1、北京市海淀区2016-2017学年度第一学期期中练习高一英语试题及答案二、 单项填空(共15小题,15分。每小题1分)从各题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。21. Atte ntio n, please! The PIa ne to Lon donOff at 9: 00.A. take B. takes C. took D. has take n22. The hallfor OUr school ChriStmaS Party and everyth ing will Soon be ready.A. WaS Pain tedB. WaS being Pain te
2、d C. is being Pain tedD. has bee n Pain ted23. A fire broke out in the apartment last night. _, it WaS PUt out soon and nObody WaS Hurt.A. Completely B. Fortu nately C. Peacefully D. Perso nally24. Millions of peopleTV When the SPaCeShiP Ianded in InnerMongolia safely.A. WatCh B. WatChedC. Were WatC
3、hi ng D. have WatChed25. HUrry up,you will miss the bus.A. OtherWiSe B. however C. because D. beside26. All the touristsabout the bad SerViCe in that restaura nt.A. complained B. expressed C. promoted D. explained27. - Would you like SOmeth ing to eat?- No, tha nks. ISUPPer already.A. had B. haveC.
4、will have D. have had28. The manager doesn' t often have much free time as his workall his time.A. takes away B. takes over C. takes UP D. takes in29. Usually, it ' SCrOWded that I Can' t find anyWhere to sit.A. soB. VeryC. SUCh D. quite30. Yang Liwei,WaS a pilot in the army, WaS chose n
5、 from 1500 other army pilotsand Started training in 1998.A. whom B. who C. WhiCh D. that31. - I think going to PartieS is really exciting. -, but SOmetimeS it' S really stressful.A. Yes, you' re right Oh, come off it C. Good idea D. I don ' t agree32. Janniferin the kitche n Whe n She Sa
6、W the boy CaUght by a Strong man.A. is cook ingB. cooked C. has cookedD. WaS cook ing33. ChriStOPher ReeVe WaS SeriOUSIy injured in the accide nt. BUt hefin ally andretur ned to film making.A. got On B. gave UP C. pulled through D. Carried On34. - How WaS your life in the CoUn tryside? - It WaSbut S
7、OmetimeS I felt a bit.A. interesting; boring B. interesting; bored C. interested; bored D. interested; boring;35. EVery mi nute of the day is filledUrge nt matters.A. about B. of C. With D. for三、 完形填空(共15小题,15分。每小题1分)阅读下面短文,从各题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。SerViCe Area SWeetSThiS PaSt holiday SeaS on,
8、 I drove With my Pare nts to Bost On to ViSit my dista nt cous in. On my Way back home, We StOPPed at a SerViCe area for food.AS We StOPPed there, there WaS this old lady who WaS busy 36_ all the tables and ChairS as people Were leavi ng, making SUre everyth ing WaS 37 and clea n. IjUSt thought of g
9、ifting her With five dollars and a chocolate in my pocket. I 一38 on a PaPer napkin (纸巾):“ Thank you andMerry Xmas. ”I had Wan ted to leave it there for her 39 decided to Walk UP to her and give her.She asked me, "Is it a gift? On40 will I tak e it. ”I nodded, “ Yes, ” 41 ndat her.“ Thank you, ”
10、 She replied, and I left to buy som42from the store in side. On my Way backto the car, the woma n StOPPed me."I 43 a lot of cookies and Candies On ChriStmaS for people,'“'Wshtel yplike d.to have some? ” A bit taken aback, I replied," Yes. ”She asked me to 44, and Came back Carry in
11、g a four-inch plate filled With differe nt cookiesand chocolates! My first expressiOn WaS a big smile. " That ' S a lot, ” I said, a ISidSUrPriSShe SmiIed and told me that She made eighty to ninety of these PIateS every year, to 45 to friends and others. I had no Words or thoughts in my bra
12、in. Fin ally, I asked if I could hug her. We hugged, WiSh ing each other a happy and healthy holiday SeaS on. Then, as We 46 , I felt as if I had met a new friend With Whom I 47 the gift of a smile and some happ in ess.There is a(n) 48to the joy of giv ing and receiv ing.From either49, both the give
13、r andreceiver are always 50.36. A. le ndingB. clea ningC. fix ingD. Pain ti ng37. A. neatB. quietC. SimPIeD. free38. A. expla in edB. markedC. wroteD. no ticed39. A. orB. andC. butD. so40. A. hereB. thereC. nowD. then41. A. ShOUtedB. SmiIedC. WaVedD. Stared42. A. foodB. oilC. PaPerD. cloth43. A. Wan
14、 tedB. boughtC. collectedD. made44. A. WaitB. eatC. chooseD. Pay45. A. returnB. giftC. sellD.show46. A. Con CIUdedB. com mun icatedC. realizedD. Parted47. A. exchanged B. SharedC. COmParedD. PreSe nted48. A. attitudeB. limitC. depthD. belief49. A. levelB. endC. StePD. poi nt50. A. gen erousB. Cari n
