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1、四川省成都市锦江区2013-2014学年八年级英语下学期“零诊”考试试题注意事项1I.全卷分人卷和E吞,A松漏外】伽分H卷潮分50分:考试则同120分恸*2,作答前,知生务必粕自己的姓名,考号渗写在普聘卡上,考试结比,监考人员将试卷制答题卡一并收0-3.选坤均部分电磁使用2B貂竿.埃涂包括B建第三腾A篇题;亦芝邦庭部分更颍任用Q5疮祟扇色 的嚣字堇书写,字体工整、篦选潘奥4请按照明吊在答题卡上各题目对应的答夔区域内作答,理及答邃区域书写他等冥上效;/草藕俄、试 卷上答题无效.5.保持警埋长面凯诚K却等厩卷)滑泊,不艳折登、汴染-俄撰部,A卷(选择题:共100分)第一部分听力测试(共25小题,计

2、25分)一、听句子,根据所听到的内容选择正确答案任每小题念两遍。(共6小题,每小眶I分;计6分)1. A WhM1* yditr rt&fiie?2. A I like koala工3. A, h4s sunny.4. A hk 飞 friendly.5. A. Every day,6. A, Not dmks.B, Ar-e you Cindy?H. Because they arc cuteB, I'm vejy wdLB. He 但 tall.B, Only twice.B. Yes, pit蜻*C. Nice tc mtel you. Cindy, C They Ye

3、from Austral i% U It1? initresling.C I like him.C. Two w«1(s.C Ves1 sure.3二、听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片,并将代表图片的字母填在答髓卡的相应位 置&悠小题念两遍° (共4小题每小题I分1计4分)三、听对话,根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案口每小题念两遍。(共10小题,每小题I 分;计10分)1 l.A. IVs on the table.12.A. Two yuan a pair.13AAt6;20.14 Aon foot15,A. Watering the flowers.16 A

4、Singing lessons.C. ICs on the bed.C. Five yuan a pair.C. Al 7:00C. By subwuy.C, CJeaniiiR th? room.C Art lessons.C. She is a bick woman,C- Since his 14th birthday.B. He went swimming that day.B. Sally is nx>rc hard-working.B. IPs under Oie bed.B. I'hree yuan a pair.B. At 6:30+B. By bus,B. Rea

5、ding.B, Acting lessons.B. She is a doctor.Il for 14 years.17-A. She is a nurse.18. A.Ten thys ago.9. A. He went camping with Gina,C. He went to an interesting summer camp.20. A. Bill works as hard as Sally.C. Bill is not smarter enough.四、听短文,根据短文内容选择正.确答案。短文念三遍。(共5小题每小题I分;计5分)21. Where is Liu Ying&#

6、39;s Kngdsh teacher trow?A. England.B, Canada.C. China,22. What does Mis$ Allen likes doing?A. Cooking the food.B. Learning Chinese.C. Travelling.23. .How long has Miss Allen taught Liu Ying English?A、For two years.B. For three years,C. For a month.24. £n Miss AUen's opinion, what is the be

7、st way of learning English?A、To use English as often as po&sible.B. To keep a diary.C, To read English newspapers.25. What have the students decided to give Miss Allen for her birthday?A. A scarfB. A caketC, A Chinese travel guidebook.第二部分 基础知识运用共4s小题,计4与分)五、选择填空(共25小题,每小地1分;计25分)A.从卜.面方框中选出与下列各

8、句画线部分意思相同或相近,并能替换南线部分的选项。(共 4小题,每小期1分1计4分)A、get on well B, have thought of C. each other D. have a rest26. Wel take a break Rr lunch、then sun again at 2。1luck27. rtiey |iave cDnie up with a plan tbr helping the old people.28. I have close relations with Jenny. We7e good friends29. They seem to love

9、one another very much.B,从以各题的A、8、C三个选项中选择正确答案。(共17小题,每小题1分;计17分)30. My inother likes to take umbrella with her when she gw outA. aB, anC. the31. H's loo difficult. Let's ask our teacher help.A. withB. aboutC. for32.She still do= evorythiiig carefully she is vciy busy these days.A. althcugbB.

