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1、毕业论文(设计)外 文 翻 译题目:输送机系统系部名称:机械工程系专业班级:机自 102 学生姓名:白历男学号:201006024202指导教师:杨丽娜教师职称:教授2014 年3 月28 日中原工学院信息商务学院外文翻译1 译文:输送机系统输送机时使用的材料必须在特定位置之间相对大量贴路径。固定路径由一个跟踪系统实现 , 这可能是in-the-floor,above-the-floor,或开销。输送机分为两个基本类别:(1)powered和(2)no-powered 。在驱动输送机 , 权力机制包含在固定的路径, 使用链、腰带、旋转卷 , 或其他设备驱动加载路径。驱动输送机常用的自动化物料运

2、输系统在制造工厂, 仓库, 配送中心。在 non-powered 输送机 , 材料是由人类工人搬手动推动沿固定路径加载或重力在海拔较低的海拔高度。输送机的类型各种输送商用设备。在下面的文章中, 我们描述了驱动输送机的主要类型, 根据组织类型的机械功率提供了固定的路径。辊和溜冰轮输送机。这些输送带卷或车轮上加载。负载必须具备足够的平底表面区域跨几个相邻的滚轴。托盘、手提包锅, 或纸箱很好地服务于这个目的。这个类别中的两个主要入口辊道输送机和溜冰轮输送机。辊道输送机的途径由一系列管(滚筒) 垂直的方向旅行。 辊是包含在一个固定的框架,提升上述通路地板水平从几英寸到几英尺。平面托盘或手提包锅携带单位

3、负载辊旋转前进。 辊道输送机可以驱动或non-powered。 动力滚筒输送机驱动皮带或链条。 non-powered辊道输送机通常由重力比路径有一个向下的斜坡足以克服滚动摩擦。辊道输送机用于各种各样的应用程序 , 包括生产、组装、包装、分类和分布。 skate-wheel输送机在操作辊道输送机是相似的。而不是辊, 它们使用滑板车轮转动轴连接到框架上 , 托盘或手提包锅或其他容器沿路径。这为滑板轮输送机提供了一个更轻的重量比辊子输送机建设。 应用 skate-wheel 输送机是辊道输送机的类似, 除了交往以来的负载通常必须轻负荷和输送机必须更加集中。因为他们的重量轻 , 溜冰轮输送机有时被构

4、建为便携式设备 , 可用于装卸卡车拖车运输和接收码头工厂和仓库。带式输送机带式输送机由一个连续循环: 一半的长度是用于交付材料, 而另一半是返回运行。带是由钢筋弹性体 (橡胶), 因此, 它具有高灵活性 , 但低可扩展性。 一端的皮带输送机是一种主动辊 , 权力。灵活的带是由一个框架, 辊或支持滑块沿正向循环。带式输送机在两种常见形式 :(1) 平带托盘 , 个人部分 , 甚至某些类型的散装材料; 和(2) 槽腰带对于散装材料。 材料放置在皮带表面沿着路径移动。在带式输送机槽的情况下, 辊和支持提供中原工学院信息商务学院外文翻译2 灵活的带一个 v 字形向前 (交付) 循环包含散装材料 , 如

5、煤炭、砾石、粮食、或类似的颗粒材料。输送机驱动链和电缆。本集团是由输送机驱动链形成一个无尽的循环或有线电视。在某些情况下 , 循环形成一条直线 , 在每一端有一个滑轮。这通常是在一个自动配置。在其它输送机 , 循环有一个更复杂的路径, 有超过两个滑轮需要定义路径的形状。我们将讨论 以 下 这类 输 送 机 :(1)链式 输 送机 ,(2) 板 条 输 送机 ,(3)链板 输送 机 ,(4)开销 电车,(5)power-and-free可触。链式输送机由链循环自动配置在驱动链轮的两端途径。一个或多个链并行操作可用于输送机。 链沿着通道提供支持灵活的地板链部分。链条滑动沿着通道或他们骑辊通道。负载

