



1、在幼儿的科学教育过程中,如果单纯讲解科学知识,很难让幼儿对科学形成认知。如果 在教学过程中将咅乐与白然科学相整合,不但符合幼儿的认知水平,而且可以促进幼儿对科 学知识的探索、丰富幼儿对音乐情感的感知。结合长期从事幼儿教育的实践经验,对有效整 合音乐和科学的教学方法进行研究。一、利用介质,认识声音音乐具有极强的亲和力,可以陶冶人的情操,能延长幼儿的注意力时间。因此,将音乐 引入科学教学,是幼儿乐于接受的一种学习方式。比如,教师每次为幼儿唱歌或跳舞进行钢 琴弹奏配乐时,幼儿都特别好奇,说钢琴内是不是住着一个“音乐精灵”,老师弹琴时双手 一指挥,“音乐精灵”就能马上配合弹奏出动听的乐曲。为了让幼儿了

2、解钢琴的声音是如何 发出的,教师将琴盖打开支起,让幼儿在生活老师的陪同下分组站在板凳上观察。老师弹奏 时,幼儿观察到琴锤敲击琴弦而发出了声音,再通过高、中、低不同音区的演奏,让幼儿体 验高低不同的声音带给人的不同感受。同时,还让好奇的幼儿亲自触碰琴键,让其他幼儿说 说发现了什么。观察体验活动结束后,教师让幼儿分别模仿高音、中音和低音,用动作来演 一演,用语言来说一说。幼儿争先发言,冇人说钢琴中的高音让他感觉很快乐;冇人认为中 咅使人心情平和;有人觉得低咅使人感觉心情不痛快。借着这个合适的教冇契机,教师顺势 进行詁德教育的引导,幼儿纷纷说道:长大以后,要做一个像中音和高音一样的人,给别人 带來宁

3、静或快乐;不做像低音一样的人,让别人感觉压抑,给别人带來不愉快。这种利用实 物给幼儿进行演示的方法,再加上幼儿用眼看、用手摸、用身体表演和用语言表达的全方位 体验,符合幼儿审美感知的直观性、多样性和行动性特点。从幼儿跃跃欲试的动作和积极的 眼神里,可以看出这次音乐和科学和结合的教学是成功的。二、理解歌词,启迪科学思维现在的儿童歌illi旋律优美,歌词生动,具有很强的故事性,还有许多儿歌中包含着生活 常识和口然科学。如果教师能利用儿歌内容,启辿学生认识世界、感知口然,将会便幼儿的 学习达到一种“润物细无声”的境界。比如,教师在春天时,教给幼儿春天在哪里这首 儿歌,歌词人意是“春犬在哪里呀春天在那

4、青翠的山林里,这里有红花呀,这里有绿草, 还有那会唱歌的小黄碣,嘀哩哩春天在那小刖友的眼晴里”教师引导说:春天来了, 小刖友们看一看、找一找,身边和公园冇什么变化?冇人说可以穿花裙子了;冇人说公园的 草地和柳树绿了;有人说小区里的迎春花开了;还有人说马路旁电线上有小燕子了大家 各抒己见,叙述着自己眼里的春天。最后,教师在表扬每个小朋友细心观察的基础上,和他 们一起做总结:春天來了,气候变暖了,小朋友们可以脱掉笨重的棉衣穿漂亮的花裙子了; 春天來了,柳树、小草绿了,迎春花、桃花、杏花开了,小燕子从南方飞回來了;春天来了, 湖里的冰融化了,流动的湖水乂冇了倒影。通过歌词大意,幼儿对春天冇了大体了解

5、。教学 活动延伸屮,教师还结合儿歌小燕子的歌词讲解候鸟与留鸟的知识,结合小蝌蚪找妈 妈的歌词讲解小青蛙的成长史,结合一只青蛙,一条腿的歌词讲解动物的习性,等等。 这种让幼儿传唱耳熟能详的儿歌,通过让幼儿讨论,并辅z以教师对专题内容的讲解,可以 很容易让幼儿理解歌词所表达和传递的科学知识,从而启迪幼儿的科学思、维,激发幼儿探索 科学知识的兴趣。三、敲打乐器,了解声音传播由于幼儿年龄小、注意时间短、认知能力较弱,如果单纯采用说教形式传授知识,教学 效果基木无从谈起。因此,可以借助乐器开展教学。在教学过程屮,教师引导幼儿观察,引 导幼儿独立思考,然后让幼儿总结自己观察和思考的结论,这种教育方式的效果

6、非常显著。 比如,讲解“声音在介质中以声波形式传播”这一科学知识时,首先,可以用公园湖水中一 圈又一圈的涟漪做比喻,形象地让幼儿知道什么是声波,声波虽然看不见,但同水波一样有 波谷和波峰。然后,利用打击乐器人鼓,止幼儿将小手放在鼓面上,随着“咚咚咚咚” 的敲击声,幼儿体验到了声波在鼓面上传播吋的微微振动。同时,再通过乐器铳和镣的敲击, 让幼儿体验它们发声时产生的振动给小手带來的微微发麻的感觉。通过亲身体验,让幼儿明 白声音是靠像水波一样的声波振动來传播的。这种借助乐器进行的科学教沖,可以使幼儿在 动手操作屮探究学习,从而突破幼儿教冇屮“老师讲不明白,幼儿搞不清楚”的尴尬局血, 不断提高幼儿掌握

