1、毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译题 目:latest develodment trend observationof fpg afpga技术发展探究院系名称:信息科学与工程学院专业班级:电子信息科学与技术 级2班学生姓名:学号:指导教师:教师职称:副教授附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2外文原文。指导教师评语:该生的英文资料与设计题目密切相关,中文翻译语 句通顺,意思准确,字数符合要求,说明该生具有一定 的阅读英文资料的能力。签名:附件1:外文资料翻译译文fpga技术发展探究%1. 绪言自1985年xilinx公司推岀笫一片现场可编程逻辑器件(fpga)至今,fpga己 经历了十几年的发展历史。在这十
2、几年的发展过程屮,以fpga为代表的数字系统现 场集成技术取得了惊人的发展:现场可编程逻辑器件从最初的1200个可利用门,发 展到90年代的25万个可利用门,乃至当新世纪來临之即,国际上现场可编程逻辑器 件的著名厂商altera公司、xilinx公司又陆续推出了数百万门的单片fpga芯片, 将现场可编程器件的集成度提高到一个新的水平。纵观现场可编程逻辑器件的发展 历史,其z所以具冇巨大的市场吸引力,根本在于:fpga不仅可以解决电子系统小型 化、低功耗、高可靠性等问题,而且其开发周期短、开发软件投入少、芯片价格不断 降低,促使fpga越來越多地取代了 asic的市场,特别是对小批量、多品种的产
3、品需 求,使fpga成为首选。目前,fpga的主要发展动向是:随着大规模现场可编程逻辑器件的发展,系统设 计进入”片上可编程系统” (sopc)的新纪元;芯片朝着高密度、低压、低功耗方向 挺进;国际各大公司都在积极扩充其ip库,以优化的资源更好的满足用户的需求,扩 大市场;特别是引人注廿的所谓fpga动态可重构技术的开拓,将推动数字系统设计 观念的巨大转变。%1. xilinx公司研制开发的fpga系列产品的主要特征xilinx公司自发明fpga以来,就不断的推出新器件和开发工具,力求芯片的速 度更高、功耗更低。其主耍推出了 virtex系列和spantantm系列的fpga。virtex 系
4、列突破了传统fpga密度和性能限制,使fpga不仅仅是逻辑模块,而成为一种系 统元件。而spantantm系列为替代asic的大容量fpga树立了一个新的低成木 标准。virtex系列fpga集成了许多满足系统级设计要求的新性能,具冇独特的结构 特点。整个virtex系列由九种器件组成,系统门数从5万到1()()万门(1,728到27,648 个逻辑单元);提供给用户的i/o引脚数最多超过500个;采用多种封装形式,包括先 进的1.0mm finepitchtmbga和0.8mm芯片封装;采用5层金属的0.22微米cmos 工艺,实现5v容茅的i/o接i;借助丁优选的时序驱动的布局和布线工具,
5、在400mhz 的pii cpu上,编译速度可达20万门/秒。virtex系统的独特结构使它具有以下一些重要性能:1. 拥冇四重数字化延时锁定电路(dll),用于内外时钟同步;使芯片到芯片间的 通讯速度达到2()()mhz;所有器件从时钟到输出的延时均小于3ns;时钟可倍频和分频, 可进行 00,900,1800,2700 相移。2. 各种密度产品均设置向量式互连,使布线快速可预测,与内核配合良好。3. virtex支持3级存储。它的selectram+存储层为字节级(分布式存储)、千 字节级(块存储)和兆字节级(与外部dram和sram的sstl3接口)存储块捉 供很高的频宽。4采用sele
6、ctl/otm技术,同时支持多种电压和信号标准。5.兼容 66mhz/64 比特 pci 和 compact pcl%1. altera公司研制开发的fpga系列产品的主要特征altera公司的基于cmos的现场可编程逻辑器件同样具冇高速、高密度、低功 耗的特点。该公司针对通信市场推出的新型低成本器件-acex系列。该系列的主 要特点为:密度范围从1万到10万门;配备锁相环(pll),与64位、66mhz的pci 兼容;产品系列从原1.8v扩展至2.5v;提供系统速度超过115mhz的高性能。altera公司还对fpga的结构进行优化,提供更多的嵌入式ram。新近推出的 flex 10ke系列
7、器件是以前的flex 10k系列器件的增强型,该系列在结构上采用 了与flex 1()k系列相同的逻辑块,但片内嵌入式ram是flex 10k系列的两倍, 而且增加了一个双端口 ram,这对通信应用來说是一个重要的优势所在。”片上可编程系统” (sopc)得到迅速发展,主要有以下几个原因:1. 密度在100力门以上的现场可编程逻辑芯片己经面市;2. 第4代现场可编程逻辑器件的开发工具已经成形,可对数量更多的门电路进 行更快速的分析和编译,并可使多名设计人员以项目组的方式同步工作;3. 知识产权(ip)得到重视,越來越多的设计人员以”设计重用”的方式对现冇软 件代码加以充分利用,从而提高他们的设
8、计效率并缩短上市吋间;4. 由于连接延迟时间的缩短,片上可编程系统(sopc)能够提供增强的性能, 而且由于封装体积的减小,产品尺寸也减少了。%1. actel公司研制开发的fpga系列产品的主耍特征actel公司一直是世界反熔丝技术fpga的领先供应商,主要有两大系列的反熔 丝fpga产品-sx-a系列和mx高速系列osx-a系列fpga的主要特点是功耗低、 在接上了所有内部寄存器之后,200mhz运行吋的功耗不到lw,而且价格也较为低 廉、并拥冇良好的性能。众所周知采用反熔丝技术的fpga尽管具有许多优点,但是却有一个致命的弱 点,即只能进行一次性编程。这就为大规模fpga产品的开发带來了
9、许多不便。为了 弥补这一不足,近年来,altel公司也在积极开发其它结构类型的fpga产品。最具代 表的是其新近推出了一种非易失性、可重新编程的门阵列proasic fpgaso该系 列产品集于高密度、低功耗、非易失性和可重新编程于一身。proasic fpgas的主 耍特点是:提供98,000到110,000个可用门;内嵌拥有fifo控制逻辑的两端isram (容量达到138,000比特);提供人于200mhz的内部时钟频率;该系列产品的功耗 仅是基于sram的fpga产品的1/3到1/2。%1. 技术发展分析。从以上对xilinx、altera和actel三家公司各自开发产品特征的介绍,我
10、们可以 看出2000年以fpga为代表的数字系统现场集成技术发展的一些新动向,归纳起来 冇以下几点:(1)深亚微米技术的发展正在推动了片上系统(sopc)的发展。越来越多的复 杂ic需要利用sopc技术来制造。而sopc要利用深亚微米技术才能实现。随着 深亚微米技术的发展,使sopc的实现成为可能。与以往的芯片设计不同,sopc需要 对设计ic和在产品中实现的方法进行根木的重新评价。 芯片朝着高密度、低压、低功耗的方向挺进。采用深亚微米的半导体工艺 后,器件在性能提高的同吋,价格也在逐步降低。由于便携式应用产品的发展,对现场 可编程器件的低压、低功耗的要求日益迫切。因此,无论那个厂家、哪种类型
11、的产品,(3) ip库的发展及其作用。为了更好的满足设计人员的需要,扩大市场,各大现场 可编程逻辑器件的厂商都在不断的扩充其知识产权(ip)核心库。这些核心库都是 预定义的、经过测试和验证的、优化的、可保证正确的功能。设计人员可以利用这 些现成的ip库资源,高效准确的完成复杂片上的系统设计。(4) fpga动态可重构技术意义深远。随着数字逻辑系统功能复杂化的需求,单片 系统的芯片正朝着超大规模、高密度的方向发展。与此同时,人们却发现一个冇趣的 现象,即一个超大规模的数字时序系统芯片,在其工作时,从时间轴上来看,并不是每 一瞬间系统的各个部分都在工作,而系统是各个局部模块功能在时间链上的总成。同
