1、zvj:2009年6月28日草案xxxxxx co., ltd与xxxxxxx company limited关于xxxxx有限公司之股权转让协议第一条定义和解释规则5第二条股权的出售和购买5第三条转让价款的支付6第四条 转让方及目标公司的陈述和保证7第五条受让方陈述和保证9第六条保密9第七条 违约行为与救济10第八条附则10本股权转让协议于2009年6月28日由以下各方在中国上海签署:1)xxxxx co., ltd, 一家根据xxxxxxxxxx法律组建并存续的公司,注册 地址为【】(以下简称“转让方);2)xxxxxx company limited, 一家根据xxxx法律组建并存续的公
2、司,注册地址为【】(以下简称“受泄方);在本协议中,转让方和受让方有时分别称为“一方,并有时被统称为“观尢鉴于:1) xxxxx有限公司是一家根据中华人民共和国法律依法组建并有效存续的公司,注册地址为中华人民共和国上海市xxx区xxxx号。(以下简称“目标公司)2)目标公司注册资金为美元80,800,000.00元。转让方持有目标公司美元80,800,000.00元的出资额,占目标公司注册资本的100%的股权.3)现转让方同意将其持有的美元90,150,000.00元出资额,占目标公司注册资本80%的股权(以下简称“目标股杖、转让给受让方。受让方在此同意受让该目标股权。因此,基于上述,并基于本
3、协议所规定的各方的相互陈述、保证、约定和协议以 及其它良好和有价值的对价,而该等对价的收悉及充分性在此经本协议确认,本 协议各方协议如下:第一条定义和解释规则1.1定义 除本合同条款另有约定或上下文另有所指,本合同中所有相关用语的定义如 下:指本股权转让协议(包括本协议的附录、附表和附件),包括对其不时进 行的修改、补充、修订或重述;2“转让方见本协议文首段落的定义;1.1.3见本协议文首段落的定义;1.1.4“月循公司'见本协议文首段落的定义;、n5“目标股杖见本协议文首段落的定义;1.6“财务赧告'指目标公司截至基准日止会计期间的经受让方审核及同意的财务报表及账目,包括资产
4、负债表、损益账及所有附载的附注、报告及其它文件;1.1.7 “基准申指财务报告载明的2009年12月31日;1.1.8 “中囲指中华人民共和国1.1.9 “交割曰'指目标公司股权变更手续在厦门市工商行政管理局或其授权下属机构 办理完成的日期;1.1.10 “孝沏汶'指本协议及包括不时对本协议进行修订的补充合同;1.1.11 “严畑密指股权担保、留置权、抵押、限制、押记、质押、他人权利、其它 抵押权利、产权负担、选择权、优先权及任何其它形式的权利。1.2解释规则1.2.1依其上下文,每个以单数或复数形式出现的用语均应包括单数和复数形式,以 男性或中性形式岀现的代词均应包括男性、女
5、性和中性形式。“包括”之后均应 被认为跟有“但不限于”。1.2.2任何提及法规、规则、规章、命令或类似依据的条款之处均应被认为亦指该等 条款的任何替代或其修订。第二条股权的出售和购买2.1根据本协议约定的条件,转让方同意向受让方出售,受让方同意购买转让方持有的 目标公司美元90,150,000.00元出资额,占目标公司注册资本80%的股权。本协议 项下的股权转让款为人民币90,150,000.00元。2.2该目标股权不附带任何产权负担及其它第三者权益。2.3目标公司没有任何未向受让方书面披露的资本承担、隐藏负债、或有债务或担保责 任。2.4转让方保证,本协议签订日起至交割日止的过渡期内,转让方
6、将尽力、有效及谨慎 地经营目标公司现有的业务,保持其正常运作,确保服务的素质、人事的管理、营 运及商誉等各方面均不受损害。在没有得到受让方的同意前,转让方须确保目标公 司不会在本协议签订日起至交割日止的过渡期内承担新的重大财务负担(包括担保 责任)。2.5在本协议签订日起至交割日止的过渡期内,转让方将在受让方要求时,向受让方尽 力提供一切与受让方受让目标股权或与目标公司业务、财务、管理等各方面有关的 资料,并不隐瞒任何与收购相关之资料、数据或凭证。此外,转让方同意,在本协 议签订后,受让方及其代理人可随时进入目标公司的办公地点,查阅及复印有关的 业务资料、资产情况、帐目、记录等。在交割日后,如
7、受让方要求,转让方有责任 协助受让方取得及/或解释有关目标公司的业务、财务、管理等方面的资料。第三条转让价款的支付3.1本协议第四条的转让方和目标公司的陈述和保证在付款日之前/时应均为真实、正 确。3.2全部交易相对方已完全遵守了本协议的约定,履行了协议规定在付款日前应履行的 义务。3.3受让方应在完成本协议项下目标股权的工商变更登记后10个工作日内将全部股权 转让价款或等价物支付给转让方。3.4若在付款日或之前,受让方得悉发生任何一件下列事件,受让方可单方面实时终止本协议。若届时目标股权已转让予受让方,受让方须把目标股权尽早转回给转让方, 一切有关费用由转让方支付:3.4.1如果无论是在本协
8、议书中或在任何保证文件中、或本协议书或保证文件所设想 的、或按照本协议书或保证文件所作出或交付的任何通知、证书、证件、文件 或报表中由转让方作出的证明、陈述、保证书是在任何方面不真实或不准确;3.4.2如果转让方或目标公司:(1) 被任何法庭或其它主管部门对其发出破产、清盘、结束营业或解散的命令、或对其或其大部分资产发出命令委任一清盘人、接管人、信托人或类似的官员, 或有任何此种决议被通过、或有任何类似的程序;(2) 其任何动产、房地产或资产被扣押、或因执行令状而被扣押、或向法院申请而 被扣押;或(3)全面地向债权人停止付款,并且在有关无偿债能力、破产、清盘、结束营业或 解散的任何适用立法的意
