled. a little37. a. teachb. to teachingc. teachesd. taught38. a. tob. withc. ind. on39. a. americab. americanc. englishd. england40. a. otherb. othersc. anotherd. the other精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载iii. 阅读懂得(40

14、分)apeter was an english boy. his hobby was collecting stamps. he had stamps from many countries. peters favourite stamps came from france. he had every frenchedition版本 from 1960 to 2004 except a 1974 special edition stamp. it was veryhard to find. he looked for it everywhere-even in stores、 at stree

15、t markets and on the internet. he asked his friends and relatives to help him. but nobody could find the stamp. it made peter very sad.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载“dont worry. please have patience耐one day.”“ihope so、”peter said.心,”his father said to him. “youll find it精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载peter also li

16、ked making friends. he had a pen friend named victor who was infrance. they wrote to each other every month. victor knew peter liked collecting stamps. one day victors mother laura gave him an old french stamp. it was a big、green one. he used it to post a letter to peter.as soon as peter received th

17、e letter、 he looked carefully at the stamp. he was very amazed to see that it was the 1974 special edition stamp.peter was so happy. he told the good news to his sister and his parents.“you see、”his father said、“you did find your stamp in the end. so you know its good to have two things in life.”“wh

18、at are they.”peter asked.“friends and patience”. his father answered.41.peters favourite stamps came from.a.chinab.englandc.franced.germany42.when peter couldnt find the 1974 special edition stamp、 he felt.a.unhappyb.happyc.angryd.excited43.peters pen friend was.a.phillipb.victorc.thomasdlaura44.the

19、 colour of the 1974 special edition stamp was.a.blueb.redc.brownd.green45.peters father thought it good to havein life.a .money and timeb.books and foodc.friends and patienced.beautiful clothes and winebthe world has many beautiful sounds. we can hear the songs of birds and the精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下

20、载laugh of people. we can listen to cool music and news reports. and istof our ears. they bring us a world of sounds.all because精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载but some people cant hear any sound at all. some are born deaf. others can hear well in their childhood、 but too many loud sounds hurt their ears late

21、r on.many people in china cant hear ordinary sounds clearly. a large number of them are children. most of them are born with good hearing. but 6children out ofevery 1、000 have hearing problems when they are born. and if a child has hearing problems、 he or she usually will also have learning problems

22、 at school.a lot of things can cause hearing problems. for example、 too muceharwax isnot good for our hearing. and noise louder than 85 decibels分 贝 can hurt our earsand make us lose our hearing for a short time or even for ever.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载hearing is important for all of us. so we should

23、do our best to give our ears special care. dont forget to do the following.tty to stay away from places with too much noise. if you have to go、 wearearplugs耳塞. a pair of good earpluge can cut the moise by 30 decibels.when swimming、 remember to put earplugs into your ears to stop water from getting i

24、n.never put anything sharp尖锐的 into your ears. if you think you have toomuch earwax、 ask your mum or dad to help you clean it out.keep these things in mind. then you wont be saying “what.”when you are older.46.the underlined word “earwax”meansin chinese. a.耳膜b.耳鸣c.耳垢d.耳疾47.in the first paragraph 段落、

25、the writer wants to.a .tell us many beautiful soundsb.describe the uses of ears c.explain the kinds of soundsd.show the importance of ears48.which of the following is not mentioned by the writer.a .hearing problems caused by diseases.b.people with hearing problems. c.ways to protect our ears.d.dange

26、r of loud noise.49.hearing problems may be caused by.a .a little earwaxb.learning problems at school c.noise louder than 85 decibelsd.earplugs that can only cut noise by 15decibels 50.the underlined sentence means.a .when you get older、 you know its not polite to ask“what.”b.when you get older、 you

27、still have good hearing c.when you get older、 youwon t ask questionsd.the older you are、 the less questions you lhl avecwhen mr. david retired(退休) 、he bought a small house in a village near the sea.he liked it and hoped to live a quiet life in it.but to his great surprise、 many tourists(游客) came to

28、see his house in summer holidays、 for it was the most interesting building in the village. from morning to night there were tourists outside the house. they kept looking into the rooms throughthe windows and many of them even went into mr.david gsarden. this was toomuch for mr. david. he decided to

