1、 翻译练习题I 汉译英1. 常常是黄昏或者夜晚。丢了一天的疲倦和纷扰 , 我漫步在未名湖边的小路上。明灭闪烁的路灯撒下朦朦胧胧的光晕, 如雾似雨。摇曳的树影和轻轻的晚风, 送来花的清香。间或有数点草虫的鸣叫, 一缕缕年轻人的笑语和歌声, 飘到小路上来, 与湖面上倒映的灯火 , 暗蓝的树, 天上的星光, 一抹晚霞或一钩淡淡的新月, 辉映成有声有色的图景。真像是一首诗, 一首写不尽读不完的诗。Often it was at dusk or evening when a day's troubles and fatigue were over, I wandered along the pa
2、ths around Lake No-Name. A misty hale surrounded the twinkling light from the lampposts, and the trees waved; along with the soft breeze came the pleasant fragrance of flowers. Occasionally you could hear insects chuckling and young people's laughing and singing. These, together with the reflect
3、ion of the lamppost on the water, the dark blue shapes of trees, the starlight high above in the night sky, and sometimes with a touch of the setting sun or a crescent of the new moon, produced a colorful scene, a scene of poem, which is forever being written and read.2. 山居生活寂寞单调, 冬夜僵冷的黑暗也更是难堪。从小镇买来
4、带有玻璃罩的油灯光芒是微弱的。为了获得更多的光亮, 我试用废弃的瓶瓶罐罐制作了许多形态不一的小油灯。每盏小油灯都绽开一朵火花, 奉献小小的光亮。微弱的光也能划破黑暗, 对沉沉的黑夜是一种无言的反抗。即使熄灭了, 它也燃烧过。何况还能再一次点燃, 继续以它怯弱而又勇敢的火光向黑夜挑战。我满心喜悦地观赏着我自己手下诞生的一点光明。在长夜漫漫的动乱岁月里 , 它燃起了我精神上的火焰。 Life in the mountain village was boring and always made one feel lonely, and the cold winter night was even h
5、arder. The glass-tube oil lamp bought in the town gave out only very feeble light. In order to get more light, I tried and made many little oil lamps of various shapes with all kinds of used bottles and pots.Every little oil lamp gave out a little fire, giving out a little light. The feeble light co
6、uld as well shine through the darkness, a silent protest against the dark night. Even though they would finally burn out, they at least had lit and could be lit again and defy the dark night with their feeble but brave fire light. I was filled with happiness watching the tiny light of my own creatio
7、n. It was these lights that lit up the fire of my spirit during those long and dark days of political turmoil.3.逢年过节, 把屋子收拾利索, 长了能维持几个月, 短了不消几天, 屋子里又乱了, 主要是书在捣乱, 到处是书堆。外出总禁不住要逛书店, 逛书店就不可能不买书。新书、准备要看的书、看了一半的书、写作正用得着的书、有保存价值的书, 占据了我房子里的绝大部分空间; 而且还不断扩展, 每时每刻都在蚕食供我存身的那块空间。这不是侵略是什么? 我舒舒服服、自得其乐地接受这种侵略和征服。
8、Before every New Year or major celebrations, there would be a general cleaning. The room could usually be kept tidy for a couple of months, but often it was a matter of only a few days before the room was a mess again, and that was mainly due to those books, piles of books, everywhere. Whenever I wa
9、s out on business, I couldn't help going to bookstores, and once I was there, I could never resist the temptation of buying more .New books, books that I had a thought of reading, books of which I only finished half, books needed for my writing, and books that had values to keep took up most of
10、the space in my room, and they were ever expanding, eating up a11the time the remaining part of my room that provided the minimum space for me as the dweller there. Isn't this an invasion? But I accepted invasion of such kind with comfort and pleasure.4.孩子简单。他们不爱钱, 不爱荣誉, 不爱大而漂亮的房子, 有人把他弄痛了, 哭过一场
11、也什么都忘了。所以, 他们脑袋一碰枕头就能呼呼睡去, 拥有世界上最佳质量的睡眠。孩子好奇。孩子总在想一些东西, 也在思考一些东西。他们的大脑常常处于快乐的旋转之中。一朵奇特的云, 一片鲜见的树叶, 都会引发孩子许多的联想。同样的生活, 在孩子的眼里会呈现出我们发现不了的乐趣和快乐。Children are not sophisticated. They do not love money or reputation, or those big and magnificent houses. If they are hurt by someone, they cry it off. That i
12、s why they usually fall to sound sleep once their heads touch the pillow, and they enjoy the best-quality sleep in the world.Children arc always curious. They are always fancying and thinking, and their brain is always in a happy whirl. A strangely-shaped cloud, a rarely-seen leaf, all these will ar