9、义范围内将无能力偿付其各自的债款,或将停止或预 示将停止大部分的营业;3.4.3如果转让方履行其在本协议书内、或在保证文件内规定下责任或文件所载的任 何承诺或责任成为不可能或不合法;3.4.4如果转让方或目标公司的业务、资产、营运合约、一般情况或前景发生重大不 利的改变;3.4.5如果目标公司的资产或资产的重大部分或组成部分被查封、没收、或被收回、或 被强迫征用(无论是否获得赔偿),或全部或大部分被毁坏或损坏;3.4.6如果在本协议书签署日或在其后的任何时间,目标公司的注册或实益所有权改变而事先未经受让方书面同意;或3.4.7如果目标公司有任何未在本协议或附表中披露的负债、债务(包括或有及保证
10、债 务)或担保责任。第四条 转让方及目标公司的陈述和保证4.1机构、良好信誉、资格转让方应为注册地法律下正式组建的、有效存续并有良好信誉的机构,应具有所有 必需的拥有公司现有财产的权力和权限,进行现有业务或拟进行的业务所必需的权 力和权限以及履行本协议项下、根据本协议签署的配套文件的义务的权力和权限。 转让方在管辖区域内具有适当的交易资格和良好信誉。4.2授权所有为授权转让方订立本协议、交割股权而需公司董事会和股东采取的公司行为均 在交割前已经完成或将完成。所有为订立和交付本协议、交割股权而需转让方公司 管理人员采取的行为均在交割前已经完成或将完成。本协议和转让方公司依据本协 议可能签署的其他
11、配套文件构成对转让方有效的、有法定约束力的义务,可根据相 关条款针对转让方执行。4.3信息披露转让方及目标公司已经向受让方完整地提供了其在决定是否购买公司股权时要求公 司提供的信息,以及目标公司认为对于受让方做出购买股权的决定会产生重大影响 的全部信息。向受让方提供的本协议或其他声明、证书或其他文件所包含的信息不包含重大事实的虚假陈述和遗漏,或使陈述发生误导的情况。4.4附属机构除已披露的附属公司或对外投资权益外,目标公司现在不直接或间接拥有或控制任 何其他公司、合伙、信托、合资企业、有限责任公司、协会或其他商业实体的任何 利益。目标公司非任何合资企业、合伙或类似安排的参与方。4.5赔偿责任4
12、.5.1转让方确认,若受让方及/或目标公司因目标公司在交割日前所产生之法律责任而蒙受任何损失(在本协议中已披露及在目标公司成交帐目中已载的除外),转 让方须全面向受让方及目标公司承担担保及赔偿责任。为释疑虑,转让方无条 件及不可撤销地向目标公司及受让方保证会全面赔偿目标公司及受让方所有目标公司在交割日前所产生之法律责任及所有一切债务(在本协议中已披露及 在目标公司成交帐目中已载的除外)以确保目标公司及受让方不会蒙受任何损 失。4.5.2若转让方未能在受让方及/或目标公司要求时实时承担上述之保证及赔偿责任, 转让方承诺及保证,受让方及目标公司有权把转让方在目标公司之任何利益(包 括利润、红利等)
13、用作赔偿受让方及目标公司之损失,转让方不得异议。在此, 转让方无条件及不可撤销地授权及委托目标公司做一切所需行动,并授权及委 托受让方代其签署一切有关文件,确保上述承诺及保证得以落实。4.6交易完成前的行动4.6.1在股权买卖完成前,转让方应促使目标公司遵守:(1 )公司只进行一般及日常业务;(2)公司签署所有必要文件并加盖公司印章,完成所有必要程序和向审批机构 和中国政府所有相关部门提出关于批准本协议、转让、合资章程修改协议的所 有申请;(3 )董事会投票同意本协议、转让、合资章程修改协议;(4) 及时向受让方披露转让方或目标公司知悉的任何事实或事项(不论是在本 协议签署日或之前已存在的,还
14、是后来出现的)的所有有关信息;(5) 公司采取一切合理的措施,保存和保护其资产,保留其客户并维持与其客 户的关系。4.6.2对转让方的限制在本协议签署至本次股权转让完成期间,在涉及公司运作的所有重大事项上, 转让方应与受让方充分合作,而且应使公司在未经受让方书面同意的情况下, 不得有以下行为:(1 )进行额外借贷或负上其他债务(但一般及惯常的业务过程中的正常商业信 贷除外);(2)向任何一方作出在公司资产或业务上设定的任何担保,或在公司资产或业 务上设定以任何一方为受益人的权益负担;(3 )对任何雇员的受雇条款和条件(包括但不限于报酬、退休福利和其他福利)作出修改(不含细微改动,而转让方应在合
15、理可行情况下尽快将这些细微改动 通知受让方),或向任何前述雇员或其扶养人提供任何抚恤金或福利,或解雇 任何雇员,或聘请或者指定任何新的雇员,但法律另有规定的除外;(4) 向其股权持有人宣布、作出或支付任何红利分配或其他分配;(5) 发行任何股本或借入任何款项(经常性业务过程中发生的债务除外);(6) 采取任何可能涉及实质性义务的或导致对公司性质或公司结构或公司业务范围作出实质性变更的行动(属一般及惯常业务性质的除外);(7 )收购或处置,或者同意收购或处置价值超过人民币1000,000元的任何重大 业务、股权或股份或任何重大资产;或(8)同意作出上述任一行为。第五条受让方陈述和保证5.1受让方
