已阅读5页,还剩15页未读 继续免费阅读




1、改错题解题技巧标准化文件发布号:(9556EUATWK-MWUBWUNN-INNULDDQTYKII短文改错题型及练习短文改错考情预测1. 短文改错内容仍将是贴近学生生活的话题以及社会热点话题。体裁仍以应用 文、记叙文、说明文为主。2. 仍将注重对习惯用语、句子结构和句型的考查,在强调对文章内容整体理解 的同时,对特定语境中阅读能力的考查将进一步加强。3.736“一直为题型设计的准绳,即:只有一行正确;缺词和多词共占三行;六 行需要找出错误并改正。谓语动词仍将是2006年短文改错考查的重点,其次是 非谓语动词、形容词、代词、名词等;对虚词考查的比例仍不会减少,而且干 扰的难度将有所增大,对考生

2、逻辑思维能力的考查力度也将继续加强。4.短文改错会基本保持平稳,在设错角度上仍会考虑中国考生的思维习惯,从 考生最易犯错的知识点上进行设计。命题会在进一步淡化语法的同时,加大对 篇章综合的能力的考查力度。下面具体从短文改错题型、命题角度和解题思路儿个方面探讨06年高考命题 趋势,帮助各位考生把握设错规律,增强对错误表达的敬感度,提高改错的准 确率。考点一错词错词的类型很多,具体参见下表:命题角度考占解题思路名词冠词判断名词前的冠词是否误用名词名词的数句中名词该用单数还是复数动词动词时态、语态以及主谓一致根据上下文判断动词时态、语态是否 有误、主谓搭配是否正确非谓语动词分词、动名词、不定式根据上

3、下文判断非谓语动词是否误用代词人称代词的格、指示代词及关系代词与从句关系1. 人称代词的格是否误用2. 代词前后指代是否一致3. 定语从句中关系词是否误用形容词、副词词法判断句中形容词和副词是否误用介词惯用法惯用法中介词是否误用连词句法判断句中并列连词、从属连词是否误用考点二少词(漏词)漏掉的往往是冠词、介词、连词等虚词,这乂与前后词语的搭配有关。不是固定搭配的要特别注意行文习惯或者上下文之间的逻辑关系。请看下表:命题角度考占 V八解题思路名词冠词名词前是否缺冠词不及物动词介词不及物动词后是否缺介词不定式小品词”to”不定式中是否缺少了不该省的“to“被动语态助动词被动语态结构中是否缺少了助动

4、词“be “母语迁移词类用法将形容词、副词或介词视作动词,使句子缺少谓 语动词固定搭配惯用法惯用法中是否漏了不可缺少的词考点三多词多余的词往往是结构词,如冠词、介词、副词等。一种是根据涉及的名词、动 词的特点、搭配和含义判断是否多了冠词、介词或副词。另一种是根据全句的 结构和意义,判断是否多了连词和其他词。命题角度考占V八解题思路名词冠词抽象名词,物质名词泛指是否多了冠词动词介词及物动词后受母语影响是否多了介词不定式小品词”to"不定式前是否多了应该省略的“to”时间状语介词时间状语中是否多了介词形容词、副词比较结构形容词、副词比较结构中是否多了相似词固定搭配惯用法固定搭配是否“画蛇

5、添足“常见的语义重复现象,不能与括号内的词并用。 because-(so)though/although-(but) repay-(back)repeat-(the same, again) return-(back) combine-(together) unite-(together) hate-(very much) master-(well) advance-(forward) improve-(better) sink-(down) ren ew-(agai n) about/arou nd-(or so) walk-(on foot) alone-(by on eself) sti

6、ll-(remain) meet-(together) no-(not any/not a ) think over-(carefully) (very)-perfect (very)-excellent (very)-tiny(very)-hugecan-(be able to) be about to do-(at once/immediately)both-(equal, equally, together)enter-(into) take good care of-(carefully)应用文押中指数承承承承【押题依据】英语应用文是实用性较强的书面交际方式,是短文改错中最常用的体裁,