13、ouse endless associations from them. The same life, in children's eyes, will present pleasures and happiness which we grown-ups can never imagine.5. 处在心灵的荒漠中, 谁都会为这无际的空虚而感到寂寞、孤独甚至恐惧。其实, 这荒漠只是视野中的“海市蜃楼”。“外面世界歌声”依旧悦耳, 花草依旧芳艳, 热情的朋友们正向你走来。只要你自己能够拨开眼前的迷雾, 仔细审视 " 视野 " 中的景象, 正视内心的细微感动, 就会发现视
14、野中的美, 自然而然地摆脱这无援的境地。If you feel yourself in a desert of heart, you would certainly feel lonely and even frightened among such a vast space of emptiness. In fact, it is just a visionary mirage, common to many people. In fact, there are always pleasant melodies in the world outside, as well as pretty
15、scenes and warm-hearted friends walking up to you. You are sure to see the beauty in your vision and get away from the helpless situation if you can see through the mist around you, study the scenes in your vision, face every little move in your heart.6. 那么失去后的感觉会使你明白拥有的宝贵。当你在黑暗中勾勒黎明的天空时, 才明白已从眼前过去的
16、东方朝霞有多美丽; 当你人过中年时, 才明白年轻时代荒废了多少光阴; 当你默数浑浑噩噩的往日时, 才明白该干而没干的太多太多; 当你踊踊独行在人生路上时, 才明白曾经同行的幸福。如果认为一切都是自然的给予, 那么失去也将是必然的惩罚。You will realize the value of possessing something only after you lose it. When you imagine the feeble light of dawn in total darkness, you realize the beauty of morning sun light tha
17、t has passed; you are already advanced in years before you wail over the time wasted when you were young; when you are silently counting the number of days idled away, you find that you have left so many things that should have been accomplished; and you will not see how valuable it is to have a com
18、panion in life until you find yourself struggling along all alone. If you take everything for granted, you are sure to lose it, a punishment that is inevitable.7.水滴可以穿石, 绳锯可以断木, 飞瀑之下, 怎么没有深渊? 飞瀑是深渊的母亲,是她孕育着深渊; 飞瀑是深渊的 "上帝", 是他创造出深渊。飞瀑之于深渊, 真是关系密切, 作用 巨大。飞瀑是深渊之因, 深渊是飞瀑之果。看到飞瀑下的深渊, 自然会对飞瀑肃然起敬
19、。可是有些人, 却不尽然, 他们站在深渊面前, 赞叹的只是那一潭深邃的绿水, 却忘记了那飞瀑日夜冲击的功劳。 Dripping water can drill through the stone, as much as seesawing rope can cut tree trunks. So it is all too natural that under the downpour of waterfalls there must be a deep pond. Waterfalls are mothers that give birth to deep ponds, or god tha
20、t creates them. Waterfalls have everything to do with the ponds beneath as the former is the cause while the latter the result. One grows respectful to waterfalls when she/he sees the pond beneath. But not for someone z those people only admire the profundity of the dark green water of the pond and
21、totally forgot that it was the waterfalls that made these ponds day and night.8. 后来鸟巢渐渐少了。村庄没有了树术, 也就没有了鸟巢。村西北角二里路的地方有一个鸟巢,成为我们村土地上惟一的一个鸟巢。其实, 鸟巢实在是鸟儿们给人类的一种特殊的赏赐, 是鸟儿们赏赐给人类的爱护自然、保护环境的勋章, 是鸟儿们戴在人类头上的光荣的桂冠。鸟巢越多, 你的功劳越大, 光荣也就越多。没有鸟巢的村庄不能算村庄, 要算也只能算是耻辱的村庄。所幸的是在我们村庄周围, 鸟巢又一个接一个地建立起来了。But later, birds, n
22、ests became fewer and fewer.When there were no trees in a village, it was natural that there were not any birds, nests. And the only nest that was still there was the one two lis (one kilometer)from the northwest corner of the village. In fact, however, birds, nests are really a special reward the b
23、irds confer to human beings, a medal from the birds to those who love nature and protect the environment, a laureate put on their head by the birds. The more the birds, nests, the more your contribution is, and the more glory you have .A village without a birds, nest cannot be called a village, at l
24、east a village of shame.Fortunately, birds, nests are being bunt up one after another all around our villagenow.9.深一点的观点来思考, 这世间有许多的衫,“怨僧会”, 在相聚时感到重大痛苦的人比比皆是, 如果没有离别这件好事, 他们不是要永受折, 永远沉沦于恨海之中吗?幸好, 人生有离别。因相聚而幸福的人, 离别是好, 使那些相思的泪都化成甜美的水晶; 因相聚而痛苦的人, 自别最好, 雾散云消看见了开阔的蓝天。可以因缘离散, 对处在苦难中的人, 有时候正是生命的期待与盼望。From
