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1、中考英语单项选择题精练()1.it is today!A. What fine Weather B. What a fine WeatherC. HOW a fine Weather D HOW fine a Weather()2. WhiCh is the Way to the?A. ShOe factory B ShOeS factoryC. ShOer S factoryD. shoes, factory()3. ThiS CIaSSnow. MiSS GaO teaches them.A. are StUdying B is StUdyingC. be StUdyingD StUdyi

2、ngo()4. We Will have aholiday after the exam.A. two month B. two-morrth G two month" SDtwo-months()5 There is no enoughOn the COrner to PUt the table<A. PlaCe B roomG floorD. ground()6 We Can have blue Sky if We CreateIeSS POllUtedworld.A. a; a B a; the C. the; a D. the; the()7. Are youAmeri

3、Can Or English? English. We areWOrking in Wuhu.A a B. C. the D an()8. YOU Iike Playing basketball, and he IikeS running,?D does heA. donr t you B. doesn, t he C. do you()9. Why not takeUmbreIIa With the Sign " Made inChina" ? It is USefUl Umbrella?Whatgood advice it is!A. an; an; a B. an;

4、a; C. a; an; a D. V an; a()10. When ShaIl We meet again next week? day is POSSible. Itr S no PrOblem With me.A. Either B Neither C. EVery D Any()11. RObert has gone toCity and her Il be back in aweek.A. Other B. the Other C. another D any Other()12. A IateSt magazine, please.OnIy One left. WOUld you

5、 Iike to have?A. it B. One C. this D. that()13.WhiCh book WOUld you Iike to borrow? Of the two books is OK With me.A. Either B BOth C. Any D NOne()14. Mrs. Lee teachesmath. We all Iike her.A. We B. US C. OUr D. OUrS()15. There are many trees OnSide Of the StreeteA. either B. any C. all D both()16.is

6、 the POPUIatiOn Of the city?A. HOW many B. What C. HOW many PeOPle D HOW much()17. Why don, t We take a Iittle break?Didn, t We just have?A. it B .that COneD. this()18. The teacher asked the boy Inany questions,but he Only answered Of them.Asotne B.lots CeaChD .few()19.Aboutthe fans are Waiting here

7、. They Want to See thegreat SingenA. two thousand Of B.two thousand GthOUSand Of D.two thousands of.()20 HOW many apples do I have? YOU Can have. I Want none Of them.A. One B. all GbOth D.some()21JaPan isthe east Of China. FUjian isthe SOUtheaStOf China.D in; toA. in; in B. to; in C. On; to()22.The

8、POStman ShOUtedfMr Greenf here is a IetterA. to B. from C. for D. Of()23.He hasnr t heard from his friendIaSt month.A. SinCe B. by the end Of G for D. Until()24. Jimmy IOSt his key yesterday0 ? Itr S his third timein just One month.A. HaS he B Did he C. WaS he D DOeS he()25Yo Ve PaSSed the exam. m h

9、appyyou.A. On B at C. in D. for()26.1 WOnderthey finished SO many different jobs inSUCh a ShOrt time.A. Why B. how C. When D. Where()27OUght I to go right now? A. Thatr SVery badB. YeSf you go OUght toC. YeSf you OUghtD. NOf you OUght not to()28.1 donr t know When he When hehere, Il CaIlyou in a min

10、ute.A. Will come; Will arriveB. comes; arricesC. WiIl come; arrivesD. comes; Will arrive()29. He turnedthe radio a Iittle because his father WaSasleep.A. On B down C. UP D. Off()30.1 donr t know the homeworktoday.A. On B. in C. Of D. for()31 WOUld you Iike SOme coffee?YeSfand PleaSe get me SOme milk

11、. I Prefer COffeemilk.A. With B. to C. Of D. OrI()32. They each _ a book. EaCh Of them _ from ChinaeA. has;are B. have; is C. are having;are D. is having;is()33.youyour book to the library?Yes. I returned it yesterday.A. Didf return B. HaVef returned C. WilIf return D DOf return()34.Though itr S CIO

