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1、2007年唐山市高三备考研讨会经验交流材料短文改错考点研究与应对策略孙丽娟玉出县林南仓屮学英语组短文改错,分类把握,两路攻破从基础知识和改添删错误类型两方面入 手,加强训练,提高查错和纠错的效率孙丽娟玉田县林南仓中学英语组摘要:短文改错考点虽广,但不外乎于英语基础知识:词汇和语法。“整体把握,逐行矫正, 各个击破”是做好短文改错的十二字诀。从基础知识和改添删错误类型两方面入手,加强训 练,提高查错和纠错的效率。使用科学高效的解题步骤,关注高考英语短文改错三原则 关键词:试题的特点 解题步骤 基础知识错误类型分类 改添删错误类型分类练习 高考英语短文改错三原则短文改错着重考查考生的语言基本功和正

2、确使用英语进行表达的能力。它涉及词汇、 语法、句型结构等方面的知识和逻辑情理的推断和综合辨析能力,是一种在较高层次上考查 考生对英语知识的掌握和语言综合运川能力的测试题型。它是专门针对考生们平时学习英语 过程中,尤其是写作练习中常犯的又是较为普遍的错误而设计的。对考生们而言,该题又是 拉开距离和档次的题型。我在教学屮发现许多学生在经过一个轮次的语法复习之后,虽然已经具备了相当的语言 表达能力,但对于短文改错往往是答案发卜来时一看,立刻就恍然大悟,:奥,原來是这样, 我当时怎么就没有看到呢? ”可见其,第一,对英语知识的掌握和语言综合运川能力还待捉 高,不能做到学以致用,第二,面对闲难,不能冷静

3、思考,在还没有做短文改错题时,就已 经被题给吓傻了,真正是当局者迷。针对这些问题,我认真研究高考短文改错,按部就班的 谋划复习,不仅让学生牢固了知识,做到了学以致用,并且培养他们乐观,自信的心理品质, 帮助他们形成良好的应试心态。通过对近儿年nmet中短文改错的研究评析,可以看出命题 者命题的思路和方式,命题者一般在行文逻辑、一致关系、连接手段、平行结构、多词少词、 母语干扰、冠词使用、名词数格、词语搭配、词性辨析等方血进行设计和考查。一、试题的特点:1、该题全文长度在130160词之|、可,整体难度较人,直接针对学生的薄弱环节,是对学生普遍错谋的“浓缩”。2、错误类型设置相对稳定从设错形式上

4、看,基本上都是错词的占6行;没有错误的占1行;多词和缺词的 共占3行左右。3、题目设计灵活,知识层次多,覆盖而广,鉛误包括拼写、词法、句法、语篇结构、 行文逻辑,错误z处涉及名词、冠词、连词、介词、形容词、副词、代词、动词 时态、非谓语动词等。4、短文改错试题的难度保持平稳,体裁以记叙文为主,记叙文较说明文和议论文更 易理解;句子结构以简单句为主过渡到以复合句和并列句为主。句子的长度是控制 难度 的一个重要因索。句子越长难度越高。从近儿年考试题来看,短文改错的句 子平均长度趋于平稳,但儿乎每篇都有一个长达20多个词的句子。这就需要考生在 这个句子屮判断出二到三个地方有错或无错,增加了试题的难度

5、。二、解题步骤:1、首先耍通读全文,了解文章的内容和意义。2、仔细阅读,逐行检查,注意以下儿个方面;1)主谓是否一致;2)名词的数、格是否一致;3)动词的时态、语态与语篇上下文是否一致;4)非谓语动词在句屮的结构是否正确;5)连接词、关系代词或关系副词的用法是否正确;6)代词的用法是否止确,如人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、不定代词、关系代词等;it在指代关系上的使用,以及在形式主语或形式宾语中是否遗漏等;7)搭配结构是否完整;8)行文逻辑方而:逻辑意义与逻辑关系内在的一致问题,在通晓全篇意思的 慕础上判断和发现用词是否恰当准确;词性转换要根据词语前肩的修饰关系来 确定是哪种词类,3、复读全文:

6、将各行所改止的答案放入文中读一遍,依靠语法知识和综合运用语 言知识的能力,凭语感来核实答案是否正确;如发现有语句不畅,不和逻辑,则应 重新修改。4. 写清写准符号,并在右边横线上正确拼写修正后的单词。三基础知识错误类型分类从高考命题短文改错考查的知识点來看,短文改错主要考查考生基本语法知识、段的行文逻辑,因此短文改错与完形填空、阅读理解一样注重强调整体理解,宏观上把 握。短文改错的目的是测试考生发现、判断、纠正一些词法、句法以及语篇屮的 行 文逻辑等方而错谋的能力。它既能考查考生的词汇和语法方而的能力,也能考查考生的 阅读理解能力。其考查要点的主要方面有词法,句法和语篇的测试,基丁以上特点,我