25、 a more profound point of view, there are in this world many “meetings of complainers”, in which the many participants suffer a lot. And they would be indulged in this forever, drowning themselves in the sea of sorrows and regrets, should there be no such a good thing as parting. Fortunately, there
26、are partings in our life.Parting is good for those who meet in happiness, as the tears of loving thoughts are turned to sweet crystals; it is especially good for those who feel pains in the meeting, as they could see the blue sky clearing up when mists and clouds dissipate. Parting or meeting, whene
27、ver and whichever comes, are sometimes the life's expectation for those who find themselves in bitterness and miseries.10.女儿晃晃小脑袋笑了, 三步并作两步地往楼道里奔。我急忙跟上去, 她说: 我要回老家看看。一口气上了五楼, 正待按门铃, 一股洗麻将牌的声浪夺门而出, 间杂着尖锐的笑声。女儿扯了扯我的衣袖, 抽身下楼。瞅着女儿紧绷的小脸, 我把她带到了两幢居民楼间的过道, 问她: 还记得在这里打羽毛球吗? 女儿四处张望说, 才这么巴掌大一块啊? 小时候我觉得好大呢
28、。是不是人小就显出了地方大, 长大了地方就变小了呢? Shaking her pretty head, my daughter smiled, and ran toward the doorway in quick steps.I followed her and was told that she would revisit our old home. Climbing up the five flights of the stairway in a breath, she was about to ring the doorbell when out came a gust of nois
29、e, noise of mahjong being reshuffled and shrilling laughter. Pulling at my sleeve, my daughter turned and went down the stairs. Seeing that she was pulling a face, I took her to the lane between two residence buildings and asked whether she remembered she had played badminton there. Looking around,
30、she was surprised and said, “Such a small place? I thought it was very big then. Is it that when you are very young, the place seems big and when you grow up it becomes small?"II.English to ChinesePassage 1Another cause of obscurity is that the writer is not himself quite sure of his meaning. H
31、e has a vague impression of what he wants to say, but has not, either from lack of mental power or from laziness, exactly formulated It in his mind and it is natural enough that he can not find a precise expression for a confused idea. This is due largely to the fact that many writers think, not bef
32、ore, as they write. The pen originates the thought. The disadvantage of this- and indeed it is a danger against which the author must be always on his guard-is that there is a sort of magic in the written word. The idea acquires substance by taking on a visible nature, and then stands in the way of
33、its own clarification.晦涩的另一个原因是作者对要说的内容自己都不太清楚。他对想说的东西只有一个模糊 的印象, 可是或由于心力不济, 或由于懒得用心, 尚没有在内心把它想清楚。思想混乱, 找不到准确的表达, 那是再自然不过的了。这在很大程度上是因为, 许多作者不是想好了再写, 而是边写边想, 是笔尖触发的思想。这么做有一个很不利的因素, 而其包含的危险是作者必须时刻警惕的, 那就是: 书面文字有一种神奇的魔力。思想中的东西一旦有形可见便有了实际的存在, 这反过来又使思想本身无法得到清晰的表达。Passage 2September is more than a month,
34、really; it is a season, an achievement in itself. It begins with August's leftovers and it ends with October's preparations, but along the way it achieves special satisfactions. After summer's heat and haste, the year consolidates itself. Deliberate September-in its own time and tempo -
35、begins to sum up another summer. We think of spring as the miracle time, when opening bud and new leaf proclaim the persistence of life. But September is when the abiding wonder makes itself known in a subtler way. Now growth comes to annual fruition and preparations are completed for another year,
36、another generation. The acorn ripens and the hickory nut matures.The plant commits its future to the seed and the root. The insect stows tomorrow in the egg and the pupa. The surge is almost over and life begins to relax.真的, 九月不仅是一个月, 她是一个季节, 本身就是收获。她始于承接八月的留赠, 终于 十月的准备, 而在她自己的进程中, 也成就了特殊的满足。经过了夏季的炎
