1、nasa scientists said that mars was covered once by vast lakes , flowing rivers and a variety of other wet environments that had the potential (有可能)to support life.laboratory tests aboard nasa's phoenix mars lander have identified (identify 识另u) water in a soil sample.the landers robotic arm deli
2、vered (传递)the sample wednesday to an instrument (仪器)that identifies vapors (zk蒸气 produced by the heating of samples.nwe have water,h said william boynton1 of the university of arizona, lead scientist for the thermal and evolved-gas analyzer , or tega. "this is the first time martian (火星的)water
3、has been touched and tasted. nthe robotic arm is a critical part of the phoenix mars mission. it is needed to trench (挖掘)into the icy layers of northern polar mars and deliver samples to instruments that will analyze what mars is made of, what its water is like, and whether it is or has ever been a
4、possible habitat (栖,息地)for life.the soil sample came from a trench approximately 2 inches deep. when the robotic arm frrst reached that depth , it hit a hard layer of frozen soil. two attempts to deliver samples of icy soil on days when fresh material was exposed were foiled when the samples became
5、stuck inside the scoop.most of the material in wednesday's sample had been exposed to the air for two days , letting some of the water in the sample vaporize away and making the soil easier to handle."mars is giving us some surprises, n said phoenix principal investigator peter smith of the
6、 university of arizona. hwe!re excited (兴奋) because surprises are where discoveries come from. one surprise is how the soil is behaving. the ice-rich layers stick to the scoop when poised in the sun above the deck, different from what we expected (期望),from all the mars simulation (模拟)testing we'
7、ve done so far.since landing on may 25 , phoenix has been studying soil with a chemistrylab , teg a, a microscope , a conductivity probe 探测仪)and cameras. the science team is trying to determine whether the water ice ever thaws解冻)enough to be available口j用的 for biology and if carbon-containing chemica
8、ls and other raw materials for life are present.the mission is examining the sky as well as the ground. a canadian instrumentand clouds overhead.is using a laser (激光)beam (梁、束)to study dust灰尘)"it's a 30-watt light bulb (灯泡)giving us a laser show on mars., h said victoriahipkin of the canadi
9、an space agency.a full-circle, color panoramna of phoenix1 s surroundings also has been completed by the spacecraft (宇宙飞船)"the details and patterns (图案)we see in the ground show an ice-dominated terrain (地形) as far as the eye can see, h said mark lenunon of texas a & m university , lead sci
10、entist for phoenix's surface stereo image camera. "they help us plan measurements wete making within reach of the robotic arm and interpret (解 释) those measurements on a wider scale. h练习:1. what was discovered by nasa's phoenix mars lander on mars?a vast lakes.b flowing rivers.c water i
11、n a soil sample.,d living things.2. why did the first two attempts (尝试to deliver (传递)samples fail ?athe sample vaporized (蒸发) away.b fresh material was exposed 1暴露)to the air.c the samples got stuck (粘贴 stick) inside the scoop (铲、勺)dthe robotic arm hit a hard rock.3. which one of the following state
12、ments is not meant by the writer?a scientists have been trying to break the ice-rich layers of soil on mars.b scientists have been surprised by how the soil on mars behaves (表现c scientists have been tring to find out if there is life supporting material onmars.4 where are the scientists involved in
13、the research from?a they are from america.b they are from canada.c they are from both america and canada.d they are from neither america nor canada.5. which of the following do you think is the best description of phoenix's surface stereo imager camera , according to your understanding of the pa
14、ssage?a it imitates (模仿)human vision (视觉) and is able to capture three-dimensional (三维) images.b it imitates human voice and is able to record slight sounds while taking photos.c it takes clear photos that show every detail of the object.d it is this particular type of camera that can take wide angl