7、 首先对学牛进行单句改错分类训练,重点巩固词法和句法知识。1名词名词是英语中最常用的词性之一,因此在历年高考试题中屡见不鲜,其考查热点 主要集中在在特定语境下的名词词义辨析、含名词短语的习惯搭配、可数名词与不可数名词 的区分、名词所有格、相关冠词的用法以及主谓一致等方血。耍在短文改错中准确辨别出有 关名词方血的错误,考牛首先应对名词中容易出现错误的知识点进行掌握。a特定语境下要求运用名词的复数形式英语屮名词分为可数名词和不可数名词,可数名词乂分为单数可数名词和复数可数名词。名 词要求川复数形式常见于以下儿种情况:a .名词前有two , ten , several, many,等表示复数意义的

8、限定词。but one and a half year later i now know english is fun to learn.b名词用复数形式表示类属,即-类人 或-啖物。all over the world men and woman, boys and girls enjoy sportsc某些名词,只用复数形式,如glasses眼镜,clothes衣服,goods货物,trousers 裤子,belongs 所有物,riches 财富,surrounding 环境,congratul at ions 祝贺,have words with somebody 同某人吵架,in h

9、igh spirits以很高热情地,give one' s regards to somebody向某人问候,in rags衣衫褴褛,good manners有礼貌。we offered our congratulations on his winning a gold medal at the 10"' national games.d在特定语境下,只能用复数形式才能照应句子的内在逻辑。sometimes, we talked to each other very wel 1 in class, but after class we became stranger

10、at once.b不可数名词的误用不可数名词的谋川主要有以下儿种情况:a英语屮不可数名词一般没有复数形式,不能直接与数词连川,前边也不能ju), a,an 等不定冠词。without enough knowledges, you can never learn wel1.b 一般來说抽彖名词、物质名词为不可数名词,但当它们表示具体的东西时,可用作可 数名词且词义发生变化,oh , john. what pleasant surprise you gave us.c不可数名词的修饰语与可数名词的修饰语应严格区分。there" s so many traffic on the roads

11、 that driving is not a pleasant.c名词作定语和名词所有格的用法a名词作定语一般用单数,但goods, clothes, sales, sports等单词例夕卜;boy , girl 作定语时只用单数,而mon, womem作定语时应随中心词单复数的变化而变化。these girls students want to be women doctors when they grow up.b名词所有格的用法if the company wants to fire me, they have to give me three months noticethis is

12、anne, s and jane" s bedroom the twin sisters 1 ike it very much 1 please read the instruction carefully before using the medicine2. it' s such an important information that we should report it to the headmaster at once-3. are they going to have a picnic on childrens day.4. to my surprised,

13、i find we have much in comm on in our t aste.5. there are five shoes to choose from, but m at a loss which to buy.6. the new times are read all over the united states7 the police is searching the city for a thief.8. during my stay in london t visited many places of interests9. we study quite a few s

14、ubject , such as maths, chinese ,english, and physics.10. 1 take a quick look at some of the headline on the front page2冠词由于汉语中没有冠词的概念,因此英语屮冠词的使川成为屮学生容易出错的地方,高考 短文改错也正是针对考生在思维上的谋区来设置错误。短文改错对冠词的考查集中在以下儿 个方面:1该使用冠词的地方没有使用冠词或不需要使用冠词的地方却使用了冠词;2冠词的误用,all:该使用定冠词的地方使用了不定冠词,而应该使用不定冠词的地方却使 用了定冠词。冠词漏用冠词漏用的场合很

15、多,主要见于以下情况:1单数可数名词前漏用不定冠词t was a high school student then, from low-income family2抽象名词具体化吋,前而用不定冠词many people agree that knowledge of english is a must in intornational trade today. 3固定搭配屮漏用冠词i hope you have a pleasant journey home and will come to china again sometime in future.使川的冠词多余although we p

16、racticed speaking english for a short period of time, we have made a great progresshe promised to come and see us after the supper.it has been too dry this year so there are a few apples on the tree- 冠词误用my father has two brothers and three of them are al 1 party members.after watching tv , she play