12、 吋,人们还发现,基于sram编程的fpga可以在外部逻辑的控制下,通过存储于存 储器屮不同的口标系统数据的重新下载,来实现芯片逻辑功能的改变。正是基于这个 称z为静态系统重构的技术,有人设想,能不能利用芯片的这种分时复用特性,用较小 规模的fpga芯片來实现更大规模的数字时序系统。在研究过程中,有人尝试了这种 设想,发现常规的sram的fpga只能实现静态系统重构。要实现高速的动态重构, 要求芯片功能的重新配置吋间缩短到纳秒量级,这就需要对fpga的结构进行革新。 可以预见,一旦实现了 fpga的动态重构,则将引发数字系统的设计的思想的巨大转 变。六结语。我们可以看到在新世纪,以fpga为代
13、表的数字系统现场集成技术正朝着以下 几个方向发展。1 随着便携式设备需求的增长,对现场可编程器件的低压、低功耗的 要求日益迫切。2芯片向大规模系统芯片挺进,力求在大规模应用中取代asico 3. 为增强市场竞争力,各大厂商都在积极推广其知识产权ip库。4动态可重构技术的 发展,将带來系统设计方法的转变。附件2:外文原文latest development trend observation of fpgaby eriac.clerk, ami semiconductor edn, 18/2/2002since the company launched its first-xilinx fiel
14、d-programmable logic device (fpga)at 1985. so far, fpga has experienced more than 10 years of development history. in this process of development for more than 10 years, digital system integration technology at the scene represented by the fpga made a surprising development: field programmable logic
15、 devices has a development of having 1200 available gates initial to 250000 available gates, and even when the new century comes, international famous manufacturers altera corporation, xilinx inc. of field programmable logic devices also have launched a kind of single fpga chip with millions of gate
16、s, making field-programmable device to raise to a new level of the degree of integration.when we take a sweeping view of the field-programmable logic device development, its fundamental reason of huge market attraction is that fpga electronic systems can not only solve the small-size, low-power cons
17、umption, high reliability and other issues, and its short development cycle, development of software less investment, lower chip prices,made more and more fpga to replace the asic at market, especially for the demand of low-volume and variety products, fpgas are prefer.currently, the main developmen
18、t trends of fpga is: with the development of large-scale field-programmable logic device, systems design gose into a new era in the high-density of the "on-chip programmable systemn (sopc), chips go to the direction of a low voltage, low power consumption the international major companies are a
19、ctively expanding its ip library, in order to optimize resources and better meet the needs of users, and expand the market, especially in the so-called eye-catching dynamic reconfigurable fpga technology development, will promote the concept of digital system design enormous change.the main features
20、 of products developed by xilinx fpga company, since invented fpga, xilinx company has beendeveloping the constant introduction of new devices and development tools, in order to raise speed of chips to a higher and lower power consumption. it mainly launched virtex series and a series of spantantm f
21、pga. virtex series fpga breakthroughs in the traditional fpga density and performance constraints, not only made fpga a logic modules, and become a kind of system components. spantantm has set a new, low-cost standards for asic alternative series and the high-capacity fpga virtex fpga series integra
22、tes a number of system-level design to meet the requirements of new properties, and have a unique structural features.virtex series entirely have a composition of nine devices, the system gates count from 50,000 to 1 million (from 1,728 to 27,648 logic elements); the largest number of available i/o