6、通常沿着路径使用酒吧拖这个项目从移动链。板条输送机起诉个人平台 , 称为板条 , 连接到一个不断移动链。 尽管驱动机构驱动链 ,它的运作就像一个带式输送机。加载放在板条和运输。直线流是常见的板条式输送机系统。然而 , 由于链传动和能力改变使用链轮链方向, 连续循环的输送途径可以转。链板输送机的另一个变种是in-floor拖链输送机。 这些输送机利用四轮马车由移动链或电缆位于战壕在地板上。 链或电缆拖链 ; 因此, 输送机的名称 , 路径定义的输送机系统沟和电缆 , 电缆是驱动滑轮系统驱动。 驱动路径之间切换是可能的在拖链系统中实现路由的灵活性。 车使用钢销项目低于地板水平到海沟与拖链。(夹持设

7、备代替针电缆使用时滑轮系统 , 类似于旧金山电车。 )可以退出了链销 ( 或夹释放电缆 ) 脱离购物车加载 , 卸载, 切换、积累的部分 , 并手动推着购物车主要途径。拖链输送机系统是用于制造工厂和仓库。前面的所有连和电缆驱动输送机运行在地板水平或略高于地板。链传动的输送机也可以用来操作开销,悬挂在天花板上的设施,以免消耗地板空间。最常见的类型是开销电车输送机。这些都可以像power-and-free恒速(同步)或(异步)系统。电车在物料搬运是一种轮式运输的高架铁路上运行负载小车输送机可以暂停。一个开销, 包含多个手推车 , 通常沿着一个固定的等距的轨道。手推车连接在一起 , 沿着轨道通过形成

8、一个完整的循环链或电缆。暂停手推车钩子, 篮子, 或其他容器加载。链 ( 或电缆 )附加到驱动轮 , 供应能转移链以恒定速度。输送路径是由轨道系统的配置, 将高程和可能的变化。开销电车输送机经常使用在工厂之间移动部件和总成主要生产部门。它们可以用于交付和存储。 power-and-free开销小车输送机类似于小车输送机开销, 除了手推车能够断开传动链, 提供这种输送机与异步功能。 这通常是通过使用两个 , 一个略高于另一个 , 上道包含不中原工学院信息商务学院外文翻译3 断移动的循环链 , 并携带负载的手推车骑低轨道。每个车都包含一个机制, 它可以连接到传动链并断开连接。连接时, 电车是拉动其

9、轨道的运动链上道。当断开连接时, 电车是空闲的。其他驱动输送机输送机类型。包括carton track、螺丝、 vibration-based系统和垂直提升输送机。 cart-on-track输送机由个人车乘坐轨道上面几英尺地板水平。车通过一个旋转的轴驱动 , 驱动轮 , 在车的底部 , 设置在一个角度旋转管 , 依靠它 , 向前驱动车。 车速度控制通过调节驱动轮之间的接触角和旋转管。当驱动轮的轴 45, 马车向前推动。 当驱动轮的轴平行管 , 车不动。因此, 控制驱动轮角的车允许power-and-free操作输送机的优点之一。cart-on-track系统相对于其他许多输送机是车可以与高精

10、度定位。这使得他们在生产过程中使用定位工作。 cart-on-track的应用系统包括机器人点焊在汽车车身工厂和机械装配系统。螺旋输送机是基于阿基米德螺旋,water-raising设备设计在远古时代 ( 公元前 236年左右 ), 组成的一个大型螺杆气缸内, 用手转向泵水麦垛灌溉目的。vibration-based输送机使用平面跟踪连接到一个电磁铁, 给予一个角振动运动来推动项目的跟踪所需的方向。这同样的原则用于振动碗喂交付组件自动装配系统, 垂直提升输送机包括各种机械电梯设计提供垂直运动 , 如层间连接大厅输送机输送机与开销。其他的输送机类型包括非动力降落伞、坡道、管子和由重力驱动的。输送

11、机的操作和功能我们前面的讨论表明 , 输送机设备涵盖了各种各样的操作和功能。让我们限制我们的讨论来驱动输送机 , 排除非驱动类型。 输送机系统分为两种基本类型的材料特性的运动系统所感动:(1) 持续的和 (2) 异步。连续动作传送带匀速移动沿着路径v。它们包括腰带、辊、skate-wheel,开销电车 , 板条式输送机。异步式输送机操作 , 走走停停的运动负荷 , 通常包含在运营商 ( 如钩、篮子、车), 之间移动站 , 然后停止并保持在车站, 直到释放。异步处理允许独立运动中的每个载波系统。这种类型的例子包括开销power-and-free电车,in-floor拖链, 和 cart-on-t