7、2004 年全国卷(I、IV)均为应用文体裁,其中2004年的全国卷和自主命题各省市 卷(书面表达)是信件写作,2005年短文改错中书信、通知、日记将是主流。 押题一Dear Ron,I was exciting to hear that you are comi ng to our school soon. Now let me to introduce our school3. you. Our school is a famous school with long history. We have many experience teachers andexce

8、llent equipment. There are two teach buildings.There are too one lab building and one dorm building Except Chinese, maths, English, physics and chemistry, we still have some subjects. The students can choose whichever they would like attend We love our school. I am looking forward to meet you soon.Y

9、ours,Li Hua命题思路考点解题关键1分词作表语的用法特点现在分词与过去分词的区别现在分词作表语表示主语的特征; 而过去分词作表语表示主语所处的 状态。2不定式作宾补的用法使役动词作宾补不带tomake (let ,have) somebody do 表示”让某人做某事“3考查冠词冠词+形容词+名词with a long history表示"有很长的历史,,4考查形容词形容词用作定语与名 词作定语的区别experienced表示”有经验的"experience ”经验”名词5考查动名词动名词作定语,表示功能或用途teaching building=building f

10、or teaching "教学楼,6考查副词too, also在句中的位 置too与also都表示"也",都用于肯定 句。to。通常用于句尾,置于句中 时,前后用逗号隔开;also 般用 在be动词之后或行为动词之前。7考査介词besides,except 二者所 表示的范围besides包括在内,另外还有:except从整体中除去8考査still设陷阱正确9考查固定句式would like to dowould like to do something 表示”愿意 干某事”10考查固定搭配look forward tolook forward to+名词/代词/

11、动名 词,表示”盼望“之意答案:Texcited; 2去掉第_个 to; 3在 long 前加 a; -experienced; -teaching: ->also; besides: 8.V ;9在 attend 前加 to; meeting。 押题二】Ladies and gentleman, may I have your attention, please 1.All flights this morning have put off, because our air is 2.covered with thick fog. As there is no windy, the w

12、eatherman 3.is unable to tell whe n the fog will clear up. We can not do 4.any thing but waiting. Please keep in order and take good care 5.of your baggage Passengers, please don't leave for the waiting 6.room. As soon as the weather turns favorable, and we shall announee 7.flights For passe ng

13、ers stayed at the airport, lunch is free It will 8.be served in the dining hall in the second floor from eleven o'clock 9.to one o'clock. By the way, there is no planes to arrive within an hour10.Thank you命题思路考占 J 4解题关键1考査名词名词的复数形式Ladies and gentlemen是通知的常见开 头语2考查时态、语态根据语境判断时态、语 态山下句because可

14、以推断应当用have been put off3考査名词there be后跟名词作主 语windy为形容词,名词形式为wind4正确5考査句子结构搭配don't do anything but do/ do no thing but dobut后面的动词形式:若but前出现 do (did , done),其后用动词原 形,否则,用tod。形式6考查动词短语leave some palce 和leave for的区别根据语境,不要离开候机大厅leave some place表示"离开某地":leave for表示憾开到某地“7考査复合句解决连词重复问题as soon

15、 as引导时间状语从句,and在 此重复8考查分词现在分词作定语强调主动The passe ng ers staying at the airport 可 以转化为 The passe ng ers who are staying at the airport9考查介词短语搭配on the second floorfloor是最关键的主体名词10考查句子结构搭配there be应当与后面的名词形式一致there is+单数名词;there are+复数名词答案:-gentlemen; 2在 have 和 put 之间加 been ; Twind ;4.V; ->wait ; 6 去掉 f

16、or;7 去掉 a nd ; Tstayi ng; Ton : Tare或 planes->plane。记叙文押中指数【押题依据】记叙文是中学生短文改错的重要文体,可考查时态、语态变化, 上下文一致等,其中2002、2003、2004年全国卷均为记叙文。2005年高考这 种体裁的出现率极高。在复习备考过程中,要高度重视!押题一A special way of thanksOne day some people on the shore listenedfor help. They ran up to the sea. A soldier jumpedinto the water and

