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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载unit 5 topic 1 section a测试题(附答案)一.挑选正确答案; 1. -happy new year.- a. i m very happy.b. thank you.c. thanks. the same to you. 2. -where shall we meet.- let s meet the school gate.a. atb. onc. in 3. the greens usually go back to london plane.a. byb. onc. in 4. -wow、 your new skirt is ver

2、y nice.- .a. you are right.b. where.c. thank you. 5. - does he usually go to work.-on foot.a. howb. whatc. where 6. - do you go to the library.-once a week.a. whenb. what timec. how often 7. - do you go to school.-at a quarter to seven.1精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载a. whenb. what timec. how often 8. yao m

3、ing often plays in his free time.a. the basketballb. the soccerc. the guitar 9. kangkang usually goes to school by .a. a carb. the carc. car 10. it s very late. i must home now.a. gob. goingc. goes 11. -how about nba game.-good idea.a. watchingb. to watchc. watch 12. -it is 7:00. it is time to schoo

4、l.- ok. let s go.a. gob. goingc. to go 13. maria often goes to school .a. on feetb. on footc. on her foot 14. - jane lunch at school.- no、 she doesn t.a. does、 haveb. do、 havec. does、 has 15. - i usually get up six o clock.2精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载-the early bird catches the worm.a. inb. atc. on二.用所给

5、单词的适当形式填空1. how often she goswimming.2. what you doin your free time.i often play game3. my brother not likeplaying basketball.4. how often does lucy go to the library. twoa week.5. does she often listen to music. 6. what does ellen usually do after school.she usually watch tv.7. how do america stud

6、ents usually go to school.well、 they usually walk or take a yellow school bus to school.8. betty writes to his father two a week.9. he usually goes swim in his free time.10. yu jing sometimes ride a bike to school.三.用所给单词的适当形式填空;begin、 go、 game、 listen、 watch3精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载xiaominusually ge

7、ts up at 7:00.he has breakfast at halfpast seven and thentoschool. classes at 8:00inthe morningand finishat 3:00 inthe afternoon. afterschool、xiaomin usually plays with his classmates. at about half past six、 he has dinner with his family. then he tv for a little while. in the evening、 he reads book

8、s or to music. he goes to bed at half past nine.四.情形交际; (5 分)依据对话的情形, 从方框中挑选适当的句子填在画线处,使对话完整通顺;其中有两项为余外的;a: hi、 wang li. what time do you usually get up. b: i always get up at about six o clock. a: 1 how do you usually go to school.b: 2 but sometimes i go to school by bus. a: by the way、 where does

9、your mother work. b:she works in a factory. she makes shoes.a:3b:she usually goes to work by subway. a:where does she have lunch.4精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载b:4it takes her too much time to come back home for lunch. a:oh、 it s time for class.5b: let s go.a. the early bird catches the worm.b. how does she usually go to work.c. by bike.d. how often does she go to work?e. she has lunch in the factory.f. what about you.g. come on.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载参考答案一 1.c2.a3.a4.c5.a6.c7.b8.c9.c10.a11.a12.c13.b14.a15.b二.1.does、 go2.d


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