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1、On Analysis of Jane ' s Love View(简析简的爱情观)摘要简爱是英国文学史上的一部经典传世之作,它成功地塑造了英国文学史中第一个对爱 情、生活、社会以及宗教都采取了独立自主的积极进取态度和敢于斗争、敢于争取自由平 等地位的女性形象。简是一个意志坚强,追求独立,敢于反对封建礼教,敢于抵制封建宗教的压迫与束缚 的女孩。正是因为简的独特而高尚的性格特点深深的吸引了罗切斯特,而简爱上罗切斯特 并不是因为他的财富,身份地位,而是他的才华。简追求的是纯洁而特别的爱情,在简的 眼里,爱情就是爱情,与金钱,身份,地位毫无关系。即使自己是一个地位低下的家庭教 师,而罗切斯特

2、却是一个有身份,地位的贵族,但是简并没有因为这些因素放弃对罗切斯 特的爱,爱了就爱了,后来一场大火毁了罗切斯特的一切,他不再是那个拥有一切的完美 的人,而是一个落魄的残疾人,但是让我们钦佩的是简却选择了与罗切斯特同甘共苦。就 这样简谱写了一段美好的爱情,她向我们诠释了什么是真爱,她让我们明白了爱情的真谛。 关键词:简爱,坚强,独立,反抗的精神,纯洁的爱ABSTRACTJan eEyre is a classicliterature masterpieces n the history of En glish, as it shaped the history ofEnglish literat

3、ure, as it the first taken on love, life, social and religious independent proactiveattitude.It dare to struggle, fight for freedom and pursue the equality of status of the female .Jane is a girl who has strong will and pursue independence, she is a woman who against feudal ethics and resist the feu

4、dal oppressionbravely. It is becauseof Jane ' specialand noble character that attracts Robert' s deeply, while Jane falls in love with Robert not because of his wealth, and socialstatus, but his talent. Janepursuespure and speciallove, in Jane ' seyes,love is love, and it has nothing to

5、do with wealth, social status which he has. Though she is a tutor with low status, while Robert is a man with noble status, Jane does not give up her love because of all of these elements. Later, a fire ruin everything of Robert, he lose most of his glamour which many girls are longing for, he is a

6、disabled man with nothing, however, what makes our admire is that Jane choose to share ups and downs with Robert. In her life, Jane composes a beautiful love, which shows to us what true love is, and makes us know the true meaning of love.?Keywords: Jane EyreS, trong, independent, Rebellious spirit,

7、 pure love1.IntroductionJane Eyreis a classic literature masterpieces of Charlotte Bro'ntse of the British in the 19th century.Jane Eyre is widely acknowledgedthat it is a biography of poetic portrayal of Charlotte Bronte “ poetic portrayal”, which is an autobiographical work.It is a story which

8、 an orphaned of British woman who suffer from all kinds of hardships, constantly pursuit of freedom and dignity, adhere to herself, and ultimately get happiness.As we know, Jane pursues a noble love. In her eyes ,love itself is love, it has nothing with money, power and status. She is humble, but sh

9、e can attract all the people with her own unique qualities. In the today's world, people are crazy about money and status seems rather drown love. In their most people would choose the rich rather than the poor Few people would choose true love and give up everything without any hesitation. Jane

10、 makes us believe, as a women who has an independent personality and self-esteem, self-love, self-reliance, even if she is a wild lily, she also have their own pride. Jane simple love set us an example to inspire modern people pursue the true love. SoJai ne Eyre, love is pure and great.2. A brief in

11、troduction of the author and background.2.1 A brief introduction of the authorCharlotte Bronte(1816-1854) was born on April 21 1816, third of the six children of Patrick Bronte. The major event of her young life was the death of her mother in 1821, which created a lot of chaos. In 1824, Charlotte an

12、d her two older sisters,Maria and Elizabeth, were sent to the newly-opened Cowan Bridge Clergy Daughters' School.Conditions there were bad even by the standards of the time, and it was not long before both Maria and Elizabeth becameill enough to be sent home, where they both died of consumption

13、in the spring of1825. Patrick brought Charlotte and her younger sister Emily, who had recently joined them at the school, back home as soon as the other girls became ill, but Charlotte in particular never forgot what the school had been like.Charlotte's next adventure was going to school in Brus