37、热和纷扰, 一年开始充实起来。踌躇满志的九月按着自己的时间表, 以自己的步伐节奏, 开始为又一个夏季做起 了总结。我们总把春天称为神奇的时间, 绽开的嫩营新叶都宣示着生命生生不息。可九月时光, 那 永恒的奇迹以更为微妙的方式表示着自己的存在。作物到了一年的成熟时期, 为又一年、又一 代做好了准备。橡子成熟了, 胡桃饱满了, 作物将未来赋予种子和根茎。小虫子在卵和蜗里储 下了明天。生命的激荡过去了, 生活开始平静松弛。Passage 3It may also be said that rational, industrious, useful human beings are divided i
38、nto two classes: first, those whose work is work and whose pleasure is pleasure; and secondly, those whose work and pleasure are one. Of these the former are the majority. They ham their compensations. The long hours in the office or the factory bring with them as their reward , not only the means o
39、f sustenance, but a keen appetite for pleasure even in its simplest and most modest forms. But Fortune's favored children belong to the second class. Their life is a natural harmony. For them the working hours are never long enough. Each day is a holiday, and ordinary holidays when they come are
40、 grudged as enforced interruptions in an absorbing vocation. Yet to both classes the need of an alternative outlook, of a change of atmosphere, of a diversion of effort, is essential.还需要指出的是, 有理性的、勤劳的、有用的人们可分为两类: 一类人, 工作就是工作, 享乐就是享乐; 第二类人, 其工作和享乐是合二为一的。两类人中, 前一类是大多数。这一类人的辛勤自有回报: 在办公室或工厂里度过的漫长的工作时间不仅
41、解决他们的生计问题, 而且使他们能痛快地享受哪怕是最简单平常的乐趣。但是命运厚爱的孩子却是第二类人。他们的生活 自然而和谐, 对他们来说, 工作时间从来就不会显得太长。每一天都是节, 而当平常人的节日来临时, 他们就觉得不自在, 觉得那是对自己正痛快地过着的节日的干扰。不过无论对哪一 类人来说, 换个角度来看问题, 换个氛围生活, 换个方向努力, 倒是至关重要的。Passage 4Anxiety tends to be without focus; the anxious person doesn't know whether to blame himself or other peo
42、ple. He isn't sure whether it is the current year or the Administration or a change in climate or the atom bomb that is to blame for this undefined sense of unease.It is clear that we have developed a society which depends on having the right amount of anxiety to make it work. Psychiatrists have
43、 been heard to say,“He didn't have enough anxiety to get well,” indicating that, while we agree that too much anxiety is inimical to mental health, we have come to rely on anxiety to push and prod us into seeing a doctor about a symptom which may indicate cancer, into checking on that old life-i
44、nsurance policy which may have out-of-date clauses in it, into having a conference with Bills teacher even though his report card looks all right.焦虑通常是没有目标的。心情焦虑的人通常并不知道到底该责怪自己还是别人, 他说不出自己这份无名的不安,到底应该算在谁的头上, 是流年不利, 是上司不好, 是气候多变, 还是原子炸弹。很清楚, 我们现在的社会, 就是靠有那么一点焦虑来推动发展的。曾有人听见心理医师这么说," 他缺乏足够的焦虑感, 怕是
45、不容易好。 "这意思是说, 尽管大家都认为, 过度焦虑有害心理健康, 可我们还是得依靠焦虑心情, 催使我们有一点症状就去看医生, 生怕那是癌症的先兆, 催使我们去查查很久前签下的人寿保险单, 看看是不是有什么条款已经过时, 催使我们不时地去同孩子的老师谈谈, 尽管他的校行报告看上去一切都很正常。Passage 5Moreover, the readership of any magazine consists of an assortment of subgroups. This may sound like it contradicts what we have said earl
46、ier about the narrow focus of trade magazines, but really there is no contradiction: Some trade magazines - “horizontal” or “functional”magazines are created specifically to embrace diverse audiences of readers who share a particular interest.(Take for example Folio,which is read by magazine profess
47、ionals of all disciplines-editorial, circulation, advertising, and production.) But even in the narrowest "vertical"magazine, there will be subgroups. At the very least, l magazine will have subcategories based on experience beginners seeking a secure footing in the field, secure professio
48、nals seeking to expand their already substantial knowledge, and experts who want to keep current on and learn of new developments, but who may read the magazine as much to find out what people in the field think or are working on.另外, 任何杂志的读者群都可再分为数种各不相同的类型组。这听起来可能与前面所说贸易杂志的目标范围通常较窄有矛盾, 但事实上这并不矛盾: 有些
