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1、英语教学法论文一英语游戏教学acknowledgmentsfirst and foremost i would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor ms feng jing a respectable responsible and resourceful scholar who has provided me with valuable guidance in every st age of the writing of this thesis without her enlightening instruction impr

2、essive kindness and patience i could not have completed my thesisi shall extend my thanks to all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental and essential academic studylast but not least id like to thank all my friends especially my lovely roommates for their encouragement and support

3、abstractplaying game in english is one of the effective ways in english study and it is suitable for the dcvclopmcnt of pupils physiological characteristics from the significance of games in childrens english teaching the thesis introduces the reliabi1ity any application of games teaching in english

4、 and its importance the thesis uses research methods such as questionnaires and classroom observation to investigate the cffectivcncss of using games in the tcaching process this thesis holds game-teaching approach should be adopted in childrens english teaching and also probes into the reliability

5、of using games in the process from the result almost all the students show great interest in english learning game teaching can arouse students interest in english learningkey words english game teaching interestcffcctivcnss primaryschool摘要游戏教学是一种有效的英语学习方法它适合孩子身心发展的特点文章从 游戏在儿童教学中的意义着手说明游戏的重要性并探究了其可操

6、作性笔者采用 问卷调查和课堂观察法等语言学习研究方法提出了在小学英语教学中采用游戏 教学可以提高学牛英语学习的兴趣从调查结果分析来看游戏教学可以提高学牛 英语学习的兴趣关键词英语游戏教学兴趣 效果 小学tntroductionsince the year 2001 english has become a required lesson in the primary school from grade 3 primary english teaching syllabus points out interest is a good teacher for pupils to learn a f

7、oreign language and its an important task for primary school english teachers to arouse students interest at present how to arouse the interest is the key for lemguage teaching playing games in english teaching is one of effective ways which are fit for the development of childrens physiological and

8、 psychological characteristicsthe game is childrens nature for children the game is to live and the life is a game playing games can foster childrens abilities such as their intelligence perception and so on many scholars agree that games in the lan gueige classroom have bee n con sidered a bet ter

9、way to encoureige children to work hard and cultivate their interest in clearing english children enjoy playing games in their native and this is a familiar experienee for children to be introduced to study a foreign ianguagewith the development of society and improvement of civilization english tea

10、ching methods in primary schools are changing game teaching has been used from the ancient time it makes teaching more effeetivc when teachers use games in english teaching they must be known that what kind of gcimes can be used how to play english games how to design games this thesis aims to prove

11、 the advantages of game teaching in improving primary school students interest in english 1 earningthis thesis is divided into 3 parts the first part is the history and present situations of game teaching the second is theoretical ideas of t his paper and the adva nt ages of game teaching to build a

12、 cheerful and light-hearted environment let the students in a relaxed and happy environment to 1 earn engl i sh they will be markedly improved tt beg ins with the definition of interest the analysis of the relationship between interest and motivation the kinds of games the features of games the adva

13、ntoges of the games and some advice on how to use games the last is the experiment which was carried out in grade 4 you huai primary schooli the history and prosent situations of game teachinggame teaching is one of teaching activities although the theory of game teaching came into being in modern t

14、imes from ancient times preictice and exposition on game teaching have existedii froebels game teachinggerman educator friedrich froebel is the father of childrens education in western countries froebel designed special educational materials and activities that formed the core of the kindergarten cu

15、rriculum these were called gifts occupations and mother playsthe gifts were a set of geometric shapes such as balls cubes and cylinders and materials like cut peiper and string children used these gifts to perform a sequence of highly structured activities called occupations such as sewing designs w

16、ith colored threads folding paper weaving mats using their gifts in the various occupations children were learning geometric relationships and understanding fundamental principles of knowledge the mother plays were a series of finger plays games and songs designed to teach children about their bodie

17、s senses and enabled chiidren to practice self control cooperation and taking turns froebel is considered the first one who probed into game teaching systematically and he is also the first one who advocated that games should be integrated into lcarning froebels thcory was firstly based on scientifi

18、c knowledge of the childrens psychological and physiological dcvclopment and laid a strong foundation of making game tcaching ripen progressivelybut from the point of present genne teaching of view froebels geime teaching was only called tcaching practice12 the theory and the practice of contemporar

19、y game teachingcon temporary geime t each ing not only became the main acti vity of childerss education but also embodied different grades in primary schools tt became one of effective mechanisms of linking up kindergartens and primary schoolseducation is the cradle of a talented person many countri