14、sels with Emily in 1842. Charlotte's time there was brief, less tha n two years, but it led to her eve ntual writi ng of Villette beg inning in 1852.Back home, Charlotte lapsed into chro nic un employme nt and severe hypoch on dria, actually thi nking she was going blind, just like her father wa

15、s. In 1846 the three sisters published a book of Poems, and though sales were very slow, the reviews were good and spurred on further literary endeavors. Charlotte's novel of this time, The Professor, was actually rather bad, suffering from a less-than believable main character. I n August of 18

16、46 Charlotte bega n work on Jane Eyre. Though it was published in 1847, Charlotte did n't tell her father about it un til the n ext year, whe n the no vel's success was plainla ne Eyres a classic literature masterpieces of Charlotte Bronte of the British in the 19th cen tury.2.2 Backgro undJ

17、an eEyre is a classicalwork produced in Victoria n time by Charlotte Bron te. This no vel has attracted widely attention and discussions for over 150 years after its publishment 张伯香.英美 文学选读.M外语教学与研究出版社 1999年版.On the surface, Jane Eyre is a love story about a poor young woma n Jane Eyre and a rich ma

18、n Mr. Rochester. But whe n we read it carefully, we can find out much deeper connotation, and we can understand that this work is not only a simple love story, but also reflects some social situations. Especially was the problem of the relationship between women and the traditional morality in Victo

19、rian time. In this novel, Bronte expressesstrongdissatisfacti on for females' un equal soJ0rie;1Eyue,wnsl her own embodime nt to resists fetter. And this nthe oppression of the sociatraditional morality and to break the agereflects that at that time, women have been already realized they should

20、struggle for their in depe ndence of spirit and equal rights on many aspects in the social life. This thesis accord ing to expo unding the females' situati ons un der the traditi onal morality in Victoria n age and the an alysisof heroine ' s behavior and thinking which broke the traditional

21、 morality at that JaieeiEyre, to find the appeara nee of feminine con scious ness and the dema nds of wome n for hav ing equal social status like men in society and getting independence of life and spirit. Jane Eyre is a famous work written by Charlotte Bronte, and this novel was published in 1847 a

22、nd became an immediate success.This thesis will research the “ unwomanly ” character of the heroine under the Victorian traditi onal morality.”n胡珊W of Jane Eyre Purpose and Sign ifica nee of studyJ20第0四期 All of Jane ' s behaviors showed her differenee from traditional moralityhla sieriod, a litt

23、le girl struggled for her equal rights in her guardian, a student made effortsstdamprovethe liv ing con diti on of school, a young gover ness pursued her real love and refused the proposal of the man she did not love. All of these behaviors disobeyed the traditional morality in Victorian age.She bro

24、ke the model of“ an gel in the house ” throughout her life. Her“ unw(was also showed obviously.3. The love view of Jane from followi ng perspectives3.1 The analysis oJ ane ' s Love View from Jane ' s independent charactersWhe n Jane was a litter girl, she was so uni ucky and depe nded on oth

25、ers. she had no frie nd, whatever she did, she just do it by herself. So she built up independent character on everything from her young age. Mrs.Reed did not allow her childre n to associate with Jane, so, she had ever saidey are notfit to associate with meThese words is the best illustrated fact t

26、hat she is an independent girl iher inner world, including love. Jane pursues happiness,looking forward to get happiness and achieve the true love. In her inner world, she wishes that she can communicate with others ' sincerity, not rather than rely on others to love or belong to others. She has

27、 her own soul. She wants to control the master of her spirit, stick to her own personality dignity.When Mrs Fairfax knew that Jane and Rochester had fallen in love and prepared to get married, Mrs Fairfax thinks its unbelievable, she just says some word:s“ he has Do you belive him? Have you accept h

28、im? Mrs Fairfax looked at me bewilderedI could have thought it He is a proud man all Rochesters were proud : and his father at least, liked money. After a later Mrs Fairfax repeated : Equality of position and fortune is often advisable in such cases, earnedathre twenty years of difference in your ag

