已阅读5页,还剩19页未读 继续免费阅读




1、软件安装软件安装主要包括masterserver、mediaserver、软件的安装。在备份系 统屮,选择hp做为masterserver,同时充当mediaserver的角色。为便于管理, 确定masterserver作备份系统的global database host,用于存放所有的配置 和备份信息。下面逐一介绍每一种软件的安装过程,软件安装列表见附件三。2. 4. 1 netbackup datacenter masterserver installition安装前作如下准备工作,在mediaserver安装时也要作同样的准备:连接硬件所有mediaserver/masterserver

2、以及带库、磁带机均连接到一台san 光纤交换机。硬件识别在安装软件之前,要保证系统能够识别磁带机和机械手(只需 masterserver识别机械手)#ioscan 一fnc tape系统空间安装masterserver之前,确保系统空间大小:ram 彡512mb安装目录可用空间彡64mb/tmp可用空间 32mb系统配置在备份环境中甸台主机都要修改/etc/hosts文件,提供hostname/ip的 解析。在masterserver端的/etc/hosts文件中增加如下内容:主机iphp10.46.0.xxxsunv880 a10.46.0.132sunv880一b10.46.0.133表2

3、主机/ip-address对应表安装步骤如下: stepl: pfs_mountd &pfsd 6&pfs_mount -o xlat=unix /dev/dsk/c3t2d0 /edromstep2:切换到光盘目录 #cd /edroms t ep3:执行安装脚本 #. /installveritas installation scriptcopyright 1993 - 2002 veritas software corporation, all rights reserved.installation options1 netbackup2 netbackup clien

4、t software3 netbackup client java softwareq to quit from this script choose an option default: q : 1/*选则1,安装server,同时也安装mediaserver软件 the netbackup and media manager software is built for use on hp hardware.do you want to install netbackup and media manager files? (y/n) y y netbackup is normally ins

5、talled in /usr/opcnv/netbackup.is it ok to install in /usr/openv/netbackup? (y/n) y y /*确定netbackup安装目录media manager is normally installed in /usr/openv/vo1 mgris it ok to install in /usr/openv/volmgr? (y/n) y y /*确定mediamanager安装目录the hp clients will be loaded.do you want to load any other nctbacku

6、p clients onto the server? (y/n) y n/*确定是否安装其他client,server本身已包含client软件,所以选择“n”enter license key:/*输入netbackup datacenter base licenseajx6-0pwd-ic6k-3n36-383p-ncnp-pnnr-ppp:nctbackup datacenter base product with the following features enabled:core frozen tmage services open transaction managerhas b

7、een registered.all additional keys should be added at this time.do you want to add additional license keys now? (y/n) y y/*输入其他相关license,也可在安装完软件后再输入其他 licenselicense key utilitya) add a license key d) delete a license key f) list active license keys l) list registered license keys h) helpq) quit li

8、cense key utility enter a letter:installing nctbackup datacenter version: 4. 5gais backupserver the master server? (y/n) y y/*设置主机backupserver作masterserverdo you have any media (slave) servers? (y/n) n y /*设置其他主机作mediaserver enter the fully qualified name of a media (slave) server (q to quit)? suxv8

9、80 aenter the fully qualified name of a media (slave) server (q to quit)? sunv880 b enter the fully qualified name of a media (slave) server (q to quit)? q checking for a bpcd entry in /etc/inetd. conf: adding bpccl entry.original /etc/inetd. conf saved as /etc/inctcl. conf. nbu_061103. 10:25:08.che

10、cking for a vnetd entry in /etc/inetd. conf: adding vnetd entry.checking for a vopied entry in /etc/inetd. conf: adding vopied entry- checking for a bpjava-msvc entry in /etc/inetd. conf: adding bpjavamsvc entry.checking /ctc/scrviccs for the needed nctbackup and media manager services.copying origi

11、nal /etc/serviccs file to /etc/services. nbu_061103< 10:31:32/etc/services to update netbackup and media manager services./ctc/scrviccs will be updated to add the following entries for nctbackup/mcdia manager.bprd13720/tcpbprdbpcd13782/tcpbpcdbpdbm13721/tcpbpdbmvnetd13724/tcpvnetdvopied13783/tcpv


