1、郑州轻工业学院华业设计外丈翻译题 目房地产营销学生姓名孙饪雯专业班级经济学07-1学 号200706020136院 系经济与管理学院指导教师(职称)冯阳(讲师)marketing real estatemarking is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing , promotion and distribution of ideas ,goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objec
2、tions. the objective of this article is to describe marketing concepts as they apply to real estate, looking especially at the practices covered by real estate professionals-the real estate broker deals both with sellers and prospective buyers of real estate .the broker's relationship with the s
3、eller involves obtaining properties to list.the dominant reasont that home sellers turn to real estate brokers rather than trying to sell their property on their own are because they need technical assistance and are hesitant to take risks. many have difficulty making a decision as to the price to a
4、sk and want advice in preparing their homes for showing.the seller also needs assistance in obtaining mortgages for prospective buyers and in making contact with potential buyers.statistics indicate that home owners who try to sell for themselves are often not successful. they also show that sales c
5、ompleted by the owners themselves often are at a lower price than with an agent, possibly due to the seller's lack of bargaining or appraisal skills. since a prospective buyer may hesitate to tell a homeowner her reasons for rejecting the property, the owner may not get the feedback that an agen
6、t could obtain. sometimes these comments can be used effectively to improve the property for future showing.minor paint damage, pets in the house,or other factors can often be easily corrected and may make a significant difference the agent is trained to screen prospective buyers, when the homeowner
7、 selling on her own would be subject to visits of people who are just looking or possibly even persons evaluating the house for future burglary. finally, when a buyer is found, the inexperienced seller may execute an invalid contract that dose not protect against potential problem. research indicate
8、s that about five out of fix home buyers come into contact with a broker in the buying process.1. promotionselling is aided by promotion, which includes activities such as advertising, public relations, holding open house, and distributing brochures or publications. these activities help present the
9、 broker's products or professional abilities to prospective purchasers or sellers and to the public in general. brokers who concentrate on residential properties will have different promotion strategies from brokers who emphasize commercial or farm real estate.promotion is an important part of t
10、he real estate broker's effort, just as marketing is part of any business effort. as such, it requires a strategy, a budget, planning, and controls, all as integral parts of the brokerage operation. strategy considers what the broker has to sell and who the potential customers will be. it also c
11、onsiders the constraints of resources available, such as number of salespeople and financial resources, as well as the resources of competitors. thus, strategy involves factors external to the operation as well as internal aspects.sometimes promotion is used as a device to mislead by providing impro
12、per or insufficient information; however, research has shown that misleading promotion usually dose the advertise more harm than good. promotion should be better utilize as a method of providing information to prospective buyers to help them make good purchases.2. advertisingreal estate advertising
13、can be classified according to its objective or the medium used.understanding each of theses factors help one select a good advertising strategy and implement it successfully:(1) kinds of advertising and their objectivesadvertising can be classified as specific advertising, name advertising, and ins
14、titutional advertising specific advertising promotes individual parcels of real estate or particular related services. the objective is to sell or rent a specific property described in the ad or to secure customers for the broker's services. specific advertising usually appears in newspapers, br
15、ochures, or flyer.the second category is named advertising. the purpose of name advertising is to display the name of the firm before the public this advertising aims to enhance the fkm's reputation and image in the eyes of potential home buyers or sellers. newspaper advertising can accomplish t