10、 becauseC. bn*33一 Dan t worry. There's time to go.A, littleB. a littleC. a few34一 - Is this Mary's ruler?一 Yess's ruler.A. herB. hisCt hers35. My 口iqiii says play basketball alter school because I must do my homework*A. canB. mustC. can't36 waLch TV on school nights because I have no

11、 time to do that.A. sometimesB. oftenC. hardly ever37. Pica实 ddn take any. Climbing the wall is diingcrous.A. diffiuJtiesB. risksC exercise38. Judy is not as good nt math as me, but she often gets grades in English than meA. bericrB goodC. worse八英佯骸一339. - Where are you going for the coining summer

12、venation?-1 won't decide on the place the end of the month.A. unless;B. throughC. until1 0.1 wonder where Ted is. He promised late.A Lu beB. not to beC. being41 , - Sam, could I use your computer?一 Sorry, I'm going to it now.A. work alB.work onC.work over42 . She speaks English that people t

13、liink it is her nativelanguage.A. sc wellB.so badlyC.too quickly43.1 was listening to the radio my mother asked me for dinner.A. whenB.whileC.before44. - Has Li Ming finished his report?-1(km't know. He it this morning.A, has wriileuR. wroteC.“昭 writing45. We'd better the School Trip because

14、 the rain has lasted tor nearly two days.A. cut offB. put offC, cut out46. Have you ever been anywhere for a trip?-A trip? 1away from my town even once.A. have goneB. have beenC* have never been¥每小C.补金对话。根据对话内容,从下边方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。(共4小题, 题1分;计4分)A; Mom, could I invite s;oine friends to my party o

15、n Saturday evening?B:47 But you have to do some chores first.A: What du I have to do ?A. I will help you.B. Then what?C. Sure, you can.D. I can do thatB: Well, first you could sweep the flour.A: OK.48B: Then you could lake out the trash.A: 49B: And you need to clean your room.A: Wow! I ani going to

16、be too tired, to go to my own party.B: 5。 I will go to the store for drinks and snacks.A: Thanks, Mom+八英l零诊)T六、完形填空。分别通读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从A、B. C三个选项中选出可 以填人空白处的正确答案° (共2。小题,每小题I分;计20分)Food is very important. Everyone needs to 51 well if h总 or she wants to have a strong body. Chir minds also need a

17、 kind of (bod.This kind of food is 52 , We begin to get knowledge even when we are vry young. Small children a re 53 everyth in g around Them. Tliey I earn 54 while they arc watching and listaning. When they are getting older, they begin £o 55一一storybooks, science bocks or anything they like. T

18、hey get mure irorn the books. When they find something newr they love to ask quesbons and try t。 .56 ihe answers.What 括 the best 57 to get knowledge? If wc Ictini 58 , we will gel tlic moat knowledge. If we arc 59 getting answers from Gthcr& and do not ask why, we will never leiirn well. Wbcn we

19、 study in the right way, we will team 60 and understand better.5 LA. exercissS2.A. knowledge 53,A. afraid of54 .A. nothing55 .A. read56 .A. look. fbr57 .A. book58 . A. from others59 A always60 .?X, lessB. eatB* story bonksB, interested inB. littleB. writeR. make 叩B. wayB. by ourselvesB. 5ome1imcsB.

