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1、绝密启用前IA. SinCeB. thoughC. Un tilD. Unl ess注意事项:2020年中考模拟卷【江苏A卷】英语(考试时间:90分钟 试卷满分:90分)1. 本试卷共10页。全卷满分90分。考试时间为90分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全 部答在答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效。2. 请认真核对监考教师在答题卡上所粘贴条形码的姓名、考试证号是否与本人相符合,再将自己的姓名、考试证号用 05毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡及本试卷上。3. 答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答非选择题必须用 05毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在

2、答题卡的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效。选择题(共40分)一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. How did you come here?taxi. It ' S a little far, you know.A. In2.B. OnC. AtD. ByWill the rain storm last?I ' Ve no idea. There ' S no Sign Of an end.A. HoW Ofte nB. How farC. How IongD. How

3、 Soon3. The ChiIdre n here Can receive a goodnow.Yes. A great nu mber of experie need teachers have bee n Sent here.A. educati OnB. decisi OnC. OPinionD. in StrUCt ion4. Some doctors and nurses are doi ng their best to fight MERS( 中东呼吸综合征A. theyB. themC. themselves5. Readi ng is useful. It Can make

4、our minds.A. harderB. laterC. Wider6. I must Say I am really enjoyingat the mome nt.A. yourselfB. himselfC. myself7. EaCh of the PiCtUreSin the Same place many years ago.A. takeB. tookC. WaS take n).They thi nk more of OtherS tha nD. theirsD. slowerD. herselfD. Were take n8. You should StiCk to tak

5、ing exerciseyou really do not Care about your health.9. Jimmy, Where are you? Come to help me in the kitche n.JUSt a minu te, Mum. Imy bike in the yard.A. repairB. repairedC. am repairi ngD. have repaired10. I WaS Very n ervous Whe n I bega n to make the speech. I did n't even knowto Start with.

6、A. howB. Whe nC. WhyD. What11. I Can ' t find my handbag. must have taken it away.A. SomebodyB. An ybodyC. EVerybOdyD. Nobody12. If you Can ' t go to the party, you should turn down his inVitatiOn.A. WideIyB. politelyC. latelyD. badly13. May I play COmPUter games after finishing my homework?

7、A. I hope notB. Sure, you Can 't C. Of COUrSeD. Yes, I ' d love to14. Can I Iear n En glish well if I work hard On it from now on?Sure.A. One tree doesn ' t make a forestB. Nothing is impossible to a willing heartC. It ' S not work that kills, but worryD. Two heads are better than On

8、e15. HOUSeS are selling at a high price. I told you to buy One two years ago.Sorry, I missed the boat. What does the Underlined PhraSe "missed the boat" mean in English?A. lose a Cha nceB. lose On e's WayC. lose heartD. lose money二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文所给各题的四个选项( A、B、C和D)中,

9、选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。With a determined (坚定的)Iook On his face, ChiCagO' S MiChaeI MCCarthy held On to baniSt手)and CIimbed to the top of the Willis Tower nOtIong ago. The Tower Stands 1,451 feet( 442 meters) tall, thehighest buildi ng in the US.AS he got to the last step, MCCarthy 16 fell d

10、own, but that didn ' stop him. The 14-year-oId boy fin ally fini Shed CIimbi ng the 2,109 StePS and arrived at the top, Where he enjoyed CheerS from many people."I just Want to show people that if a kid With no 17 Can do it, anyone can do it," MCCarthy said.McCarthy, who WaS born WithO

11、Ut legs, has to Wear PrOSthetiC legs(假肢) and USe a StiCk to walk. BUtMCCarthy has a stro ng heart. He 18havi ng a disability should not stop anyone from achievi ng his or herSUCCeSs.He has been in a SPeCiaI school 19 he WaS four. When he decided to climb the Willis Tower, his teacher, Jeff Kohn, WaS

12、 20 by his determ in ati On and Offered to help train him. They SPe nt more tha n ten hours PraCtiC ing climb ing21 and keep ing bala nce With the PrOSthetiCS and StiCkS On the StePS every day.英语试题第2页(共10 M)英语试题第2页(共10页)older, IPOiilt to the bUildi ng and Say Look at this bUilding'."he said

13、.16. A. hardlyB. seldomC. almostD. fin ally17. A. armsB. feetC. fin gersD. legs18. A. PrOmiSeSB. believesC.annoUncesD. realizes19. A. asB. Un tilC. Si nceD. before20. A. movedB. PIeaSedC. i nvitedD. frighte ned21. A. hillsB.hoUsesC. towersD. StairS22. A. differe ntB. diffiCUltC. excit ingD. in teres