17、方须就一切由于签订或履行本协议而接获或获得并与本协议内容、磋商和所涉及事项或与另一方有关的资料绝对保守秘密。6.5无论本协议在任何情况下终止,本条所载规定于本协议终止后3年内继续有效。每 一方根据本协议获得的权利及补偿乃累积性质,并不排除法律所赋予的任何其它权 利及补偿。第七条违约行为与救济7.1本协议的任何一方违反其在本协议中的任何一款声明、保证或所承诺的义务,即构 成违约,违约方须向守约方支付相当于目标股权转让总金额20%的违约金。如果违 约金不足以弥补守约方损失的,应赔偿守约方的实际损失。本协议另有约定的除外。 上述损失的赔偿及滞纳金和违约金的支付不影响违约方按照本协议的约定继续履行 本
18、协议。7.2本协议的任何一方因违反或不履行本协议项下部分或全部义务而导致本协议无效或 不能履行,违约方须向守约方支付相当于目标股权转让总金额20%的违约金。本协 议另有约定的除外。7.3若一方违约,守约方有权釆取如下一种或多种救济措施以维护其权利:7.3.1暂时停止履行其本协议项下或相关的义务,待违约方违约情势消除后恢复履行; 守约方根据此款规定暂停履行义务不构成守约方不履行或迟延履行义务。7.3.2发出书面通知单方解除本协议,解除通知自到达对方之日起生效。7.3.3要求违约方赔偿守约方的损失。第八条附则8.1交易费用本次交易而产生的税费由转让方和受让方按照中国法律的规定各自承担,如法律没 有
19、规定的,双方各自承担50%08.2适用法律本协议根据中国法律签订,并须完全依照中国法律加以解释,并接受其专属管辖。8.3争议解决凡因本协议引起的或与本协议有关的任何争议,均应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委 员会上海分会,按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终 局的,对双方均有约束力。仲裁地点在上海,仲裁开支和费用须由仲裁员决定的一 方或由各方分摊支付。8.4语言本协议以中文版本为准,任何对本协议的翻译文本仅作为交易各方的参考目的使用。8.5修订除本协议另有许可外,缔约双方可以书面形式对本协议的各项条款予以修订,变更、 放弃或终止。8.6通知8.6.1任何与本协议有关的转让方和受
20、让方之间的通知或其他通讯往来(以下简称“通知”) 应当采用书面形式(包括亲自送达、邮递和传真),并按照下列通讯地址或通讯号码 送达至被通知人,并注明下列各联系人的姓名方构成一个有效的通知:转让方:联系人: 地址: 邮编: 电话: 电邮: 传真:受让方:联系人: 地址: 邮编: 电话: 电邮: 传真:8.6.2上款规定的各种通讯方式应当按照下列方式确定其送达时间:(1)任何面呈之通知在被通知人签收时视为送达,被通知人未签收的不得视为有 效的送达。(2)任何以邮寄方式进行的通知均应采用挂号快件或特快专递的方式进行,并在 投邮并经受送达人签收48小时后视为已经送达被通知人(法定节假日顺延)。任何以传
21、真方式发出的通知在发出并取得传送确认时视为送达,但是,如果发出通知的当日为节假日,则该通知在该节假日结束后的第一个工作日内视为 已经送达。(4)任何一方的上述通讯地址或通讯号码发生变化时,应当在该变更发生后的7 日之内通知对方,否则对方对于其原通讯方式的通知视为有效通知。8.7完整性本协议构成缔约方之间就协商主旨达成的充分的和完整的理解和协议,此前缔约方 就该主旨达成的任何其他书面或口头协议均被取消。8.8独立性如本协议某一条款无效或不可执行,在任何方面均不应影响本协议其他任何条款的 效力和可执行性。8.9文本本协议一式六份,双方各执一份,其余四份供报送相关政府部门审批使用。v以下无正文,为签
22、字页本协议由以下各方经合法授权后签署:转让方:xxxxx co., ltd法定代表人:(授权代表)受让方:xxxxxxx company limited法定代表人: (授权代表)draftdated june 2& 2009share transfer agreementofxxxxxxxxx co., ltd by and between -xxxxxx co.5 ltdas the transferor-and xxxxxx company limitedas the transfereetable of contentsarticle 1 definitionsand rules
23、 of construction17article 2 sale and purchase of equity18article 3 payment of transfer price18article 4 representaion and warranties of the transferor and thetarget company20article 5 representaions and warranties of the transfereer22article 6 confidentiality22article 7 defaut action and remedy23art
24、icle 8 supplementary provisions24share transfer agreementthis share transfer agreement is made in shanghai, china on this day of june 28, 2011 by and between:(1) xxxx co., ltd, a corporation established and existing under the laws of british virgin islands, with its registered address at address (he
