已阅读5页,还剩20页未读 继续免费阅读




1、linux下oraclellg数据库的建立一.系统前期配置在root用户下执行以下步骤:修改用户的shell的限制,修改/etc/security/limits.conf文件,将下列内容加入该文件。oracle soft nproc 2047oracle hard nproc 16384oracle soft nofile 1024oracle hard nofile 655362)修改/etc/pam. d/login文件,加入下列内容session required /iib/security/pam_limits. so session required pam limits.so3)修

2、改linux内核,修改/etc/sysctl. conf文件,加入下列文件fs.file-max = 6815744 fs. aio-max-nr = 1048576 kernel. shmall = 2097152 kernel, shirunax = 2147483648 kernel shmmni = 4096 kernel, sem = 250 32000 100 128 net. ipv4. ip_local_port_range = 9000 65500net. core, rmem default = 4194304netcore, rmem max = 4194304net.c

3、ore. wmem_default = 262144net. corewmcm_max = 10485764)要使/etc/sysctl. conf更改立即生效,执行以卜命令。输入:sysctl -p显示如下:net. ipv4. icmp_echo_ignore broadcasts = 1net. ipv4. conf. all. rp filter = 1fs.file-max = 6815744fs. aio-max-nr = 1048576kernel. shmall = 2097152kernel, shmmax = 2147483648kornel shinmni = 4096k

4、ernel, sem = 250 32000 100 128net. i pv4. i p_local_port_range = 9000 65500net. core, rmem default = 4194304net.core, rmem max = 4194304netcorewmcm_default = 262144net .core wmem_niqx = 10485764)创建相关用户和组,作为软件安装和支持纽的拥有者。创建创建oracle川户和密码,输入命令:groupadd oinstallgroupadd dbauseradd -g oinstall -g dba -m o

5、racle passwd oracle然麻会让你输入密码,密码任意输入2次,但必须保持一致,冋车确认。7)创建数据库软件冃录和数据文件存放冃录,冃录的位置,根据口己的情况来定,注意磁 盘空间即可,这里我把其放到oracle用户下,例如:输入mkdir /home/orac1e/appmkdir /home/orac1e/app/orac1emkdir /home/orac1e/app/oradatamkdir /home/orac1e/app/orac1e/product8)更改目录属主为oracle用户所冇,输入命令:chown -r oracle:oinstall /home/oracle

6、/app9)配置oracle用户的环境变量,首先,切换到新创建的oracle用户下,输入:su - oracle ,然后直接在输入:vi .bash_profile增加以下内容:export oracle_base=/home/orac1e/appexport oracle_home=$oracle_base/oracle/product/ll. 2. 0/dbhome_lexport 0racle_sid=orclexport path=$path:$home/bin:$0racleji0me/binexport ld library path=$0racle home/lib:/usr/l

7、ib二.软件安装过程1)当上述系统要求操作全部完成后,命令suoracle,切换到oracle用户,运彳亍unzip命令 解压oracle安装文件,解压完成后 进入其解压后的目录database,输入命令:./runlnstalle 执行安装。#安装过程displa变量没通过,在root用户下运行命令:xhost +#安装oracle图形界面中文为乱码,在oracle用户下运行:exportlang=en_us,以全英文显 o1接受配置更新,可不选供于賽餐全1可刼 安昴x产品*f子mgmvoracle support 电子件*址/羯卢:x,力* 衣用mvoracle suoport 珞旳盂#2

8、.安装选项3选择单体实例。如需rac则选rac安装4语言选择5 数据库企业版木选择oracle database llg发行!£ 2安花程序-灾菜数18庄-伤毀5/11丫 二 f齐接送项:i”产品语育歎jb曲本tttyv启退下一步(u) >取消6 存放目录oracle database llg版2灾菇程序-安来殁拆庄/.v5i 6/11播定安装位置oracledatabase旻安星更他境的郸个版本?©企业股(3.$5gb)©oracle database llg企业版是具有可伸邹性 髙性応 高可用住利安全功逢的自石昔働寬携 嵐 能商足才多或高帝伽天找任夯应用

9、住時海求。(3 88cb)oracle daiaoase llg林堆版是寻求低宋本堺决方案的工作组.数了加中小型企业的湮砂塀。o 标诳扳 1(3.88gb)(o)oracle database llg再伍版1 (standard edrtion one)是母求低威本解決方秦的工作组,部 门和中小型企业的倒5送笄©扌&忑用于域鱼所有oracle软件仪及勻配蚩相关的文件的oracle 录路径。比仕畫是orxlq基目 录。oracle 基目杲: /home/oracle/aop/oracle丫| |wm)指忑用于存储oracle球件文件的佼置。就仗5e是or“le王目录。软伴位買o

