



1、【英语四六级】2021年四六级作文模板(报告/信件/话题)主题汇总多关注下面写作常考话题类型题目,有时间就提前准备重要性/挑战/平衡(学习、两者关系、自信、健康/创新等)学习A还是B(二选型)、A比B重要(论证阐述)(创新/具体能力)社会热点现象(网络、数码产品、移动支付等共享单车等)(话题类/图画类/图 表)话题:(谚语)应用文(信件,广告,通知,报道等)(关于学习,慈善,学校活动,学习生 活)READING2020年六级作文题目六级:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the

2、saying wealth of the mind is the only true wealth. You should write at least 150 words.-2020 年 9 月Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the saying The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. You should write at least 150 words.-2020 年 7 月READING20

3、20年四级作文题目Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the use of translation apps. You can start your essay with the sentence "The use of translation apps is becoming increasingly popular. " You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.-2020

4、年 7 月Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on online dictionaries. You can start your essay with the sentence"Online dictionaries are becoming increasingly popular."You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.-2020 年 9 月Directions: For t

5、his part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the use of PowerPoint(PPT) in class. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.-2020 年 9 月Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on Online libraries. You can start your essay with the sent

6、ence"Online librariesare becoming increasingly popular. " You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.-2020 年 9 月READING模板Advertisement第一段:l.we/l have this product,which includes quality, attractive appearance and lower price than any counterparts(对应物)2.If you bought thi

7、s, you would taste 体会 its advantage and powerful function.第二段:1. It will cost you XXX yuan/dollar and I have cut this price to the bottom.2.If you have any interest, you could contact me by my phone number: 123345. 第三段:1.1 feel happy that you read this advertisement and would like to buy it.2.you co

8、uld ask me any answer about it and I will reply you as detailed as possible. December 12nd, 2020Li Ming色道:标题+正文+落款标题:舌动全称(a voluntary activity to visit the elderly people in the neighborhood) 正文:三段式一开头+过程+结尾第一段:活动名称,主办方,地点,时间,主题,参加人员,活动目的The students union hosted an activity to visit the elderly peo

9、ple in the neighborhood yesterday, and many students as volunteers joined in the activity.第二段:活动内容,要详细!Many students from the Student's union had a lot of communications with the elderly people and organize some interactive exercises, such as playing the chess, painting, movies and other enterta

10、ining activities and then every participant looked like so happy that they forgot passing time.第三段:结尾升华主题,即活动的意义+对未来的影响、展望This activity offered an opportunity for the students to have a touch with the elder people and help students know the situation and ideas of the aged people. As a result, this a

11、ctivity developed students to respect and understand the elderly in a positive and specific way. 信件Dear John/Mary/Professor/Editor/President/Sir or Madam,第一段 I am a student from our University, as a member of Student Union.(自我介绍) 改写题目要求(注意改写人称)(3) | extend my appreciation/apology/welcome/congratulat

12、ion/pleasure when I write this email/letter.第二段 There are several reasons/suggestions/messages to account for here. First, according to the practical situation, it is significant that you could refer to what I told you. (3) Second, from my perspective, I feel that. Third, if you have more ideas abou

13、t this, you could adjust my information and take specific measures.第三段I feel grateful/sorry/glad/welcome that I write this email to you. I am looking forward to your reply when you have free time. Thank you for your reading my email.Sincerely yours, Yu Shan 通知 Notice 单位:Student Union 日期:December 12n

14、d,2020第一段 We are from our university as major members of 机构.改写题目要求. Please read the notice in a serious and careful way.第二段 There are several reasons/suggestions/messages to present to you. First, this activity/conference/contest/organization is opened/held at 8:00 am and closed at 8:00 pm on the pl

15、ayground/ in the auditorium in our university (next Sunday). Second, relevant people/participants/candidates/volunteers need to be entitled to join in this activity/club/conference/contest/organization, including qualification, experience, capability or other necessary requirements.第三段 If you want t

16、o know further information , you could contact us by the email address:123 Yu Shan, com or our phone number:12345. We are happy that you would like to join us.话题类第一段(指出话题)There is a growing national awareness/consciousness of the importance/significance of 主题词 in modern times/today/now/at present/no

17、wadays.第二段©There are several factors contributory to this topic.First, it is the backdrop 背景 of economic growth at the faster rate which people could never ignore that gives us a reminder 提醒 of 主题词'status 地位 as the top level for the development of communal and individual activities, when pe

18、ople strive to enhance a variety of skills and capacity in the modern times.Second, in terms of Chinese traditions and cultures which pass on to the now generation, it is obviously demonstrated that people care about how to respect others and understand other's experiences, in order to make others feel comfortable and enhance self-quality, such as 主题词(品质类)©Third,with the economi


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