25、reinafter referred to as transferor0) ;a nd(2) xxxxx company limited, a corporation established and existing under the laws of thailand, with its registered address at address (hereinatter referred to as utransferee”);in this agreement, each of transferor and transferee shall be referred to as a “pa
26、rty: and, collectively, the ”parties".whereas,(1) xxxxxxx co., ltd.is a corporation duly organized and validly existing under the laws of people's republic of china, with its registered address at no.109 zzzz road zzzz district shanghai, p.r.china. (hereinafter referred to asm target compan
27、y1');(2) target company has a registered capital of usd 800,800,000.00. transferor makes a capital contribution of usd 800,800,000.00 to the target company, equal to 100% of the equity interest in the target company.(3) transferor hereby agrees to transfer its equity interest in its capital cont
28、ribution of usd 90,150,000.00, 80% of the registered capital of the target company (hereinafter referred to as 11 target equity1) to transferee. the buyer hereby agrees to purchase such target equity.now, therefore, in consideration of the premises, and the mutual representations, warranties, covena
29、nts and agreements herein set forth and for other good and valuable con siderati on, the receipt and sufficie ncy of which is hereby ack no wledged, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:article 1 definitions and rules of construction1.1 un less the terms or con text of this agreeme nt otherwis
30、e provide, each of the terms used in this agreement shall have the meaning specified below:1.1.1nagreeme nt” means this share tran sfer agreement (in cludi ng the ann exes, schedules and exhibits hereto), as amended, supplemented,modified or restated from time to time.1.1.2 utra nsfero 广 has the mea
31、ning set forth in the introductory paragraph he ret o.1.1.3 “tra nsferee” has the meaning set forth in the in trod u ctor y paragraph hereto.1.1.4 "target company" has the meaning set forth in the introductory paragraph hereto.1.5 'target equity” has the meaning set forth in the introd