20、es paid much attention to education especially elementary education how to improve teaching quality in the primary school and how to solve the problem of chi idrens interest have become very urgent and importemtintroducing learning games in the primary school has aroused general concern in many coun

21、tries in the 1940s japan started studying the rclati on ship bet ween kin dergar tens emd primary schools some teachers used some useful games in primary schools american educators also devoted much attention to this research they used so many games in primary schools tn the 1950s in the soviet unio

22、n the teachers in lower grades adapted games to reduce the degree of study and create good conditions for learningfrom ancient times chinesc people thought highly of childrenseducation in song dynasty private schools paid much attention to the childrens into res ts zhu xi also st resscd the importan

23、ce of happy t cachingsince 1949 chinese education has changed greatly many childrens educators have achieved greeit success in geime teaching they have summed up a lot of games or activities such as teaching through childrens songs teaching in situations simulating teaching p e games and so ongen er

24、ally speak ing teachers should desig n and use rich and veiried games according to teaching aims teaching contents and teaching aids which provided the abundant sensitive facul ty materials for us to tally up the game teaching modein the contemporary mr chen heqin was one of the greatest educators w

25、ho iiicide the outstanding contribution to chinese childrens education and set up the first research center of childrens education-kindergarten in gulou many games there were ful 1 of creating he expounded that games were activities that were beneficial to childrens psychological and physiological d

26、evelopment only games could make children lively and tcachcrs should make good use of all kinds of game materials and give them enough chances to practice according to their agefrom modern age to the con temporary game t each ing t heory has bee n improved step by step many educators philosophers or

27、 thinkers encouraged children to play games they presented games should be integrated with lcarning now more and more people abroad and at home come to realize the importance and the urgency of game teaching in the primary school as weall know game teaching is a very useful way to improve primary sc

28、hoolenglish teaching effectiveness13 the problems of game teachingfrom abovedomestic and foreign game theory wc have discoveredthat at present thedomestic and foreign game theory had the very bigdevelopment in theteaching tested also accumulated meiny preciousexperiences these theories inspected in

29、the education today regarding usthe game factor still has the extremely important inspiration significance but only has such discussion is by far insufficient thesetheories looked like in today still had the deficiency mainly manifestedin following several aspectsfirst although recent years game tea

30、ching however has been widely applied in the teaching activity but these games al 1 is aims at the pre-school education and the elementary school lower grade various discipline the game designs also all are aim lower grade elementary school students also lacks the enough research to each kind of age

31、 sectiondiscipline game teaching secondly its one-sidedness is inevitable these neglects easily affect the development of game teaching to causeone-sidedness2 theoretical basiscrcating a joyful and active classroom is a big and complex issue ofall the topics of activating students interest games and

32、 their influenceon pupils interest is particularly concerned21the definition of gameswhat are geimes in an eflesl environment the answer given by the longman dictionary of language teaching and applied linguistics richards plat 1995 is a game in language teaching is an organized activity that usuall

33、y has the following propertiesa a particular task or objectivesb a set of rulesc competition between playersd communication betweenplayers by spoken or writtenlanguagelanguage games are not activities mainly aimed to break the ice between students or to ki 11 time byrne 1995 gcive the defini tion to

34、 games as a form of play governed by rules they should be enjoyed and fun they are not just a diversion a break from routine activities but a way of getting the learner to use the ianguage in the course of the game similarly jill hadfield 1990 defined games as an activity with rules a goal and an el

35、ement of funtherefore games involve many factors rules competition relaxation and learning in particular the main focus of using game in class is to help students learn and have fun however to use games in classrooms it is equally important that before playing the rules of the games are clearly expl

36、ained and well understood by the studcnts there should be only a few well-explained rules demonstrations can be very helpful too because it can help students understand the genne and help them follow the rules ot herwise they will mi sunders tand the purpose of the game and they may not get the bene

37、fits they should from the gamein playing grimes competition is very important beceiuse it can stimulate and encourage students to participate in the activity since naturally they want to beat the other teams as it happens in the dictation game students run as fast as possible remember as much as the

38、y can and speak as loudly and clearly as they can they run quickly back and forth trying to memorize the content as much as possible while playing students have fun relax exercise and tease their friends apart from having fun students 1 earn at the same time they acquire new vocabulary along with it

