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1、.HOW TO WRITE A SUMMARY.步骤步骤解释解释确定主确定主题句题句确定主题句,一般在段首。如果没有主确定主题句,一般在段首。如果没有主题句,需要自己组合。题句,需要自己组合。寻找关寻找关键词键词关键词一般体现为名词、形容词,关键关键词一般体现为名词、形容词,关键词的数目决定了概括的信息浓度。词的数目决定了概括的信息浓度。重构主重构主题句题句概括的主题句逻辑上要统摄后面所有的概括的主题句逻辑上要统摄后面所有的支撑句,可以从作者的写作目的逆推,支撑句,可以从作者的写作目的逆推,反映写作目的的主题句是高度抽象的,反映写作目的的主题句是高度抽象的,它基本决定了概括的质量。它基本决定了

2、概括的质量。重组支重组支撑句撑句支撑句的意义在逻辑上受制于主题句,支撑句的意义在逻辑上受制于主题句,可以是补充过程或者提供证据。可以是补充过程或者提供证据。.文体文体主题句主题句支撑句支撑句议论文议论文 文章论点(一句)文章论点(一句)文章论据文章论据(两三句)(两三句)记叙文记叙文 故事的写作目的故事的写作目的/主题主题(一句)(一句)故事大意故事大意说明文说明文 说明的对象说明的对象/观点观点/现象现象 解释解释/分述分述1概括的形式是:主题句概括的形式是:主题句+支撑句支撑句.关键词关键词主题句主题句:瞄准的故事的瞄准的故事的“主题主题”支撑句支撑句:写故事的大意,写故事的大意,支撑主题

3、句支撑主题句补充主题句补充主题句没有说完的没有说完的. The Best Gift Della and Jim broke away from their families to get married. Now they lived in a small attic(阁楼阁楼) of a cold and old building. They were now digesting the hardship of life. The only joy was their sweet love for each other. The handsome husband had to be burd

4、ened with a family though he was young. The beautiful wife took care of the old house with the few coins she saved. Christmas was coming. They were thinking of a good gift for each other. Della wore a waterfall-like(瀑布似的瀑布似的) black hair, but her comb was broken. Jim had a gold watch with an old chai

5、n, which was passed from his old grandfathers The big day finally came. On arriving home, Jim was surprised to find Dellas long hair cut short. But Della was also surprised to find Jims gold watch gone. She had sold her hair to buy a gold watch chain for him! He had sold his gold watch to buy an exp

6、ensive comb for her!The gifts were now useless. But in fact they got the best gifts. .关键词关键词 Della, Jim, love, gift主题句主题句:瞄准的故事的瞄准的故事的“主题主题” The text is about a gift of love between Jim and Della./ Jim and Della wanted to buy a gift for each other.支撑句支撑句:写故事的大意,写故事的大意,支撑主题句支撑主题句补充主题句补充主题句没有说完的没有说完的

7、Both of them sold what they liked best to buy a gift for the other. /So they sold what they liked best to buy a gift for the other. The gifts were in fact the true love to each other./ The true love is the best gift. Speaking Mandarin Chinese In China, there are over 100 different dialects, which ar

8、e so complicated that even people from neighboring villages may not understand each other. In the Information Age, such barrier of language must be removed by popularizing Mandarin Chinese(推广普通话推广普通话) because it inversely (相反相反)affects the quality and efficiency of oral communication. Popularizing M

9、andarin Chinese is of great importance because it may push up our economic growth, accelerate the development of science and technology, and promote the unification(统一统一) of China. With a population of over 1.3 billion people it is not an easy task. But we must do it and do it effectively. We have m

10、any thins to do in Mandarin Chinese Popularizing. First, we should carry out a mass education on the importance of speaking Mandarin Chinese to make everyone understand that it is his responsibility to do so. In the past, little progress has been made in isolated rural areas because the natives do n

11、ot bother to take pains to learn to speak Mandarin Chinese. Next, speaking good Mandarin Chinese should be compulsory in classrooms, in public offices, in movies and TV programs in China. Finally, we should attach great importance to public education because China has large illiterate population. A

12、poorly educated nation has no international reputation. Popularizing Mandarin Chinese is not only the first step in changing China into a better-educated nation.关键词关键词主题句主题句:瞄准文章的瞄准文章的论点论点支撑句支撑句:瞄准文章的瞄准文章的论据(原论据(原因与出路)因与出路).关键词关键词Popularizing Mandarin Chinese, importance, to do things主题句主题句:瞄准文瞄准文章的

13、论章的论点点Various dialects make it necessary to Popularizing Mandarin Chinese.支撑句支撑句:瞄准文瞄准文章的论章的论据(原据(原因与出因与出路)路)It helps to develop economy, speed up information exchange, and keep China as a more unified country. We should realize its importance and make it a compulsory course at school. There is a gr

