1、初中英语复习资料一一典型考题218题1、WhiCh is the most popular PieCe Of music at the moment ?2、Can I have a drink of Orange?3、ThiS is a book of Mary ' . S4、ThiS is JameS AlIan Green. We Can call him James.5、 There is a lot of good news in today' S newspaper.6、TheSe bus-drivers are my friend.7、There are diffe
2、rent PeoPleS in AfriCa.8、That shop sells the men ' clothes.9、I found the bottle in Sara and Kate rdom.10、一 Where is Joh n?He is at Mr. Green '. S11、What an expensive blouse it is!12、One day, the man UPStairS heard the SoUnd of ChiIdren Dlaying in the park.13、I don ' t think this One good
3、 eno ugh. PIeaSe show manother.14、You, he and I Were the Only people who Went SWimming yesterday.15、The girl dress herself When She gets up.16、There are so many buildings On either Side of the road.17、Here is a Seat for both of US .(US both )18、There is SOmething interesting in today ' S newspap
4、er.19、The basket is too heavy. FeW StUdents in OUr Class Can Carry it.20、一 Who is at the door?It must be Lin Tao.21、 The SChools in Shanghai are not different from those in Bejing.22、一 Could you do SOmething for me, please?Certai nly.23、We Can ' t Seee SUn at night.24、I See a film once a Week.25
5、、SePtember is the ninth month of the year.26、I like Playing football While he likes playing the violin.27、Mary ' S brothdnit Tom On the nose .28、The little boy WiShed to be a Lei Feng29、MoSt Children here IiVe a most happy life.30、 He Wondered When the doctor could finish the OPeration.31、Many p
6、eople agree that a knoWIedge of English is a must in internatiOnal trade today.32、What good health you have!33、My mother is in hospital . I must go to the hospital and take Care of her.34、Let 'gofor a Walk , shall we?35、He is now StUdying the history Of the Party in a UniVerSity36、In 1969, two A
7、meriCans got to the moon by SPaCeShip, how I WiSh I could fly to the moon in SPaCeShiP some day.37、Tom is always the first to arrive and the last to leave.38、HiS UnCle has lived at 103 XinhUa Street for ten years.39、We Say “1982, 3, 1” IMtetbisthe first, nineteen eighty-two.40、9:45 is the time of a
8、quarter to ten.41、The twenty-fourth SUmmer OIymPiCS WaS held in BarCeIOna in SPain.42、By the year 2000 the COmPUter will PrObabIy have touChed the lives of every one.43、LUCy and Lily are in RoW Four.44、Two-thirds of the apples in the fruit bowl are soft.45、The hole is four meters deep . (four-meter-
9、deep )46、GiVe me two kilos Of meat .47、Now let ' SOUir first exerCise.48、In the 1870s MarX began to learn RUSSian.49、ThiS SqUare is five times the SiZe of that one.50、My brother is three years Older than I.51、 Lin FengWon the boy 100-nster race in the autumn SPOrtS meeting.52、I' m not SUre W
10、hether Mary Singss well as Kate!53、Jane StUdieS harder than any Other StUdent in her group.54、WhiCh do you like best, apples, Oranges or pears?55、Chinese is much more difficult than English.56、The Chang Jiang RiVer isone of the IOngeSt rivers in the world.57、BeSideS them, We need fifteen more PeOPIe
11、 to do the work.58、In the exam, the more CarefUl you are, the fewer mistakes you ' Il make.59、She WaIked so slowly that She missed the last bus.60、The fish smells nice, I like it Very much.61、It WaS much too cold yesterday, Tom CaUght a bad cold. He Can to school toctago62、There isn a'ytice
12、in my bowl, We ' Il you PleaOmgefOr me?63、There are thousands of roses On both SideS of the street.64、The Windows are all closed. They are not open.65、English people never USe Mr., Mrs. or MiSS before their given names.66、一 HaVen ' t you finiShed your work?Not yet.67、HiS Car is not new, and
13、mine is not new, either.68、I have nothing else new to tell you.69、I' Ve never SeSUCh an interesting film.70、He didn ' t think the ShirheaP enough , so he didn ' t buy it.71、He is alone Very often, but he never feels Ionely.72、One day they CrOSSed the Old Chinese Store bridge behind the P