49、杂志, 即所谓 " 垂直型 " 或 " 功 能型 " 杂志, 就是为形形色色却有一特定兴趣的读者编的。 (例如 "FOLIO" 杂志, 就是为所有 学科的杂志的专业编辑人员一一一写社论的、搞发行的、做广告的、管印发的人一一一编的。) 不过即使是最狭窄意义上的 " 垂直型 " 杂志, 其读者也还是能按类型分组的。至少, 可以按经验多少来区分杂志的读者: 初次涉猎者希望在该领域站稳脚跟, 专业有成者希望能拓展自己已经相当充分的知识领域, 而专家们则希望紧跟形势, 了解最新进展, 同样也想了解本领域其他人士在想什, 做什
50、么。Passage 6I was seated by the shore of a small pond, about a mile and a half south of the village of Concord and somewhat higher than it, in the midst of an extensive wood between that town and Lincoln, and about two miles south of that our only field known to fame, Concord Battle Ground; but I was
51、 so low in the woods that the opposite shore, half a mile off, like the rest, covered with wood, was my most distant horizon. For the first week, whenever I looked out on the pond it impressed me like a tarn high up on the side of a mountain, its bottom far above the surface of other lakes, and, as
52、the sun arose, I saw it throwing off its nightly clothing of mist, and here and there, by degrees, its soft ripples or its smooth reflecting surface was revealed, while the mists, like ghosts, were stealthily withdrawing in every direction into the woods, as at the breaking up of some nocturnal conv
53、enticle( 秘密集会 ).The very dew seemed to hang upon the trees later into the day than usual, as on the sides of mountains.我住在一个小小的池塘边, 在康科德村南面一英里半的地方, 地势比那里略高一些, 周围 是广袤的树林不过我在树林里的地势很低, 目力所及, 只是半英里开外同样被树林掩映 着的池塘的对岸。第一周里, 每当我看着池塘, 它就像是高处山间的一个小湖, 其底部比其他 的湖面高出许多。日出时分, 我看见池塘抛去了黑夜的雾气, 一处接一处地, 一点一点地, 显露出它温柔的涟
54、游或是平亮如镜的水面, 而那雾气则像幽灵般悄悄溜进了四处的树林, 就像一场被惊散了的黑夜聚会。山脊上挂在树上的露珠许久不去, 似乎比往常都要长些。Passage 7But a book is written, not to multiply the voice merely. not to carry it merely, but to perpetuate it. The author has something to say which he perceives to be true and useful, or fu1ly beautiful. So far as he knows, n
55、o one has yet said it; so far as he knows, no one else can say it. He is bound to say it, clearly and melodiously if he may; clearly at all events. In the sum of his life he finds this to be the thing, or group of things, manifest to him - this, the piece of true knowledge, or sight, which his share
56、 of sunshine and earth has permitted him to seize. "That is his “writing;” it is, in his small human way, and with whatever degree of true inspiration is in him, his inscription, or scripture. That is a "Book."但是, 写书不仅仅为了重复声音, 也不仅仅为了传达声音, 而是为了使那声音永恒。作者 要说的, 他认为是真理 , 很有用, 或是有帮助 , 很美丽。就
57、他而言, 他是第一个说这话的人; 就他而言, 能说这话的没有第二个人。他不能不说, 而且还要尽可能地说得明白, 说得动昕, 至少要说得明白。他发现这就是他一生中向他显现的那一件、或那几件事情一一就是这, 这一真知或灼见, 是他头上的太阳和脚下的土地使他得以把握住。这就是他的 "写作", 虽然他个人十分渺小, 也无论他心中受到多少真正的启示, 这是他的镑刻, 他的笔画。这就是 "书 " Passage 8The rising of the sun was noble in the cold and warmth of it: peeping down th
58、e spread of light, he raised his shoulder heavily, over the edge of gray mountain and wave- ring length of upland. Beneath his gaze the dew-fogs dipped and crept to the hollow places, then stole away in line and column, holding skirts and clinging subtly at the sheltering corners where rock hung ove
59、r grassland, while the brave lines of the hills came forth, one beyond other gliding.Yet before the floating impress of the woods could clear itself, suddenly the gladsome light leaped over hill and valley, casting amber, blue, and purple, and a tint of rich red rose, according to the scene they lit on, and the curtain flung around; yet all alike dispelling fear and the cloven hoof of darkness, all on the wings of hope advancing. Then life and joy sprang reassured from every crouching hollow; every flower and bud
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