14、owing debate about the most effective way for students to study. Traditionally studying alone was thought to be the best way to ensure good exam results. When studying alone you can focus your mind better than when you are with others. You also have the freedom to choose what topic to study and when

15、, as you dont need file agreement of others. Students that prefer to study alone often say that when they study with their classmates they waste a lot of time because the discussion is often about non-study topics such as television or holidays. In the last few years, however, more and more students

16、 have started studying in groups. There are several reasons many students prefer this method. First, they find that studying is more fun as they can share the experience with others rather than staying in their rooms. In groups, they can discuss the subject together and when something is not underst

17、ood they can ask each other questions. They can use the knowledge of their classmates to help improve their own knowledge. Finally by discussing the topic they, are able to both understand and remember it better.关键关键词词主题主题句句:瞄准瞄准说明说明的对的对象象支撑支撑句句:说明说明对象对象的原的原因因.关键词关键词Effective way, studying alone, st

18、udy in groups主题句主题句:瞄准说瞄准说明的对明的对象象”The article compares the benefits of studying alone to those of studying in groups.支撑句支撑句:说明对说明对象的原象的原因因Studying alone allows students to remain focuses and avoid interruption, while group study create a more enjoyable learning environment. 读写任务之正文部分读写任务之正文部分 整个写作框

19、架:整个写作框架: 标题标题(看题目是否要求)(看题目是否要求) 第一段第一段Summary (25-35个词之间为最佳个词之间为最佳) 第二段:议论文:第二段:议论文:过渡词引出主题句过渡词引出主题句-自自己的观点己的观点-例证例证 记叙文:记叙文:过渡词过渡词+与阅读文章主题与阅读文章主题相同但情节不同的故事相同但情节不同的故事 第三段:第三段:即总结句,套语配名言来点题,即总结句,套语配名言来点题,要前后呼应。要前后呼应。. 议论文的过渡语:议论文的过渡语: 表示赞同表示赞同 I agree with the statement that I fully support the stat

20、ement above because I am very sure I quite agree with the writers idea. (2)表示不赞同表示不赞同 I partly agree with what the writer said. In some way, I agree with but I am strong against the writers idea. (3)表达自己的观点表达自己的观点 As far as I am concerned From my personal point of view According to my experience, I

21、think that. 记叙文的过渡句记叙文的过渡句 This story reminds me of another story that happened to The story reminds me of a similar experience of I also went through such an experience. A has a similar experience as B. 总结句开头语总结句开头语 In conclusion, In short, To make a long story short, In a word. John wanted to give

22、 up/quit smoking but faied because he lack determination/strong will. People like John who has no strong will will never succeed.2009年高考题年高考题. 写作内容写作内容 1以约以约30个词概括这段短文的内容;个词概括这段短文的内容; 2然后以约然后以约120个词就个词就“该不该禁止游客和动物拍该不该禁止游客和动物拍照照”进行议论,内容包括:进行议论,内容包括: (1)人们在参观动物园时为什么喜欢和动物拍照;人们在参观动物园时为什么喜欢和动物拍照; (2)假如你处

23、在那些动物的处境,你会有什么反应;假如你处在那些动物的处境,你会有什么反应;(3)你认为是否应该禁止游客和动物拍照。你认为是否应该禁止游客和动物拍照。 写作要求写作要求 1在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;文中的句子; 2作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 评分标准评分标准 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。. Jackie is perhaps the most eas

24、ily annoyed koala(考考拉拉)at the Featherdale Wildlife Park in southern AustraliaAll the koalas there are unhappy and complainingYou would be too if you were used to night activities and someone kept waking you up all day while you were trying to sleep it offThats right-sleep it offThe average koala is

25、always half asleep because it feeds on the leaves of a special kind that makes it sleepy The reason Jackie and her fellow koalas are repeatedly awoken from their deep sleep is that they can be hugged and photographed by tourists,who make the trips to Featherdale and an increasing number of other nat

26、ional parks for just that special experienceWhatever department in the Aussie government in charge of such things is now moving to make the practice illegal,which is understandableHow would you react,my friend,if you were trying to sleep off a dozen times and some round,furry creature smelling of gr

27、ass kept waking you?.Jackie, a koala at the Featherdale Wildlife Park in southern Australia got annoyed like other animals because the tourists keep disturbing them by hugging and photographing.The government will do something to protect the animals. (1)人们在参观动物园时为什么喜欢和动物拍照;人们在参观动物园时为什么喜欢和动物拍照; (2)假如