13、mfcdrsmd13719/tcprsmdto change these entries modify the file /tmp/services. ov edited.24848and enter return when ready to continue:/etc/services has been updated to contain netbackup and media manager services- to make netbackup and media manager start up automatically when the system is restarted,

14、the rc. veritas. aix script found in /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies has been placed in the /etc directory, you must modify /etc/inittab to include it.enter which host will store global device information.(default: backupserver) : backupserver/*设置masterserver 作全局设备信息中心to be able to install the clie

15、nt software the nctbackupprocesses need to be started. do you want to start the netbackup processes so client software can be installed? (y/n) y y starting the netbackup database manager process (bpdbm)./*启动bpdbm进程以装载cl ient软件do you want to create policy and schedule examples that you can view or us

16、e when you are configuring your own policies and schedules? (y/n) yn/*确定是否安装策略模板client database indexing reduces the search time when restoringclient files, but it takes about 2% more disk space.do you want to index the client database files? (y/n) y y /*确定是否采用client index文件the default index level i

17、s 9 levels. use the default? (y/n) y y /*确定 client index levelrunning index_clients process in background mode.output from the process will be written to /tmp/index clients.output.do you want to start the media manager device daemon processes? (y/n) y y starting the media manager device daemon proce

18、sses./*确定是否启动mediamanager进程 do you want to start the netbackup bprd process so backups and restores can be initiated? (y/n) y y starting the netbackup request daemon process (bprd)./*确定是否启动netbackup监听进程 done executing nb. inststcp4 :确认安装成功ft/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/bp. kill_al 1 关闭所有已启动的nbu进

19、程#/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/netbackup start 启动nbu进程#/usr/opcnv/nctbackup/bin/bpps -a 查看nbu进程it/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/ jnbsafe 启动nbu的java管理界面至此,masterserver软件安装完毕。netbackup datacenter mediaserver installationmediaserver的安装与masterserver和矣似,以其中一台为例,其他可照仿。安装前作如下准备工作,在mediaserver安装时也要作同样的准备:连接硬件

20、将mediaserver的光纤连接到san光纤交换机。硬件识别在安装软件之前,要保证系统能够识别磁带机(只需masterserver识 别机械手)#iostat -e如果用上述命令看不到连接的磁带机,用命令cfgmg重新识别。系统空间安装masterserver之前,确保系统空间大小:ram 彡512mb安装目录可用空间64mb /tmp可用空间彡32mb系统配置在备份环境屮每台主机都要修改/etc/hosts文件,提供hostname/ip的 解析。在mediaserver端的/etc/hosts文件中增加如下内容:10.46.0.xxxhp-backupserver安装步骤如下:stepl

21、: mount edromstep2:切换到光盘目录#cd /cdrom/cdromostep3:执行安装脚本 #. /installveritas installation scriptcopyright 1993 - 2002 veritas software corporation, all rights reserved. installation options1 netbackup2 netbackup client software3 netbackup client java softwareq to quit from this script choose an option

22、 default: q: 1/*选则1,安装server,同时也安装mediaserver软件 the netbackup and media manager software is built for use on rs6000 hardware. do you want to install netbackup and media manager files? (y/n) y y netbackup is normally installed in /usr/openv/netbackup.is it ok to install in /usr/openv/netbackup? (y/n)

23、 y y /*确定netbackup安装目录media manager is normally installed in /usr/openv/volmgnis it ok to install in /usr/openv/volmgr? (y/n) y y /*确定mediamanager安装目录the rs6000 clients will be loaded.do you want to load any other netbackup clients onto the server? (y/n) y n/*确定是否安装其他client,server本身已包含client软件,所以选择“

24、n”enter license key:/*输入netbackup datacenter san mediaserver licenseajx6-0pwd-ic6k-3n36-383p-ncnp-pnnr-ppp:netbackup datacenter base product with the following features enabled:core frozen image services open transaction managerhas been registered.all additional keys should be added at this time.do

25、you want to add additional license keys now? (y/n) y y/*输入其他相关license,也可在安装完软件后再输入其他licenselicense key utilitya) add a license key d) delete a license key f) list active license keys l) list registered license keys h) helpq) quit license key utility enter a letter: qinstalling netbackup datacenter v