12、rack输送机。一些辊和skate-wheel输送机也可以使用异步式输送机异步操作。原因包括:(1) 积累,(2) 临时存储 ,(3) 允许生产率差异相邻加工领域,(4) 顺利生产周期变化时站在输送机,和(5), 以适应不同的输送速度的途径。输送机也可以分为 :(1) 单一方向 ,(2) 连续循环 , 和(3) 循环。在下面的文章中 , 我们描中原工学院信息商务学院外文翻译4 述这些类别的操作特性 ,10.6.3节我们提出方程和技术来分析这些输送机输送机系统。单一的方向是用来运输装载一个方法从起始点到目标点。这些系统适当的时候不需要加载在两个方向上移动或返回容器或航空公司卸货站回装车站。单方向

13、驱动输送机包括压路机、溜冰轮、皮带, 和 chain-in-floor类型。另外, 所有重力式输送机操作在一个方向上。连续循环输送机组成一个完整的电路。一个开销小车输送机这种输送机类型的一个例子。然而, 任何输送机类型可以配置为一个循环, 甚至那些先前定义为单方向输送机, 只需连接几个单一方向输送部分闭环。循环系统减缓材料沿着路径移动任意两个站点之间。连续循环输送机使用加载时搬到运营商( 如钩, 篮子 )加载和卸载站和运营商之间的粘贴到输送机循环。在这个设计中, 返回的空航空公司会自动卸载站回负载站。前面描述的连续循环输送机假设项目加载在负载站在卸载站卸下。没有返回循环加载, 返回循环的目的只

14、是为重载发回空载体。这种操作方法忽视了一个重要机会提供的闭环式输送机 : 存储以及交付部分。输送机系统, 允许部分继续返回循环为一个或多个革命称为循环输送机。 提供一个存储功能 , 输送机系统可以用来积累部分消除影响装卸站在输送机变化。有两个问题 , 瘟疫的操作循环输送系统。 一个是在输送机的操作可能会有多次,没有空航空公司立即在装载站。 另一个问题是 , 没有航空公司立即在加载卸载站在需要的时候。可以构建分支和合并点到传送带上跟踪允许不同的工艺路线对不同加载系统中移动。在几乎所有输送机系统 , 可以构建开关 , 航天飞机 , 或其他机制来实现这些替代工艺路线。在一些系统中 , 一个推拉机制或

15、lift-and-carry设备需要积极行动从当前路径加载到新途径。本文摘译自中华文本库中原工学院信息商务学院外文翻译5 原文:conveyor systemsconveyors are used when material must be moved in relatively large quantities between specific locations over affixed path. the fixed path is implemented by a track system, which may be in-the-floor, above-the-floor, or

16、overhead. conveyors divide into two basic categories: (1) powered and (2) no-powered. in powered conveyors, the power mechanism is contained in the fixed path, using chains, belts, rotating rolls, or other devices to propel loads along the path. powered conveyors are commonly used in automated mater

17、ial transport systems in manufacturing plants, warehouses, and distribution centers. in non-powered conveyors, materials are moved either manually by human workerswho push the loads along the fixed path or by gravity from one elevation to a lowerelevation. types of conveyors a variety of conveyor eq

18、uipment is commercially available. in the following paragraphs, we describe the major types of powered conveyors, organized according to the type of mechanical power provided in the fixed path. roller and skate wheel conveyors. these conveyors have rolls or wheels on which the loads ride. loads must

19、 possess a flat bottom surface of sufficient area to span several adjacent rollers. pallets, tote pans, or cartons serve this purpose well. the two main entries in this category are roller conveyors and skate wheel conveyors, pictured infigure 10.6. in roller conveyors, the pathway consists of a ser

20、ies of tubes (rollers) that are perpendicular to the direction of travel. the rollers are contained in a fixed frame that elevates the pathway above floor level from several inches to several feet. flat pallets or tote pans carrying unit loads are moved forward as the rollers rotate. roller conveyor

21、s can either be powered or non-powered. powered roller conveyor are driven be belts or chains. non-powered roller conveyors are often driven by gravity so than the pathway has a downward slope sufficient to overcome rolling friction. roller conveyors are usedin a wide variety of applications, includ