39、s spelling and pronunciation students begin to realize that they have to speak or pronounce the words clearly if they want others to understand what they arc saying22 the importance of interesttnterest is a kind of power what can drive people to learn actively and happily and interest makes learning

40、 more effective and efficient there is a saying says interest is the best teacher it also means that you will lear n better if you arc intc rested in it so how to arouse students into res t to study is a very important and critical problem for a teacher to considerand solvein learning english it is

41、very important to motivate and develop the studentsinterest interest is not with the baby when it was born it grows with each passing day for those prcpara tory students who have just ent cred primary school how to arouse thed interest of the students is a new subject before teachers most of them ar

42、e afraid of learning english especially reciting texts remembering lots of new words and expression this will make resistance for them to study english we cant make it a condition that students can recitc how many new words and texts to measure the standard of learning english we should develop the

43、students 抜 nterest of studying english as interest is a source interest is a motive power of study it can make students sustain a long time to study english so interest is one of the key elements teachers have to create a healthy balanee between preparing students for the standardized exams and for

44、life-long language skills one solution is to develop a continuous program which includes an intcgrated in-class and out-of-class language activities that help to nurture student language skill in our primary school students are usually lacking in atmosphere of 1 earning english but they are 1 ively

45、and they have wide int erests they are eager to show themselves to take the adva nt age of educational method of physiology and psychology we should make use of the characteristic of the primary school students221motivationmotivation can be classified into two types integrative and instrumental inte

46、grative motivation is indicated when learners wish to in tegrate t hemselves into the culture of the seco nd language group if the learners believe that acquiring a second language is instmmcntal in furthering their educational or career goals their motivation is referred to as instrumentalfor prima

47、ry school students it seems that neither instrumental nor integrative motivation is a factor in enhanci ng their foreign language learning the motivation for learning a foreign language for kinclcrgarten children may be very different from that of older learners because young children do not usually

48、 ask to learn a foreign language where does their motivation come from initially their motivation comes from their parents who enrol1 them in the kindergarten english course therefore during the learning of a second language parental support and encouragement are also important the expectations and

49、attitudes of parents in a society regarding the foreign lamguage can also influence the results of childrens learning if society and parents have a positive attitude toward the foreign 1anguage it gives children motivation to learn that language on the contrary if society and parents have a negative

50、 attitude toward the foreign language it will decrease the interest in learning that languagesecond the english learning resuits of a young beginner arc to a large extent dependent on the teacher the teacher can give children cncouragcment and praise to motivatc them the personality of the english t

51、eacher and the teachers treatment of students also have an influence on young childrens ability to learn a second language children often seek their tcachcrs approval they want the teacher to notice them and appreciate what they are doing harmer 1998 7 whether or not the student likes the teacher me

52、iy also affect their motivation a teachers positive attitude and behavior can motivate childrens interest in learning englishthirdly if the teaching is appropriate children will discover that learning another language is within their capacity and this knowledge will strengthen their motivation willi

53、am r 198826 childrens motivation comes from the enjoyment and pleasure experienced in the learning situation if the class is boring children will become unmotivated a crucial aspect of lemgueige teaching is to raise students motivation with enjoyable teaching methods children have the ability to lea

54、rn language through games and activities that they find joyful how can a learning situation be joyful this joyfulncss cem be found in english classes full of play23 the advantages of using games in language teachingas we know language learning is not easy work games can help and encourage many learn

55、ers to sustain their interest they play an important role in langudgc tcaching here arc many valid reasons for using games in language teaching including affective reasons cognitive reasons and linguistic reasons they provide insights into the benefits of games in the classroom many scholars point o

56、ut the advantage of games in language teaching just like lee su kim suggesteda games arc a welcome break from the usual routine of the language classb they are motivating and challengingc learning a language requires a great deal of effort games help students to make and sustain the effort of leanin

57、gd games provide language practice in the various skills-spcaking writing listening and readinge they encourage students to interact and communicatef they create a meaningful context for language useas for esl t eachers t hey should consider the adva nt ages of games the ability to capture students

58、attention lower students stress and give students the chanee for real communication231 types of ianguagc games in the primary school classroomclassifying games into categories can be difficuit because categories often overlap hadfi eld 1999 explains two ways of classifying language games first she d

59、ivides language games into two types linguistic games and communicative games linguistic games focus on accuracy on the other hand communicativc games focus on successful exchange of information and ideas such as two people identifying the differences between their two pictures which are similar to one


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