16、his goal, as can radio or television announcements, billboards, office signs, or activity news item in newspapers-institutional advertising has as its objective the creation the creation of a favorable public opinion toward the real estate brokerage business. it is intended to influence public opini
17、on so that potential sellers or buyers will select a broker rather than sell or buy on their own. membership or other fees provide the funds to support much of today's institutional advertising.(2) advertising medianewspapers are the most widely used medium for advertising by real estate brokers
18、. they are used to implement specific, name, and institutional advertising. classified advertising in newspapers is used primarily for specific advertising of property, but the ads also are designed for name advertising. brokers group their specific listings into attractive arrangements not only to
19、exhibit their available listing, but also to place their names attractively before the public. a seller in the process of selecting a broker often looks in the classified section of the local newspaper to choose a broker who uses attractive advertising. thus, the specific ads also act as name advert
20、ising.since potential buyers are interested in up-to-the-minute information on available property, the daily newspaper serves the broker well. sunday newspaper tend to carry a greater number of listings, since the local potential buyers often have more leisure time to carry out their search on sunda
21、y in addition, out-of-town buyers often look for real estate on weekends.other advertising media suitable for real estate brokers' ads are magazines, radio television, outdoor signs, booklets, home shows, and other displays. industrial properties, rural estate, farm, or unusual properties are of
22、ten advertised in nationally distributed specialty or trade magazines that reach particular groups of readers. whereas newspapers have a short life, magazines often lie around and are read over a period of months in libraries, waiting rooms, and so forth. signs, booklets, and display are primarily i
23、ntended to bring the broker's name before the public.real estate advertising is often positioned to provide notice to people who visit specific places such as motels, restaurants, or personnel departments of local industries. some brokers maintain connections with a referral network of brokers i
24、n other cities to get contacts with potential buyers before their families actually visit the community.billboards, bus signs, and signs on real estate offices are common ways to reach the public.hfor sale” and "sold” signs on listed properties properties are one of the best means of providing
25、name advertising. these signs provide name advertising for the broker, as well as specific advertising for the individual house.some communities have passed laws prohibiting "sold” and/or nfor sale" signs on homes. the arguments for these laws have been based on the concepts of "detra
26、cting from appeatancen and 'preventing panic selling11. a baltimore city sign ban was challenged in court. in 1981 the united states supreme court let stand a lower court ruling that the city's sign ban was unconstitutional.3. home buyers(1) sources of buyerreal estate brokers seek potential
27、 buyers from a number of sources. people moving to the area from other places,usually as a result of a change in job, provide an important source. although advertising in local newspapers and listing in the yellow pages provide some contact with these people, many brokers count upon referrals throug
28、h company personnel departments, banks, and others. some brokers also have arrangements with brokers in other cities. people selling their homes in one city provide early contacts when they let their broker know of their plans to move to another particular city.(2) qualifying prospective buyersprosp
29、ective buyers for real estate can be grouped into three categories: a. those who need a place to live; b those who prefer a place different from their present ;c.those who are looking but not yet seriously interested. the constraints and motivations of buyers from each group will be different. a lar