22、ing manufacturing, assembly, packaging, sortation and distribution. skate-wheel conveyors are similar in operation to roller conveyors. instead of rollers, they use skate wheels rotating on shafts connected to a frame to roll pallets or tote中原工学院信息商务学院外文翻译6 pans or other containers along the pathway

23、. this provides the skate wheel conveyor with a lighter weight construction than the roller conveyor. applications of skate-wheel conveyors are similar to those of roller conveyors, except that the loads must generally be lighter since the contacts between the loads and the conveyor are must more co

24、ncentrated. because of their light weight, skate wheel conveyors are sometimes built as portable equipment that can be used for loading and unloading truck trailers at shipping and receiving docks at factories and warehouses. belt conveyors. belt conveyors consist of a continuous loop: half its leng

25、th is used for delivering materials, and the other half is the return run. the belt is made of reinforced elastomer (rubber), so that it possesses high flexibility but low extensibility. atone end of the conveyor is a drive roll that powers the belt. the flexible belt is supported by a frame that ha

26、s rollers or support sliders along its forward loop. belt conveyors are available in two common forms: (1) flat belts for pallets, individual parts, or even certain types of bulk materials; and (2) trough of belts for bulk materials. materials placed on the belt surface travel along the moving pathw

27、ay. in the case of trough ofbelt conveyors, the rollers and supports give the flexible belt a v-shape on the forward (delivery) loop to contain bulk materials such as coal, gravel, grain, or similar particulate materials. conveyors driven by chains and cables. the conveyors in this group are driven

28、by a powered chain or cable that forms an endless loop. in some cases, the loop forms a straight line, with a pulley at each end. this is usually in an over-and-under configuration. in other conveyors, the loop has a more-complex path, with more than two pulleys needed to define the shape of the pat

29、h. we discuss the following conveyors in this category: (1) chain, (2) slat, (3) in floor towline, (4) overhead trolley, and (5)power-and-free over-head trolley. chain conveyors consist of chain loops in an over-and-under configuration around powered sprockets at the ends of the pathway. one or more

30、 chains operating in parallel may be used to form the conveyor. the chains travel along channels in the floor thatprovide support for the flexible chain sections. either the chains slide along the channel or they ride on rollers in the channel. the loads are generally dragged along the pathway using

31、 bars that project up from the moving chain. the slat conveyor sues individual platforms, called slats, connected to a continuously moving chain. although the drive mechanism is a powered chain, it operates much like a belt conveyor. loads are placed on the slats and are transported along with them.

32、中原工学院信息商务学院外文翻译7 straight line flows are common in slat conveyors systems. however, because of the chain drive and the capability to alter the chain direction using sprockets, the conveyor pathway can have turns in its continuous loop. another variation of the chain conveyor is the in-floor towline

33、conveyor. these conveyors make use of four-wheel carts powered by moving chains or cables located in trenches in the floor, as in figure 10.8. the chain or cable is called a towline; hence, the name of the conveyor. pathways for the conveyor system are defined by the trench and cable, and the cable

34、is driven as a powered pulley system. switching between powered pathways is possible in a towline system to achieve flexibility in routing. the carts use steel pins that project below floor level into the trench to engage the chain for towing. (gripper devices are substituted for pins when cable is

35、used as the pulley system, similar to the san francisco trolley.) the pin can be pulled out of the chain (or the gripper releases the cable ) to disengage the cart for loading, unloading, switching, accumulation of parts, and manually pushing a cart the main pathway. towline conveyors systems are us

36、ed in manufacturing plants and warehouses. all of the preceding chain and cable drive conveyors operate at floor level or slightly above. chain-driven conveyors can also be designed to operate overhead, suspended from the ceiling of the facility so as not to consume floor space. the most commontypes

37、 are overhead trolley conveyors. these are available either as constant speed (synchronous) or as power-and-free (asynchronous) systems. a trolley in material handling is a wheeled carriage running on an overhead rail from which loads can be suspended. an overhead trolley conveyor, figure 10.9, cons

38、istsof multiple trolleys, usually equally spaced along a fixed track. the trolleys are connected together and moved along the track by means of a chain or cable that forms a complete loop. suspended from the trolleys are hooks, baskets, or other receptacles to carry loads. the chain (or cable) is at

39、tached to a drive wheel that supplies power to move the chain at a constant velocity. the conveyor path is determined by the configuration of the track system, which has turns and possible changes in elevation. overhead trolley conveyors are often used in factories to move parts and assemblies betwe

