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1、全国英语等级考试第一节public english test system (pets) level 1 第一部分听力理解第一节图片判断在本节中,你将听到 10 个句子,每句话配有 a 、b 、c 三幅图片,请选择与句子内容相符合的一幅图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。每句话后有15 秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一组图片。每句话读两遍。下面,请听这些句子。第二节 对话理解在本节中,你将听到15 段对话,每段对话有一个问题。请从a 、b 、c三个选项中选出答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话后有15 秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题并阅读下一问题其选项。每段对话读两遍。下面,请听这些对话。11. what

2、would mary like to do? a go out for some coffee. b sit beside the man. c make coffee for the man. 12. why can t the woman go to the party? a because she is sick. b because she has to work. c because she likes to stay at home. 13. when will the film begin? a at six fifty. b at seven. c at seven fifty

3、. 14. what does the man want to do? a change the hat. b return the hat. c buy another hat. 15. what do we know from the conversation? a there will be a party. b the woman is looking for david. c david won t be back tonight. 16. what do we know about the pictures? a they are all in color. b not all o

4、f them are in color. c they are all black and white. 17. what do we know about the woman? a she s caught a bad cold. b she asks the man for some medicine. c she s going to buy some medicine. 18. what does the man mean? a he doesn t like the party. b he will do anything to help. c he does not like to

5、 make tea. 19. what does the man mean? a he met the new teacher three days ago. b he hasn t met the new teacher yet. c the new teacher is sick. 20. what is the womans wish? a to have a cold day. b to have a sunny day. c to have a lot of snow. 21. what do we know about the man? a he enjoyed himself i

6、n guilin. b he didnt like traveling in guilin. c he spent three days in guilin. 22. where are they talking? a at home. b in a school. c in a shop. 23. what does the man mean? a he will go to harbin. b he will stay at home. c he will go on a trip. 24. what is the mans problem? a he has to go out in c

7、old weather. b he has taken a wrong bus. c he isnt feeling well. 25. what does the woman suggest the man do? a walk to the zoo. b take a bus to the zoo. c take a taxi to the zoo. 第二部分英语知识运用第一节 单项填空阅读下面的句子和对话, 从a 、b 、c三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。26. i know only a little _ computers. a about b over c at 27.

8、the black and white skirt is janes. the green _ is mine. a one b thing c matter 28. the policeman wrote _ the number of the car in his notebook. a off b up c down 29. of the three brothers, the youngest runs _. a fast b faster c the fastest 30. at last, we _ the small town before dark. a got off b a

9、rrived at c came on 31. my uncle is over forty but he hasnt got any children _. a still b yet c already 32. i began to learn english _ i was five. a when b since c if 33. jane hasn t finished her homework and i havent finished mine, _. a either b neither c too 34. neither my dog _ my cat can be seen

10、 in the house. whats the matter? a and b or c nor 35. mr. boffin drove there and _ his car outside the station. a parked b carded c set 36. i m busy now, so it will be some time _ i can leave. a before b after c when 37. the teacher will not let anyone leave the classroom until the bell _. a rings b

11、 rang c will ring 38. we _ around the factory during our visit. a showed b were shown c have shown 39. do you remember _. jane at our sons birthday party? a to be met b meeting c to meet 40. i would like to call you at three this afternoon, _? a may i b will i c do i 第二节 完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的a 、b 、c 三个

12、选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。when men grow older, their hair often begins to fall out. when hair begins to fall out (41) old age, it is impossible to make it (42) again. i know a man who found (43) his hair was beginning to fail out on his fortieth birthday. he bought some ointment(药膏) and used it on his head

13、. (44) ointment was very expensive. it (45) 50 for a small can ! he used the ointment on his head (46) a day. every day he (47) into his mirror(镜子) to see (48) is hair was growing again, but the ointment was (49) good. every day more and more hair fell out and (50) there was no hair left on his head

14、. 41. a such as b because of c instead of 42. a grows b to grow c grow 43. a that b what c whether 44. a some b an c the 45. a spent b cost c paid 46. a twice b two c second 47. a looks b is looking c looked 48. a that b if c why 49. a no b so c very 50. a once b again c soon 第三部分阅读理解第一节 词语配伍从上栏所给选项

15、中选出与下栏各项意义相符的选项。a eyes b hat cclothes dnose e ears f mouth g shoes 51. you use it for eating and speaking. 52. you wear them to cover your body. 53. you see people and things with them. 54. you wear it to cover your head. 55. you use them for listening. 第二节 短文理解 1 阅读下面短文,从a (right) 、b (wrong) 、c (do

16、esn t say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项。vending machines (自动售货机 ) sell many different kinds of things. some of them sell cold drinks like coke or orange juice, or hot drinks like coffee or tea. others sell sweets, stamps, tickets, newspapers, and other small things. in some cities, vending machines are even used to

17、 sell a lot of hot meals. these machines have been welcomed for two reasons. they save (节省) time and they are convenient (方便的 ). things sold in vending machines need no shop assistant or cashier. in many places people can use the machines at any time of day or night, and they can find vending machin

18、es everywhere. although there are many different sizes and kinds of vending machines, they all work in nearly the same way. people put money into the machine and then open a door to receive what they buy. some machines will also return change to the people, and a few will even give change to paper n

19、otes. but the idea is the same. people like to save time and are usually willing to pay a higher price for this convenience. 56. many vending machines are used in china. a right b wrong c doesnt say 57. vending machines can be found only in very large cities. a right b wrong c doesnt say 58. in some

20、 places the machines work 24 hours a day. a righ t b wrong c doesnt say 59. vending machines dont accept paper notes. a right b wrong c doesnt say 60. the things sold in vending machines are usually more expensive. a right b wrong c doesnt say 第三节 短文理解 2 阅读下列短文,从 a 、b、c三个选项中选择一个正确答案。my sister and i