20、worseC. playC. siciiue booUC+ bored withC. soniethingC. borrowC find outC, activityC from the heginniugC. newC. more八英(零卷)-57PE classes usually mean running, jumping and playing ball games. 61 students at Aspire Middle School in Washington spend their 62 classes doing yogA.“PE has been either dance

21、or 63since we started/' said the? jadmastcr."Thcy'u 64 very popular classes/yoga pLOgrain and began 65 it when the school opened in 2009. tninutes. It includes some warm-up 66 such as walking on the gibing, strelEhcs(伸展)and a few minutes of relaxation, Anne usually67 classical music whi

22、le her studenls are praclicit)g, Tlwy practice several elastic ptes. Wlien doing yoga, students need to be 68 and find the baJance(平衡)of their 69. Ilhelps them locus. *'Yoga also makes srudents _70 because we do a lot of physical training? Anne said.61A ButB. AndC. As62.A. danceB. ruiiningG PE63

23、 A jumpingB. yogaC. b4ll games64.A. bothB.allC. neither65.A. IcaniingB, teachingC. controlling66.A, classesB. subjectsC. activities67-A. playsB. listens toC. writes68.A, excitedB. aloneC. quiet69 A. mealsB. bodiesC. walk70,A, busierB healthierC. stranger第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题,计30分)七,阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正误。正确

24、的浅“A”,错误的涂口共 5小题,每小题2分;计10分)A middle school started a "No TV week1* program. All the leaehers, parents and students worked together for this program and most of tliem fourid it was very ggd. The headmaster wid, "The idea was not to stop watching TV completely but for the sstudenis jusi to

25、find how much time they watch TV and try to use this time tbr other things/3What did ihe students say about this "No TV week'*? One boy 限记I canTt believe I haven11 watched TV for a week, but it has been fim doing it.” A girl student said, "Fm going to give up all TV programs except Ibi

26、 Animals and other languagc-tcaching progranis. Fm really pleased that J have more time to do things like walking and thinking.【enjoy this TV week' very much./' But not all the student% thought it was good. Here one student said something different, t4I don't like 'No TV week' be

27、cause I tike watching TV. I have lots of favorite progruins and I don't wain to misj; them. But wc have to do it/*71. KNo TV week" program was started m middle schools all over die country. 八英f军渗)一672. Some of the students thought it was good far them not to watch VXr,73. The girl decided n

28、ot t。watch TV at all.74. A!J the teachers, students and parents in tlie school took part in 'lNn TV Week”.75. Th匕 writer wanted to icll us to slop watching TV fbra week, 八、阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案(共10小题,每小题2分;计20 分)ADid you know that potatoes came from South America? The Spanish brought potatoes to

29、 Europe in the 1,500s, In history, poor people in tiiany coiinlnes lived mainly on potatoes, niilk and butter, because potatoes have alnio&l all tlie nulri日un(营养)needexi tor life, except for two vilamins, which are in milk aad butter!Even today, many people like to eat polMloes, Bui most don'

30、;t know which part of the potato is the best for food. There is an easy way to find out, l ake a knife and cut a piece of potato from the middle. Hold the pices up to the light and look at il You will see that the potato has a skin; an outside rim(边缘)and an inside part. he cutside rim i$ right under

31、 the ski口 uf the potato. It has the most nutrition. Many people don't know this, and throw it away.In fact, we*re surprised to know that even the potato &kih ha$ moru nutiition ihju the inside part. So, when you cat a cooked potato, don *L just eat the inside. If you can't cat the whole

32、potak)T eat the outside rim and leave the inside!76. A potato has.A. Iwo parts, the skin and the oulsidc rimB. three parts, the skin, the outside rim and the inside partC 必nr parts, the skin, the outside rim, the middle part and the inside part 77. Which of the following is TRUE?A. PeopJe in Soutli

33、America brought potatoes io Europe in 1.500s,B. Potatoes have only two of the vitamins needed tbr Life.C Potatoes have most of the nutrilion needed for life.7g. You should cat first if you can't cat th< whole potato.A Jbc skinB. the inside partC. the outside rim79. According to the passage th

34、e skin is八类(雾诊)一7A. better than the inside part B. better than the outside part C. as good as the outside rim 80. What 沃 this passage mainly about?A. How to cook poratocs. B. How to cal poiiiiocs. C. Where poialocs came from,BOne day a few years ago a very funny thing happened to a neighbor of mine.