17、ran to the man. He was aswimmer and soon pulled the man back the shore Noweveryone saw that what the man was a very rich man.He went to the soldier, taking out a shilling(先令)and gave it to him. And the soldier refused to takeit and went far away The people there were veryangry with the you ng man. A

18、nd an old woman saidlaughing, "Km sure that the rich man knows how muchhis life is worth!" Everyone there agreed with the woman and laughed too.命题思路考占解题关键1考査动词listen to 和 hear 的 区别listen to强调动作;hear强调结果。"一 天岸上的一些人听见呼救声”,表示结 果2考查副词up和down的用法down表不由咼向低,由北向南,文章意区别及根据文章语境灵活运用词语的能力思是“山岸上向海

19、滩跑去X表示山高处向低处3考査语言运用能力根据语境判断常识能力山上句跳入水中可推断是向落水者游 去,而不是跑4考査动词短语的搭配pull.back to向岸边拉为"pull.backto",类似结构go back to5考査复合句的连词解决连词重复问题此句为宾语从句,用that引导,无词义, what多余6考査语法一致并列谓语时态一致问题ill and 可知 took 应与 went, gave 时态 一致7考査连词根据语境判断逻辑关系根据文意”富人想回报救命恩人,但是遭到拒绝“,是转折关系,应用But8考査动词短语go away固定搭配go away表示"离去&

20、quot;, far在此短语中起 干扰作用9考查通篇理解能力理解全文内容,综合判断用词错误孤立地看这一句是没有错误的,但是通 读全文可知应是“富人”而不是,'年轻人“10综合分析判断能力there ,too是干扰点通读全文,综合分析可知此行正确答案:后加 to5去掉TTBut8去掉 far9. young->richlO.V押题二An unforgettable experienceWhen I walked into the classroom, the teacher was handing in the tests. I was feeling very nervous I

21、 had not studied at all at the weekend as I had thought it would be easy test.I went through the test for many times but I could only answer three out from the twenty questions. I did not want to fail the exam Then, I put my book under my desk, opening it and started looking for the answer. The teac

22、her wasn'tlooking at me ,but I copied something. Suddenly, I felt a handon my shoulder! The teacher caught me cheating I don't know what to say Luckily, the teacher did not punish for cheating but instead gave me a second chanee.命题思路考占V八八解题关键1考查动词短语hand in 和 hand out 的 区别hand in交纳,上交;hand ou

23、t分 发,此处是”分发试卷“2考查冠词可数名词前一般要用不定冠词test为可数名词,乂是第一次提 到,前面要加an3考查介词many times作状语many times作状语时,其前一般没 有介词for4考查短语搭配out of固定短语three out of the twenty questions 20 个问题中的三个5考査语法一致并列谓语时态一致ill and 可知 open 应与 put, started 时态一致6考查名词在语境中的应用根据文意判断名词单复数一次考试中会出现多道题LI,因而 会有多个答案,用复数7考查连词根据上下文判断逻辑关 系“老师没看我,因此我才抄“是因果 关系

24、8考査时态整篇文章叙述时所用的时态联系整段文章都用的是一般过去时9考査动词用法及物动词后要跟宾语punish是一及物动词,后面需要有 宾语10考查综合判断能力故意设陷阱此行正确答案:后加an3去掉TTTTtTdidiY后加melO- V押题三I went to the Summer Palace last week At the gate I happened to meet some American tourists. I greeted to them in English and then we began to chat I got know that they were colle

25、ge students travel in of them were fond of Chinese medicine. They are busy taking pictures and were much impressed with the changes that had been taken place in the past few years as well. After that, we went boating on a lake and having a good time We exchanged our email address so that we could wr