29、drive the visitors away. so he put a notice on the window. the notice said:“ if you want to satisfy your cu(ri好os奇ity心) 、 came in and look round. price(价格) : twenty dollars. ” mr. david wahsastutrheetvisitorswould stop coming、 but he was wrong. more and more visitors came and mr. davidhad to spend e

30、very day showing them around his house.“ i came here to retire、 not to work as a guide(导游) . ” he said angrily. in the end、 he sold the house and vmeodaway.依据短文内容,从以下各题所给的a .b.c.d 四个选项中挑选正确答案;51.mr. david s house wasthat many tourists came to see it.a so smallbso quietcso interestingd such interesti

31、ng精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载52.mr. david put a notice on the window in order.a to drive the visitors awayb to satisfy the visitor s curiosity c to let visitors come in and look round dto get some money out of the visitors53.the notice made the visitors.a more interested in his house b lost interest in

32、his house c angry at the unfair price dfeel happy about the price54.after mr. david put up the notice.a the visitors didn t come any longer b fewer and fewer visitors came to see his house c more and more tourists came for a visitdno tourist would pay the money for a visit55.at last he had to sell h

33、is house and move away because.a he did not like it at allb he could not work as a guidec he made enough money and wanted to buy a new expensive house dhe could not live a quiet life in itdtom arrived at the bus station quite early for paris bus. the bus for paris would not leave until five to twelv

34、e. he saw a lot of people waiting in the station.some were standing in line排队、 others were walking around. there was a group ofschoolgirls. their teacher was trying tokeep them in line. tom looked around but there was no place for him to sit.he walked into the station cafe咖啡馆 . he looked up at the c

35、lock there. it was onlytwenty to twelve. he found a seat and sat down before a large mirror 镜子 on the wall. just then、 mike、 one of tom s workmates came in and sat with tom.“ what time is your bus.” asked mike.“ there s plenty of time yet、” answered tom.“ well、 i ll get you some more tea then、” said

36、 mike.they talked while drinking.then tom looked at the clock again. “ oh.it gsoing backward倒行. ” he cried.“ a few minutes ago it was twenty to twelve and now it half past eleven.”“ you re looking at the clock in the mirror.” said mike. t难om过w.atshseo sad next bus was not to leave for another hour.

37、since then tom has never liked mirrors.依据以上短文内容,从以下各题所给的四个选项中挑选正确的一项;56.tom went into the station cafe because.a mike asked him to have a cup of teab it was quite early and he could find a seat there c he didn t like to stay with the schoolgirls dhe wanted to have a drink with his workmate there精品学习

38、资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载57.what time was it in fact when tom looked at the clock in the mirror.a half past twelveb twenty to twelve c half past elevendhalf past one58 . from the story we know that when we look at a clock in a mirror、we will find a the time is rightb it s going slower c it s going backwar

39、ddit s going faster59.which of the following is true.a tom arrived in paris on timeb the next bus would leave in half an hour c after that tom didn t like clocklosnagneyr dtom looked at the clock in the mirror only once60.which of the following is the title 题目 of the story.a the mirror of the statio

40、n b not a careful man c missing a busdthe clock in the mirroriv. 单词拼写(共 10 分)a). 依据句意 、写出空缺处单词 、首字母已给出;61. there are three h people in the hall.62. its u to eat junk food.63. -whats your favorite tv p . -sport news.64. .if your mother a with us、 well go to the cinema this evening.65. the food in thi

41、s restaurant is really d 、 ill come again next time.b). 依据以下句子及所给汉语注释、写出空缺处单词的正确形式; (每空一词)66. are you 喜爱 living in china.67. its 必要的 to learn english well.68. we should clean our 牙 齿 in the morning and in the evening.69. there are many 不 同between the two pictures.70. the boy 花费a lot of time collecting toys last year.v.按要求改写以下各句,每空一词;(15 分)71. mr more stays in shanghai for three days.(就划线部分提问) mr more in shanghai.72. they enjoyed themselves in the park.改 为同义句 they in the par


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