7、知识的能丿j。四、结束语综上所述,如何让科学知识与有艺术感染力的音乐相结合,讣幼儿在轻松、愉悦和边学 边玩的氛围中,去体验音乐的魅力,感受科学的奇妙,让音乐与科学达到完美共振的效果, 是一个长期而又艰巨的探索过程,也是幼教工作者应致力研究的重要课题。in the process of children's scienee education, if the simple explanation of scientific knowledge, it is difficult to let the children to form a cognitive scienee. if the

8、music in the teachi ng process and integrate science, not only con forms to the you ng childre n's cog nitive level, and can promote children's exploration of scientific knowledge, rich children's perception of music emotion. combined with the practices of engaged in preschool education

9、experience, to effectively in tegrate music and scie nee teachi ng methods were studied ,the use of medium, understanding voicemusic with a strong affinity, can edify sentime nt, can extend the time of young children's atte ntion. to the in troduction of the music scie nee teachi ng, therefore,

10、is willi ng to accept children a way of learning. teachers every time, for example, when the children sing or dance to music on the piano, young childre n are especially curious, said in side the piano lived a hmusic elves/1 hands when the teacher to play the piano a comma nd, the music wizard hwill

11、 immediately cooperate to play beaut讦ul music how to let children learn piano voice, teachers will play piano cover expenses, let preschool teacher in life, accompanied by grouping station observation on the bench. the children observed when the teacher play the piano hammers strings and make the so

12、und, again by high, medium and low differe nt ton 巳 let childre n experie nee d iff ere nt feelings from different voice- at the same time, also let the curious children touch the keys in person, let the other children about what were found. observation experienee after the activity, the teacher let

13、 children imitate soprano, alto and bass, respectively with movement to play a play, use ian guage to say. on childre rfs trigger some one says sopra no made him feel very happy in the piano; some people think alto mood calm; some people think the bass makes a person feel the mood is not good. throu

14、gh the proper educati on opport unity, teachers take moral education guidanee, young children have said, grow up, to do a man like tenor and soprano, bring peace or happiness to others; people who do not do like the bass, make others feel depressed, bring unhappiness to others this kind of the metho

15、d of using physical show children do, coupled with young children to see, touch, with physical performs nee and with full experie nee of ian guage expression, accord with children's aesthetic perception of visual, diversity, and the characteristics of the acti on. from their childre rfs actio n

16、and positive eyes, it can be see n that the combi nation of music and scie nee teachi ng is successful.second, understand the lyrics, enlightenment thinking scieneenow children song melody is exquisite, the lyrics vivid, have very strong story, there are many childre n's s ongs con tains life co

17、mm on sense and science if teachers can use children's songs, content is to enlighten students to know the world, perception of nature, will make young children's learning to achieve a ''moistens everything silently". when, for example, a teacher in the spring, teach children th

18、e nursery rhyme "where is the spring11, the lyrics is hwhere is the spring ah. spring is in the green trees, there are red flowers ah, there are green grass, and that will sing small oriole, di li li spring in the children's eyes.11 teachers guide says: spri ng is comi ng, the childre n fin

19、d a look, and parks aro und what has changed? some people say that can wear the flower skirt; some people say that the park grass and willow green; some people say that neighborhood shops opened; there are those who say a swallow on the wires near the roadthe spring of.those, with his eyes. finally

20、the teacher in the praise every child, on the basis of careful observation, and together they do summary: spring is comi ng, the climate warmi ng, the childre n can take off the heavy cotton-padded clothes beautiful flower skirt; spring is coming, willow, grass green, jasmine, peach blossom, apricot

21、 blossom ope ned, and the swallow flew back from the south. spring is comi ng, the lake ice melted, the flow of water and the reflection through the verses, children have a general understanding on spri ng. exte nsion teachi ng activities, the teacher also in combinati on with childre n's song &

22、quot;swallow" the lyrics on migratory birds and reside nt birds of kno wledge, combi ned with "little tadpole looking for mom" the lyrics to explain the growth of the little green frog combined with ha frog, a leg11 lyrics on animal behaviour; and so on. this to let the audience famil

23、iar rhymes, through discussion for very young children, and supplemented by the interpretation of teachers to the thematic con tent, can easily make childre n un dersta nd the lyrics by express and con vey knowledge of scie nee, so as to in spire childre rfs scientific thinkin g, i nspire childre n

24、explore the interest of scientific knowledgethird, the percussion instrument, understand the sound propagationbecause the child age small, pay attention to the time is short, cognitive ability is weak, if simply use preachi ng impart knowledge, the teachi ng effect of basic impossible therefore, can

25、 use in strume nt to carry out the teachi ng. in the process of teachi ng, the teacher guide childre n to observe and guide children to think for themselves, and then let the children summarizes the conclusion of his observation and thinkin已 the effectiveness of the education mode is very significan

26、t. for example, to explain "sound travels in the form of sound waves in the medium” the scientific knowledge, first of allz you can use the lake in the park in a circle and a circle of ripples, figuratively image to let the children know what is the sound waves, sound waves, though in visible,

27、but like water wave troughs and peaks the n, the use of percussi on drums, let the children put the hand on the raised, as the "product product." tapping, children experieneed vibration when sound waves on the raised slightly. at the same time, through the instruments and cymbals cymbal hitting again, let the child experience to s


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