23、pins supplied to users bigger than 500, applying a variety of packages including advanced l0 mm and 0.8 mm finepitchtmbga chip package; using a five-layer metal 0.22-micron cmos process to achieve 5 v tolerance of i / o interface; with optimal timedriving layout and routing tool, the pii cpu 400mhz,
24、 the compiler speed can rase up to 200,000 / sec.there are a number of important properties of virtex system with its unique structure :1 there has been four layers of digital delay-locked circuit (dll) for internal and external clock synchronization,making the speed of chip to chip communications g
25、oes up to200 mhz; all the delay of from clock to output device was less than 3 ns; clock frequency can be double frequency and half frequency and can be at frequency, which can carry out 00900,1800,2700 phase shift.2. the various density products are provided vector interconnection, cabling rapid an
26、d predictable, coupled well with the core.3. virtex support three storage. its selectram + byte level for the storage layer (distributed storage), the 1000-byte (block storage) and megabytes level (external dram and sram with the sstl3 interface) storage block provides high bandwidth.4.1t uses selec
27、ti / otm technology and supports multiple voltage and signal standards 5. it has compatible 66 mhz/64 bit pci and compact pci.the main features of products developed by altera fpga companyalterars field-programmable logic devices basing on cmos also have high-speed, high-density, low-power character
28、istics. the company launched a new type of low-cost device - acex series for the telecommunication market. the main features of the series: the density range from 10,000 to 100,000; with phase-locked loop (pll), and compatible with 64, 66 mhz pci ;the product series expanded from the original 1.8 v
29、to 2.5 v providing system speed over 115 mhz performance.altera company also optimized the structure of fpga, and provided more embedded ram. recently launched flex 10ke family of devices is the enhanced device of former flex 10k series, on structure the series use the same logic block as in the fle
30、x 10k series, but embedded rams in chip are twice as in the flex 10k series, and have a dual-port ram, this is an important advantage for communication applications.nsystem on programmable chip h (sopc) have developed rapidly, there are several reasons:1. logic chips with density more than 1 million
31、 field-programmable gates already available;2. section 4 field-programmable logic devices and development tools have been formed, it can make more rapid analysis and compiler the number increasing gate circuit, and enable the designers to work by groups of projects simultaneously;3. intellectual pro
32、perty (ip) will be respected, and more and more designers through ndesign reuse11 approach to fully utilize the existing software code in order to enhance their design efficiency and shorten the time-to-market;4. with the delay time of link are shortened, system on programmable chip (sopc) can provi
33、de enhanced performance, and because of the reduced package size, product size has been reduced.the main features of products developed by actel fpga corporationactel corporation has been being a leading provider of antifuse fpga technology in the the world, there are two major series of antifuse fp