14、alace.73、Can you find the right answer to this question?74、一 How did you come here?I Came here On a bike/ by bike.75、They SeeWith t heir eyes and hear With their ears.76、ThiS beautiful kite is made Of PaPer and it WaS made by my grandmother last week.77、Chinese is WideIy USed as a foreign Ianguage i
15、n the world.78、TaiWan is in the east of China.79、Mr. Brown has gone to He Bei. He will be back in two weeks.80、Don' t readn the SUn .It ' S bad foour eyes.81、BeSideS English, She Can SPeak German and French.82、There are three Windows in the wall.83、The boy in the hat is a new StUdent.84、The
16、doctor will be free In ten minutes.85、See you on Monday morning .86、The train IeaVeS at 6:00 p.m. So I have to be at the StatiOn by 5:40 p.m. at the latest.87、ThiS is the bus for the railway Station.88、The lamp hangs over the desk, but a Pair of shoes lies Under the desk.89、Did your mother Send you
17、SOmething at the end of last week?90、The StUdents Walked through the gate With Uncle Wang.91、I have StUdied English SinCe two years ago.92、InEnglish ObjeCt comes after the verb.93、He is rich, but he isn ' t happy.94、StUdy hard, or you Won ' t PaSS the Coming English exam.95、I do my homework
18、at eight in the evening, So does my sister.96、My father WaS reading While I WaS doing my homework.97、 ThoUgh he StUdieS hard, he doesn' t PaSS the exam.98、SUe is ill, so_She Can ' t go to school today.99、You' d better do as your mother did .100、A COmPUter can only do What you have told i
19、t to do.101、Mr. Smith comes from AUStralia, bUt he has WOrked in China for five years. So yoU Can talk With him either in En glish Or in Chin ese.102、Mr. Li isn ' t at homaHgone to HUnan.103、WoUld yoU mind Waiting a feW minUtes?104、HoW did yoU make the Child Smile While he WaS crying?105、You'
20、; d better drinkmore Water, Tom. It is good for yoUr health.106、一 Did you hear her Sing this song?Sometimes.107、Cotton fells soft.108、一 There ' S SOmething Wrong With my bike.It doesn ' t matterWill Iend you mine.109、一 HoW Iong have you Worked there?About four years.110、They Said they are Ie
21、aVing China for JaPan.111、He told me he hadn ' t boughan English-Chinese dictionary yet.112、LiSten! SomeOne is Crying in the next room.113、If my Parents are free tomorroW, We Will go for a PiCnic.114、一 IS he going to Stay here long?No, he isn ' t.115、一 When_did_your aunt join the Party?In 19
22、95.116、The teacher told his StUdents that the earth JS bigger than the moon.117、I know the anSWer noW.(forget, remember, hear, see, Want, hope, have)118、Nathan Hale WaS hanged by the BritiSh guards.119、Old PeoPle must be spoken to Politely.120、HiS school bag WaS taken away by a Woman ten minutes ago
23、.121、JaCk has got a watch. He has had it for two years. It WaS bought by his father.122、Mary WaS told to the teacher ' S OffiCe just now.123、With the help of the Hope Project, more and more new schools have been built in the poor areas.124、MUCh has been done to help the farmers in our CoUntry in
24、 the PaSt few years.125、When WaS the PRCfOUnded ?126、How Iong may this book be kept ?127、We have been Warned to be CarefUI of rats SinCe the whole Street WaS full of rubbish.128、The doCtor WaS Iooking OVer Ms. Gao When her StUdents Came to See her last SUnday.129、He often does Some ShoPPing on Sunda
25、ys.130、BeCaUSe there is no light in the room, he Can ' t be in131、Do We need to ask for some more people to do the work? Yes, I think We do.132、一 May I smoke here?No, you mustn ' t / you may not / you ' d better not.133、It ' S Very dangerous outside. YIOiUd better not go OUt .134、一 M