26、ersion: 4. 5gais p69wtpsh02 the master server? (y/n) y n/*设置主机backupserver作masterserverwhich host will be the master server :backupserverchecking for a bped entry in /etc/inctd. conf: adding bped entry-original /etc/inetd. conf saved as /etc/inetd. conf. nbu_061103. 10:25:08.checking for a vnetd ent

27、ry in /etc/inetd. conf: adding vnetcl entry.checking for a vopied entry in /etc/inetd. conf: adding vopied entry.checking for a bpjava-msvc entry in /etc/inetd. conf: adding bpjavamsvc entry.checking /etc/services for the needed netbackup and media manager services.copying original /etc/services fil

28、e to /etc/services. nbu 061103. 10:31:32 /etc/services to update netbackup and media manager services./etc/services will be updated to add the following entries for netbackup/mcdia manager.bprd13720/tcpbprdbped13782/tcpbpedbpdbm13721/tcpbpdbmvnetd13724/tcpvnetdvopied13783/tcpvopiedbpjobd13723/tcpbpj


30、 change these entries modify the file /tmp/services. ov edited. 24848and enter return when ready to continue:/etc/services has been updated to contain netbackup and media manager services- to make netbackup and media manager start up automatically when the system is restarted, the rc. veritas. aix s

31、cript found in /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies has been placed in the /etc directory, you must modify /etc/inittab to include it.enter which host will store global device information.(default: backupserver): backupservera设置masterserver 作全局设备信息中心to be able to install the client software the netbacku

32、pprocesses need to be started. do you want to start the netbackup processes so client software can be installed? (y/n) y y starting the netbackup database manager process (bpdbm)./*启动bpdbm进程以装载cl i ent软件do you want to create policy and schedule examples that you can view or use when you are configur

33、ing your own policies and schedules? (y/n) yn/*确定是否安装策略模板client database indexing reduces the search time when restoringclient files, but it takes about 2% more disk space.do you want to index the client database files? (y/n) y y /*确定是否采用client index文件the default index level is 9 levels. use the def

34、ault? (y/n) y y /*确定 client index levelrunning index_clients process in background mode.output from the process will be written to /tmp/indcx_clicnts. output.do you want to start the media manager device daemon processes? (y/n) y y starting the media manager device daemon processes./*确定是否启动mediamana

35、ger进程 done executing nb. inststepd :确认安装成功#/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/bp. ki11 al1 关闭所有已启动的nbu进程#/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/netbackup start 启动nbu进程#/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps -a 査看nbu进程至此,mcdiascrvcr软件安装完毕。叫以继续安装其它server,或奔安装 patch (见2. 5)2.4.4 netbackup datacenter agent for sybase da

36、tabase installationnetbackup agent for sybase 提供了 veritast netbackup datacenter 与sybase的一个api接ul,用来实现sybase数据库的热备份和备份策略管理。 软件安装在运行sybase数据库并要使用nbu进行备份的主机,当然,这些主机 也是nbu的备份client。安装前的准备工作:系统空间安装目录可用空间64mb /tmp目录可用空间彡32mb sybase数据库安装软件时数据库安装目录耍存在,确认$syabase_home变量 安装步骤#cd /cdrom/cdromo step3:执行安装脚本#. /

37、installvx vxthere are two ways to install database extension software.1. remote installation: loads the software on a master server with the intent of pushing database software out to affected clients.2. local installation:loads and installs the sofware only to thislocal machine.do you want to do a

38、local installation? (y/n) n y /* 键入y选择本地安装netbackup database extension installationchoose the database extensions you wish to installone at a time or select install all database extensions.1) netbackupfordb22) netbackupforinformix3) netbackupforlotus notes4) netbackupfororacle5) netbackupfororacle o

39、nunix advanced bli agent6) netbackup for sap7) netbackup for sybase8) netbackup for teradata9) install all database extensionsq) done selecting extensions x) exit from this scriptchoose an option: 7/* 键入7选择安装 netbackup for sybasechoose an option: q/* 键入q,选择完毕you have chosen to install these database

