1、日本大学留学申请书 当下市场经济活跃,交易频繁,申请书应用范围广泛,申请书是承载我们愿望和请求的专用书信。相信许多人会觉得申请书很难写吧,下面是收集整理的日本大学留学申请书,希望能够帮助到大家。 日本大学留学申请书1 日本留学重点大学申请条件1.东京大学申请参考条件:平均gpa3.5以上。必须具备日语n1级成绩,文科生要求n1级140分以上。需要提供英语toeic/toefl成绩,托福90分以上/托业900分以上。国内院校是211或者985工程类院校。学校优势专业:全学科。2.京都大学申请参考条件:平均gpa要求3.4以上。必须具备日语n1级成绩,文科生要求n1级140以上。3.日本东北大学申
7、饮食费自己能够做饭的学生还是尽量要自己做饭吃,自己做饭的花费是1315元(2万日元),不是自己做饭就要比这个费用多得多要20xx元(3万日元左右),这是一个月的费用。3、交通费一般住在学校里面就很少需要花费这笔钱了,住在外面的学生需要乘坐公交的只需要65元(1000日元)就够了,如果是住的非常远的学生,一个月650元(10000日元)也是有可能需要的。所以还是取决于你的住宿情况了。 日本大学留学申请书2 dear x,my four-year research experience since the completion of my undergraduate program in 1997
8、 has helped me to develop from a bachelor in engineering to a master in science. my research activities cover a wide range of fields including analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, organic catalysis, environmental science, instrumental analysis, nano-analytical chemistry, and biological analytic
9、al chemistry. i am proud to say that i have accomplished achievements in almost every of those fields. based on my research findings, i have published a dozen research papers. in particular, i have received patents from the patent office of china for two major research results "the preparation
10、method of a solid acid catalyst with high selectivity and activity for esterification" and "a new reaction technology and the equipment for gas phase esterification". both of them have significant value in industrial application.nevertheless, i am acutely aware that, in the research f
11、ields i am interested in, there are still so many difficult subjects and challenges awaiting for solution. in physical chemistry, china is relatively backward in the fields of catalyst development, catalyst inactivation, reaction dynamics, reaction mechanism, geochemical reaction mechanism, environm
12、ental-chemical reaction mechanism. in analytical chemistry, china lags relatively behind its western counterparts in areas such as instrumental analysis and theoretical analytical chemistry. basically, china relies on import for large-scale analytical instruments. by contrast, the united states has
13、many world-leading academic specialists and encourages interdisciplinary programs. it will accord me a stimulating and liberal academic environment, apart from the sophisticated research facilities. rice university is my top priority in applying for a ph.d. program and i choose to specialize in phys
14、ical chemistry or in analytical chemistry.at rice university, i plan to learn broader-based foundational theories in my chosen fields. with my solid interdisciplinary knowledge and my ability for the quick assimilation of new knowledge, i intend to secure for myself a ra status to directly start my
15、laboratory research under the guidance of my future advisor. i can also work as ta so that i can study while teaching and conducting my internship. i can apply, test and consolidate the theoretical knowledge that i acquire in the process of internship and degree program. finally, through theoretical
16、 study and scientific research, i would endeavor to produce a well-written dissertation in which i hope to achieve some breakthroughs on both the theoretical and the research level.after obtaining my ph.d. degree, i intend to enter one of the top research institutes to delve deeper into some challen
17、ging subjects and to achieve some research fruits. after accumulating certain research experience at an actual research institute, i plan to return to china to work as a professor at a leading chinese university, a position which will enable me to train many more academic professionals in physical o
18、r analytical chemistry. at the same time, i will also dedicate myself to turning my laboratory research results into yet more patents and inventions, which can further be developed into products with pragmatic applications.during my studies in the united states, i will attempt at some detailed obser
19、vations of its capital market, the most mature of its kind in the world, to acquire some necessary knowledge in company management and capital operation. for ultimately my career objective is to establish my own company to manufacture my own products, especially those environmentally-friendly chemic
20、al products, based on my patents and inventions.yours sincerely, 日本大学留学申请书3 親愛 _私学生、広西族自治区南寧市中学校20_卒業。昨年理想大学入学、今高校通。最近、留学夢見。検索、留学方便利適。、多文化国、世界最高度教育受。第二、授業料他国低。私合理的。最後、気候中国南部気候似。以上理由、留学両親伝、両親同意。幼頃、幼頃就学前教育好。現在、子供良教育受中国人親、就学前教育注意払。就学前教育専門勉強、大学卒業後中国戻就学前教育励。私計画次。、語学学校半年英語勉強予定。次、就学前教育関専門的学。高校全課程修了、留学力思。、両親共働収入、勉強終手伝。勉強終母国帰、自分人生価値実現就学前教育取組。张三 日本大学留学申请书4 尊敬的领导:您好!从高一到高三毕业学习成绩有了明显的提高,在这三年中多次获得学校颁发的三好生奖状,进步之星奖,优秀学员奖和多项运动会奖
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