



1、英语试卷(第一册)及答案Class_ Name_ Score_一、短语互译(共10小题,满分10分)1、 使某人想起某事 remind sb. of sth 2、负责 in charge of 3、 处理,和-打交道 deal with 4、百货公司 department store 5、找工作job hunting 6、social duties社交职责7、rush hour交通高峰期 8、as soon as possible尽快地9、look into 调查 10、 good manners 礼貌二、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从、四个选项中,选出可以填入空白出的最佳

2、答案。( A )1.In the market, vegetables are sold by _ kilogram, I mean, by _ weight. A.the, / B./, /C.the, theD./, the( C )2.The clouds had come down _ suddenly we had no warning. A.quiteB.ratherC.soD.too( C )3.I_ while reading the English textbook.Luckily, my roommate woke me up in time.A.had fallen as

3、leep B.have fallen asleepC.fell asleep D.fall asleep( A )4.Look! The boy is holding _ jewelry in his hands. A.a piece of B.a C.a bar ofD.a little bit of( B )5.If I had not been ill, I _ in bed for weeks.A.couldn't lie B.shouldn't have lainC.would lay D.shouldn't have laid( A )6.The work

4、is _ smoothly. I'm sure it will be finished in a month or so. A.progressingB.improvingC.movingD.keeping( D )7.Did you look up the time of trains to Shanghai? Yes, the early train is _ to leave at 5:00 am. A.likelyB.aboutC.possibleD.due( A )8.The girl _ forward to buying a new gold watch.A.referr

5、ed to looks B.referred to lookC.referred to looking D.referring to looking( B )9.Why did he say so? Sorry, I don't understand _ he has said means. A.all what B.what allC.all thatD.that all( B )10.There are many beautiful islands _ the west coast of the country. A.alongB.offC.onD.from( D )11.How

6、are you getting on with your business? I'm glad to say it is _. A.breaking up B.taking upC.turning upD.picking up( A )12.Just like a voyage at sea, our life journey, _ days are limited, is full of difficulties. A.whoseB.whichC.asD.what( D )13.I promise that his daughter _ get a nice gift on her

7、birthday. Will it be a big surprise to her? A.shouldB.mustC.wouldD.shall( D )14.Mr. Smith had been to Beijing for several times, he should have been in China now, _ he? A.hadn't B.haven'tC.didn'tD.shouldn't( C )15.It's five years since I worked here. _? A.Have you worked here hap

8、pily B.How long will you work hereC.Where do you work now D.Do you want to work here longer三、 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) Anna lived on the side of a valley. One winter, there was a very big flood, and a lot of houses 16 Anna's were washed away. Anna's house was high enough to escape the flood,

9、so when the water had disappeared and the other houses were 17 there with no roof and no walls and all covered with 18 , her house was 19 quite all right. Her house was quite small, her husband was dead, and she had four children, 20 Anna took in one of the families that had lost 21 in the flood and

10、 she 22 her home with them until it was 23 for them to rebuild their house. Ann's friends were 24 when they saw Anna do this. They could not understand why Anna wanted to give 25 so much more work and trouble when she already had quite a few children to 26 ."Well," Anna 27 her friends,

11、 "at the end of the First World War, a woman in the town where I 28 lived found herself very poor, because her husband 29 in the war and she had a lot of children, 30 I have now. The day before Christmas, this woman said to her children, ' We won't be able to have much for Christmas thi

12、s year, so I'm going to 31 only one present for all of us. Now I'll go and get it. She came back 32 a girl who was even poorer than they, and who had no parents. ' 33 ' she said to her children. The children were 34 to get such a present. They welcomed the little girl, and she grew u

13、p as their sister, 35 was that Christmas present." ( A )16.A.down below B.just around C.next to D.above( D )17.A.rising B.appearing C.falling D.standing( D )18.A.water B.trees C.dust D.mud( D )19.A.just B.already C.yet D.still( B )20.A.so B.but C.for D.since( B )21.A.nothing B.everything C.anyt

14、hing D.something( C )22.A.made B.found C.shared D.built( A )23.A.possible B.necessary C.important D.valuable( C )24.A.worried B.disappointed C.puzzled D.impressed( B )25.A.them B.herself C.them all D.her( A )26.A.support B.supply C.grow D.feed( A )27.A.explained to B.asked for C.talked with D.spoke

15、as( B )28.A.actually B.then C.before D.later( C )29.A.had killed B.killed C.had been killed D.might be killed( B )30.A.for B.as C.like D.that ( A )31.A.get B.send C.buy D.make( D )32.A.for B.from C.like D.with( D )33.A.Show the present. B.Let's go and see the present. C.Can it be the present? D.