30、ge portion of those in the first group are moving from another area. for them the home selection process is affected by time requirements, since the family dose not want to be divided for a lengthy period a frequent problem of these buyers is the inability to sell their currently owned property thes
31、e people need to find a satisfactory place to live within cost and time constraints.the second group of potential buyers simply want to move to a different property, whether bigger, smaller, better located, or otherwise different. in this case, the prospective buyer can afford to inspect a number of
32、 alternative properties carefully over a period of time while searching for a bargain or a property that meets all desires. in his case, the broker or salesperson can expect to spend more time and effort to conclude a transaction.the broker in either case should spend time to evaluate and qualify ea
33、ch prospective buyer carefully to serve the client better and to make the most efficient use of her own time it dose not serve the best interests of either the client, the seller, or the broker to show properties not within the buyer's price and need constraints- this dose not, however, preclude
34、 the possibility the possibility that prospective buyers will change their constraints. the possibility should always be kept in mind. in almost all cases, one or more of their desires will have to be set aside as the available alternatives are considered frequently, buyers will learn early that the
35、ir monetary limits were too low for the quality of home desired. also, their specifications may change as they of property that will meet the client's needs by asking questions. the following information is needed to evaluate a prospective client's needs and qualifications:a. name,address, a
36、nd telephone number.b. business address and telephone number.c. desired price range for property.d. address of present property owned and whether it is presently for sale or will need to be sold before buying another home.e. money available for a down payment, family income, and desired monthly paym
37、ent.f. marital status and family size.g. type of home desired(size, style, and location)h. reasons for movingi. how long client has been lookingj. why client came to this brokerage officeonce this analysis of the buyer has been completed, the salesperson can make plans and formulate a strategy to se
38、rve the buyer's interest and also to plan the most efficient use of her own time.房地产营销市场营销是一个企划与实施的过程,在这一过程屮,对理念、产品和服务进 行创意、定价、促销和推广,目的是促成交易实现个人或者组织的目标。本文旨 在阐明应用于房地产的营俏理念,着重关注房地产市场专业人士的操作实务。房地产经纪人与房地产的买卖双方进行接洽。经纪人需要从卖主那里得到房 源信息。买方请房地产经纪人代理而不是口己操办的主要原因,一是需要经纪人 的专业协助;二是不愿意承担风险。比如,许多卖家可能在定价上难以抉择,或
39、是在如何布置房了以便展示等问题上需耍专业意见。而在为买家巾请抵押贷款或 是与潜在购买者联系时,卖方也需要经纪人的协助。数据表明,那些自主交易的卖方往往并不成功。与那些通过中介机构卖房的 人相比,自己完成交易的售价一般较低,这可能由于卖方自身不損于讨价还价或 是缺乏估价的技巧。潜在的购买者可能不会将拒绝购买物业的原因告诉业主,由 此业主就得不到相关信息的反馈,而中介机构则不然。有时这些反馈信息将有助 于改进物业未来的展示,如微小的粉刷磨损,家养宠物,或是其他因素都易于纠 正,而(纠正后)房屋的状况则人为改观。经纪人受过专业培训,能够有效筛选 潜在的购买者,而口己卖房的卖方则可能会困扰于接待那些只
40、是来参观房子或是 有意入屋行窃者的麻烦。最后,当确定了购买者,无经验的卖方可能会签订一份 无效或是缺乏抵抗潜在风险能力的合同。调查表明大约六分z五的买房者在购买 过程中会与经纪人合作。1 促销促销包括广告宣传、公共关系经营、样板房展示,宣传册或出版物发放等一 系列活动,这些均有助于销售。同时,这些活动也将帮助房地产经纪人向未来的 卖主、买主或者普通大众展示他们的产品和专业技能。专营居住物业的经纪人的 营销策略会不同于那些主攻商业或农业物业的经纪人。促销时房地产经纪人工作的一个重要部分,正如市场营销之于公司。出此, 它需要战略规划、预算、计划和控制,这一切构成了经济活动的整体。战略规划 用以明确
41、卖点是什么,冃标客户是哪些人;它还需要考虑现有资源有哪些限制, 如俏售人员数量、融资渠道以及竞争对象等等。可以说,战略规划是将内外部因 素进行整合考虑的活动。但是,研究表明,若提供的信息不准确或不充足,促销活动将(对消费者) 会产生误导。事实表明,这对卖方(广告者)是弊大于利。促销最好是作为一种 向潜在购买者提供信息的手段,以助其买到理想的物业。2广告房地产广告可根据其a标或借助媒介进行分类。对其每个要素充分了解将有 助于我们选择合适的广告策略且成功加以实施。广告的种类和目标广告可分为特定(物业)广告、(公司)形象广告和行业广告三种。特定(物 业)广告推销个別房地产及相关服务,其目的在于出租或
42、出售广告中的某宗物业 或是向消费者推销房产经纪人的服务。特定(物业)广告经常出现在报纸、宣传 册或单页广告上。第二种是(公司)形彖广告。其目的在于向公众展示公司的名称,通过广告 提升潜在卖家与买家心冃中的公司名誉和形象。正如可以用广播、电视、广告牌、 办公楼杂志、报纸上有关公司活动的报道作公司形象广告一样,报纸广告也可以 达到相同的目的。行业广告的主要忖的是树立房地产经济行业的良好形象。通过影响公众的印 彖,使卖方或买方会选择房地产经纪人代理而非口主交易。而资助行业广告的资 金主要來源于行业协会或是其他经费。(2)广告媒介报纸是房地产经纪人最常用的广告媒介,它可以用于投放特定广告、形象广 告和
43、行业广告。报纸上的分类广告主要刊登特定物业广告,但也可以用丁形彖广 告。经纪人对特定房源名单的花哨排布,不仅仅是为了向公众展示已有的物业信 息,更为了吸引他们的眼球。一个卖家在选择屮介人的过程屮,会浏览当地报纸 的分类信息区,从中选择一个刊登了具有吸引力广告的中介人。因此,特定(物 业)广告实际上也扮演了形象广告的幷色。由于潜在购买考对于既存物业的即时信息尤为关注,h报则十分符合经纪人 的要求。而周日出版的报纸刊登的物业信息量一般较大,因为当地的潜在购买者 一般在周末才有空进行调查。另外,郊外的购买者也常常在周末四处寻访物业。适用于房地产广告的其他媒介包括:杂志、广播、电视、户外标示牌、小册 子,房展或是其他展示等等。工业物业、农业物业或其他特殊物业则通常在全国
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