



1、外研版英语八年级上册期中测试完形填空试题专项训练及答案Jane had a cat. Her IIUSballd it. It always made die house dirty. OIle day he decided to 2 die animal. SO he drove it to a Park 5 kilometers away &oni his IleighbOrhOOd and 3 It there. Xrhen he got home, the Cat arrived home. too. The IleXt day, he IOOked at a 4 . and

2、found a PIaCe 10 kilometers away. Then he drove the Cat there and throw it, but he 5 the Cat agam On the Way home. The man kept takmg die Cat much 6 but tle Cat COUld always find his home. It made the man 7 . At IaSt Ile decided to dre the Cat 20 kilometers away. He tned right, then left, and tle ri

3、ght again Untll he reached another_ . There Were many trees and tall buldmgs in it. Iii the end he Ieft the Cat tlere. 9 Iater the man Called IIiS wife, fcfcJane, is the Cat at home?"fcYes' Jane answered, AfcWrlly do you ask that?"Tlle na said. "Give die 10to it. m IOSt and need d

4、ie direction/'()1. A. IIkedB. fedC. hatedD. USed()2. A. throwB. SellC. POStD. find()3. A. killedB. hurtC. feedD. Ieft()4. A. bookB. IlOteC. CardD. map()5. A. heardB. SaWC. feltD. Smelt()6. A. IligherB. fartherC. fasterD. deeper()7. A. happyB. excitedC. angryD. excited()& A. museum B. groupC.

5、 COlUltrySideD. IleighbOUrhOOd()9. A. HOlIrsB. DaySC. WeekSD. SeCOndS()10. A. na参考答案:1-5B. POStCardC. PhOneCADDB 6-10BCDACD. IleWSPaPerCalIlP ROCk is a 2008 DISney movie. Tlle StOry follows a Caned MitCllIe Torres. She IOVed music ad her dream WaS to be a 2 In the fnre.One Simmier, MitChle Wanted to

6、 go to a Very famous music camp. BUt MitChie,s ParentS Were3. Tlley ddn,t have eougl money for it. Tllen MitClIie,s mother found a job as a 4at the CalIIp. Mr. Biown, the Owner Of the camp. 5 MitChIe to go mto the ca. but She had to help her motler In the kitchen.On the first day Of die camp. Shane,

7、 a famous Smger heard a girl 6. He wanted toknow WhO had SUCh a 7 voice. He kept IOOkHlg for the girl during the camp.MItCllIe WaS happy to See many 8 SingerS at the camp. She JOIned a music group and made friends Witll 9 members.Oll the final evening Of the CaIn. MitChIe had the 10 to Siilg her Son

8、g on die stage.Shane IealiZed that MltChIe WaS the girl he WaS IOOkiilg for.C- girlC. teacherC. richD. womanD. PllOtD. POOr()1. A. boyB. man()2. A. SmgerB. driver( )3. A. IleneOUS B. &Iendly()4. A. nurseB.COOkC. workerD. doctor()5. A. allowedB. avoidedC. IeftISedD. IeqUIred()6. A. SllOUtlIlgB. r

9、eadingC. CrylilgD. SiilgiIlg()7. A. badB. goodC. COnmlOllD. best()8. A. POliteB. normalC. PerSOnalD. famous()9. A. theirBIlISC. itsDher()10. A. ChanCeB. feelingC. efibrtD. role参考答案:1-5 CADBA6-10 DBDCASOCrateS (苏格拉底)WaS a great thinker in ancient Greece. One day a man met 1 and Said"Do you know

10、What I heard about your friend?""Wait _2_ ninutej, SoCrateS answered. ''Before telling me -3_, I WOUld Iike you to PaSS a IittIe test. It,s CalIed the TriPIe Filter TeStrHTriPle filter?"”YCSj SOCrateS COntinUCd ” _ filter is TrUtIL Are you Sllre What you are going to tell me i

11、s true?”,m afraid not;1 the man said. I just heard 5 it and.*.,A11 right,v Said Socrates. HSO you don,t know if it,s true Or not. NOW let,s 6 the SeCOnd filter, the filter Of GOOdneSS. IS What you are about to tell me about my friend SOmething good?MmNo, On the COntrary(林| 反)SOCrateS continued, HyOU

12、 Want to tell me Sometllmg bad about him, 7 you,re not SUre it,s true YOU Still need 8 the third filter: Ihe filter Of USefUlness. IS What you Want to tell me going to be 9 to me?H” No, not really."Well;* Said Socrates, ,10 What you Want to tell me is not tne9 not good, not USefULWhy tell it to

13、 me at all?”()1. A. hisB. heC. himD. he,s()2. A. aB. anC. theD./()3. A. SOmethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything()4. A. OneB. firstC. the OneD. the first()5. A. OfB. aboutC. aroundD. to()6. A. tryB. tr>ringC. to tryD. tries()7. A. andB. SOC. butD. Or()8. A. PaSSB. PaSSingC. to PaSSD. PaSSed()9

14、. A. USeB. USerC. USeleSSD. USefUl()10. A. WhetherB. ifC. SinCeD. before参考答案:CABDB ACCDBGeOrge did not WOrk hard at his lessons. He always homework from his ClaSSmateS because he SPent his time 2 VideO games. He thought that doing homework WaS boring and time-wasting SOme Of his ClaSSmateS didn,t th

15、ink What he did WaS right and WOUld Iike 3_him a lesson.One day, GeOrge Came to SChOOl 4 finishing his homework as usual. Again GeOrge thought he COUld easily get high grades by COPying 5 classmate's homework He borrowed SiIVia,s 6 gave the report to the teacher in timeThe next day, GeOrge,s Eng

16、IiSh teacher Came into the CIaSSrOOm With a bright Smile. "I'm impressed With One Of you. I'm PrOUd Of him 7 he dares to be different and he is honest to tell US that. NOW Iet me 8 this Writing to you. My name is George. I think m 9 girl in my CIaSS I Iike to COlleCt Barbie dolls'' 10 the StUdentS except GeOrge IaUghed SO hard that they had the most interesting class.()1. A. COPiedB. COPieSC.COPyD. Win COPy()2. A. to PIayB. PlayC. PlaySD. Playing()3. A. teachB. to teachC. teachesD. teaching()4. A. WithB. WithOUtCforD. in


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