16、Here's our present.( B )34.A.worried and sad B.excited and happy C.anxious D.sorry( D )35.A.it B.she C.such D.I四、阅读理解(共15小题;每题2分,满分30分) A On May 21,1999, some American scientists were working at the computers to look for information they needed. Suddenly they saw a lot of very bright red spots c

17、rossing the computers screens. At the same time the computers were working much slower. To find out what was happening, they stopped their work to check some parts of the computers. To their horror, they found out that most of their stored information was got rid of by computer viruses! Obviously al

18、l these computers had been infected by computer viruses. It is said that the computer viruses were made by two or three Philippine young men fond of playing tricks. They all had excellent education. They created the viruses just to show their intelligence. The kind of computer virus is named"I

19、Love You"Virus. This virus can hide in computers for a long time .When the time comes they will attack the computers by lowering the important functions, damaging their normal programs or even getting rid of a great deal of information which operators of the computers often use or store. What&#

20、39;s worse, it still can reproduce itself in great quantities within a short time. We have come to know that "I Love You" Virus often attacks computers on Mondays and that it is spreading to many computers in the world. Among the countries that suffered computer viruses recent years are Br

21、itain, Australia, Switzerland and the U.S. Those who made the computer viruses have been found out slowly and carefully, But till now ,how to get rid of the terrible viruses remains a problem.( C )36.Two or three Philippine young men created the computer viruses to _. A.damage the computers B.test t

22、heir ability quickly C.tell the world that they were intelligent D.play a trick on operators of the computers( C )37.The most serious damage caused by the viruses is that _. A.the computer's functions are lowered B.the normal programs are damaged C.most the information stored in the computers is

23、 gone D.the computers infected by the viruses can no longer be used( A )38.According to the passage, which of the following is true? A.Scientists are trying to find a way to get rid of the viruses. B.the viruses will come to the new computer after staying in the old one for some time. C.Last year fo

24、ur countries found their computers were infected by viruses. D.The "I Love You"Virus is a great ham to human health.BHOLIDAY HOMES IN MALLORCA Holiday apartments in Mallorcan sailing and fishing port quiet even in summer season. Beautifully situated apartments with views of sea and mountai

25、ns, yet near to shops and restaurants. Cars and bicycles for hire. Sailing and sports clubs nearby. -ITALY IN COMFORT- Luxury coach (=carriage) tours of Italy, out of normal holiday season. 21 leisurely (休闲) days to visit five Italian cities starting from London 1st May, 1st September. The tours are

26、 guided by Professor Martin Davis, formerly Head of Italian Studies, London University. See the arts and culture of historic Italy. -KIBBUTZ HOLIDAYS IN ISRAEL- Working holidays on kibbutz(co-operative farm) in Israel. All nationalities welcome for one to three months, if prepared to work morning wi

27、th kibbutz members. Accommodation(住), food and trips to historic sights all provided free-you pay only for the special low-cost return flight.-TWO WEEKS ON A CARIBBEAN ISLAND- Two-week holidays in the luxurious Hotel Splendid, on a lovely beach with golden sands and deep-blue sea. Tennis, golf, sail

28、ing and all water sports. Trips and tours around the islands arranged. Near to town of Castries with lively evening entertainment(娱乐) -dancing to local bands. 1st November31st March=720 per person 1st April30th October=850 per person Jack and his wife Mary, who have recently retired, want to see pla

29、ces of cultural and historic interest abroad, but Mary hates flying. Peter and Maria, university students, want to travel as far as possible on very little money, and would like to get to know a country by working there for three months with other young people. Michael, a young computer programmer,

30、has been working hard and needs a holiday to relax-in winter. He would like to go some- where warm and sunny, where he can swim in the sea, and he enjoys sports and dancing. Harry and Kate, both teachers, and their two teenage sons, have to take their holiday during the school summer holidays. There

31、 must be plenty for the boys to do, although Harry and Kate just want beautiful scenery, good food and wine-and peace. ( A )39. Michael would mostly enjoy_, where he can go in winter. A. spending two weeks in the splendid hotel on the Caribbean island B. visiting five Italian cities starting from Lo