40、 extensions:netbackup for sybaseis this list correct? (y/n) y y /* 键入y确认安装of the extensions selected, the following are supportedon this platform and will be installed:sybaseplease specify the sybase instance home path name:/sybase/* 输入sybase数据库的home path3. 2设备配置3. 2. 1配置说明设备配置主要包括磁带机、机械手(robot)、共享设

41、备的配置。机械手用来抓 取、识别磁带,有一条光纤与交换机相连。sanmediaserver执行备份任务时需 要使用机械手,如果机械手设置为共享方式,则sanmediaserver之间要进行 vmd/tldcd等进程间的通讯,这样既增加了配置的复杂程度,同时防火墙要放宽更 多的过滤规则,安全性降低,因此机械手由masterserver(同时也是一个 mediaserver)控制,这样其他mediaserver右对机械手的请求吋,只和masterserver 进行通讯即,这样不仅使配置简化,还堉加y系统安全性,减少丫ip的网络流量, 同时它能满足系统的备份要求。由sanmediaserver共享使

42、用,并且机械手和磁 带机支持device serialization.,这是设备firmware的一个特征,nbu通过设备 序列号识别和标识机械手与磁带机。3. 3介质配j3. 3. 1配置说明介质配置主要包括volume、volume pool及calalog volume配置。一个volume对应一盒磁带,一个volume pool包含多个volume。volume pool概念的 引入是为了便于备份数据的管理。可以根据不同的备份类型划分不同的pool,例 如文件系统备份和数据库备份可以放在不同的pool里;也可以根据不同的部门或 不同的主机划分不同的pool。每盒磁带上都有一个条形码(b

43、arcode),在磁带库 加电自检时都可识别到。在veritas nbu中,每一个volume都有一个meida 1d, 此id可以自己定义,也可以由nbu自动定义,它根据barcode产生mediald。一般 情况下由nbu自动产生mediald,这样mediald与barcode可以对应。另外,系统提供一个scratch volume pool,它的作用是当其他volume pool 屮没有可用的磁带时,nbu从scratch volume pool屮抓取一盒未曾用过的volume 加入其中,以保证备份能顺利进行。volume pool己用slot规划slotsybase-pool1-15

44、1-15other-pool16-2016-20scratch pool21-2221-22表3volume pool 表3. 3. 2 volume pool 配:霧礬i¥l可以通过图形界面配罝volume pool。步骤如下:stepl:启动并登录java管理界面#/usr/openv/nctbackup/bin/jnbsa&step2:打开 “media and device management”,选择 media 然后打开菜单actions-new->volume poolstep3:输入volume pool 的名字如果是定义scratch pool,则选择

45、 “scratch volume poolstep4:重复step2_step3,定义所有的volume pool3. 3. 3 volume 配置vo 1 ume配置主要是把多个vo 1 ume划归到不同的vo 1 ume poo 1中,同时指明 volume相关参数。步骤如下:stepl:启动并登录java管理界面#/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/jnbsa&step2:打开 “media and device management”,选择 media 然后打开菜单actions-mnventory robot出现如下窗口:robot inventoryelmed

46、ia hdtwger host; blazedevice hast:rolot:blazetliko) - blazejdselect rcfaotrtototz3 molune database: host: blazercbot inventcryuf-ddts1 jpl i. jrarccde rulesi'jf flap .rimlkedla id generationselect inu«ntory oferatlonehcu contents of robot.corpct* robot ccntwts uith vuhne wrlcfjraticru . fv-

47、es'ieu )olne cmfigjraticn lpdaterperfcr« wolune ccndguraticn i<3d3t<si .j乂麵議麵cjlwr |三h:%. hidij x/jd p:r: v上u" u lpur.resultsrobot: zli)(0| on blaze operotior: invencoryrobot contents3 lot12 3tape barcqcleyesyesyescddoid c00o2e c0013g*rr-n (t 4fqlose j |閔3 robot inventory在select

48、robot 框中选择device host = backupserver在select inventory operation框中选择 “show contents of robot” 然后点击“start”,结束后下面的窗口中将显示robot检测到的volume 此窗口屮其他功能选项请参见(media managcrmcnt>step3:关间上述对话框,点击菜革actions->new->volume ,打开对话框:聞4 add new volumes在此框中选择media type =dlt,选中 “volume is in a robotic library”, 然后选