10、 | /home/orade/app/orade/product/l 1 2 0/dbhome. 1oracle database llg 发行ifi 2灾系程庠-步9 7/111 材 x创建产m清单4 1;oracl.g i瓦database 1 乞莠齐炖it王杖上老石处话曲壬却文c的目录。位目录林为“产品榕羊目老安負程库自动为却 个产品设畳用于包含产品7券窗子目眾辛个产聞孑目iht*備雯150 kb的鮭空闻。満隼目象 /home/ofacle/app/orairheiiwfv 瀏fl® |iyyy 丫丫orainventoryfis(q am番助心11 宅冥辰厉農禅产品4目象(o

11、rrwemor写两的1作磁姐创糧严&洁ejliraiijl|h9oracle database llg安球数揖斤 步"吃丫丫tytl昶査谢?注茶细(os)塑记巳燧h九切帮男stsdba til jyso er t osd9a中的氐员拎子s rsdba仪* osoper中的血员授子sysopef 跑 11是swba祸的子簾迭荐osdbaifi的3林以捡于 svsdba w。您必须是m沮笛斂。勞霁车艺理员(osdba)組史3l豺乗產冷乍审(osoper) (2)先於冬仝柱査启退但)下一步凹j8 先决条件检杳装到这一步,町以查看到有很多的rpm包没有,我们nj以从安装linux的光

12、盘或iso中查找所缺的包,并安装。并点击修补并再次检查,按捉示运行脚本。perform prerequisite checks» 2' » -nq eutj»* step 0 of2 一 :;oracle i*databasesome of the minimum rtqvircmenis for mnajttfion ve not completed review and fix the issues igted in the fomowng tible. and recheck th« jystem£heck agwi'修补

13、并再次检查checkisbwfuied 疏夫败选顶ignore all全部忽略.status fixable畠 checks6 lapkmtfc x<-4® 九czqc 9<vw4 1 2failed9mxdeel2 4f triedsbcdz3nfailedbim-dtvei-0 3 104failed03分创»m0 3 iofailedh0 e 5failetf% iyhbttdc<*<>evei*4 1 2failedsy$st«i-i0 4failedthis is t prertqutske vond* 如 to test

14、*t>efhtr the pxug* *9<c*4 1 (f is available on the rystem cm or* d 蓟expected value flcc-4 1 0actual vwue mtssing点击修补井检查,按提小运行脚木cancel某些先决条件衣以下节点上失败。安装程存生成了一个値复jw本,减脚本可以脱禹安装谀序运行来紇 复冋题。碍要在結走节点上作为-roor用户运行以下條脚本.o脚本节点:妾执行偉閱脚轧 诘执行以下操作 1打开一个纬端固口2.以mroor身份登录3运行孩脚本4返回此舸口并单击八确定”细绒www.2cto.com等到把包全部都安装好

15、,脚本按要求运行后的情况下,再次在oracle图形界血中点击重新检查,执行环境检查过程就通过了。就可以进行软件的安装了。(如果找不到安装包,可以 点忽略全部继续安装,但后面数据库应用中会冇问题)三.数据库建库1)在oracle用户的图形界面oracle用户屮,新开启一个终细,口接输入命令dbca会弹出 如下界我们这里采用定制cxitabjs*assistant swp 1 o< 12 op«fath>n一 xs衬竺竺pt wu warn雹魁嗾据库 * create a databaser configure database options r delete a dai

16、abase r manage templates配克数据用选件 删除数据库管理模块oasm configurafion operaftons mu$t be performed using automata storage management configuration assistant (asmca) from oracle grid infrastructure homecancelhelpdat>bai« comagurbon assisting stsp 2 of 12 dtibase templatestemplates that include datafile

17、s contain pre-created databases they allow you to create a new database in minutes, as opposed to an hour or more use templates without datafiles only when necessary such as when you need to change attributes like block size, which cannot be altered after database details jcancel i hel

18、pdatabase configuration assistant. step 3 of 12 : database identificationan oracle database is uniquely identified by a global database name, topically of the form mname. domain".global database name: ordl全局数据廉a database is referenced by at least one oracle instance which is uniquely identified

19、 from any other instance on this computer by an oracle system identifier (sid).sid:orci名实例名一口 xcancel j helpenterprise manager auiomatic maintenance ta$k$ r confiflure enterprise managerregister cnd control for centralized managementmanagement serwceno agenis foundconfigure database control for loca

20、l managemen! 厂 enable alert notificationsbackup stan time:os username:os password.cancel j help )管理员密码confi9urion assists nt step 612 : datibjse pile locabcra- xspecify storage tpe and locations for database fliesstorage tpe:file systemstorage locations use oaubase file locations from template r use

21、 common location for all database filesodarabase files location |browse )r use oracle-managed filesdatabase 妣abrowse.)multiplex redo logs and control filesk vou want to specify different locations for any database fue$r pick any of the above options except oracle-managed files and use the storage pa