21、looked forward to new clothes for the new year. but one day my mother said, listen, children. we dont have enough money now. so only one of you can get new clothes. he silence (寂静) lasted for a few minutes. my tears (眼泪) were coming out. ok, i have an idea, my sister said. ill write new clothes on a

22、 piece of paper and nothing on another. we cast lots (抽签) to decide. i agreed. while she was writing at the table. i found her clothes were old and she had grown too big for the clothes. i looked at my own. they were old, but still the right size for me. pick one, my sister said. i picked one and op

23、ened it. two words ran into my eyes: new clothes. i forgot my sad feelings and jumped up. a few days later. i ran into the sitting room in my new clothes where my mother and my sister were reading. my sister gave me a smile and went on reading. my mother called me to her side and showed me two piece

24、s of paper. on each of them was written: new clothes. 61. why could only one of the two sisters get new clothes? a the family was short of money. b the writers sister already had new clothes. c the writers sister did not want new clothes. 62. who needed new clothes most? a the writer. b the mother.

25、c the writers sister. 63. why did the writers sister suggest casting lots? a she wanted to have new clothes herself. b she wanted the writer to have new clothes. c she wanted her mother to have new clothes. 64. the writer did not learn the truth until a her sister told her about it b her mother told

26、 her about it c her sister told her mother about it 65. what do we know from this passage? a the writers sister is kind and clever. b the mother is angry with the writer. c the writer is always thinking of her mother. if you feel tired after hard work, a good place for a rest is dalian. unlike most

27、people travelling to dalian by train or air, this time you can have a new way to get there: driving your own car. day 1 start your trip at about 2:45 pm in beijing. it takes three hours and fifteen minutes to drive to tanggu port. the ships between tanggu port and dalian port have drawn more and mor

28、e visitors, and they are so large that cars can park in them. day 2 the ship arrives at dalian port at about 8 am. if the weather is nice, you can enjoy the sunrise( 日出). after checking in at the hotel, you can spend the rest of the day visiting some interesting places. day 3 the last day will give

29、you a break at the indoor swimming pool( 室内游泳池 ) in the hotel. seawater comes into the pool every day. so even on cold days, your dream (梦想) of swimming in seawater can come true. going back to beijing, visitors need to get on the ship. it leaves at 6 pm. day 4 the ship returns to tanggu port at aro

30、und 6 am. in another three hours, you can be back in beijing. 66. this text can be found in a book about a sports b travel c driving 67. what is the new way to get to dalian from beijing? a driving your car all the way to dalian. b taking a train to tanggu port and then going to dalian by ship. c dr

31、iving to tanggu port and then taking a ship to dalian with your car. 68. how many nights will you stay in dalian? a one. b two. c three. 69. on which day can you swim in seawater? a day 2. b day 3. c day 4. 70. when can you get back to beijing? a 6 am on day 4. b 9 am on day 4. c 6 am on day 4. 第四部分

32、写 作第一节改写句子下面是关于 john的新居的三对句子。每对句子中,第一句是原句,第二句是对第一句的改写。 要求根据原句和第二句中已经给出的部分用一至五个单词补全第二句。把补出的部分写横线上。注意不能改变原句的意思。71. it took john 300,000 yuan to buy a new house. john _ 300,000 yuan for a new house. 72. it was not until last month that he moved into the house. john _ into the house until last month. 73

33、. john planted some trees in front of the house. some trees _ in front of the house. 第二节书面表达74情景:你是一名英语爱好者,准备组织一次“ 英语角 ” 活动。任务:请你用英语写一张50 个词左右的告示。内容包括: 活动的目的; 活动的时间和地点; 谈论的话题; 参加人员。请用下面格式。notice april 15 2007 年 3 月笔试真卷答案1. b 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. c 7. b 8. a 9. c 10. b 11. c 12. b 13. b 14. a 15. a

34、 16. b 17. c 18.c 19. b 20. b 21. a 22. c 23. c 24. c 25. a 26. a 27. a 28. c 29. c 30. b 31. b 32. a 33. a 34. c 35. a 36. a 37. a 38. b 39. b 40. a 41. b 42. c 43. a 44. c 45. b 46. a 47. c 48. b 49. a 50. c 51. f 52. c 53. a 54. b 55. e 56. c 57. c 58. a 59. b 60. a 61. a 62. c 63. b 64. b 65. a

35、66. b 67. c 68. a 69. b 70. b 71. paid 72. didnt move 73. were planted 74. 范文: notice april 15 dear all, in order to make new friends and practice spoken english, i want to hold an english comer from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on april 18 in room 903 of the no. 1 teaching building. since the 2008 olymp

36、ic games is coming, we will talk about the olympic games and what we can do for it. all those who are interested in english are welcome. john smith 2007 年 3 月笔试真卷听力录音稿1. listen, a bird is singing in the tree. 2. we went to three hotels, and none of them were good enough. 3. apples and oranges are ve

37、ry cheap at this time of the year. 4. i want to take two weeks holiday in june. 5. paul always carries his dog in his car when he goes out. 6. tom turns on the television to watch the play. 7. this road was built about ten years ago. 8. tim took a hot bath before he went to bed. 9. peter is taking l

38、aura to new york in his sports car. 10. neither of these glasses is empty. 11. m: lets go out for some coffee, mary. w: why dont you sit down right here? ill make coffee for you. 12. m: we are having a party saturday night. can you come? w: i wish i could. but i work at the hospital on weekends. 13. w: the film will begin at seven oclock. m: oh, its six fifty. we must hurry. 14. w: can i help you, sir? m: yes,


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