49、择device host=back叩server, robot则会自动选择。其他参数解释如下:number of volume : 加入某个volume pool的磁带个数media id naming styles: media id 的格式,最好和barcode一致first media id : 加入volume pool的第一个磁带的media id,最好和barcode 一至文maxmum mounts : volume group : volume pool :定义这些参数后,每盒磁带可mount的最大次数,0表示无限制 设置volume group, 一般一个带库代表一个grou

50、p. 设置这些磁带属于哪一个volume pool 点击“ok”,完成volume的配置step4:重复step3,定义所有的volume pool3.4存储单元配置(storageunit)一 <=1存储单元(storageunit)在veritas xbu中是一个逻辑概念,在policy (策 略)中由它来指定要使用哪一个mediaserver及磁带设备来备份数据。在木系统中以主机为单位定义storageunit,即一个storageunit对应一台 mediaserver,包括4个共享磁带机,一个机械手(统一由masterserver控制)<> 另外为/实现storag

51、eunit的failover,我们引入/存储单元组(storageunit group ),它把ha系统中两台mediascrvcr的storageunit组成一个group,同时它 也可以和storageunit样用于polciy的定义中。nbu执行备份时,如果group中 的第一个storageunit可用,则用第一个进行备份,否则就用第二个。如果备份 的cl ient冋吋也是连接到storageuni t的mediaserver,则本地的storageunit拥 有优先权去响应备份请求。4. 2 storageunitstorageunit的配罝可以通过图形界面进行,步骤如下:stepl

52、:启动并登录java管理界面#/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/jnbsa&step2:打开 net backup management”,选择 storageunit点击菜卑actions-new-storageunit,打开配置窗口:图5 storage unit 在配置窗门屮设置如下参数:storageunit name :可以按表中给出的名字定义storage unit type :指明storageunit类型,选择media managei、一amediaserver robot type robot number drive densityrobot or

53、 standalone tape drive 指明 storageuni t 属于哪一个 mediaserver 指明机械手类型,选择tld指明机械手的index id指明磁带机的密度,选择dltmaxmum currentdrive:指明storageunit同时可用几个磁带机,设置为4maxmun multiplexingper driver:指明一个磁带机可同时写几个数据流,设置为1step3:点击“ok”完成配置step4:重复step2-step4,定义所有的storageunit3. 5策略配置配置说明策略配置是要完成一个备份任务的最后一步,主要设置备份工具、备份目的地、备份源、备

54、份时间等信息。在配罝策略时要考虑备份数据量大小、可用于 备份的时间、数据保存时间、备份策略安排等问题。根据系统备份要求(附件四, 制定了本系统所用的备份策略,见附件五。3. 5. 2文件系统备份策略文件系统的备份是指在配置策略时直接指明要备份的数据,步骤如下: stepl:启动并登录java管理界面#/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/jnbsa&step2:打开 “netbackup management”,选择 policy,出现窗口:menu barstandard toolbar user toolbar current masted serververitast

55、ree view蠢1w 纒ifrwanormpigtba -3 mkmaiyheld 二言鑒j:jfilll-biiirlslimbtselects sudnode from summary of aji policies to dsplaydetail mewall posside node attributes in the right panefor example, schedules dsplays a list of all schedules图7 policy配置窗口 在中间窗口中点击鼠标右键或点击tool bari t i 一ii中的stcp3:在add a new polic

56、y对话框中输入new policy的名字,如果不使用policy wizard,去掉 “use add policy wizard” 选择。图8 add a new policystep4:进入pol icy参数配置窗u,每一个poleiy包含四项内容, attribute/schedules/files/client,卜面分项介绍。图9 pol icy attribute 上图显示丫attribute配置窗门,包括下列参数: policy type:offhost backup method policy storageunitpolicy volume pool 其余参数设置为默认值,:指明policy类型。如果是文件系统备份,选择 standard,如果sybase数据库备份,选择sybase。:指明备份的方式,选择为默认值 :指明policy使用的备份工具,可以是storageunit, 也可以是storagcunit group:指明policy使用的volume pool 具体含义请参见:图10 policy s


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