17、ed violin for an hour.he failed but wan ted to try the seco nd t ime.1. besides 、it" s waste of time and energy for my teacher to visit my home.2. a new scienee museum was open to publ ic in my city last month3. what a great fun it is to have a swim in the summer vacation!4. ten minutes later,

18、the firemen came and put out fire.5. t used to be a happy little girl but now t' m shy and say a few words-6. t did not study at all at the weekend as t had thought it would be a easy test 7 since he has no sense of humor, _t m sure he didn,t catch humor in your remarks.8. a stra nger stopped in

19、 the front of me and asked me the way to a new restaura nt.9. i began to feel worried because 1 dicin' t have either a raincoat or umbrella with me.10. she explained what her problem was to one of helpful shop assistants.3代词高考短文改错题所考查的代词主要涉及人称代词、物主代词、不定代词、指示代词和关 系代词等。由丁代词主要用来代替上文捉到的人或物,因而代词错误往往与

20、上下文有着密切 的联系,一般较为隐蔽,不易被发现。大家在判断吋可以从以下角度入手:1代词指代的是人还是物;2代词指代的是可数名词还是不可数名词;3代词所表示的是特指述是泛指概念;4代词指代的概念是表示两者z间述是三者或三者以上;5代词所表示的是肯定还是否定概念。1. we havent enough books for anybody ; some of you will have to share2. we asked john and jerry , but both of them could offer a satisfactory explanation.3. let you and

21、 1 promise not to quarrel about such an unimportant matter any more4. the chairman thought necessary to invite professor smith to speak at the meeting.5. i don" t think we,ve met before. you' re taking me for someone.6 mary and jones have arrived, but other students in the class aret here y

22、et.7. the students each has an english-chinese dictionary.8. there is a no. 2 trolley bus and a no. 24 bus ;any wi11 take you there.9. its your deci sion, of course, but i advise you to take it.10. tf you want to change for a double room, you, 11 have to pay other § 1511. we had to do the washi

23、ng , cleaning and shopping by us.4介词介词属于虚词,是英语中川法非常灵活的词性之一,因此在高考试题屮经常以不同的形 式出现。其考点主耍集中在:表示时间的介词的用法;介词与名词、形容词、动词的习惯搭 配;介词的省略等。1. the professor divided his spare time into walking and writing2. holiday and birthday postcards can all provide you for stamps from all over the world3- the building was nam

24、ed a hero who laid down his life for the cause of the people.4. the tv set was repaired but not quite with the owner" s satisfaction.5. except his wife, his daughter also went to see him.6 what he said just now had little to do with the question in discussion.7. al though tom agreed with her on

25、 most points, here was one for which he was unwi1ling to give in 8. as production up by 60%, the company has had anolher excellent year9. but for the most wonderful thing about jack was his musical ability10. luckily , the bullet narrowly missed the captain for an inch-5形容词和副词高考短文改错中关于形容词和副词的错谋主要集中在

26、词性的谋用,即该川形容词的时候用了 副词或该用副词的时候用了形容词。比较级方面的错误主要是形容词、副词比较级的误用, 以及比较级或最高级前面修饰语的谋丿u。1. some people are trying to steal person infonuation for bad purposes.2. some people are against the plan, but much more support it.3 betty stood closely to her teacher and watched closely what he was doing.4. we decided

27、not to climb the mountain because it was raining hardly.5. however, we seidom felt ionely or helplessly611 also do pienty of exercise, which won,t do me any harm too.7. tt is a good way for us to memorize new words by seeing them repeated.8. in exam in atio ns, it is disho nest and fool ishly to hel

28、p or to ask help from others 9 you won' t be able to get any farther information unti 1 tomorrow10. many studenls signed up for the 800-metres-long race in the sports meet 6时态和语态高考短文改错中动词时态的使用错误主要是动词时态的不一致,如全篇用的都是现在时 态,而在某一个地方却出现了不合逻辑的过去时;或全篇使用的都是过去时,而在短文的某 一个地方却岀现了现在时。这些情况多岀现亦说明儿个连续动作的句子中。1. 并列

29、句中谓语动词时态不一致并列句中谓语动词时态和语态应保持一致,这一点已经成为高考短文改错的一大命题热点, 出现频率较高,考生务必要引起注意。并列句的基本句型:简单句+并列连词+简卩句。my sister found a bird on the road side . we named him jack and keep him for about three years.charles rol 1 s, a car maker, was very interested in royce' s car, and soon rol 1 s and royce go into business

30、 together.2忽略语境,语态出现错误by the end of n ext july, this bui ldi ng will have completed this cloth you bought is cheap , but it is wears wel 13忽视语境特殊要求,造成时态误用1 am very pleased to say that all of us greatly improved our spoken english so far. it was five years since we graduated, but those memories are a