29、es .He might almost be your father 简爱 p388-389 F'ro”m . Mrs Fairfax 's woitrdiss,easy to know that Jane and Rochester is not match. Their love would not have a good result because of the difference of the position and status. But Jane give me a surprise with her answer,she said: indeed“, Nhe

30、o,is nothing like my father! No one, who saw us together, would suppose it for an instant.p390. Fr简爱Mrs Jane ' s words, it is easy to know thatJane never care their positions, ages and status. In his eyes, she and Rochester, they are equal, they love each other so deeply. She believe that their

31、love will be last forever.So, no matter what happened, Jane always live independently. Later, she met her cousin, St. John. St. John hopes that Jane should marry him, and help him to finish the religious career and god is no love between them. So Jane refusesSt. John.Sheneedstruly love,not mission.

32、In England, religion always plays a very important role.But Jane was able to break the shackles of religion, and pursue the independent love and independent world. So we have to say, Jane was an independent girl.Unfortunately, everything is not always smooth sail. When Jane knew that Rochester had g

33、ot married, At that moment, she said: “Mr Rochester I must leave you, I must leave you. I must part with you for my whole life. I must begin a new existence among strange faces and strange scenes p449 From Jane 's these words, we know that true lovbeljounsgt to two people, it not contain the thi

34、rd person to share their love. Even though Jane loves Rochester so much.But at last, she would rather choose to give up. Because Jane pursue love which is a kind of independent love, not become someone else ' shadow. we can easily know from Jane ' sleaving that Jane advocates independence of

35、 love, pursue the independent personality dignity.“ However, I cthat only this step can prove that does Jane is a independent gIirdl.on 't think so, after ,alflemale independence needs a great courage, it is a long and complex course张颖 刘妍 胡珊珊 浅析 ” 简爱中的女性主义精神J 2011 第十期 It needs more courage to gi

36、ve up loves. I think it isthe most important step to gain free and independenceJ. ane 's independent love hadcboeme the classical example of independent female. So I hope this world would appear many Janes. No matter she is rich or poor, I hope they can live strongly and independently.3.2 The an

37、alysis of Jane's Love View for-mwihllerdStrongJane was a weak and short girl, but she has a strong heart and soul. she has no mony, position, and status. But sha has extremely personal temperament and very rich emotional world. After the temper of life, she abandoned the natural weak of female a

38、nd cowardicewhich belongs to many females.Then Janedeveloped the strong and independent personal charactersgradually.When she was a young girl, she lived with her aunt. They treated Jane badly, they often brings force on her. But Jane never willing to accept any insult, instead struggling to them tr

39、y her best. Even though the result are not satisfactory, but she never give up sticking to her own opinion.When Jane leaves her aunt 's home and comes into school, Mr. Brocklehursts said: “this girl, this chrilisdt,iathne native of a land, worse than many a little heathen who says its prayers to

40、 Brahma and kneels before Juggernaut -this girl is - a big lairs! 简爱 P92 Facing the cold and cruel of Mr. Brocklehursts, Jane has no feeling of fear, instead Jane calmly accepted it. She developed the strong, self-esteem, and independent personal charactersthrough a series of unlucky things. Which a

41、rouse her infinite courages and indomitable spirits. She did not lose hope. Instead, she becomes strong and independent to face the irregularly scheduled unlucky things. Even though she never lose personal pure characters. “ Jane clearly knew that she had no beautiful appearance and noble position a

42、nd status, so she must study hard. She try her best to study all courses, including music,French and art.She clearly knew, as a person, you can have no beautiful appearance,many many money, noble position and status, but you can not have no personal ideas and personal dig李李佳欣 杨柳 论 < 简爱>所诠释的独特女

43、性人格魅力 J 2012 第三期 In her aunt 's home, in order itnotamina her dignity, even she resisted aunt's opinions or fight with her cousin. All of her actions arebest illustrated fact that she is an independent and strong girl in her inner world.After reading Jane Eyre, she choose to be resolute when

44、suffering from maltreat and insult.I appreciatedJane 'strong and independent personal charactersand self-esteemwhich shows in facing the noble and elegant person and upper class. All people loved the spirits of self-esteem andstrong of Janewhen she fell into love. All people admired her courage