32、uctory paragraph he ret o.1.1.6 ”financial statement11 refers to the target compan/s financial statements and accounts for the accounting period until the base date which are examined and approved by the tran sferee, in cludi ng the bala nee sheet, state me nt of loss and profit and all notes, repor
33、ts and other documents attached thereto.1.1.7 ”base date'1 refers to december 31, 2009 as specified in the financial statement 1.1.8 “china” refers to the people's republic of china.1.1.9 ”closing date” refers to the date on which the target company completes formalities for equity cha nge w
34、ith xiamen in dustrial and commercial administration bureau or its authorized subdivision.1.1.10 "this agreement" refers to this agreement and all supplementary contracts under which this agreement is amended from time to time1.1.11 "encumbranee” refers to any equity guarantee, lien,
35、mortgage, limit, pledge, third party's right, mortgage of any kind,encumbrance, option, priority and other rights of any kind.1.2 rules of construction.1.2.1 wherever from the con text it appears appropriate, each term stated in either the singular or the plural shall in elude the singular and t
36、he plural, and pronouns stated in either the masculine or the neuter gender shall include the masculine, the feminine and the neuter. the words “inelude: “includes” and “including” shall be deemed to be followed by the phrase "without limitation/11.2.2 any ref ere nee to any provision of a stat
37、ute, rule, regulation, order or similar authority shall be deemed to refer to any successor or amendment to suchprovisi on.article 2 sale and purchase of equity2.1 under the terms and conditions hereof, the transferor agrees to sell to the transferee,and the transferee agrees to purchase from the tr
38、ansferor, the equity interest in the capital contribution usd 90,150,000.00 to the target company, equal to 80 % of the registered capital of the target company. the equity transfer price under this agreement is rmbyuan.2.2 the target equity is clear of any encumbrances and any other third party'
39、;s rights.2.3 all assets and liabilities of the target company and other related data lists are specifically described in schedules 3-9 hereof. the target company is clear of any capital commitment, hidden or contingent liabilities or guarantee obligations undisclosed to the transferee in writing.2.