31、s sweet as ever before.- we will go outing together if it won' t rain tomorrow.1. you don,t neecl to describe her, 1 met her several times.2. after the drive, it was cost just over $2 to put the car back into perfect condition3. the tickets had sold out when 1 got to the cinema. g

32、reat changes have been taken place in the city since 1990. the teachers caught me cheating. t don' t know what to say. hardly did the doctor gone to bed when there was a knock on the harder you will work, the better yesterday we were playing basketbal1 t should very much 1 ike to have goneresult

33、s you wi11 have, while they are playing to the party, but t amthe door.footbal1 not invited.t' 11 see her in case she does.10. t don" t think she,11 be upset, but7非谓语动词rti于口身的特点和复朵性,非谓语动词是中学牛较难掌握的语法项目2,也是高考短文 改错命题的一个热点。非谓语动词内容繁杂,命题的考点很多。短文改错除了考查非谓语动 词的基本功能外,还考查非谓语动词不同形式之间的细微区别、-些动词后接动词不定式还

34、是动词ing形式以及与非谓语动词有关的典型搭配等。1. he entered the room without notice his father sitting there.2. the children insisted going there on foot3 having a pleasant trip and see you on friday.4.1 couldn" t do my homework with all that noise went on.5. how about the two of us take a walk down the garden.6. h

35、e stood there, with his eyes fixing upon the oil painting.7. everything taking into consideration, they ought to have another chanee.8. losing in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him9. the man kept silent in the unless spoken.10. uwe can, t go out in this weather, ” said bob, looked o

36、ut of the window.but his mother told him not11. the boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street,to ride-12. here are some new computer programs clesigning for home buildings.13. one learns a language by making mistakes and corrects them14 there was so much noise in the room that the speaker couldn,

37、 t make himself hear.15 having shown the office, the foreign visitors were shown around the teaching building8不一致造成的错误髙考短文改错由于不一致造成的错误,涉及的知识点非常多,而且具有很强的隐蔽性,也是 高考区分度较高的题型。短文改错中广义上的一致包括以下几种情况:短文中谓语动词的时 态与上下文背景应保持一致;谓语动词在人称和数上与主语保持主谓一致;在平行结构中, 词性、时态等形式须保持前后一致;名词的数须与其修饰语保持一致;代词应在数、格、形 上与上下文保持一致;上下文逻辑应保持

38、一致等。1. the country life he was used to have changed greatly since 19922. linda , theres somebody knocking at the door. go and see who he is .3. he had many photos taken during the holidays and showed it to me.4. two-thirds of the work have been finished up to now.5. my family was having supper when

39、sudclenly the bell rang.6. not only the stuclents but also the teacher were surprised when he came in first in the exam7 not only the students but also the teacher were surprised when he came in firstin the exam.8. 1 want to buy the jacket, and 1 have not enough money with me.9. the old man picked u

40、p the rubbish and threw them into the dustbin.10. he spoke quietly and firmly and we were al 1 greatly encouraged by his words.11. the wrong you 've done him is so terrible, for whom you should make an apology to him , t think.12. they were surprised that a child could work out the problem and t

41、hey themselves couldr/ t.9从句高考英语短文改错题中考杳从句的题所占比值不大,但复现率达100%,其重要性对见一斑。 从句的考查包括对定语从句、名词性从句和状语从句的考查,主要属于句子逻辑层次题,难 度大,要求高,难怪考生失分多。i. hardly had he arrived in hong kong than she rang me up .2 we know 1 ittle about the young lady except that you told me.3. i have read the novel twice which you are talkin

42、g about it.4. you should make it a rule to leave things you can find them again.5. recently, 1 bought an ancient chinese vase, its price was very reasonable.6. the reason is because he is unable to operate the machine.7. she has two shirts. both of which were bought last month.& that was real ly

43、 a splendid evening. it' s years when t enjoyed myself so much. 9 after months of research there was 1 i ttle hope which the lost car might be found. 10. al though he is considered a great wri ter, but his works are not widely readii. it has al ready been pointed out, grammar is not a set of dea

44、d rules.12. try as he does, but he never seems able to do the work beautifully.10逻辑关系逻辑关系在短文改错中所占比例不大,但-杀伤力-极强,这是因为逻辑关系重在考杳 考生对语篇的深层理解能力,尤其是对语篇的逻辑把握能力,难度较人。广义上逻辑关系指 代范围很广,包括前后句关联词引起的逻辑关系正确与否;2句子是肯定还是否定;3代 词指代对象逻辑的一致ft; 4比较的对象是否一致,范围是否协调等。1 all of them knew about the plan because it was kept as a sec