14、t ing23. A. adva ntagesB. COUrageC. en ergyD. exciteme nt24. A. train edB. heardC. foU ndD. chosen25. A. feeli ngB. activityC. resUltD. mea ningCOUrSe they have chose n.COUrSe feesTWO-Week COUrSes: ? 60015% discoUnt(折扣)for applicants based in GreeCe10% early bird disco Unt for applicati OnS received

15、 by 1 OCtOberOn e-week COUrSes: ? 30015% disco Unt for applica nts based in GreeCe10% early bird disco Unt for applicati OnS received by 1 OCtOberAn extra 5% discoUnt will be given to PartiCiPants who WiSh to take more than two SeParate COUrSes.COUrSe Ien gthTWO-Week COUrSes: 25 WOrkShOP hoUrsOn e-w

16、eek COUrSes: 12.5 WOrkShOP hoUrsO装OO订订OO-"It SeemS that he n ever knows how 22 it is. SometimeS I WaS So tired that I asked him to rest for a day,"Said Kohn. "But he Said he WaS still full of 23and wan ted more exercise."Kohn always WaIked With MCCarthy for the climb. "I SaW

17、 the last 10 floors, he Went faster," Said Kohn."He is the Strongest SPOrtSman I' V4ever"MCCarthy Said he WaS proud of himself and that the tower now holds a SPeCiaI 25. "When I ' m、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下列材料,从每题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AASSOCiated With King

18、stOn UniVerSity, the AUtUmn School PrOVideS opportUnities (机会)for WriterS from across the world to develop their skills, especially improve their Writing abilities, and work in an inSPiring and CreatiVe environment With experie need writers.ThiS year, the AUtU mn School has its new PrOgram WhiCh Off

19、erS StUde nts the opport Un ity to PraCtiCe Writi ng fiction, non-fiction, poetry, SCriPtWriting and SUSPense Writing Under the gUidance of highly accomplished writers. StUdents may choose from three two-week COUrSeS (课程)and foUr One-week COUrSeS in Athens (雅典),and foUr One-week COUrSeS in TheSSaIOn

20、iki(萨罗尼加).Workshops in each COUrSe will be SChedUIed (预订)from Monday to Friday between 18:30 and 21:00.AUtU mn School OVerVieWDeadIine(截止日期)for applicati OnSEarly bird: EXte nded to 1 OCtOber 201922 OCtOber 2019Entry reqUireme ntsAPPIiCants ShoUld be able to show a high level of Written and spoken E

21、nglish (eqUal to an IELTS score of 6.5 overall and 7.0 in the Writing modUle).They will also be reqUired to SUbmit( 提交)a PieCe of their work in English: either a SeIeCtiOn Of poems or an essay of abOUt 2,000 words, depending On the26. The AUtU mn School will be Started With the main PUrPOSe ofA. imp

22、rovi ng StUde nts' Writi ng skillsB. team ing UP With famoUS WriterSC. develop ing WriterS' CreatiVityD. Creat ing an in SPiri ng en Vir Onment27. If yoU Want to take Part in the AUtUmn School, yoU mUSt .A. PreSe nt yoUr IELTS scoreB. offer yoUr self- in trodUCti OnC. PrOVide a PieCe of yoUr

23、 Writi ngD. apply for it before 1 October, 201928. How mUCh will a Greek Pay if he applies for foUr SeParate On e-week COUrSeS before 1 October?A. ?1020 .B. ?840.C. ?900.D. ?780.BMany Chinese girls love "small, fresh meat", WhiCh refers to yoUng, effeminate(女人气的)male stars. However, not ev

24、ery One is a fan Of them. On Sept. 6, an article described some male StarS as too effemin ate.ThiS Came after CCTV WaS CritiCiZed for inViting SeVeraI yoUng male StarS to PerfOrm On FirSt Class for the NeW SemeSter, an edUcatiOnal TV show for Primary and SeCOndary school StUdents, WhiCh aired 5 days

25、 earlier. After that, many Parents left comments onIine, Saying the StarS in the show had a bad inflUence on their ChiIdren.The popUlarity of effemin ate male StarS is PartIy dow n to the in flUe nce of JaPa nese and SoUth Korea n pop CUltUre, an expert told China Daily . However, the "feminini

26、ty" of males isn't a recent social Phenomenon. In fact, being effemin ate WaS popUlar among Chin ese men Cen tUries ago.In deed, the debate abOUt effemin ate male StarS has bee n going On for a while. In JUy, a Hong KongSin ger Said dUring the Singing reality show Sing! China that he feels

27、tired of Seeing effeminate male stars. "It isn't that they're not good, bUt We ShoUld discover OUrseIves." He Said dUri ng the show.HiS OPinion WaS Shared by a Chinese director. "Some yoUng actors are feminine and they ShoUld be more manl y," he said.Deng XiqUan, head of