26、ite to each other in future They thanked us again and again. I was very glad to have a chance to practicing my oral English.命题思路考占 V八解题关键1考査动词greet的用法greet 及物动词,greet somebody 问候 某人2考查动词短语get to knowget to know 渐渐 了 解3考査非谓语结构分词短语作后置 定语college students traveling inChina=college students who are trave

27、lingin China4考査时态根据语境判断时态由上下文可知,叙述过去的经历,用过 去进行时5考査动词短语be much impressed with前后时态一致6考查特殊动词短语take place的特殊 用法take place没有被动语态形式7考査并列谓语结构并列谓语时态一致111 and可判断出是并列谓语8考査名词的数根据语境判断名词单复数双方交换地址应用复数9考查代词根据语境判断代词是否误用根据文章意思应是”感谢我”,用me10考查动词不定式动词不定式作定语的用法冇练习说英语的机会have a chance to practise my oral English答案:1 去掉第二个

28、前加 to3. travel->were5.V6.i掉TTTTpractise押题四One night,a thief broke in an old man's house He madea voice and woke up the old man and his husbandtold his wife to keep silence Then he said loudly/1 My dear, these days thieves are clever, if they took off their clothes and put them on the table, t

29、he people in the room will fall sleep and can't wake upJ'When the thief heard this, he took off his clothes at once and was ready to setting out to work. At this moment, the husband suddenly shouted in loud voice "Stop, thief! Stop, thief!" The thief was frightening. He ran away as

30、 fast as he could and leaves his clothes on the table.命题思路考占解题关键1考查动词短语break in 与 breakinto的区别break into"破门而入",后接宾语;break in”闯入、打断、插嘴”2考查名词的区 别和用法区别 sound 与 voicesound指各种声音;voice指说话声,嗓 音,此处指弄出的声响3考查动词短语系动词+表语keep silent为固定短语“保持沉默”4考査时态主句用一般将来 时,从句用一般现 在时此处为直接引语,应用一般现在时5考查动词短语fall asleep 入睡

31、区别sleep与asleep的用法6考查复合句时态是考查的重点正确7考査动词短语区别be ready to与be ready forbe ready to do something 准备做某事;be ready for+n/doing something8考査名词和冠可数名词前用不定voice 为可数名词'shout in a loud voice11词冠词大声喊,,9考査分词的使用现在分词与过去分 词的特点和用法frightening令人害怕,修饰物; frightened感到害怕,与人有关10考查动词时态根据语言环境,判断时态本文叙述一件过去发生的事,主要用一 般过去时答案:1.

32、in->into2 voice->sound3 silenceTsilent4 took->take5 sleep->asleep6.V->set8. loud 前加 a9. frighteningfrightenedlO. Ieaves->left说明文押中指数【押题依据】2004年全国卷III体裁为说明文(因特网的优缺点)。说明文通常 是反映时代发展、歌颂时代变化及社会热点问题。如:自然资源保护、环境、 人口等。押题一Man depe nds water for ma ny years He needs it for drin king He needs

33、 it for growing food He needs it for keeping him cleanand free from illness He needs it more and more water forindustry. People often forget what necessary water is for industryImagine, for example, a large quantity of water is using by great cooling towers of a steel plant. The dema nd of water is

34、growi ng every day. It is close connected with the increasing population and with the pressing problem of provide eno ugh food But the world has not yet found way of stori ng eno ugh water to satisfy all these important needs命题思路考占解题关键1考查动词短语depend ondepend on + 名词”依赖."2考查动词短语keep+反身代词+adj.keep

35、 oneself clean保持自身清洁3考査句子结构宾语it重复more and more water 作 needs 的宾语,it 多余4考查感叹句的引导词what和how引导 感叹句的用法区 别文中necessary为形容词,what应用来修 饰名词,how用来修饰形容词或副词5考查动词语态根据语境判断语态“水“与“使用“是被动关系,应使用过去分 词 used6考査介词demand与介词for搭配Of表示所属关系7考查副词closely表示抽象 意义be closely connected with 与有密切关系8考查介词的搭配Of后跟动名词,构成介词短语provide在句子中是介词of