15、e pictures.第四十九篇美国科学家确认火星上有水美国国家航空航天局的科学家们称火星曾被巨大的湖泊、流动的河流以及其 他潮湿的自然环境所覆盖,而这些都使其冇了维持生命的口j能。在美国国家航空航天局的凤凰号火星登陆器的实验室所做的实验屮,已经在 一份土壤样本中鉴别出了水。登陆器的机器臂在星期三的时候把样本传送给了一 个仪器,此仪器可以鉴别出通过样本加热而产生的水蒸气。“我们找到了水,”热力与先进气体分析仪(也称tega)的主耍科学家、 亚利桑那大学的威廉博尔顿说道,“这是我们第一次接触和品尝到火星上的水。” 登陆器的机器手臂是“凤凰”火星计划重要的组成部分。它需要破开火星北 极的冰冻地表,
16、深入到土壤中伸出铲取样本,并将样本传送给仪器,使其可以分 析火星的构成,火星上的水的形态和火星是否适合或曾经适合人类居住。土壤标本來口于一个大概2寸深的沟渠。当机器臂第一次达到这个沟的时候,它触到了一层硬的冻土。当新鲜的冻土暴露在空气中的时候,机器臂曾经两 次尝试对冻土样本进行传送,但样木同铲斗粘在了一起,使这两次尝试都以失败 告终。星期三所采集的大部分样本已经暴露在空气两天,这使样本中的一些水分 得以蒸发,从而使土壤更易处理。“火星正在给我们一些惊喜,”“风凰”计划的主要调查员、亚利桑那大学的 彼得史密斯说道,“我们很激动是因为发现源于惊喜。其屮一个惊喜就是土壤 的表现。当富冰层被悬挂于甲板
17、上方的太阳底卜的时候,它会和铲斗帖在一起, 这是我们从未预期到的,也不同于我们迄今为止所做过的任何火星模拟实验。”自5月25日登陆以来,凤凰号就利用一个化学实验室、热力与先进气体分 析仪、一个显微镜,一根传导性探针和相机来研究火星土壤。这支科学团队尝试 确定火星上的水冰是否曾经大量融化,从而能支持生物存在。同时,它还将寻找 火星土中是否有以碳为基础的有机化合物,这些化合物是形成生命的“原材料”。这次任务同时对天空和地表进行研究,加拿人制造的仪器所发射的激光可以 帮助研究头上方的尘埃和云层。“这是一个30瓦的灯泡,它在火星上给了我们一场激光秀。”加拿大航天局 的维多利亚西普金说道。航天器还成功采
18、集了凤凰号着陆的周围地区的彩色全景图。“我们获得的地表图案显示,火星基本上是一片以冰为主的地区。”凤凰号 负责地表立体成像首席科学家、德州a&m大学的马克莱蒙说,“立体成像技 术可以帮助我们在机器臂所及范围z内进行测量,同时帮助我们在更大的规模上 解释这些测量结杲。”nasa scientists said that mars was covered once by vast lakes, flowing rivers and a variety of other wet environments that had the potential to support life.labor
19、atory tests aboard nasa's phoenix mars lander have identified water in a soil sample.the landefs robotic arm delivered the sample wednesday to an instrument that identifies vapors produced by the heating of samples.hwe have water, h said william boynton of the university of arizona, lead scienti
20、st for the thermal and evolved-gas analyzer, or tega. hthis is the first time martian water has been touched and tasted. nthe robotic arm is a critical part of the phoenix mars mission. it is needed to trench into the icy layers of northern polar mars and deliver samples to instruments that will ana
21、lyze what mars is made of, what its water is like, and whether it is or has ever been a possible habitat for life.the soil sample came from a trench approximately 2 inches deep. when the robotic arm first reached that depth, it hit a hard layer of frozen soil. two attempts to deliver samples of icy
22、soil on days when fresh material was exposed were foiled when the samples became stuck inside the scoop.most of the material in wednesday's sample had been exposed to the air for two days, letting some of the water in the sample vaporize away and making the soil easier to handle."mars is gi
23、ving us some surprises, n said phoenix principal investigator peter smith of the university of arizona. "we're excited because surprises are where discoveries come from. one surprise is how the soil is behaving. the ice-rich layers stick to the scoop when poised in the sun above the deck, d
24、ifferent from what we expected, from all the mars simulation testing we've done so far. nsince landing on may 25,phoenix has been studying soil with a chemistry lab, tega, a microscope, a conductivity probe and cameras. the science team is trying to determine whether the water ice ever thaws eno
25、ugh to be available for biology and 讦 carbon-containing chemicals and other raw materials for life are present.the mission is examining the sky as well as the ground. a canadian instrumentis using a laser beam to study dust and clouds overhead."it's a 30-watt light bulb giving us a laser sh
26、ow on mars, h said victoria hipkin of the canadian space agency.a full-circle, color panoramna of phoenix1 s surroundings also has been completed by the spacecraft."the details and patterns we see in the ground show an ice-dominated terrain as far as the eye can see, ” said mark lenunon of texa
27、s a & m university, lead scientist for phoenix's surface stereo image camera. uthey help us plan measurements we're making within reach of the robotic arm and interpret those measurements on a wider scale. n练习:l what was discovered by nasa's phoenix mars lander on mars?a vast lakes.b
28、 flowing rivers.c water in a soil sample.,d living things.2. why did the first two attempts (尝试)to deliver (传递)samples fail ?athe sample vaporized away.b fresh material was exposed to the ai匚c the samples got stuck inside the scoop.dthe robotic arm hit a hard rock.3. which one of the following statements is not meant by t
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