28、the YoUth ReSearCh InStitUte at the China YoUth and ChiIdren ReSearCh Center,英语试题第3页(共10 M)英语试题第4页(共10 M)believes SUCh a Phenomenon is completely natural. "It Will be replaced by a new youth CUItUre at Some Stage. If a man has feminine beauty, this does n't mean that he lacks resp On SibiIi

29、ty," Deng told China Daily . Den g's OPinion WaS echoed by the People's Daily . "A man's Strength should be judged On the basis of their inner qualities not their PhySiCaI appeara nce," it wrote.29. From the third ParagraPh We Can know thatA. the popularity of effeminacy a

30、ppeared in JaPa n firstB. young, effemin ate male StarS are popular in South KoreaC. It costs less tha n half of a Boe ing 737.D. It costs more than half of an AirbUS A320.34. WhiCh PiCtUre shows COMACS aim to take the narrow-body aircraft market by 2035?fm taff <0%C. in China, being effemin ate

31、WaS popular hun dreds of years agoD. Chin ese experts don't thi nk effemi nate male StarS are popular30. The Un derl ined word "echoed" here mea ns ""in Chin ese.A.利用B.附和31. What's the PaSSage mainly about?A. "Fem inine" men CaUSe hot debates.C. The Way to becom

32、e effemin ate men.C. 质疑D.声明B. The time being effemi nate appearedD. People CritiCiZe effemin ate men.CC.P*rrt>ftMrkl35. The n ews report is Writte n main Iy toA. in troduce the design of C919C. explain " the flower of modern industry "D.ZtrUB. describe the first flight of C919D. show Ch

33、ina ' S achievements in aircraft industryDOn May 5, 2017, China ' home-made PaSSenger aircraft(飞机)C919 completed its 90-minute first flight andIan ded SafeIy back at Pudo ng AirPOrt in Shan ghai.C919 is developed by COMAC, a Chin ese aircraft compa ny. It is desig ned to COmPete With Boeing

34、737 andAirbUS A320. The first C919 aircraft Can Carry 168 PaSSe ngers and is able to fly a dista nce betwee n 4,075 and 5, 555 kilometers. It 'reported that a C919 costs around 50 million dollars, less than half of a Boeing 737 or an AirbUS A320. UP to now, more tha n 570 aircrafts have bee n Or

35、dered from 23 customers, mostly Chin ese, but also AmeriCan and Thai companies or airlines. COMAC aims to take One fifth of the world ' narrow -body aircraft market and One third of the Chinese market by 2035.The name C919 has its SPeCiaI meanings. The Ietter C Stands for both " COMAC "

36、; and " China" . The number 9 is PronoUnCed as jiu in Chinese, WhiCh means " forever" . And the number 19 refers to its CaPaCity( 容 量)of 190 PaSSe ngers.The large PaSSenger aircraft is PraiSed as " the flower of modern industry " . It is a symbol of the natiOn ' in

37、dustrial and tech no logical Sta ndards as well as the COmPrehe nsive( 综合的)power. I n order to realize the Cen tury dream of flying in the Sky and the Strategy( 战略)of the nation, COMAC bears the natiOn ' dream and people ' trust. ChinaConSiderS it as a natiOnal pride.32. C919 is PrOdUCed by.

38、A. Boe ingB. a Thai aircraft compa nyC. AirbUSD. a Chin ese aircraft compa ny33. WhiCh of the following is TRUE about the first C919 aircraft?A. It Can Carry 160 PaSSe ngers at most.B. It Can Only fly a dista nce of 4,075 km.When DaVid WaS young, he often PrOVided the old people in this mountain vil

39、lage With WhateVer they Wantedas Soon as POSSible.At that time, he noticed that many OId people had much difficulty in buying What they needed, especiallyafter heavy snow. He would knock on the old people ' S doors On SatUrday to ask if they needed anything from the shop. And the n ext day he wo

40、uld Went dow n the hill to the shop. The shop WaS far away from the village. He would bring back heavy things for them every time, WhiCh made him Very tired on his Way back. And Very often he WaS still On his Way back Whe n the SUn had Set dow n.HiS friends asked him What he WaS doing and after some

41、 time some of them joined in. It became a habit astime Went by. He n ever asked for money for doing it, but some old people would PUt some CoinSin his POCketWithOUt tell ing him. BUt later Whe n he found them, he would buy SOmeth ing USefUI for them With the mon ey.After he Went to college, many of

42、these elderly people would ask his mother about him. Only after theCon VerSati OnS did his mother know What DaVid USed to do for them. DaVid had n ever told his mother What he had done!Now DaVid is a teacher. He often tells his StUdents that helping the elderly is a good tradition that everyOne shou