32、ndon C. seeing the splendid arts and culture of historic city D. driving cars and bicycles along the seaside ( C )40. The most suitable holiday for Peter and Maria would be_, as it is cheap and sounds very interesting. A. the summer holiday in Mallorca B. the tours guided by a professor C. the kibbu

33、tz holiday in Israel D. the tours arranged near to town of Castries ( A )41. The best holiday for Jack and Mary would be _. A. the leisurely 21-day coach tour of Italy B. the working holidays for 1 - 3 months on a farm C. the splendid 14-day trip around the islands D. the interesting 2-week stay in

34、a luxurious hotel ( D )42. Harry and Kate and their sons would like _, which is quiet even in the busy summer season. A. a holiday working on a kibbutz in Israel B. a holiday visiting ancient cities by coach in Italy C. a holiday hotel on a lonely beach on the Caribbean island D. a holiday apartment

35、 in the fishing port in MallorcaC Hong Kong, major commercial center for Asia, and with a population which has grown at an alarming rate to over 5 million, is a city highly dependent on mass (大量的, 大规模的) transit of all sorts, both local and long distance. An ordinary Hong Kong worker or businessman,

36、going about his daily activities, simply must use transportation at one time or another. Because Hong Kong is in two parts, Kowloon, on the mainland side, and Hong Kong, the island, with Hong Kong's harbor in between Hong Kong's mass transit systems, in addition to going over land they must

37、also cross water. Going from home to work, or going shopping from one side of the harbor to the other, the Hong Kong resident has three choices. One way is to take a bus which will cross the harbor through an underwatertraffic tunnel moving slowly through bumper- to-bumper (一辆接一辆) traffic. Another w

38、ay is by ferry boat , a pleasant ride which crosses the harbor in from seven to fifteen minutes. But by far the fastest way of crossing the harbor is the newly built underground electric railway, the Hong Kong Metro(地铁). If one gets on the train in the Central District,the commercial area of Hong Ko

39、ng on the island side, he can speed across the harbor in an astonishing three minutes. On the other side of the harbor the railway continues, snaking back and forth through the outlying districts of Kowloon, allowing one to get off a short distance from his destination. The story of the Metro is an

40、encouraging one for supporters of mass transit. Although building the system was certainly a challenging task, the Japanese firm hired to construct it did so in record time. Construction got underway in 1979 and it was completed in 1980. For the average commuter (一般持月票往返两地的乘客) the system has only on

41、edisadvantage; it is more expensive than by bus or ferry. One can ride the bus across the harbor for half as muchor he can ride the ferry across for less than one-fifth as much.( B )43.Hong Kong public transportation extends _. A.over hills and valleys B.across land and water C.through mountains D.t

42、hroughout the Kowloon area ( D )44.Crossing the harbor by train is _. A.by far the most economical methods B.the most pleasant method C.the least pleasant method D.the fastest method ( B )45.The business area on the island side of Hong Kong is referred to as _. A.Kowloon B.the Central District C.the

43、 Hong Kong Metro D.downtown Hong Kong ( A )46.The underground railway _. A.winds through Kowloon B.ends when it reaches Kowloon C.snakes across the harbor D.circles KowloonD To Whom It May Concern: My husband and I got married in 1965 and for the first ten years of our marriage I was very happy to s

44、tay home and raise our three children. Then four years ago, our youngest child went to school and I thought I might go back to work. My husband was very supportive and helped me to make my decision. He emphasized all of the things I can do around the house, and said he thought I could be a great suc

45、cess in business. After several weeks of job-hunting I found my present job, which is working for a small public relations firm. At first, my husband was very proud of me and would tell his friends , "My clever little wife can run that company she's working for." But as his joking rema

46、rk approached reality, my husband stopped talking to me about my job. I have received several promotions and pay increases ,and I am now making more money than he is. I can buy my own clothes and a new car. Because of our combined incomes, my husband and I can do many things that we had always dream

47、ed of doing ,but we don't do these things because he is very unhappy. We fight about little things and my husband is very critical of me in front of our friends. For the first time in our marriage, I think there is a possibility that our marriage may come to an end. I love my husband very much, and I don't want him to feel inferior, but I also love my job. I think I can be a good wife and a working woman, but I don't know how .Can you give me some advice? Will I have to choose one or the other or can I keep both my husband and my new career


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