12、Udy nowf itget SUnny later.A. Carl B. may C. must D need()35.lt is in the Iibraryf youtalk loudly.A. may not B. Canz t C. needn, t D mustnr t()36 If anyone WantS to Say SOmething in ClaSSr youPUt UPyour hands firstA. must B may C. ShOUld D. Can()37.The Penhim ten yuan.A. Paid B. COSt C. took D SPent

13、()38.The trainfor twenty minutes.A. Ieft B. has Ieft C. is IeaVing D. has been away()39. HOW many booksthey?Five. BUt they haven, t finished reading even OneOA. did i borrow B. had Z borrowed C WiIl i borrow D do j borrow6A. fromB WithD. On()48. I hear Sam has gone to QingdaO for his holiday.Ohf how

14、 nice! DO you know When he?A. IeftB. WaS IeaVing C. has IeftD had Ieft()49.DaVidr IOOk at the man in White OVer there. Can you tell me?He is a doctor.A.who is he B.who he is C. What does he do D. What he does()50. I Want to teach inTibet When I graduate from the college.Me too.Teachers Very much the

15、re.A. need B. are needing C. are needed D is needed()51. TOmmyf do you know if Frank _ to the theatre With USthis SUnday if it?SOrryf I have no idea.A. WiIl gof is going to be fine B goes, is fine C. WiIl gof is fineD goes, WiIl be fine()52.1 donr t have to introduce him to youyou know the boy.A. Un

16、tilB. UnIeSSC. SinCeD. but()53. WOUld you PIeaSethe PaPer for me and See if thereare any ObViOUS (明显的)mistakes? Of COUrSe I WilLIOOk into()54. ThiS Pair Of ShOeSreally SmaIl for me.Why not tryanotherA. is, PairB. aref PairC. isr OneD. aref One()55 If you donz t go to the meeting tomorrow,?A. he WiIl

17、r too B. he WOnr t either C. he doesr too D. he doesn, t either()56.1 dorf t think We Can finish all the WOrk before Fridayf?A. do IB. CanWeC. Canr t weD. donr t we()57 The ShOPat 8:00 a.m. and itfor ten hoursevery day.A. opens; is OPen B is opened; OPenS C. is open; hasOPened D OPeneCI; OPenS()58 T

18、he Old man IiVeS in atown. He IiVeSf but he doesn, tfeel.A. IOneIyr lonely, alone B.aloner aloner IOneIy C. IOneIyf alonerIOneIy D.alonef aloner alone()81. HaVe you found the information about the famousPeOPIeyou Can USe for the report?NOt yet. Il SearCh SOme On the Internet.()82. The doctor did Wha

19、t he COUldthe dying man.A. WhOB. WhatC. WhOmD. WhiCh6A. SaVeB. to SaVeC. SaVedD SaVing()83. The Iife We Were USed togreatly SinCe 1980.A. Change B has Changed C. Changing D. have Changed()84. TheSe COatS are differentsize.A. from B. OfC. toD. in()85.WiII you join UStO PIay basketball On SatUrday aft

20、ernoon? r but 1 PrOmiSed to go SWimming With EriQA. NeVer mind B. Many thanks C. Take it easy D With PIeaSUre()86. WhOm WOUld you Iike to be your assistant, JaCk Or David?If I had to ChOOSef DaVid WOUld bechoice.A. good B. better C. the better D the best()87. Where did you go On holiday this summer?

21、 England?YOU are We Went On a 10-day trip to Paris.A. fuunyB. right C. COol D.close0()88. Shanghai is Iarger thanCity in NeW Zealand.A. any Other B. Other C. all Other D. any()89. WhO is Singing in the next room? must be Maria.A. ItB. She C. ThiS()90.Againr my COmPUter doesn, t work.must beSOmething WrOng With the CPU.()91. She WaS bornthe evening Of AUgUSt & 2008.A. in B On C. at D. With()92.They Preferredin bed rather thanhorses.A.to lie; to ride B.lying; riding C.to lie; rideDJying; ride()93. Can you imagine


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