28、你处在那些动物的处境,你会有什么反应;假如你处在那些动物的处境,你会有什么反应; (3)你认为是否应该禁止游客和动物拍照。你认为是否应该禁止游客和动物拍照。 Generally speaking, people like taking photos with animals because this activity can bring them great enjoyment and excitement. Lets just imagine if we were the animals stated in the above passage, we would perhaps be hea

29、rtily sick of it. From the case of the koalas stated in the above passage, I think that we should take some measures to forbid such behaviors even though people like them very much. To begin with, the behaviors mean disturbing their normal life. If this lasts long, the animals easily get ill. Then,

30、it sometimes implies dangers especially taking photos with some ferocious beasts because any unexpected things can occur.So in my opinion,people should keep off the encaged animals and give them a quiet living place! . Generally speaking, people like taking photos with animals because this activity

31、can bring them great enjoyment and excitement. However, from the case of the koalas stated in the above passage, I think that we should take some measures to forbid such behaviors even though people like them very much. To begin with, the behaviors mean disturbing their normal life. If this lasts lo

32、ng, the animals easily get ill. Then, it sometimes implies dangers especially taking photos with some ferocious beasts because any unexpected things can occur. Lets just imagine if we were in the same boat as the animals stated in the above passage, we would perhaps be heartily sick of it. Keep off

33、the encaged animals and give them a quiet living place!.2008年年 高考高考.大作文大作文.2008. 学校最近组织了一次中美学生交流活动,学校最近组织了一次中美学生交流活动,你参加其中的你参加其中的“大学校园生活大学校园生活”讨论。听讨论。听完完Mike的发言之后,你准备写一份发言稿,的发言之后,你准备写一份发言稿,题目是题目是“Preparing Myself for College Life”,内容要点包括:,内容要点包括: 1、以约、以约30个词概括个词概括Mike的发言要点;的发言要点; 2、然后以约、然后以约120个词谈谈你

34、理想的大学生个词谈谈你理想的大学生活,内容包括:活,内容包括: (1)对中学生活的感受;)对中学生活的感受; (2)理想的大学生活;)理想的大学生活; (3)中学生活和大学生活的差别,以及你)中学生活和大学生活的差别,以及你打算如何适应。打算如何适应。 . Hi, I am Mike. I just went through my first year of college. The toughest part on me at first was the general adjustment. I went to a very small high school where my mom w

35、as a teacher and she did practically everything for me. But at the college I need to know some basic life skills, such as balancing a checkbook, laundry, and the things you have to be able to handle that I never thought of in the high school! It was really tough for me at first and I got badly homes

36、ick.Once that first semester was over and I got used to the college life, I loved it good facilities, helpful instructors, and a good library. The Students Union organized various parties every week. I also go to cinemas and concerts, and often spend Saturday nights in pubs and clubs.One thing I thi

37、nk is important is to get yourself active in things. I was on the dance team in college and met a ton of people that wayit was so much easier to make friends when you had a common ground. . Mikes mother did almost everything for him when in high school, which brought him a hard time adjusting to the

38、 first-year college life. However, afterwards he got accustomed to it because of the academic atmosphere and colorful activities there. (1)对中学生活的感受;)对中学生活的感受; As for me, what I do everyday is to study hard to enter a famous university, which is always the expectations of my parents and teachers. So

39、traveling among classroom, dormitory and canteen is the routine work. Seldom do I have the time to do some activities. Anyway, unlike you, I have learned how to be independent in a boarding school, which is beneficial to adjust to the college life. (2)理想的大学生活;)理想的大学生活; It seems to me the ideal colle

40、ge life is that I become matured both physically and mentally, and that I obtain qualified academic knowledge and get well prepared for society at the same time. (3)中学生活和大学生活的差别,以及你)中学生活和大学生活的差别,以及你打算如何适应。打算如何适应。 As we all know,college is wildly different from middle school. It connects not only ado

41、lescence to adulthood,but also the ivory tower to the real society. So an active part in activities,associations,as well as some romances are three keys to achieving my ideal college life. summary Mikes mother did almost everything for him when in high school, which brought him a hard time adjusting

42、 to the first-year college life. However, afterwards he got accustomed to it because of the academic atmosphere and colorful activities there. As for me, what I do everyday is to study hard to enter a famous university, which is always the expectations of my parents and teachers. So traveling among

43、classroom, dormitory and canteen is the routine work. Seldom do I have the time to do some activities. Anyway, unlike you, I have learned how to be independent in a boarding school, which is beneficial to adjust to the college life. It seems to me the ideal college life is that I become matured both

44、 physically and mentally, and that I obtain qualified academic knowledge and get well prepared for society at the same time. As we all know,college is wildly different from middle school. It connects not only adolescence to adulthood,but also the ivory tower to the real society. So an active part in