43、ld follow forever.36. When would DaVid bring back What the elderly needed?A. On Friday.B. On SatUrday.C. On SUn day.D. On Mo nday.37. How did DaVid feel Whe n he got back from the shop accord ing to the passage?A. An gry.B. HUn gry.C. Thirsty.D. Tired.38. What became a habit as time Went by?英语试题第5页(

44、共10 M)英语试题第6页(共10页)A. Going dow n the hill.B.Going to the shop.C. Carrying heavy thin gs.D.HeIP ing the elderly.39. We Can See from the PaSSage that.A. DaVid is a kin d-heartedmanB.DaVid is an En glish teachernowC. DaVid gets lots of money from the oldD.DaVid always gets homelate40. WhiCh of the fou

45、r is NoT true according to the passage?A. Some old people would PUt some money in DaVid' S POCket WithOUt telling him.B. The village Where DaVid and the other people lived WaS Very cold in Win ter.C. DaVid ' S mother knew What his Son had done for the old people Very clearly.D. Not Only does

46、 DaVid help the elderly but also he teaches his StUde nts to do so.非选择题(共50分)四、填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)A) 根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为41 45 的相应位置上。41. You Can ask for help,(无论何时)you need it.42. Thank you Very much for Paying the( 账单)for me.43. It's interesting that the pool is in the(形状)o

47、f heart.44. Her school life WaS( i己录)in the diaries of those years.45. The pilot avoided an accident by(控制)the SPeed and the directiOn Of the plane.B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为46 50的相应 位置上。46. Do you Want me(help) With your En glish?47. JaCkie Chan is the first Chinese(Win) the HonOrary O

48、scar(奥斯卡终身成就奖).48. On April 26, China' S first homemade aircraft CarrI空母舰)hit the Water in Dalian. It is the IargeSt andbest ShiP that China(build).49. After I move two blocks away, I live far(close) to my Pare nts.50. July 1,2018 WaS the(21) anniVerSary(周年)of Hong Kong ' S return to the mot

49、herland.C)根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,使对话内容完整正确,并将答案填写 在答题卡标号为 51 55的相应位置上。PIayed beach volleyball no isy had a great time wore POCketA: Hi, Alis on, how WaS your Weeke nd?B: I 51I Went to the Manly BeaCh With Nick.A: Oh, it WaS great! What did you do there?B: We 52 in the after noon. What about you?A

50、: I Went to See the MaSh Boys With Hele n.B: The MaSh Boys, good! Never!A: No, not really! It WaS Very hot and53.B: Oh, bad luck.A: I 54 a sweater. Some One PUt chocolate On it.B: Oh, no!A: And I bought a MaSh Boys cassette.B: Can I hear it?A: No. BeCaUSe it dropped out of my 55!B: That ' S terr

51、ible.五、阅读填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)A)阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后第5665小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为56 65的相应位置上。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。FamiIy VS FriendSIt is SatUrday after noon. You and your friends are pla nning to go to the movies and the n have a dinner together. JUSt as you Start to get ready, your dad reminds you tha

52、t it is your aunt' S birthday and thegoing out to dinner to CeIebrate. How Can this end WithOUt a quarrel?The tension (紧张关系 )between teenagers and their families mainly comes from how to balance What theyWant With family hopes. You OnCe SPe nt most of your free time With your Pare nts. When you

53、Want to SPe nd more and more time With your frien ds, your Pare nts ' feeli ngs may get hurt. They might feel that they are Ios ing con trol of you during the period. You might feel angry that so many family requirements are PIaCed on you. Here are a few things you Can try to make it a little ea

54、sier to ease( 缓解)the tension between you and your family.* Tell your plan to your Parents first and ask your Parents Whether there is anything else planned at that time.* When your buddy activities come With a family event, try to find out if there is any Way you Can do both.You Can SPend a little t

55、ime With each group. You Can go to the family even and ask to be With your friends next time. You Can also inVite your friends to the family event.* SUggeSt SOmething you would really like to do With your family. When your Parents know you Want toSPend time With them, they will feel better.SOmetimeS

56、 the results Cannot always make both satisfied. However, the tension Can be eases if you Con SiderTopicThe tension betwee n tee nagers and their family and WayS to ease it.Where it is fromA SCeneYou are planning to See a film and have dinner together With your 56 while your family are going out to d

57、inner to57 your aunt ' S birthday.FamiIy VS FriendSO内此卷O只装装whole family is订O不密订封O线Oo装订O)线the feeli ngs of your family as well as those of yourself and your frien ds.英语试题第7页(共10页)英语试题第8页(共10 M)The CaUSeS Teenagers try to achieve a 58between What they Want and theirfamily hopes. You USed to 59 your SPare time With your Parents. Your Parents may feel hurt because you now Want to SPend more time With your frien ds. They might think you are out of Con trol. Your Pare nts 60 you so much that you may feel an


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