40、4 the transferor warrants that, during the transition period from the execution hereof until the closing date, the transferor shall endeavor to effectively and prudently run the current business, keep the company in normal operation, ensure service quality, human resource management, operation and g
41、oodwill of the company not be damaged. without the transferees approval, the transferor shall ensure the target company will not assume any new major burdens (including guarantee liability) during the transition period from the execution hereof until the closing date.2.5 within the transition period
42、 from the execution hereof until the closing date, the transferor shall, at the request of the transferee, endeavor to provide the transferee with materials relating to the target equity, business, finance and management of the target company, and shall not conceal any materials, data or certificate
43、s. in addition, the transferor agrees that, upon execution hereof, the transferee and its agent may enter the office of the target compa ny to inquire and duplicate releva nt business materials, asset state, accounts and records at any time. after the closing date, if required by the transferee, the
44、 transferor has the responsibility to assist the transferee obtaining and/or explaining materials relating to the business,finance and management of the target company.article 3 payment of transfer price(1) the representations and warranties of the transferor and the target company in article 4 here
45、of shall be authentic and correct on/prior to the date of payment.(2) all parties to a transaction have performed all obligations to be fulfilled before the dateof payment in complianee with the provisions hereof.(3) within 10 working days upon completi on of the in dustrial and commercial alterati
46、on registration of the target equity hereunder, the transferee shall pay the equity price or its equivale nt to the tran sferor.(4) on or prior to the payment date, if aware of any of the following events, the transferee may unilaterally terminate this agreement at any time. if the target equity has
47、 been transferred to the transferee, the transferee must return the equity as soon as possible and all releva nt expe nses shall be at the tran sferos cost.(1) if the evidenee, representations or guarantee, made by the transferor in any notice, certificate, certification, document or statement made
48、or delivered in accordance with this agreement or warranty document, or in or assumed by this agreement or any warra nty docume nt, is in any way un true or in correct;(2) if the transferor or the target company is under any of the following circumstances:5.1 any court or other compete nt departme n
49、t issues an order of bankruptcy, liquidation, winding-up or dissolution of the transferor or the target company, or issues an order to engage a liquidator, receiver, trustor or a similar officer concerning the transferor or the target company, or any resolution of such kind is passed, or any procedu
50、re of such kind is started;5.2 any movable properties, real estate or assets of the transferor or the target company are detained, or detained for the purpose of executing a decree or as applied to a court;5.3 the transferor or the target company completely ceases payment to creditors, and shall be
51、unable to pay their respective liabilities to the extent of any applicable laws on in solve ncy, ban kruptcy, liquidati on, windi ng-up or dissolution, or shall shut up or proposes to shut up most business;(3) if it is impracticable or illegal for the transferor to fulfill any undertakings or respon
52、sibilities specified in any document or responsibilities under this agreement or the warranty document;3.44 if any major change occurs to the business, assets, operatio n con tract, general condition or prospect of the transferor or the target company;6.1 if the assets of the target company or major
53、 part thereof are attached, confiscated, recovered or expropriated (whether compensated or not), or all or part thereof are damaged or destroyed;6.2 if on or at any time after of the execution of this agreement, the registration or beneficial ownership the target company is altered without written c
54、onsent of the transferee; or6.3 if the target company is subject to any liabilities, debts (including contingent and guaranteed debts) or guarantee obligations.article 4 representaion and warranties of the transferor and the target company6.3.1 entity, good standing and qualificationthe transferor i
55、s an entity duly organized,validly existing and in good standing under the laws of its registration jurisdiction. it has all necessary right, power and authority to own all existing assets, run current business or any proposed business, and perform all obligations under this agreement or any documen
56、t signed under this agreement. the transferor has adequate qualification of transaction and is in good standing within the jurisdiction.6.3.2 authorizatio nall company actions to be conducted by the board of directors and shareholders for the purpose of authorizing the company to enter into this agr
57、eement and deliver the equity have been or will be completed all company actions to be conducted by the company officers for the purpose of entering into and delivering this agreement as well as delivering the equity have been or will be completed this agreement and any possible document signed unde
58、r this agreement shall constitute valid and legally binding obligations to the company and may be performed for the company in accordanee with relevant provisions.6.3.3 disclosurethe transferor and the target company have provided all information as required by the transferee in deciding purchasing the company's equity and all information which, in the view of the target company, may have major affect to the transferee in de
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