45、ret.2 canada is larger than any other country in asia.3. the teacher wasn' t looking at me, but 1 copied something.4. there" s a 1 i ttle cooking oi 1 1 eft in the house. would you go to the corner store and get some.5. she doesn' t know anyone here. she has got someone to taik to.6 wou

46、ld you 1 ike a cup of coffee and shal1 we get down to busincss right away?7. in american big cities, thousands sei 1 tickets to watch football or baskctbal1 games8 thank you so much for your party on christmas eve. all of them enjoyed it very much.9. i agree with most of what you said, but l don&quo

47、t; t agree with anyting.10. when my mother was asked “have you already taken your medicine?” , 1 said “yes 四、错题类型(1) 错词更正:识别和修止这些错误霊从整体篇章结构的情况去把握,同时提高辩误能力。例1、(主谓一致)any one may borrow books, and it cost not hi ng to borrow them.例2、(时态)t had always wan ted to return to the vi 1 lage after moving away

48、and it is real ly great to see most of my old friends again. 例3、(搭配)t used to play ping-pong a lot in my spare time, but now t am interesting in footbal 1. 例4、(语态)books may be keep for four weeks.例5、(名词复数)we s tu dy qui te a few subject, such as maths, chinese, engl i sh a nd physics.例 6、(代词)the smi

49、ths did his best to make me feel at home.例 7、(形容词)1 am sure we" 11 have a wonderfully time together.例 8、(关系代词)my name is li hua, i live in beijing, where is the capital of china.例9、(逻辑)we need another room uncle ben wi 11 also go back for christmas-例10、(动名词、固定搭配)i 1ook forward to hear from you

50、soon.下而短文的每一行均有一词需纠正。airplanes are slow driving me mad t live near anairport and passed planes can be heard night andday. the airport was built during the war, but for thereason it could not be used then. last year, therefore,it came to use. over a hundred people must havebeen driven away from their

51、 home by the noise, t am one of the few people leaving. sometimes 1 think this house will be knocked down by the passing planei have been offered a large sum of money to go away,and 1 am determined to stay there.(2)、多词删除:多词现象多指结构上的多余部分和重复部分,还包括意义相同的词重 叠。所涉及的词比较广泛,如连词、介词、冠词、代词、副词等。例1、(时态)if the book

52、you will want is out, you may ask for it to be cal led back for you.例2、(介词)how people can quickly get for help from a doctor or go to a hospital if they are ill? 例3、(关联词)i also enjoyed the evening when we spent together-例4、(副词)as a result people in the modern world generally live much more ion ger t

53、 han people in the past.例5、(副词)1 never know that a ride down a river could be so much exciting. 例6、(不定代词)i hope that both you two could come and visit us some time soon.例7、(不定式),and let you to know when the book you want has been returned例8、(意思重叠)today t visited the smithsmy first time visit to an a

54、merican fami 1 y 例9、(习语)in fact, they are planning to visit china in next year.例10、(意思重叠)first, let me tel 1 you something more about myself.下面短文屮每一行均多一词:tues, january 1. finefrom today on and i shall keep my diary in english forthe sake of taking practice, 1 shall write a few thingsin the simple en

55、glish before going to bed. i may notshow i t to any one, not even show to my pare nts, butt wi11 wri te as much careful 1y as if whatevert write were to appear beautifully in tomorrow s papers.as i shall always try to write honestly and delightfully, sot hope that my diary will be interesting to rea

56、d itif it ever gets publ ished tf that so, i t is possiblethat it w订 1 be called "the daily diary of a student” .(3)、缺词补漏:缺词现彖多市结构成分短缺所致,比如:名词前缺少冠词;动词不 定式前缺少小品词“to”;动词谓语组成部分缺漏;习惯用语中结构不完整;有些句式结构 屮指代部分缺漏等。例1、(被动结构)and let you know when the book you want has returned and is ready for you to pick u

57、p.例2、(冠词结构)good health is person" s most valuable possession.例 3、(冠词)there is public 1 ibrary in every town in britain.例 4、(介词)when t have free time, i go a long walk.例5、(不定式结构)the world heal th organination and other organi/at ions are working improve heal th al 1 over the world例 6、(不定式结构)i had always wanted return to the village.例 7 (be+adj.结构)they eager to know everything about china.例8、(不定式结构)i d like to your penfriend, and get to


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