35、 He is a teacher at one of London's big medical schools. He had finished his teaching ibr th# sunimer term acid wg al the aiiport on his way to Russia to give a talk. He had put a few clothes and his speech notes in his shoulder bag, but lie had pul Rupert, the 5履1其。11(人体骨架)10 be used in his tal

36、k, in a iarg耳 brown suitea$e(箱子).Al the airport desk, he suddenly tliought he had forgotten to buy a newspaper. He left his suitcase near the desk and went over to the shop. When he got back he discovered that st)nieone had taken his suiuase by mistake. He often wonders what they said when they got

37、home and fbund Rupert SI. Who wrote the Kory?A. Rupert's teacher. B, A medical school teacher. C. The teachefs neighbor. 82. Why did the teacher put a skeleton in his suitcase?A. He needed it for the summer term in London.B. He ncetlcd it lor the talk he was going to give. *C. He warned to take

38、it to Russia for medical research.fi3.Thc tcacber at the airport,A. forgot his suitcase B. took the wrong suitcase C. lost the skeleton 84. Which of the following best tells the teacher feeling about the incident?A He is very angry. B. He thinks it rather fimny, C. He tccls helpless without Rupert.8

39、5. Which of the folio wing might have happened at a later time?A, The teacher gol back both tbe suitcase and Rupert.B, The teacher got back Rupert but not the suitcase, C. The leachcr got back neither the suitcase nor Rupert八英(军诊) TB卷(共50分)注意事项:B卷共4页,用蓝、黑钢笔或圆珠第在答题卡上作答一.完成对话 在对话空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确口 一空

40、一词(含缩写词建(共10小题,每小题1分;计10分)P=Pctcr, J=JaneP: Hi* Jane! Arc you free on Saturday? Do you want to go to a movie'7J: Thanks, Peter, but Tm going to be at the1 then,P: For the 2 day on Saturday?J: Yes! From nine o'clock in the inorning to five in the afiemoon. You sec, last month 1 3 tu volunteer

41、 theie. Now I work there as a tour guide every SaturdayiP: Really? Why did you want to de that?J: My main 4 was to team how to worlc with people. 1 hope to get more 5 inthat,P: Hmm. That's a good idea. Maybe I should try to do 6 like that.J: WelL the museum always 7 lots of chances fbr us to be

42、volunteers! But you know,you can also volimlccr to do al kinds of things at all kinds of 8, not only at themuseum.P; Like what? Where?J: V/hat do you Hke doing?P; 1 love animals and plan to study to be a 9 for auinials when 1 leave scliooLJ: Well, you could work, in an aninial hospital. And you coul

43、d go io our school1 s Student Service oflicc. They helped ine to find this job. Tm sure theyII have something just 10fbryou.P: Thank you, Jane.二、短文填空 从下面方框中选出1。个单词并使用其正确形式填入短文空格内,使短文 意思正确、通顺口每词限用一次口(共1。小题,每小题1分;计10分)anotherchallengecoverdealdependmemberoldopenorganizesuccesstheyyoimg - -=J', *&q

44、uot;一 Do you have troubles with what lu do after school? Students from Nashville, Tennessee, US, have this trouble. But they find a good way to _ 1 with it. They get help from the high school students who 2 al】 kinds of after-school activities fbr them.Recently, J00 middle school studenls Itom 19 sc

45、hools played a part in a camp. With the help of 3 students at the camp, they fac«d many tcaiu 4. lu one activity, theywere in several teams. For each team, all the team 5 had to stand on two long woodA英C等玲)T 9boards. Then they walked together and balanced 6 on rhe boards,1'hey had to learn

46、one 7namew, disGuss their work and agree on plans.Eighlh-grader Brian Watson had jit就 finished a task. Other students 8his eyes andled him across the 叩eciel area. 1 earned bow you can n 9 on other people J he said.Brian has another after-school program. Ai the program, he plays basketball nod has fi