34、ga products - sx-a and mx-series. the main character of sx-a fpga series is low power consumption, connected to all the internal registers, power of running on 200 mhz less than 1 w, and the prices are relatively cheap, but have good performance.as we all know,despite antifuse fpga technology has ma
35、ny advantages, but there is a fatal weakness, that is, only can make one-time programming. this has created many inconveniences for a large-scale fpga product development. to make up for this shortfall, in recent years, altel company is also developing other types of fpga products actively. the most
36、 representative thing is that the company introduced a non-volatile, can be re-programmed gate array - pro asic fpgas recently. this series of products is set in high-density, low-power, non-volatile and can be re-programmed in one the main characteristics of proasic fpgas are: to provide 9&000
37、to 110,000 available gates; fifo control logic embedded with the two-port sram (capacity of 138,000 bits), providing more than 200 mhz internal clock frequency, power of the series is i / 3 to 1 / 2to the power of sram-based fpga products.analysis on the development of technologyfrom all characteris
38、tics of the respective product development xilinx, altera and actel three companies above, we can see at 2000 the trends of digital system integration technology development representatived by fpga at the scene, some new trends can be summed up in the following points:(1) deep sub-micron technology
39、is driving the development of a system-on-programable-chip (sopc) development. more and more complex ic need using sopc technology to create. the sopc can be achieved only by using deep submicron technology. with the development of deep submicron technology, the realization of the sopc is possible.
40、and the defference from the past chip design,is that sopc need achieving a fundamental re-evaluation for ic design and product ahieve.(2) chips are going in the high-density, low-voltage, low-power into the direction. using deep submicron semiconductor process, the capability of the device are promo
41、ted,at the same time, the price is gradually lowered. since the development of portable applications, field-programmable low-voltage devices, and low power requirements increasingly urgent. therefore, whether that manufacturers, the type of products, are targeting efforts in this direction.(3) the d
42、evelopment and role of ip library. in order to better meet the needs of design, market expansion, major field programmable logic device manufacturers have continually expanded its intellectual property (ip) core library. these are pre-defined, tested and proven, optimized, and can ensure that the co
43、rrect function. designers can use these off-the-shelf ip library resources to complete system design on the complex chip efficiently and accurately.(4) dynamic reconfigurable fpga technology has a far-reaching significance. as the demand of digital logic system functional complexity ,system-on-chip
44、chips are moving towards ultra-large-scale, high-density development. at the same time, people have found an interesting phenomenon, that is, a number of large-scale systemonchip timing, in their work, from the time frame of view, not all parts in the system work at every moment, and system are the sum of local functional modules in the chain of assembly time. at the same time, people also found that the sram-based programming fpga can b
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