26、USt We finish the work today?No, you needn' t.Youmay leave some to tomorrow.135、He dare not go there.136、Would you Iike to Come to my party?137、一 Can you play football With us?Sorry, I can' .thave to tidy my room.138、When the IightS are red, the traffic must stop. Then you Can cross.139、She
27、Can ' t be gOI at both maths and English, Gan she?140、Da come in, please.141、 I haven ' t Written to him yet, for I don how to begtrknthe letter.142、It is Strange that the light is on, but I remember turning it off When I Came out.143、At last, Lin Feng made the baby stop Crying and beg in to
28、 laugh.144、They asked me to let the traffic go again.145、I didn ' t know her and I dowant to. ' t146、I Can See the smoke rising from the Chimney.147、The box is too heavy for the child to carry.148、The bus kept the people Waiting for twenty minutes.149、The test WaS Very IOng and he found it d
29、ifficult to Iearn in SUCh a short time.150、He WaS made to Pay for the lost book.151、It ' S too IaWhy not go now?I like PIaying football. BUt I donIike to'pty it now. It ' S hot.152、153、154、155、156、157、15&159、160、161、162、163、164、165、166、167、16&169、170、171、172、173、174、175、176、177、1
30、7 8、179、180、How long have you bee n in this city?More tha n fifty years by now.ThiS question is easy for you to answer.The teacher told me What to do and how to do it.How time flies!You meet a foreigner in the evening and you sho uld say. Good evening ”Let ' S go for a walk, Shwle?You must go ho
31、me right now, mustn ' you?You must have made some mistakes, haven ' t youWhat a Iong Way it is from Beijing to Paris!JennyWantS to make a Phone call to Mrs. White. She said,"IMaeak to Mrs. White“ HaPPy NeW Year! ” “ThSame to you! ”I ' m WOrried about my son.There is no need for you
32、to worry about him.I listened to the rain, thinking that he would not come tonight. Would you Iik e a CUP of tea?No, tha nks.Shall We go and have a look at the animals?Good idea.The doctor SPent the whole morning OPerating On the soldier.He asked me What SiZe ShoeS I Wore .They don ' t kndWt WiI
33、l rain tomorrow. If it rains , they will not go to the Park.I have no idea whom he sold my bike to .Did you ask the teacher What had happened to her the day before?While they Were SWeePing the floor, John Came back.A mother who IoVeS her Son will do everything for him.Did mother know What the matter
34、 With Bob WaS ?Get UP earlier next time So that you Can CatCh the first bus.You should do more exercise. Don ' t always Sit at the desk busy doing yoexercises.There are photos On the wall.ThiS kind of CarJS made in Shan ghai.The roofs of the COttage Were COVered With leaves.181、Something WaS Wro
35、ng With Jim and Tom ' S car.182、There are four JaPanese and two Germans in the group.183、That ' S actress photo.184、The boys have got two PieCeS Of bread already.185、The old man wan ted SeVe n boxes Of matches .186、There are some deer in the woods .187、Anant has two StomaChS in its body.188、
36、The whole box of matchesJswet. We Can ' t light anyone.189、We should clean OUr teeth twice a day.190、The teachers meeting room is near the reading room.191、In Britain Ietter boxes are all Painted red.192、一 Would you like some sugar?Oh Yes. JUSa little.193、The guide has some new PiCtUreS . She Ca
37、n show them to us.194、There is no room in the bus so We have to Wait for another bus.195、SARS is a new kind OldiSeaSe in the world today.196、I ' m afraid that there is nooom for you in my Car because there are already five people.197、My school is about twenty minutes ' VfEOkn here.198、They have SearChed the Internet for 3 hours for the informatiOn about the Canon Camera.199、Today is SePtember 10th. It TeaChe'rss ' Day200、 “ Nightingale PriZe
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