47、:serious life talks" with s&nioi students,A government officer said these free after-school activities helped studentsJU getinto high schools.If you don't want to waste ypur aflcr-schaol time, leam froin Nashville students and slan your own activities!三、阅读表达(共归小题;计15分)A,补全短文.根据短文内容,从短文后

48、的AF选项中选出适当的选项补全短文,并将 代表句子的字母填写在答题卡相应股号的位置上看(共5小题,每小题1分士计5分)When ihewiin wife died, their youngest baby was 2 years old. Itiey hiiti six other children- three bo” and three girls, aged from 4 to 16. The man's parents and bis wife's parents came to visit“There's no way you can Like gjitc o

49、f all these children and work to twtkc a living" they said, u I”JTie mon refused.Over the nexx few weeks, he moved the family to a small town and opened a small business,2 He was happy to see people nnd serve them. He became popular. Andthe children helped both at hopie and 3t work.The children

50、 grew up and got married. 3 fhe ctiildrcif s success was (hepride( 0 减)of thu father.Then came grandchildreTi. 4 As they began to learn walking, he invited them to his workplace and his small home. They brought each other great joy.Finallyi the youngest daughter got married. With his life's work

51、 do»e, the father died.This nun's work had been the lonely bur joyful task of raising his family.5 Iwas the 16-year-oldj the oEdet of seven,A. Five of the seven wenl off to college.B. Sot wc*ve decided io place each child with a difTcrcnt uncle and auntC. This man was my father.D. You have

52、to move the family to a large house.E. His business developed quickly.F. No one enjoyed grand children more than this manB,完成表格。阅读下面短文,根据其内容,完成忐格中所族的信息,弁整答案填写在答 题卡相应的题号位置上,(共10小题,每小题1分;计10分)Recently , the teachers 雕 a school in Shanghai arc encouraged to use circles "O" instead of crosses

53、"X" when tliey correct the students* exercises, Do you agree with such a change? Here are some middle scixx>1 students1 opinions.Cao Yue, 14: In my opinion, it is g(x?d lo use circles instead of crosses. A cross seems a toUl denial (否定)of our hard work. Fur example. 1 do most of my home

54、work correctly, and 1 make a smaJl mistake. But I will get a red “X”. It if just shouting out “ You are wrong!” So I think a geuilc “O" niiuked on my mistake will be more acceptable for me.Zhou Lin, 14: The cross is better because it is glaring(显眼的The red 'X'reminds us that we still hav

55、e much to learn. It aEso trains us tc face our mistakes bravely. If there is an "O" on your homework, I think you will not remeinber what you have dune incorrectly.Zhu Wen, 15: I think a circle is a better symbol for students to locate the mistake ui dcuiL Before, our teachers only used a

56、cross to tell us that we were wrong- But sometimes we do not know where the mistakes is. If the teacher draws a circle on our mistakes, it will be clearer for us to fix it.Zhoug Kai, 14: think it is hard for us to get uwd to a new symbol In Our workbook a circle means “aJready fixed*'. Now, if t

57、he teachers use a circle to mark a mis rake, we will be cgfiiscd(混通)And our teachers also need to use another symbol to shew the meaning of *'already lixed". Don't you think it will be too much trouble?Does an O mark the spot?DiHerM opinionsAgrecnientCao Yiiea. It,s good to use circles

58、to2 . crosses.b. "0" is gentle andi for me.c J'X" seems to us that 4is right.Zhu WenA circle is clearer fbr us 5_ (he mistake.Zhou Lin乩 It 法 very easy fbr us_the cross on ourhomework.b. The cross reminds us that wc have much to leani,c. The cross makes us accept our mistakes as7.jd. "0" vill make us our mistakes cosily. !Zhong IQia+ It's hurt! for us 9 ihc new symbol &qu


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