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1、七年级上学期期中英语试卷时间:IOO分钟满分:100分听力部分(20分)略笔试部分(80分)V. 选择填空。(20分)A)辨音项。(5分从A、B、C三个选项中选出划线部分读音与其他不同的选)()21.A. ngmeB. dadC. bag()22.A. theseB. meC. desk()23.A. bigB. bikeC. is()24.A. ngseB. dogC. not()25.A. busB. butC. blueB)单项选择。(15分)()26. 一See you later, Mr. Liu.C. And you?A. See you.)27. Is he Li Ming?B.

2、 Thanks.A. Yes, I amB. Yes, he is.C. m OK()28. 一WhO is the boy?is KanSkangA. HeB. SheC. HiS1/8()29. Jim and Iin CIaSS Six.A. amB. is()30. 一JaCk have a IOng face?Yes. And he is tall.A. DOeSB. DO()31. 一WllafS thisEnglish?一IfS a PenCiLA. toB. from()32. 一, are you MiSS White?一Yes, I am.A SOrryB. EXCUSe

3、me()33. 一?一They,re apples.A. Are they applesB. What are those()34. 一IS itorange?No, it isnt Ittegg.A an, anB.an,aC. areC. ISC. inC. ThankSC. WhaFS thisC. a, an()35 I a Pen and Mikethree PenCilSA. has, hasB. have, haveC. have, has()36. TlliS isn,t my book. Ifs.A. herB. theirC. his)37.the PhOto. Can y

4、oua boy in it?1/8A. Look, SeeB. LOOk at, SeeC. LOOk at, IOOk()38. ?She is tall and She has ShOrt hair.A. WhO is JaneB. What does Jane IOOk IikeC. What does Jane have()39. 一DO you have a toy car?No, I don,t. BUt my SiSter Jemly IlaS.A. OneB. itC. that()40. 一IS that Inan in a blue T-Shirt Mr. Green?Ye

5、s. Yblfre.A. rightB. goodC. fineVI. 情景交际。根据对话内容,选择方框内的句子完成对话。有两 项多余。(5分)A: Hello, ZUO You! NiCe to See you.B:41A: DO you know the man in white?B: The tall man in white?A: Yes.B: Oh, he's my new EngliSh teacher, Mr. YangA. He IOOkS Iike ZhOU Jiekin.B. Oh51 see.C. Niee to See you, too.D. WiWrJS he

6、 from?E. Yes, I do.F. HOW Old is he?A:42 DO you know?B: He from Shangliai.A:43 He,s VeIy COOLB: I think so, too.(我也这么认为。)A:44B: He's 26 years old.A: DO you Iike him?B:45 He is Very nice and his EngliSh is Very good.A: YOU have a good teacher.41. 42. 43. 44. 45.VIL完形填空。(10分)Hello, boys and girls!

7、 DO you 46 me? Oh, my 47 is Hai Bao. I 48 from Shanghai, ChinaLook! ThiS is 49 photo. I IOOk Iike a 'Ten'' ill Chinese. I 50 a big head. My eyes are big and round They are nice. My mouth is 51I Iike Smiling (微笑) LOOk 52 Iny hands. They are big. My IegS are StrOng and my feet 53 big m i b

8、lue clothes. My favorite 54 is blue. Am I cool?WeICOme 55 Shanghai WOrId EXPO (上海世博会) YOU Canin Shanghai.See me everywhere (至IJ 处)46. A. thank)47. A. name)48. A. COmeSB. knowB. numberB. isC. giveC. ageC COme()49. A. myB. meC. mine()50. A. amB. haveC. has()51. A. IOngB. ShOrtC. Wide()52. A. atB. toC.

9、 in()53. A. amB. isC. are()54. A. PhOneB. PhOtOr C. COIOr()55. A. inB. toC. atVBL阅读理解。(20分)ADO you know the Inan in White? Oh, he is Li Yong. He COIneS from UrUInqi (乌鲁木齐),China. He has a IOng face. HiS eyes are SlnaiL BUt his nose is big. And he has IOng black hair. Is the IittIe girl his daughter

10、(女儿)? Yes. Look!She has a round face Her hair is ShOrt and blackShe IOOkS Iike her mom. She is in a blue and White dress.She IOOkS Very CUte (可爱)!根据短文内容,选择正确答案。()56. Li Yong,s T-Shirt is.A. blueB. WhiteC. blue and White()57. Li Yong,s hair is.A. long and blueB. long and black C. ShOrt andblack()58.