40、en majorproduction departments. they can be used for both delivery and storage. a power-and-free overhead trolley conveyor is similar to the overhead trolley conveyor, except that the trolleys are capable of being disconnected from the drive chain, providing this conveyor with an asynchronous capabi

41、lity. this is usually accomplished byusing two tracks, one just above the other. the upper track contains the continuously 中原工学院信息商务学院外文翻译8 moving endless chain, and the trolleys that carry loads ride on the lower track. each trolley includes a mechanism by which it can be connected to the drive cha

42、in and disconnected from it. when connected, the trolley is pulled along its track by the moving chain in the upper track. when disconnected, the trolley is idle. other conveyor types. other powered conveyors include cart-on-track, screw, vibration-based systems, and vertical lift conveyors. cart-on

43、-track conveyors consist of individual carts riding on a track a few feet above floor level. the carts are driven by means of a rotating shaft. a drive wheel, attached to the bottom of the cart and set at anangle to the rotating tube, rests against it and drives the cart forward. the cart speedis co

44、ntrolled by regulating the angle of contact between the drive wheel and the spinning tube. when the axis of the drive wheel is 45 , the cart is propelled forward. whenthe axis of the drive wheel is parallel to the tube, the cart does not move. thus, control of the drive wheel angle on the cart allow

45、s power-and-free operation of the conveyor. one of the advantages of cart-on-track systems relative to many other conveyors is that the carts can be positioned with high accuracy. this permits their use for positioning work during production. applications of cart-on-track systems include robotic spo

46、t welding lines in automobile body plants and mechanical assembly systems. screw conveyors are based on the archimedes screw, the water-raising device devised in ancient times (circa 236 b.c.), consisting of a large screw inside a cylinder, turned by hand to pump water up-hill for irrigation purpose

47、s. vibration-based conveyors use a flat track connected to an electromagnet that imparts an angular vibratory motion to the track to propel items in the desired direction. this same principle is used in vibratory bowl feeders to deliver components in automated assembly systems . vertical lift convey

48、ors include a variety of mechanical elevators designed to provide vertical motion,such as between floors or to link floor-based conveyors with overhead conveyors. other conveyor types include non powered chutes, ramps, and tubes, which are driven by gravity. conveyor operations and features as indic

49、ated by our preceding discussion, conveyor equipment covers a wide variety of operations and features. let us restrict our discussion here to powered conveyors, excluding non powered types. conveyor systems divide into two basic types in terms of the characteristic motion of the materials moved by t

50、he system: (1) continuous and (2) asynchronous. continuous motion conveyors move at a constant velocity v along the path. they include belt, roller, skate-wheel, overhead trolley, and slat conveyors. 中原工学院信息商务学院外文翻译9 asynchronous conveyors operate with a stop-and-go motion in which loads, usuallycon

51、tained in carriers (e.g., hooks, baskets, carts), move between stations and then stopand remain at the station until released. asynchronous handling allows independent movement of each carrier in the system. examples of this type include overhead power-and-free trolley, in-floor towline, and cart-on

52、-track conveyors. some roller and skate-wheelconveyors can also be operated asynchronously. reasons for using asynchronous conveyors include: (1) to accumulate loads, (2) temporary storage, (3) to allow for differences in production rates between adjacent processing areas, (4)to smooth production wh

53、en cycle times vary at stations along the conveyor, and (5) to accommodate different conveyor speeds along the pathway. conveyors can also be classified as: (1) single direction, (2) continuous loop, and (3) recirculating. in the following paragraphs, we describe the operating features of these cate

54、gories. in section 10.6.3, we present equations and techniques with which to analyze these conveyor systems. single direction conveyors are used to transport loads one way from origination point to destination point. these systems are appropriate when there is no need to move loads in both direction

55、s or to return containers or carriers fromthe unloading stations back to the loading stations. single direction powered conveyorsinclude roller, skate wheel, belt, and chain-in-floor types. in addition, all gravity conveyors operate in one direction. continuous loop conveyors form a complete circuit. an overhead trolley conveyor is an example of this conveyor type. however, any conveyor type can be configured asa loop, even those previously defined as single direction conveyors, simply by connecting several single direction conveyor sections into a closed loop. a continuous loop system s


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