15、gC. thoughtfulD.happy四、阅读理解(共15小题,30分。每小题2分)第一节:阅读下面短文,从各题 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。AAMAZING TIME'S WorkThe adventure of a Iifetime, this SPring, through MaIaySiaThe challe nge and SatiSfaCt ion Of raisi ng money for HEALTHCAREPho ne 0190 055 9621 NOWfor more in formatio n.AMAZING TIMEThe adventure f
16、a IifeTiinei this SPmgithrough XIaIaySiaInOney for HEALTHCAE-E, S WolkPhalle 0190 055 9621 NOWfor TnOre in format ioi-HOlidayHOmeSNObOdY know North AmerLCa LikeHOIiday Haliles.Adveaure HCIidayS it SmalI groupsHorseback Riding, MOUntain BLkiIIg=FClreSt CImPiJlg= NatiOllal ParkS andmuch more.JUSt VTai
17、ting to be discovered?0195 256 7553FreedOnl LineSliLirLg IaiIlFity holidays fo 6 to 14rear-cld in AiisiraliaJ*CaIl for more information0600 382 945054 AAbrcesxer Road =EZlm WR2 6RPDISCOVERSmaII group discovery holidays inEgyPTCUltnUral tOUXS< discOvGryjQUnly;WiLdlleSS dvtetiLres bv bus. riverboat
18、.hot-airballoo1 Canlelr On foot. AdVaITWe-Tr-el7 London NIO 5SR0131 990 002(24 hrs)51. WhiCh CoU ntry Can you go to With HEALTHCARE?A. Malaysia.B. Can ada. C. Australia. D. Egypt.52. If DaVid WantS to ViSit AmeriCa, WhiCh number Can he call?A. 0190 055 9621. B. 0195 256 7553. C. 0600 382 9450. D. 01
19、81 990 0005.53. WhiCh advertiseme nt aims for ChiIdre n?A. AMAZING TIME. B. Holiday Homes. C. FreedOm Line. D. DISCOVER.54. What are these four advertiseme nts mainly about?A. EXCit ing jobs. B. After-school courses. C. FUn jour neys. D. In teresti ng clubs.BAdOPt-a-HighwayHello. I ' m Jan from
20、Mrs. Lake ' S class. My class WantS to work together to help the public. We think We have found a great Way to do this. LaSt month We did a class PrOjeCt On the highways n ear our tow n. We lear ned about the AdOPt-a-Highway Program. ThiS PrOgram brings people together to PiCk UP Iitter along th
21、e roads. We think it would be a great idea for all StUde nts in OUr school to join the PrOgram and adopt a highway.AdOPting a highway is not like adopting a pet. When a highway is adopted, Only Part of the highway is Cared for by a group of people. The group agrees to work every Week to keep its Par
22、t of the highway clea n. EaCh group gets its OWn Sig n that has the n ame of the group Prin ted On it. The Sig n is PUt UP at the Side of the road. ThiS Sig n IetS drivers know who is keep ing that area of the road clea n.The AdOPt-a-Highway PrOgram is a great Way for people to help their environmen
23、t look ni cer. Also, the government does not have to Send out as many road workers. ThiS SaVeS money. Finally, people may try harder to keep roads clea n if they See people, especially tee nagers like us, clea ning them up.We will n eed helpers to Care for our adopted highway. If you Want to feel gr
24、eat and keep our roads clean, PIeaSe come With your Parents to the meeting next week. We will meet in Mrs. Lakeroom On Wednesday at 6:00 PM At the meeting, We Will talk about WhiCh roads are the dirtiest as a result of people ' S Unkind acts. Then We ' ll try to PiCk an area to adopt and cle
25、an up. I look forward to See ing you at the meet ing. Remember to keep our roads clea n!55. What is the AdOPt-a-Highway PrOgram about?A. GiVing n ames to the highways. B. DraW ing PiCtUreS of highways.C. PiCk ing UP Iitter along the roads. D. PUtt ing UP Sig ns n ear the roads.56. The AdOPt-a-Highwa
26、y PrOgram Can help.A. PrOVide jobs B. build highways C. Con trol traffic D. SaVe money57. What should the StUde nts do first if they Want to join the program?A. Go to a meeting next Wednesday. B. Call Mrs. Lake next week.C. Write a Ietter to their Pare nts. D. PiCk a spot to Care for.58. What is the
27、 PUrPOSe of this speech?A. To in troduce the traffic system. B. To tell a story about adopt ing a pet.C. To show drivers how to drive safely. D. To en COUrage StUde nts to join the program.CMark WaS walk ing home from school One day Whe n he no ticed a boy ahead of him. He had tripped (绊倒)and droppe
28、d all of the books he WaS Carrying, along With some clothes, a baseball bat and a glove. Mark knelt (跪)down and helped the boy PiCk UP the things. SinCe they Were going the Same way, he Offered to Carry some things for the boy.AS they walked, Mark discovered the boy' S name WaS Bill. He loved vi