45、 activities,associations,as well as some romances are three keys to achieving my ideal college life.2010区统考题区统考题. John, a heavy smoker, once felt bad-tempered. His hands started shaking and he coughed a lot, so he turned to his doctor for help. “Quit smoking.” The doctor advised him. Finding the adv

46、ice sensible from several points, such as money, health and cleanliness, John decided to give up smoking. However, for several hours without a cigarette, John was nervous and had difficulty in concentrating, inability to sleep, which made him more hungry for a cigarette. He said to himself, “One mor

47、e, and I will quit it tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a suitable day for me to break away the bad habit” Then he pick up a cigarette which made him relaxed. Again and again John made up his mind to do it “tomorrow”. Today John is still addicted to smoking. . Lots of people think that “tomorrow” is always

48、 the most convenient time to start breaking an old developed habit. But good intentions are there, and will-power is not. Consequently, these people will never achieve anything. 1. 以约以约30个词概括这篇短文的内容。个词概括这篇短文的内容。 2. 然后以约然后以约120 个词就个词就“Dont Leave Todays Work for Tomorrow”的主题发表的主题发表看法,包括:看法,包括: 你从你从Joh

49、n的事例中得到什么启示?的事例中得到什么启示? 作为高三学生要如何对待这个问题?作为高三学生要如何对待这个问题? 写作要求写作要求 可以使用实例或其它论述方法可以使用实例或其它论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子; 标题已标题已定。定。. John wanted to give up/quit smoking but faied because he lack determination/strong will. People like John who has no strong will

50、 will never succeed.Summary . The passage argues that people who lack determination leave todays work for tomorrow and they achieve little success by showing us the example that without strong will John failed to quit smoking.Summary . In my opinion, we cant leave todays work for tomorrow, because f

51、or different days we have different things to do. So if we fail to make up our mind to complete todays work and leave it for tomorrow, when well have some other work, well gradually pile up too many things and will never get them done. (Besides, only the persons without determination and will-power

52、will find all kinds of excuses for the things they should have done today. )That John found excuses for leaving quitting smoking for tomorrow and couldnt make it in the passage is a good lesson for us.) In addition, leaving todays work for tomorrow is a bad habit, (which will make for a persons lazi

53、ness.) 你从你从John的事例中得到什么启示?的事例中得到什么启示?. Personally, as the final-year High School students, we have a lot of things to learn and different homework of different subjects to do every day. (Therefore, we cant afford to waste time. So the earlier we plan our time and get down to the work, the better res

54、ults we will get. )In a word, if we have strong intention and great determination and do everything as planed, we will be able to keep improving ourselves and achieve success. 作为高三学生要如何对待这个问题?作为高三学生要如何对待这个问题?.2010广州调研题广州调研题大作文大作文.读写任务读写任务 (共共1小题小题,满分满分25分分) 阅读下面的一封信,然后按照要求用英语写一篇阅读下面的一封信,然后按照要求用英语写一篇

55、150词左右的回信。词左右的回信。Dear Abby, Last month my son was told that he no longer has to attend weekend classes at his school. Since then he spends his weekends going out with his friends to play sports or watch movies. When he is at home all he seems to do is surf the Internet or play silly computer games.

56、I really think he is just wasting his time having fun when he should be studying. I sometimes ask him if he has homework or extra study to do, but he always says that he has already completed it all. This change makes me very worried. I feel that this free time is encouraging him to be lazy.He isnt

57、studying long enough and this will reduce his chances of getting into university. I also think it will cause problems when he begins to work because he will not be able to concentrate well and will think more of having fun than his job. I have considered going to the school principal and asking him

58、to change their decision but my son says if I do so his classmates will laugh at him. I dont want to embarrass my child but I dont want him to fall behind either.Please help. Concerned Mum.写作内容写作内容 假设你是信中的假设你是信中的Abby,准备给这位母亲准备给这位母亲回信。以下是回信的内容(信的开头和回信。以下是回信的内容(信的开头和结尾已经为你写好):结尾已经为你写好): 1以约以约30个词概括你所阅

59、读的这封信的个词概括你所阅读的这封信的主要内容;主要内容; 2以约以约120个词提出个词提出你的你的观点和建议,并观点和建议,并包括如下要点:包括如下要点: (1) 你读信后的感受;你读信后的感受;(2) 你对信中所述现象的个人观点;你对信中所述现象的个人观点; (3) 你对这位母亲的建议。你对这位母亲的建议。.写作中出现的问题:写作中出现的问题:人称人称 假设你是信中的假设你是信中的Abby 漏写要点漏写要点1或或2举例?举例?词数不足词数不足.Summary:以约以约30个词概括你所阅读的这封信的主要内容;个词概括你所阅读的这封信的主要内容;1. Whats the problem about the boy( fact)?2.


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