11、Li YOng hasA. big eyesB. a Small noseC. a big nose()59. Li Yong,s daughter IOOkS IikeA. Li YOngB. her momC. her()60. The best title(最佳标题)is.A. Li YOngB. Li Ybng daughter C. Li YOng and hisdaughterBMy rname is ZIlang Tonghui. I am a ChineSe boy. m 12 years Old now. m a StlIdent Of SUZhOll No.l High S

12、ChOOL I have two foreign(夕卜国 的)friends at SChOOLSany is a nice girl. She COmeS from EngIand She is 12 years old, too. LU Mei is her ChineSe name Look! She is in a red dress and green ShOeS She is rtall and She has IOng brown hair. Her eyes are big and blue.The boy in black PantS is 13 years old. HiS

13、 name is David. He is from the USA He has ShOrt hair and IOng IegS He IOOkS Very StrOng He IikeS ChineSe KUngfU (功夫)61. Where does Zhang TOnghUi COme from?ABC()62. HOW OId is Sally?A. She is eleven years OIdB She is twelve years OId.C. She is thirteen years old.()63. What COIOr is SalIy,s d*ess?A. R

14、ed.B. Yeilow.C. Brown.()64. What does DaVid IOOk like?A. He is tall and he has ShOrt brown haiB. He has a round face and big blue eyesC. HiS hair is ShOrt and his IegS are IOng()65. WhiCh Ofthe following is RIGHT (哪句话是正确的)?A. Zhang TOnghUi isn,t a IligIl SChOOl student.E. SalIy doesn't IlaVe a C

15、hineSe nameC. DaVid IikeS ChineSe KUngfUIX.词汇(10分)A)根据句子意思及所给的词首字母或汉语提示,完成下列单词。(5 分)66. LOOk at the giraffe (长颈鹿) It has a IOng n67. TOday MiSS Wang is in a PUrPIe d68. The Inan is y. He is not Old69.1 Iike (香蕉).DO you Iike them?70. The (婴儿)is Jim's SiSteEB)根据句子意思,用方框内所给词的适当形式填空,每词只能用一次。(5分)frie

16、nd We China knife be71 your mom a teacher?72. 一WhOSeare those?一SOny I don't know.73. Jirn and Mike are both my.74. YaO Ming is. He COmeS from Shanghai.75. Can you IleIP? We CaIft find OUr pens.X.写作。(15分)A)任务型阅读。(5分)ThiS is No.12 High SChOOL My friend DOngdOng is in this SChOOL DOngdOng has IOng

17、hair, a big nose, a Smail mouth and big eyes. He is thirteen. He is in ClaSS Two, Grade SeVen He,S a good student. He has two good fiiends ill IliS SChOOL They are Jinl and JaCk. Theyle twin brothers(双月包月台兄弟) They are fourteen. They have Smail noses, Sman eyes, but they,re Vely tall(高的) Jim, JaCk an

18、d DOngdOng aren't in the Same class, but they are good friends 根据短文内容按要求完成下列各题。76. HOW OId is DOngdOng?(根据短文内容回答问题)77. What does DOngdOng IOOk like?(根据短文内容回答问题)78. DO Jim and JaCk IOOk the same?(根据短文内容回答问题)79. He has two good friends in his SChOOL (改为一般疑问句)80. Jim, JaCk and DOngdOng aren,t i the

19、 Same class.(写出该句的同义句)B)书面表达。(10分)假设你的父母(Paren在你生日的时候送给你一个可爱的玩具 娃娃,你非常喜欢它。请你根据表格内容,以“My toy”为题,向大家 描述一下。要求:1. 语句通顺,条理清楚,可适当发挥;2. 不少于50词。TOyt IlanleTinaFrOmThe USAToyt IOOkSHairlong, blondFaCeroundEyeSbigNOSeSmailMOUthSmailTOyt CIOtheSbrown hat, White coat, blue pants, PUrPIeShOeSMy toy参考答案V. A) 21-25 ACBACB) 2630 ABACA 3135 CBBAC 360 CBBAAVI. 4145 CDAFEVII. 4650BACAB5155 CACCBVIII. 5660BBCBC6165 A


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