



1、un i t4. 导 学 案 第 3 - 4 课 时 ( 共 2页 )-本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可- -内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小- 2 unit 4 . earthquakes一. 重点词汇1_ n. & v爆裂;爆发 2_ v破坏;毁坏;消灭3_ v(使)震惊;震动 n休克;打击;震惊 4_ n. & v援救;营救5_ v埋葬;掩埋;隐藏 6 _ n裁判员;法官 v断定;判断;判决7_ adj.发臭的 ,有臭味的 _ v闻到;嗅到 8_ n民族;国家;_ adj.国家的9_ n苦难;痛苦 _ v遭受痛苦 10_ adj.极度的 _ adv.极其地11_

2、 v损害;伤害 _ n受伤;伤害 12_ n幸存者;残存物13_ adj.无用的;无效的 _ adj.有用的 14_ n电;电流;电学15_ n灾难;灾祸 _ adj. 灾难性的 16_ n记者_ v报道17_ v使惊吓;吓唬 _ adj.受惊吓的 18_ n祝贺;贺词_ v祝贺19_ adv.真诚地 ,真挚地 20 _ v表示;表达 _ n.表达;表情二。.文本感知a night the earth didnt sleep根据课文内容,选择最佳答案1. how many signs are given that suggest an earthquake would happen in th

3、e first paragraph?a. eight. b. nine. c. six. d. ten.2. which of the following are the suggestions of an earthquake except_ .a. mice ran out looking for hiding places b. strange sounds are heard in the sky like those of planesc. people are restless d. fish jump out of water 3. the second and third pa

4、ragraph is mainly about_ .a. the great loss the earthquake brought to tangshan b. the number of people who were killed or injuredc. when and where an earthquake happened d. the cause of the big earthquake in tangshan 4. when did the earthquake happen_. a. on the night of july 28th, 1976. b. on the m

5、orning of july 28th, 1976. c. on the afternoon of july 28th, 1976. d. the writer didnt tell us. 5. we can infer from the text that .a. it was the greatest earthquake of the 20th centuryb. both the countryside and the city were badly destroyed by the earthquakec. the city of tangshan was shaken twice

6、 on july 28,1976d. the union of the whole nation helped to conquer( 战胜 ) the disaster段落大意匹配partmain idea ( )1 athe earthquake caused unbelievable destruction to tangshan. ( )2 bthe earthquake happened and caused deaths or injuries in tangshan. ( )3 chelp came soon after the quake. ( )4 dno one paid

7、attention though strange things happened. 三 词汇详解vt.&n.(shook,shaken) 摇;颤抖;震动【典型例句 】shake the bottle before taking the medicine._ 。he came forward and shook me by the hand._ 。he was shaking with anger._。【相关链接 】shake构成的短语 :shake hands with sb. 与某人握手shake ones head 摇头表示不同意 vi.(rose, risen) 上升;升起;起身

8、; n.上升;增加;上涨【典型例句 】the population of the city has risen to five million.该市人口已增加到500 万。the sun has not yet risen.太阳还没升起。he_ the room.他站起身走出屋去。there will be a rise in unemployment next year._。【相关链接 】 (2)rise 和 raise的区别 :rise是不及物动词,表示 “ 升起 ,站起来 ”,表示由低而高的变化过程。例如:the sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。raise

9、是及物动词 ,是“ 抬高;提高 ” 的意思 ,强调动作的姿态,反义词是lower( 放低 )。例如 :raise one s hand 举手 raise a flag 升旗 raise a stone 搬石头 raise one s voice 提高嗓门单项填空 (1)last year the advertising rate _by 20 percent.a. raised b. aroused c. arouse d. rose (2)our hopes_ and fell at the same time.a. arouse b. raised c. rose d. aroused (

10、3)would you mind giving your advice on how to improve our business management?if you make_ most of the equipment ,there will be _ rise in production.a. /;/ b. the; a c./;a d. the;/vt.&vi.(使)震惊;震动 ; n.休克;打击;震惊【典型例句 】his sudden death was a great shock to his family._ 。he got into shock three times

11、 within 24 hours._。we were very shocked at the sight._。单项填空a. deeply shocked; to go b. deeply shocked; on going3 c. shocked deep; go d. shocked deeply; on going out 分发;发出(气味、热等)【典型例句 】my legs gave out and i couldn t walk any 。the results of the examination won t be given out._。the flowers give out a

12、 sweet smell._。n.祝贺【典型例句 】congratulations! i hear you ve passed the examinations.祝贺你!听说你考试及格了。please accept my congratulations on your marriage.请接受我向您新婚的祝贺。【知识小结 】congratulation 常以复数形式祝贺某人,后面常接介词on。【相关链接 】(1)congratulate vt.“ 祝贺 ”,后接 sb. on sth.。celebrate vt.&vt . “庆祝 ” ,后接生日、仪式、节日等作宾语。例如:christ

13、mas is celebrated on december 25.过圣诞节是在12 月 25日。celebration n.庆祝。例如 :about ten thousand people attended the celebration of national day in tian anmen square.大约一万人参加了天安门广场的国庆庆祝会。选词填空celebrate/congratulate celebration/congratulation(1)we went to the church to_ christmas eve.(2)we must telephone our_ t

14、o the happy couple.(3)we_ him on his birthday.(4)his victory was_ with music and dancing.(5)the climax of the_ was a firework display.四、句型剖析.to.太 以至于不 【完成句子 】he is _.他太激动了 ,说不出话来。they reached the station_.他们到火车站太迟了,没赶上火车。单项填空 (1)i think your parents will be only _excited to see you after many years

15、study abroad.a. too b. rather c. very d. much (2)allen had to call a taxi because the box was _to carry all the way home.a. much too heavy b. too much heavy c. heavy too much d. too heavy much seemed that.【完成句子 】_ she is happy.她似乎很高兴。_ they didn t like the idea.他们似乎不喜欢这个主意。it seems that american fas

16、t food is the most popular in the world. american fast food seems to be the most popular in the world._ 。单项填空(1) _in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your email account.a. what is required b .what requires c. it is required d. it requires (2)i ve heard _ said tha

17、t elizabeth is a tough businesswoman.a. it b. her c. what d. that3.分数作主语时的主谓一致【知识小结 】“ some of /plenty of /a lot of / most of/ the rest of/ half of/ part of/ 分数 / 百分数 + of + 名词 ” 作主语,谓语的单复数由of 后面的名词决定。more than 70% of the surface of the earth covered by water. ten percent of the population _minors.这

18、儿有百分之十的人口是少数民族。three fifths of the fresh water used by citizens _ from the reservoir.五. 当堂达标单选1. three quarters of some children s spare time_ wasted watching tv that can explain why they are lazy.a. are b. is c. being d./2. eliza remembers everything exactly as if it_ yesterday. awas happening bhap

19、pens c has happened dhappened 3. our food will_ hurry to get help from the nearby villagers.no need, it will last us for as long as two weeks.a. give out b. give off c. give away d . give in4as prices _ too much in town ,he decided to go to the countryside and make a living by _ sheep. araised;raising b rose;rising c raised;rising d rose; raising 5the manager entered the office and was happy to learn that four- fifths of the tickets _. awas booked bhad been booked cwere booked d have been booked 6his camera was _ by his son. he had to have it repaired at once. ahurt b wound cdestroyed d dam


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