45、of leaving Mr Rochester because she was unwilling to be a love puppet. All people appreciated her brave personal character, in order to find truly love, she climbed the hills and went across the rivers to find Mr Rochester. Which find in who dare to could put themself in danger in order to find trul

46、y love. At Thornfield, she was not feel Self-abasement because of she profession on the contrary, she thinks they are equal. Mr Rochester was infatuated with her and love her deeply from his inner heart. Mr Rochester rather likes Jane ' self-esteem,independent and strong personal characters.“chH

47、aerracter attracts somany reader, so many women regard her as an example长颖 刘妍 胡珊珊 自卑:简爱鲜明的 人格特征.J 2011 第十期 In other words, there is no Jane -esteem, independent and strong personal characters, there is no the pure and special love between Jane and Rochester.3.3 The analysis of Jane's Love View f

48、rom Rebellious spirit of JaneThe Rebellious spirit of Jane is natural. When Jane was a litter girl, she lives with her aunt who was very hate her, so they treat badly to her, even screw and beat her. So rebellion came naturally to her heart, when facing unfair treatment which comes from her cousin a

49、nd her aunt. “ Aftesro many unfair treatment She never feel scare and intend to retreat. Instead, she chooses to resist . 简爱女性独立形象分析 .J 2011 年. 第 5期 Jane had ever said:“ I was conscious that a moment'smutiny had alreadyrenderedme liable to strangepenalties,and , like any other rebel slave, I fel

50、t resolved, in my desperation, to go all lengths.刘丽一个时代的女性呐喊与追求J2009 第十期 From these words, we know that the revolt has become mainstream in her character, a person want to get freedom, firstly, he must have awareness of resistan“ceA.fter the end of each resistance,my mind had a senseof satisfaction

51、before never appear,a senseof victory began to expand, rising, as if an invisible shackles broke free, finally struggling to slightly have always dreamed of freedom hall.” 刘丽一个时代的女性呐喊与追求 J 2009 第十期 This time I remembered, the real world is a vast field, where people are encouraged to break the resis

52、tance. And Jane is such a person. Jane' s consciousnessof resistancegrow with increasingage when she was a child. She resist injustice and oppression of her aunt and cousins, in schools, in order to prove that she was not a lair,she debated openly with schoolmaster. When she knows Rochester had

53、married, she refused to Rocheste'r s request without any hesitation. When St John wants to possess Jane through the guise of religion, she openly refused St. Joh'n s on behalf of the British religious faction. Jane did these simply searching freedom, for pursuing true love, she oppose religi

54、ous bondage and control without hesitation.Janeis not a gentlewomenfrom the aestheticstandardsof social lady, but the readersand Mr Rochester love her because of her spirit revolt and the constant pursuit of freedom and equality.“The charm is a very rich vocabulary, awoman was praised the charm, it

55、is apparently muchmore abundant than simply admire her beau”.浅析 简爱 主人公的性格魅力However, the indomitable characterof Jane,the goodness,the pursuit of freedom, the pursuit of true love character of Jane made her become an attractive and charm woman.4. The analysis of Jane's special and pure love view

56、4.1Love itself is love, it is not relate to religionIn Victorian period of England, critical realism had been on the stageof history, but religion still played a very important role. However, Jane was able to break the traditional ideas of feudalism. She thinks that religion is faith, and it is elus

57、ive. As she thought the psalm in the Bible is very boring. She once had such a conversation with headmaster Mr. Brocklehurst before she went to school. From her words, we can draw a conclusion that Jane was against to religion, which can be proved that Jane was not under the influence of England rel

58、igion. It also can say she dares to struggle change with religion and the word. Later, Jane met her cousin that she never met before, St. John who is a typical representative of traditional literati, with religion as his life career, and live to accomplish the mission of god to live. When he need as

59、sistant, Jane appears. So an idea strikes to his mind, namely, he wants Jane to stay with his as a helper, and help him to complete the mission of god. When St.John told this idea to Jane, Jane hesitates because of her kindness. Jane is respect St. John, so she did not want to hurt him. But she also cannot marry to him, she did not want such a result because she did not love John. So Jane was determined to be his helper instead of his wife, but St. John :sa“id, A part of me you must become ” P605. 简CSlly St John just wants to possess Jane through the guise of religion so that he has ign


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