22、ge later to customize each file locauon if vou use oracle-managed files. oracle automatic airy generates the names for database files, which can not be changed on the storage pagefile lxation variables jcancel ) hbp 丿他k | wqki 汀 finishchoose the recovefyopt»on$ for the databaser specify flash r

23、ecovery aj-eathis is used as rhe defau,w for ail d(sk based backup and recover/operations, and is also required for auromanc drsk based backup using enterprise manaoer oracle recommends that the datat/ase fifes ana recoverynies be located on pf)5lcalfy different dijks for data proreaion and performa

24、nceflash recovery areaflash recovery area sizer enable archtvuig|(0«acl£.basej/na$h.recoverv browsep977edit arths mode par,mpier$,file location variables icancelhelp back |) finish 丿0<>tab<bs«* configuration assisunt swp 1 o< 12 ojutmse contentdatabase component custom scr

25、iptsselect the componems vou want io configure for use in your database provide »he tablespace in wtilch wu warn the component to reside components xkh appear disabled are either not insimd or depend on component which are not selectedr oracle text厂 oracle olap厂 oracle spatial厂 oracle label sec

26、uayr sample schemaseprise managerrepo$rtofy厂 oracle warehouse builderr oracle database vaultstandara database 5npoxrtt$)memorycharacter sets connection mode* tmjksi memory size csca and ps(532 mb:二干a3 % jso mbpercerwager use auromaiic memory wanagemenrshow memory distributionr custommemorv #anaement

27、aatomaric shared memory managementmemory anasement aatomanc shared memory managementsc a sizepss处total remorvor oracle 492 忖 6/esall inittalizaiion parameters .1232 mb|m &/etcancel j help jmemorycharacter sets | connemon modeback nexi :jj finish jcongurbon asxsunl sl-p。小 w l*vbal«bn p4r

28、1;im*l«rsdatabase character setr use the defaultthe default character $r foe this database is based on the language setfmg of this operating system we8mswin1252广 use unicode (al32utf8)setting character set to unicode (al32utf8) enables vou to store murtipie language groups. choose from the list

29、 of character setsdatabase character set:更鱼西be三虫kiiekh空匝回西mn逼©jshow recommended character sets onlynaiional character setdefault languagedefauh terrwotyall initialization parameters四.配置监听及本地网络服务在oracle用户的图形界面oracle用户屮,新开启一个终端,输入命令netca会弹出如下界面。4.1创建监听服务(充当oracle服务器,让别的oracle客户端连接本oracle服务器)1.选择监

30、听程序配oracle net coofigurabon assistant: welcomewelcome to the oracle net con figuration assistantthis tool will take you through the comm on configuration steps, listed below.choose the configuration you would like to do' ustener configuration广 naming methods conhguratlon监听程序配遡命名方法配置厂 local net s

31、ervice name configuration木地net名配肾厂 directory usage configuration目录使用配置cancelacknext" j2.选择add,表示添加一个监听cancelhelpback i uextlistener name:listener3指定监听名字,使用默认oraclo configuration assistant: listener configuration. listener nnmefor remote connections to be made to your oracle database you must ha

32、ve at least one oracle net listener enter the name of the listener you want to createcancel< back "exi 歹)4选择通信协议,选择默认的tcp5指定监听使用端口,选择默认oracle not configuration aecictant! listener configuration, tcp/ip prot xwmch tcp/ip pon n'jmbsr should the listener use?the port numtoar sqloctqd should

33、 not bo mqci bv any othqr softs" on this computer.* use ihe standard pon number of 1521cancelhelp backi nextuse anuuitff purl nurnbr&选择是否配置另一个监听,选择否oracle net conaqurabonlistener configuration. moro liftterwrs?would you like to configure another listener?* noyescancelhelp7.完成< back next

34、歹)sackoracl net confimrabonliterwr configurabon donelistener configuration complete!cancelhelp4.2配置本地网络服务名(充当oracle客户端,连接别的oracle服务器)1.选择本地net配置2 选择添加service name:3.输入连接的oracle服务器的数据库的实例名oracle net configuration assistant: net service name configuration. service nameeach oracle database or service h

35、as a service name an oracle database service name is normalty its global database name. enter the service name of the database or other sendee you want to accesscancel i help< backtjext jhelp4选择通信协议orick net configuration assistant. ntt service name configurjfaon. select protocolsto communicate w

36、ith the database across a network, a network protocol is used. selea the protocol used for the database you want to access< back j next >j5输入oracle服务器的主机名或ip地址otaci» net conflqurbon assistant- serviceconflquratlon tcp/ip protocolcancelhelporacle conguration assistint net serviceconaurbon. testto communicate with the database using the tcp/ip protocol the database computers host name is required enter the host name for the computer wtiere the database is locatedhos


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