29、deo games, baseball andhistory, but he WaS havi ng trouble With some of his subjects.They arrived at Bill' S home first. Mark WaS inVited in for a Coke and to WatCh some television.The after noon PaSSed PIeaSa ntly With some IaUghS and talk. Then Mark Went home.They Con ti nued to See each other
30、 around school, had IUnCh together OnCe or twice, the n both graduated from junior school.Three days before graduation, Bill asked Mark if they could talk.Bill reminded ( 提醒)Mark of the day years ago When they had first met.“ Did you ever WonderWhy I WaS Carry ing so many things home that day?” aske
31、d Bill.“ You see, I took away all my things from school. I had StOred away some of my mother sleeping pills (安眠药).I WaS going home to kill myself. BUt after We SPent some time talking and laugh in g, I realized that if I had died, I would have missed so many good times. So you see, Mark, Whe n you P
32、iCked UP those books that day, you did a lot more. ”59. When Bill fell dow n On his Way home, Mark.A. didn ' t notice thatB. Went away quicklyC. helped him PiCk UP the thingsD. Carried all the things for him60. WhiCh of the followi ng is NoT true?A. Mark WaS a warm-hearted boy. B. Bill WaS good
33、at all of his subjects.C. Bill and Mark Were in the Same school. D. Bill loved video games, baseball and history.61. Three days before graduati on, Bill asked Mark to talk because he.A. Wan ted to tell him his storyB. Wan ted to kill himself aga inC. hoped to have IUnCh together D. hoped to go On ho
34、liday together62. What would Bill PrObabIy Say at last?A. I should die. B. You SaVed my life. C. You did a good job. D. You helped me a lot.第二节:阅读下面短文和问题,根据短文内容和每小题后的具体要求,在答题卡相 应题号后的横线上写下相关信息,完成对该问题的回答。答语要意思清楚,结构正确,书 写工整。LaSt mon th I got the Cha nce to take Part in an Un derwater research ProjeCt i
35、n an area Of the GUIf of MeXiCO called the Flower Gardens. A team of PrOfeSSiOnal( 专业的)researchers, led by the SCientist Dr. Matt Phillips, WaS trying to learn more about the fish and other CreatUres( 动物)that live in this Part of the sea. The Flower Garde ns are a Iong Way from the shore and We SPe
36、nt three days On a boat.The team USed a PieCe of Un derwater equipme nt(设备)called a RemOteIy OPerated VehiCIe (RoV) to collect information. The RoV could measure( 测9量)Water depth and temperature and it also had a Camera that Sent live film back to the boat. The ROV WaS great fun. It WaS con trolled
37、by a COmPUter On the boat, and I WaS allowed to OPerate it a few times.However, the thing I enjoyed most WaS diving into the water. At first, I WaS quite frightened mainly because I couldn ' t See Iandinany djfelCtiOBut as Soon as I jumped into the water, I WaSn' t afraid anymore. It WaS ama
38、zing to See the colourful fish SWimming around and Icould See all the Way to the Flower Garde ns, WhiCh are almost 30 metres dow n.I will n ever forget the Flower Garde ns. The trip WaS like a holiday but I also lear nt new things about SCie nce and research projects. The team Were Very frien dly an
39、d every One WaS happy to expla in What they knew about the sea. It WaS a great opport Unityand it has made me think about my goals(目标)in life. The experience will definitely( 肯定地)enCOUrage me to work harder to become a SCie ntist.63. What Were the researchers trying to learn about in the Flower Gard
40、ens?(不多于 5 个 词)64. What did the Writer enjoy most in the project?(不多于 4 个词)65. What is the PaSSage mainIy about?(不多于 7 个词)五、短文填空(共5分,每空0.5分)在下面短文的空白处填上适当的词或短语,每空一词。The Lantern FeStiVal falls On the fifteenth day of the first lUnarmonth. It _66_ the end of the Chin ese NeW Year CeIebratiO ns.There ar
41、e many StOrieS about how the Lantern FeStiVal started. In One story, lanterns Were lit to 67_ the power of light over68.In ano ther story, a tow n WaS almost destroyed but the light from many69SaVed it. The story WaS about a god who Wan ted to70dow nthe tow n. He WaS71Whe n he SaW thousa nds of Ianterns. He thought the tow n WaS alreadyburning.In the past, la nterns Were usually lit by Can dles and72With PiCtUr
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