36、的宾语,应该 用动名词9考査名词和冠词可数名词前要加冠词way办法,是可数名词,如果是单数,前 面应用冠词a或the:否则就应以复数形 式ways出现10考查综合运用能力限定词的排列正确答案:后加Thimself3删去前加a/thelO.V押题二As the development of the Inter net, more and more people tend to send 1.electronic cards instead of paper ones at New Year's time. Comparing with 2.the traditional cards, e

37、lectronic cards are more interesting and lively, for you 3.can get not only pictures but also the background music and even animated 4.cartoons. Otherwise, it's faster to send an electronic card. There are many 5.web sites on line which di幵erent varieties of cards are available You can 6.choose

38、one you like best for your friend and relatives If none of these cards 7.are of any interest to you, you can design cards of unique style use 8.FLASH or other software More importantly, because the popularity of 9.electronic cards, less paper is used for making paper cards, it contributes 10.to envi

39、ronmental protect!on.命题思路考占解题关键1考查介词的搭配with后跟名词短 语,as后跟句子with the development of 随着的发展2考查非谓语动词短语结构主动与被动是考虑的重点根据句意”要使用被动形式compared3考査多音节 形容词比较 级结构more用在多音节形容词前此行只起干扰作用,没有错误4考查冠词物质名词和抽象 名词前不用冠词background music 背景音怎5考查连词根据语境判断逻辑关系besides ,moreover 再者,另外6考查关系词where作状语which限定名词7考査名词的数并列名词的数要一致your friend

40、s and relatives 您的亲朋好友8考査分词现在分词作后置 定语using作后置定语修饰style9考查连词的使用区别because和because of由于是名词短语,所以应该用because of10考查非限制性定语从句判断非限制性定语从句的依据III该句中逗号可以判断出是非限制性定语 从句答案:->->Compared3. V4去掉-Besides/Moreover6. which->where7 friend->friends8. useTusing9 because 后力f|->which押题三The size and shape of you

41、r ears show your character muchthan any other part of the face Reading people's character from their ears are an old science In past, people thought that a person with big ears had a well and pleasant character They thought a person with pale and small ears was dangerous He also thought the shap

42、e of the ear showed that whether a person was musical or notEars are all different Last time you look at a person t see if his or her ears are red and pale Ears that are red mean that a person may have high blood pressure (压力).Ears that are always cold and pale mean that a person had a nervous chara

43、cter And a big hole inside the ear means a person may be musical 命题思路考占V八八解题关键1考査程度副词than是考虑的重点more than是解题的关键2考查主谓一致动名词短语作主语 的用法reading people's character 动名词短语 作主语,谓语用单数形式3考査冠词in the past在过去名词前的冠词是考虑的重点4考査形容词并列形容词作定语and连接两个并列的形容词5考査代词根据上下文,注意代 词的一致上文they已经暗示6考査连词连词重复问题that 与 whether 重复7考查语言运用区

44、别last time和next timenext time表示,'下一次、今后”,lasttime表示”上次"8考査连词区别and, or的用法由句意可判断用or9考查冠词易在high前误加a此行正确10考查动词时态分析全句主体时态以一般现在时为主答案:TT 前加->->They6.去掉 TTor9VThas议论文【押题依据】高考短文改错体裁也采用议论文,其内容涉及日常生活、社会热 点、习俗等等。押题一Though great progress has been made in scienee these years,thereare still many peo

45、ple living in poor conditions. They make their lives by collecting and selling used thing. Their childre n can not go to school because they have not enough money to send their children to there Why you think so many people still suffer from poverty now?The answer lies on the populati on explosion.

46、A preside ntof a developing country once said, "It is us who are to blame forthe poverty because we used to 'produce7 child without limit."Although this few words sound simple eno ugh, they have clear pointed out one of the causes of the population explosion.命题思路考占解题关键1考查让步状语从句易在there前误加but正确2考查固定短语make a/one's living考生误写为 make their livings3考查名词的数根据


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